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Showing posts with label Election 2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election 2020. Show all posts

Dec 11, 2021

Trump determined to 'Occupy the Capitol" on 1/6

Of Saboteurs in the Halls and Chambers of Congress

by Jude Cowell

December 11, 2021

Perhaps by now you've heard or read that the Team Tr*mp Plot on January 6th was actually to occupy the Capitol Building long enough for Tr*mp allies in six states to decertify and overturn the 2020 Election on behalf of the orange wanna-be dictator. Follow the link to read Seth Abramson's informative piece on this treasonous topic.

Obviously, things turned out differently than in the Mercury-Neptune-square fantasy world of Herr Tr*mp but as many folks have asserted, the insurrection of January 6, 2021 was only a trial run or practice session for the coup-to-come.

Now as readers of Stars Over Washington know, the 1/6 attack on the US Congress, its planning stages, and events leading up to it occurred under the difficult influence of the karmic 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020, a Total lunation that 'eclipsed' political proceedings on the very day the Electoral College met and cast their votes. Thus, strong emotions were triggered with the results issuing from the 'for Biden-against Tr*mp' outcome continuing to cause destabilizing, threatening, even violent events to ripple through US society to this day.

And for the first time ever, our country's traditional 'peaceful transfer of power' was not allowed to occur with destructive egotist Tr*mp involved - for him, malicious scheming took precedence assuring that it wouldn't be a "transfer" of power, he'd said, but a continuation. Well, no. Because of course, the traditional certification of Electoral College votes in and by the US Congress was set for January 6, 2021 and this process was what Don*ld wanted stopped or at least delayed until the six states could manipulate their 2020 election results in the loser's favor. The CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) has published a blog about the 2020 election numbers if you'd care to check it out.

Meanwhile, a post with details concerning the Astrology of the coup attempt on January 6th is linked underneath the following bi-wheel which shows the January 6, 2021 Horoscope of the 'Mob Attack' set for 2:15 pm est Capitol Building surrounding America's 'Powell' Horoscope of July 1, 1776 - and as you see, there are zealous, demagoguing, double Mercury-Pluto influences activating the US Mercury-Pluto opposition with its inherent desire to corrupt existing circumstances even while thought patterns tend to disintegrate:

Chart Details: January 6th Planets link to US 1776 Chart and reveal that transiting asteroid Nemesis @25Scorpio conjuncts the natal Midheaven ('MC', the Goal Point) of Herr Tr*mp where venemously enraged star Algol happens to incessantly lurk. And to me, this cosmic synchronicity describes the orange blighter as a foe of all humanity.

Sep 9, 2021

Gaseous Neptune in Pisces fuels the Big Lie Party

NASA image: gaseous giant Neptune, symbol of lies and fraud in astrology

Thursday September 9, 2021: So a year ago on Stars Over Washington, what used to be known as the Republican Party (b. 1854) was being re-named with various labels such as the Conspiracy Party and of course they've certainly earned the moniker.

But now in 2021, thanks to Donald Tr*mp's malicious ploys and antics in a desperate bid to regain power, a new au courant re-naming has occurred for they are now known as the Big Lie Party and the group's 1854 Neptune in mid-Pisces must be simply inflating and preening with pride. Why party members are positively bubbling with corruption, fraud, fantasy, pretense, and eagerness to kiss Herr Tr*mp's ring way down in Mar-a-Lago by oceanic Neptune's shores!

For as TV's Moira Rose might put it, GOP-ers seem to bombillate with anticipation!

And then, of course you know which fixed star twinkles mid-Pisces: Achernar, with key phrases that include: success in public office (for those with good morals) but also the risk of rapid endings and crisis at the end of the river. And the descriptive Sabian Symbol for "14 Pisces" (and the Big Lie Party's traditional promoters): "A Lady in FOX Fur" (my BOLD); negative expression: amoral opportunism (Jones). Oh dear! Sounds like a lack of good morals.

Now personally I wouldn't miss their rapid ending at all if such is the fate of the "Republican Party" since they, as an American political entity, don't actually govern the US but instead have opted for a well-paid Neptunian-Plutonian sabotage agenda for our country.

So in case you missed it you may wish to see Salon's Why the Republicans' 'Big Lie' works so well: A sociopathic party and a damaged country by Chauncey DeVega.

Yeah, and who has worked for years and years to effect such damage in preparation for a long-planned shift from democracy and the US Constitution to an authoritarian state modeled on naz*sm and brutality?

You know who--the Big Lie Party!

May 10, 2021

Evidence of "The Big Lie" from 2016 and Beyond

Is planet Neptune in Shady Pisces "The Big Lie"?

by Jude Cowell

A few days ago when Can Astrology Show the GOP's "Turning Point"? was published here on SO'W concerning Rep. Liz Cheney's recent WaPo op-ed about the GOP's "turning point" from conservatism in favor of Trump's delusion of "The Big Lie," two progressed horoscopes were included which revealed that yes, the Republican Party (1854) does currently have "turning point" YOD patterns in both progressed charts, one with US Saturn (14Lib48) at apex and clear-eyed Saturn the planet of reality, truth, fact, and karma.

The subtitle of the above-linked post relates directly to the focus of today's offering: 'Hey Liz! Some Say the GOP's "Turning Point" Occurred Way Back in 2016!'. Now it's true that a case can be made for June 2015 when Tr*mp officially threw his red cap into the presidential ring, but let's take a look back to 2016 via the lens of Astrology to find "Big Lie" indications in real time, the real time of 2016 through the auspices of a certain 19 North Solar Eclipse.

For on September 1, 2016, a Solar Eclipse @9Virgo manifested in the 19 North Saros Series (family) with themes of: 'realism; coming down to earth; becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it is rather than what he or she thought it was; a constructive time for tackling the truth' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Dual DC Horoscopes: Inauguration 2017 and Inauguration 2021

Note gaseous Neptune in Pisces in 11th house opposing the 19 North Eclipse in 5th house (across the self-will axis) in the lower left Horoscope of Inauguration 2017. Eclipses are, as usual, penned on charts as 'PE' (Prenatal Eclipses).

So as you see, what made the 2016 repetition of a realism-promoting 19 North eclipse significant and inspired the misdirection of its honest energies was the Saturnian fact that transit Neptune in its own sign of shady, secretive Pisces directly opposed the eclipse and made the finding, uncovering, and speaking of truth highly challenging if not impossible for a time. Add to this the facts that the 19 North eclipse of 2016 occurred during Campaign 2016 (so full of lies, liars, and Neptunian confusion and delusion!) and is the series that affected (or dare I say was responsible for) Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017. So perhaps you agree that the atmosphere in the US of fact vs fantasy closely describes the White House residency of Donald Tr*mp, born under a deceptive Mercury-Neptune square (from Cancer to Libra) which just keeps on misperceiving and lying, even to himself. Yep, add such unfortunate energies from early parental input and The Prevaricator has become a fantasist extraordinaire, a veritable lie factory! Would you dare to say he's The Father of Lies?

Well, unfortunately, the former guy's fantasies are continuing to bedevil US society and The Gullible among us well into 2021 and beyond and they form the basis for donations to the orange one, plus, lawsuits, recounts, and voter suppression laws in various states written and passed under the Neptunian guise of "securing" future elections. Translation: assuring Republican "victories" because their draconian policies can't win with a majority of the American people which makes cheating the GOP's only recourse for grasping power. News Flash: cheating isn't winning, it's stealing.

And of course, when the Republican Party formed in 1854, Neptune in mid-Pisces was at or very near the "A Lady in FOX Fur" degree (my BOLD). Now as you know, early on the most prominent mouthpiece for GOP lies was, of course, Fox 'News' but now they have other propaganda platforms from which to spout falsehoods and Tr*mp's "Big Lie" in order to fuel his and the GOP's sordid attempt to coup the White House (again!) or least to make a 2024 presidential bid seem plausible and justified to the cult followers that agent orange constantly fleeces. This way, he hasn't completely lost the White House as his lucrative cash cow!

To close this fussy post, a few details concerning dubious Neptune afflicting a solar eclipse include conditions of chaos and confusion, states of tension and deception, people being pulled between reality and illusion/truth and fallacy, and a need for Saturnian objectivity if any karmic progress at all is to be made. Hopefully, our society is better situated in 2021 (with the former guy scheming in Florida) to see things and people for what they really are (come on Trump supporters!) so that criminals will be held accountable and justice on behalf of the American people will at last be served.

Related Posts: Inauguration 2025 Horoscope and America and the Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy showing the May 1, 2021 Horoscope of transit Neptune in contagious Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in fact-finding Virgo, sign of health and employment; plus, America has reached many turning points through the years such as the one in 1981 under the rays of the Reaganomics Eclipse and after 40 years of the "trickle down economics" delusion promoted by economic royalists, its harmful influences are finally, hopefully, coming to an end via the pro-America policies of President Joe Biden and his promise that "help is on the way."

May 6, 2021

Can Astrology Show the GOP's "Turning Point"?

Hey Liz! Some Say the GOP's "Turning Point" Occurred Way Back in 2016!

by Jude Cowell

May 6, 2021: As you've heard or read by now Rep. Liz Cheney has written an op-ed concerning the current condition of the Republican Party, an internal fight. See Facing an ouster from House leadership, Cheney says GOP is at 'turning point' and must choose between the more traditional version of conservatism that she favors (torture, endless war, austerity?), and the Big Lie cult of personality of Donald Trump, intended to keep him in office way beyond his sell-by date which expired at noon on Inauguration Day 2021.

But so far from what I've heard, Rep. Cheney isn't counting events that occurred when Trump announced his candidacy in June 2015 at the New Moon (25Gemini) and, more critically, the change came (in public) with the 2016 Russian-spy-infused RNC that nominated the faithless manchild and 'Putin pal' I tend to call, agent orange.

For a view of Liz Cheney's natal chart see Marjorie Orr's post Liz Cheney - howling into the wind.

Now naturally, the term "turning point" conjures images of a YOD pattern in the minds of most if not all astrologers so I began to wonder if any of the Republican Party horoscopes would evolve to show a YOD pattern when progressed to a current date such as this very day.

Now in my files there are multiple founding horoscopes for the Republican Party and I chose the following two sets of data to search within for progressed YODs, if any, that contain turning point;crossroads;crisis;special task implications. Of course, YODs are also timing devices which can bring opportunity for karmic progress or advancement but since this experiment concerns politicians, let's keep our hopes tethered to the reality of their personal limitations.

The two Republican Party founding charts used:

March 20, 1854 6:30 pm LMT Ripon WI and July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT Ripon, WI.

Dual Horoscopes, below = today's Secondary Progressions ('SP'): upper right chart is based on, or issues from, the party's March 20th horoscope, and lower left, the SP chart is based on the party's July 6th horoscope. Note that other founding horoscopes, if you have them, may also contain 'turning point" info for those who care to progress them.

Please enlarge the image to read my study notes for not all of them will appear within this text.

Upper right chart with 3Pis11 rising shows an SP YOD between the SP Venus-Saturn sextile pointing to SP Chiron @16Cap00 Rx and SP Jupiter @17Cap51 (in SP 11th house of Groups and Associations). Even the party's SP Pallas (strategy; wisdom) joins in the pattern while the Venus-Saturn sextile denotes those who exploit others, who prefer the tried and true (like Trump? he's been tried - to be false!), and who find it impossible to allow for mid-course changes of direction. So apparently Trump must be included in that unfortunate assessment. Then if we read the YOD as a midpoint picture with Jupiter at apex, we find potentials for 'separations' and/or 'illegitimate relationships' (R. Ebertin).

As you see, in both SP charts, wounded/wounding Chiron is in governmental Capricorn indicating a need to prevail ("own the libs"?) and to win in spite of all adversity. With Chiron in Capricorn, older mentors are often prevalent, even via historical figures, along with an irrational desire to conquer Time itself (ex: ruling a nation forever?). (R. Nolle).

Revealingly, SP Sun @11Vir14 conjuncts the party's SP Cupido ('The Family'; The Syndicate; Corporatism) and SP Toro, one of the power asteroids which can also include nuclear power. SP Moon (12th house of Politics and Karma) squares SP Pluto (2nd house and highlighted in lavender), a temporary influence indicating intense emotions, seeking support or withdrawing, financial security being challenged, competition, and/or holding on to old grudges (Pottenger-Dobyns).

Now even though the forceful, brutal SP Mars-Pluto opposition is fading, the midpoint of the duo conjuncts SP Moon so potentials for 'ambition; audacity and daring; a determined or resolute woman' (Liz? her replacement?); and/or 'injury caused to a woman' (Ebertin) are of influence. Plus, I have no accurately timed horoscope for Liz Cheney but her natal Moon remained in Sagittarius for the entire 24 hours so the party's March 20th SP Saturn @15Gem20 (conjunct SP IC) could possibly be opposing her natal Moon, a depressive, oppressive influence on her from party leadership (Saturn = authority figures) if so. Also note that the party's rising SP Neptune @14Pis38 is within orb of an opposition to Cheney's natal Pluto @16Vir45, suggesting an erosion of her power and control within the party particularly in relation to ideals (Neptune).

With the party's July 6th horoscope progressed to today, we do find a YOD but only if we use the SP Uranus-Neptune sextile as its base pointing toward US natal Saturn (14Lib48). Read as a midpoint picture, we have potentials for 'change of direction' (which can suggest a turning point) and/or a condition in which there's a clash between 'ambitions vs projects' (Ebertin). Plus, the Uranus-Neptune 'new world order' pair in sextile hints at those who stand apart from the mainstream of society so perhaps we can agree that radical political reactionaries in the Trump faction of the GOP pride themselves on doing just that. It's anti-societal all the way.

Perhaps I should add a double SP midpoint picture for it's quite revealing of the party's current atmosphere: SP Mars-Pluto = SP Neptune with potentials for: 'cunning and deceit; secretly causing harm or damage to others; implacability'. Also Mars-Pluto conjunct MC: 'ambition; facing overwhelming force without power; overcoming sudden difficulties' (Ebertin).

So to close, let's mention the July 6th SP BOWL shape of planets (having a mission or the advocacy of a cause) led by SP Mercury @11Sag45 (which might be conjunct Liz Cheney's natal Moon, who knows?) and denotes serious conflicts, possible separations, and supports their 'desire to be in control' and with 'a focus on limitations' (Pottenger-Dobyns).

Limitations? Sounds like a case of Republican sore loser belly-achin' to me.

Dec 13, 2020

January 6, 2021 Horoscope: House Republican Coup?

December 13, 2020: Below is the 10:00 am est (speculative hour) DC Horoscope set for January 6, 2021 Washington DC in case anyone wants to view it. Apologies that my usual study notes are scribbled all over the chart:

See Republicans plotting attempt to deny presidency to Biden on floor of the House if Trump gives the word: report by Tom Boggioni.

Fomalhaut Rising: 'success through integrity' and 'noble ideals'!

Despite this time of uncertainty, insecurity, and paranoia it seems apparent to me, with my decided preference for democracy and a Constitutional Republic, that 'integrity' on Capitol Hill is in short supply considering the rash of secession fever that many Republicans seem to be laboring under, and continually worsened by super-spreader Trump.

And whew! That voting planet Mercury changing directions on Election Day 2020 just keeps on keepin' on, doesn't it? Reminds me of Trump saying he was winning, then he wasn't (because he had told his supporters not to vote by mail). And you see in the January 6th chart, the combustible Mars-Uranus duo nears exact alignment on Inauguration Day 2021 (@6Tau44), here in 2nd house with testy Mars at an impatient, critical 29th degree of fiery Aries. And check out Neptune @18Pis35 rising in 1st house conjunct Anti-Vertex (Republicans with their natal Neptune in Pisces) and apex of two midpoint pictures (NN-MC = Neptune: separation through disappointment or deceit; a grievous loss; losing contact). You'll find a second picture's potentials penned on the chart, lower right, plus, there's an interesting picture of possibilities involving Saturn, planet of authority: Neptune-MC = Saturn: inability to get over losses; suffering from wrong actions; insecurity; uncertainty; lack of clarity (Ebertin).

Then there's chart-ruler Jupiter's one applying Ptolemaic aspect (square Uranus) which is penned on, lower left. Hey maybe the Jupiter-Uranus combo of energies will bring America the pair's famous potential for a fortunate turn of events!

Dec 12, 2020

SCOTUS Rejects Texas Lawsuit To Overturn Election - Thom Hartmann

From December 11, 2020 here's a segment from the Thom Hartmann broadcast concerning some really interesting SCOTUS news that's enough to make Herr Spanky Trump pout:


Say, remember in June 2020 when a Mars-Neptune conjunction affected the natal (1790) Saturn of the US Supreme Court? (SCOTUS 1790 horoscope shown.)

Dec 1, 2020

December 14, 2020: a Solar Eclipse then a VOC Moon

Photograph of The White House: aka, The Prize Trump Can't Give Up!

As you know, on Inauguration Day 2021 the Moon will go void-of-course but even before that, we have another significant day with a VOC Moon: December 14, 2020, the day of a 4 South Solar Eclipse and, unless their schedule changes, the day the Electoral College members will cast their votes for president. Now admittedly, I'm one of the ones who suspect that Trump has a trick up his sleeve as a last-ditch effort to shift the November 2020 Election outcome to his favor. Because if he possibly can, he'll drag things out even longer than he already has - on into January 2021 like the craven, compromised saboteur he is, with no care for our nation and no concern for the American people.

And of course the possibility of yet another Trump Government Shut Down looms before us as well for funds to run the government will 'run out' on December 11th - with a Sun-Mars trine at 1:01 am, and a Moon-Uranus opposition at 8:43 am est.

Meanwhile, if you view the bi-wheel of horoscopes linked above, you'll see December 14's 4 South Eclipse @23Sag08 'eclipsing' Trump's Inauguration 2017's 8th house Saturn, planet of authority. A significant cosmic event? I truly hope so.

As for the December 14th VOC Moon (if needed, follow the first link above for a few notes concerning potentials of a VOC Moon), the moment the eclipse ends (11:17 am est), the Moon goes VOC until Luna enters Saturn-ruled Capricorn at 10:35 pm est. (This lunar condition could mean that no one can interfere with the electoral proceedings, much as Trump and his operatives want to - or that results could turn out in a way no one expects.)

So! Moon or no Moon, I intend to send out encouraging vibes to the electors to get their voting business over with before 11:17 am - and to not turn faithless on the American people who are clearly wa-a-a-y over con man Donald Trump: wastrel extraordinaire, serial bankrupt, fraudster with mob ties, and fulltime liar and cheat.

Nov 7, 2020

November 7, 2020: Scorpio Joe Biden Elected!

November 7, 2020: Finally, after the November 3rd election, this morning Democrat and former VP Joe Biden has been announced by the AP and other outlets as President-Elect.

As you know, the Fixed sign of Scorpio is deep thinking, great at detecting, and is sometimes brooding. Of note is that President-Elect Biden was born with Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars in Scorpio. His Mars is unaspected which denotes one who can be quite uncompromising which will be a significant trait when dealing with Republican Senate Leader Mitch 'grim reaper' McConnell. Plus, Mr. Biden's Taurus Moon can be stubborn, too.

So! Today's Moon sign is Fixed Leo, solar-ruled and on the dramatic side. A Leo Moon suggests the happiness, the joy, that a majority of Americans (and other folks abroad!) are feeling today. There's also the hope that the Trump regime's era is over although Herr Spanky will hang on to public attention as long as he can - in the courts, on Twitter, in news reports, on our TVs. Maybe he'll turn up with his own show, who knows. Yet no matter what he does, today's Fixed energies indicate that current circumstances will remain in force, as is, and will alter on January 20, 2021 at noon est when Trump's 'reign' officially ends!

But enough about Trump for he will, at some point, become old news. Huzzah! Let's move on to --

Today's Cosmic Weather: Sun Scorpio-Moon Leo

A forceful, intense Sun-Mars-Pluto combination of influences, this blend suggests those for whom personal and economic success, plus, a sense of self-esteem, are very important. A level of magnetism and charisma may be noticed (Moon in Leo until Monday November 9th at 8:30 am est) as well as an intense determination toward a cause or mission. Whenever ruthlessness is required, Scorpio natives are ready. Even better will be approval and applause for and from that Leo Moon: Dancing in the streets can be one happy expression!

And so speaking today for Stars Over Washington, I'm sending Congratulations (and Condolences!) to the victorious Biden-Harris team, their families, soon-to-be Cabinet members, lawyers, and staffers. Much is expected from them despite Republican opponents and others who would continue to interfere with common sense social programs and needed repairs to the damage Trump and his enablers have perpetrated. I choose to believe that the Biden-Harris team will do their best which will be a vast improvement over the saboteurs, thieves, gangsters, and racists America has suffered under for the last few years.

Of interest is that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are to deliver statements tonight, plus, a transition website has been set up but I've yet to check it out.

Now to close, here's an Image for Integration for the Sun Scorpio-Moon Leo blend which you may agree applies to current events and conditions:

"A Samaritan mirrors sunshine into the depth of a dark pit bringing hope to those who live there" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

Oct 23, 2020

The Natal Saturns of Biden and Trump: Who to Hire?

Job Interview! Whose Saturn Fits the Bill?

by Jude Cowell

October 23, 2020: My deep suspicion is that pretty much everyone knows by now that astrological Saturn is the planet of responsibility, reliability, dependability, maturity, realism, Time, gravity, accountability, limitation, restriction, flaws and fears, efficiency, seriousness, concentrated thought, fulfilling (or neglecting) demands and commands, studiousness, learning/teaching lessons, work, laws, rules, regulations, policies, perseverance, endurance, and other such sobering, often difficult things. Plus, we know that karma, loss, and several physical characteristics also apply to multi-dimentional Saturn but let's not fret over it just now because this post is for comparing/contrasting the natal Saturns by sign and aspect condition of Donald Trump, the incumbent, and Joseph Biden, the challenger, opposing one another on November 3, 2020 as they vie for the job of US president.

Pretending this post is a job interview of the planet of responsibility and work (even though it's the Electoral College that decides the victor, not We The People), we know from the outset that Saturn functions well from mental Air signs but not as well from emotional Water signs and is, in fact, in his detriment in Cancer because it's the sign opposite Capricorn, ruled by Saturn.

Now perhaps you'll agree that the role of President of the United States ideally calls for the more sobering traits mentioned above, and some would say that such seriousness and maturity have been lacking for nearly four years now. Be that as it may be, let us proceed to consider the proclivities of former VP Biden's Saturn in Mercury-ruled Gemini vs the current figurehead, Donald Trump, and his Saturn in Moon-ruled Cancer - the first suggesting a Mercury-Saturn signature, the second with Moon-Saturn on its resume.

That both men are of a Saturnin age must please the planet of old age! Or at least it's no disqualifier for political office as far as Saturn the senex is concerned:

General notes on folks born with Saturn in Gemini: a logical, practical mind; well-disciplined; dependable; honest (for the most part--Mr. Biden is a politician, after all); reasonable; organized; adaptable; objective; intellectual; can manage well within systems; interests in Math and Science; prefers that things be well-defined (ex: clarity in contracts); a resourceful finder of solutions; wisdom through duress; philosophical; possible speech impediment such as stuttering; the nervous system.

Joe Biden was born with a wide conjunction of Saturn (7th house) and Uranus (6th house) suggesting willpower and perseverance; an applying sextile between Saturn and Pluto denotes one who requires details before making decisions; control issues require positive channels for best expression; priorities are self-reliance and financial security; opportunities (sextile) in work and career matters (Saturn) are provided by higher (hidden, wealthy) powers (Pluto in the corporate 8th house).

General notes on folks born with Saturn in Cancer: early family environment results in emotional inhibitions that lead to estrangement from family members and/or others; the parental unit may have been cold and austere causing emotional scars, depression, and an inability to trust; extreme emotional sensitivity, a touchy ego, defensiveness; a protective emotional shell forms (Cancer the Crab scuttles sideways to avoid uncomfortable situations/loathes being challenged); a lack of warmth in relationships; security concerns (Saturn rules walls, fences, and borders!); a deep need for respect and approval from others; domestic strain and financial problems; a sluggish metabolism leads to excessive weight gain and water retention; an unusually strong materialism (heightened by a deep fear of poverty). The Moon-Saturn signature also relates to ambitious plans and strategizing often based on unconscious motivations and emotional needs.

Donald Trump was born with a Venus-Saturn conjunction in the 11th house of Groups and Associations. Discontent in relationships can be an excuse for disloyalty and unfaithfulness; concerns with justice, fairplay, and loyalty are evident - for Trump this is supported by his Jupiter in Libra through which we hear his cry of, "It's not fair!".

So! If you were the one hiring, and considering the dire problems America now faces, which fellow do you think would more efficiently and responsibly handle such a difficult job at this moment in history?

Birth Data Used (assuming accuracy): Joseph Biden November 20, 1942 8:30 am EWT Scranton, PA (RR: A); Donald Trump June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Jamaica, NY (RR: AA).

Oct 11, 2020

Undermining SCOTUS? Who Else but Neptune!

Horoscopes: SCOTUS 1790 (inner) with a snapshot of the June 2020 Mars-Neptune Conjunction (outer); as you see, both transit Neptune and Mars were conjunct 1790 Saturn in June (Mars-Neptune = Saturn with potentials for: 'instability; misdirected energy; unfortunate consequences because of a weak will; lasting illness or weakness; an epidemic; toxins in the body'--R. Ebertin).

In Progress, a Significant Transit to SCOTUS Saturn: transit Neptune, now floating through its own sign of Pisces, is influencing and more than likely undermining Saturn in the SCOTUS First Session Horoscope (February 1, 1790 NYC--I use 9:00 am LMT). The slow-moving gas ball has been within orb of 1790 Saturn for some time, yes, but in February and March 2021, transit Neptune @20Pisces will directly conjunct SCOTUS Saturn, the legal-eagle planet of judges, The Law, attorneys, courts, government, authority, realism, facts, accountability, reliability, restriction, limits, and thereby will reveal a period when structures and traditions are being eroded and/or are disintegrating due to current conditions.

This erosion of our court and legal systems has already begun, of course, but early 2021 could be the period when such effects become stronger and thus more obvious to the general public, perhaps to the point of legal paralysis.

Other possibilities with Neptune-to-Saturn include contagion (Neptune) affecting judges or other court officials (Saturn) to a hobbling degree, there may be loss although it's impossible to say from what cause (it may be mysterious!), and/or there may be some combination of inspired ideals and misguided notions being argued during proceedings. Naturally, other court circuits may be affected as well (Saturn) with substandard judges attempting to adjudicate in positions they should not have taken due to inexperience, ill-preparedness, lack of education, and/or odd or strange ideas. Notably, conspiracy theories may crash against brick walls during this period.

Now as you know, much of the results of Neptune-to-Saturn for SCOTUS will depend on whether Trump manages to finagle four more years with sidekick Barr running interference for his scofflaw antics, or, whether Joe Biden takes the White House and brings with him a more professional team such as former prosecutor Glenn Kirschner who some see as imminently qualified for the position of US Attorney General to replace Billy Barr. Perhaps you've heard Mr. Kirschner's Justice Matters podcast or watched his videos, and as one born with four planets in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, I appreciate Mr. Kirschner's reality-based views and legal expertise!

A Closing Note: The above post was originally typed and included with a Thom Hartmann video (October 11, 2020) but Blogger wouldn't allow this text to be published with Thom's content as has been my usual habit these 15 years of writing Stars Over Washington. However, maybe I can share the link to Thom's video: Stacking the Supreme Court - History vs Fiction. Hopefully the link is Live but if not, you can always search YouTube (ex: Thom's channel) for it as you wish. jc

Stacking The Supreme Court: History vs. Fiction! - Thom Hartmann

Oct 8, 2020

October 2020 Mercury-Uranus and the White House

Horoscope: the KKK December 24, 1865 'noon' LMT Pulaski, Tennessee

An October Opposition: the Biden-Trump Debates and the Klan

by Jude Cowell

Thursday October 8, 2020: With the current transiting opposition between Mercury Rx in Scorpio and Uranus Rx in Taurus we see general tendencies in the Collective such as 2020 candidates jumping to erroneous conclusions about others, twisting others' ideas to suit one's purpose, and the possible involvement of people of influence who harbor bad intentions. Well, that sounds like any and all political debating, doesn't it? And pretty well describes the very practice of Politics itself. (But don't mind my opinion, I'm jaded--Stars Over Washington turns fifteen years old on October 16, 2020 with over 5,000 published posts!).

So to get to the point of this particular fuss I'm going to just go ahead and type it out loud: the Klan is in the White House and current transits to its 1865 planets (shown, above) reveal cosmic influences upon political conditions in the US and the excruciating Campaign 2020 ongoing as dictator-wanna-be Trump attempts to coup the Oval Office for 'four more years'. Meanwhile, CFR-er Joe Biden challenges the authority and pseudo-exalted standing of the Klan via Trump while, in what passes for political 'debates' these days, so much is left unsaid and many of the facts are distorted ad nauseum.

Now the data I have for the KKK is as follows: December 24, 1865 "12:00 pm LMT" (exact hour unknown) Pulaski, Tennessee: ASC 5Ari06; MC 2Cap59 (see chart, above). If you know of more accurate data, please let me know. Until then, this is the data I use to set up the organization's 'modern' chart for the group's origins go back further, of course, back to the Knights of the Golden Circle (of which John Wilkes Booth, Albert Pike, and Jesse James were members--Pike, a leader) and to the slave patrols of yesteryear which exist still via trigger-happy (racist) police officers on the hunt.

So what's being aggravated in the KKK horoscope of 1865 by the current Mercury-Uranus opposition is the Klan's dictatorial, willful, power-craving Saturn-Pluto opposition across the intense Taurus-Scorpio axis. Here are a few potentials of the transits which are most intense at the second Biden-Trump debate (October 15, 2020) so I'm comparing the chart of the predictive New Moon of October 16, 2020 with the 1865 Saturn-Pluto opposition of the Klan - also because the Libra New Moon @23Lib53 favors Joe Biden for the win.

CFR vs the Klan

2020 Mercury Rx @11Sco10 conjuncts 1865 Saturn @9Sco39: denotes restricted ideas and/or plans, serious thinking, and perhaps a tendency toward dullness of mind.

2020 Mercury opposes 1865 Pluto Rx: conditions of corruption and disintegration; opposing forces attempt to manipulate; information is withheld due to paranoia and a need for protection; wrong information is deliberatey provided in order to mislead; thoughts are strongly expressed but others refuse to listen; intense communications.

2020 Uranus opposes 1865 Saturn: authority is threatened (especially if it has been illegitimately gained); methods are challenged; opposing forces demand change and a new order.

2020 Uranus conjuncting 1865 Pluto: disrturbing conditions, disruption, upheaval; hidden fears surface; unsuccessful manipulation.

Addtionally, the basic energies within the Klan's Saturn-Pluto opposition are in process of being activated along with the January 12 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction at 22Cap46 which continues to be ruffled by transiting Saturn and Pluto with transit Jupiter yet to actualy reach 22 Capricorn in mid-November 2020. We see this ruffling when Joe Biden presents new views of the future and adds a realistic interpretation to our current predicament, and when escapist Donald Trump is inspired by the use of drugs and employs illusion to gaslight us all.

A Previous Post: The Prenatal Eclipse of Inauguration 2021.

Sep 24, 2020

The September 29, 2020 Biden-Trump Debate

A Brief Astro-Peek at the 2020 Biden-Trump Debate with Taurus Rising
by Jude Cowell
Today is September 23, 2020 and as it stands so far, the 2020 Debate Schedule is more or less set but may be subject to change due to any number of factors. Meanwhile, the first Biden-Trump Debate of 2020 will apparently occur; the following horoscope and details concern the cosmic weather of the evening, the hour, in that particular location:
Horoscope: Biden vs Trump Tuesday September 29, 2020 9:00 pm edt Cleveland, Ohio; note that the natal Midheaven ('MC') of Trump rises at exactly 9:07:16 pm edt followed by his natal 10th house Uranus @17Gemini; meanwhile, Biden's first planet to rise is his natal 7th house Uranus Rx @2Gemini; Trump, whose natal Apollo is @29Leo conjunct his natal Ascendant and royal Regulus, is in process of enjoying an Apollo Return. Will he shine?

Likely debate topics are available via NBC News.

Now besides the first natal planets to rise let's consider chart-ruler Venus, ruler of the Taurus Ascendant. Since Venus @26Leo43 conjuncts the debate's 5th cusp of Creativity and Risk-Taking and is on the verge of entering 4th house of Domestic Scene, her lack of applying aspects emphasizes sign and house position. However, a waning Venus-Mars trine suggests that cooperative work in partnerships has recently occurred (perhaps debate prep). But perhaps more importantly, this Venus conjuncts the natal Mars (rising) of Donald Trump which describes his extreme motivation for remaining in the White House where hand cuffs can't reach his wrists.
For Mr. Biden, this Venus traverses his natal 9th house and squares his natal Sun in Scorpio, plus, transit Venus will soon square Biden's natal Venus indicating discord or disagreement over principles and judgment; then comes the possibility of bad timing and/or delayed schedules with Venus square Venus.
Obviously, the US presidency is the goal of both candidates with US Inaugural Sun (00AQ+) conjunct debate Midheaven (00AQ+; 9:00 pm) for all to see. And by debate's end (10:30 pm as advertized) Mercury becomes chart ruler with 18Gem05 rising along with Trump's natal Gemini trio of Uranus, North Node, and Sun. Meanwhile, Mercury makes only one applying aspect at 10:30 pm, an ongoing opposition to erratic Uranus (@9Tau53 in the 12th house of Politics and Karma) so the willful expression of views, conflicts, quarrels, and turmoil will likely describe this debate's aura and its afterglow. Yet the opposition also suggests that the public's attention - especially that of young people - is distracted and many may not watch the entire proceedings. In that case, catching up by watching highlight videos of the debate may be their best or preferred bet.

Sep 18, 2020

Trump's October Surprise Could Be Explosive! (w/ Dr. Trita Patel) - Thom Hartmann

September 18, 2020: On this day of saddening news of the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg comes a disturbing heads-up concerning Iran and provocateur Mike Pompeo stirring up the US-Iran situation to possible create an 'October Surpise' as an attempt to help Trump stay in the White House.

For as we've discussed before, these miscreants will do anything to hang on to their ill-gained power:

Get more news and views from Thom Hartmann.


And while we're at it, here are a few astrological details concerning Secretary of State Mike Pompeo whose Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 1 North Saros Series repeated in August 2017 as The Great American Eclipse, the effects of which we continue to suffer.

Sep 1, 2020

September-November 2020: Mars in Aries to and fro

Two DC Horoscopes September and November 2020: Trolling the Path of Mars

by Jude Cowell

Lower left: September 9, 2020 Mars Direct Station @28Ari08 2nd house 6:22:12 pm edt Washington DC; Hour of Mars which squares 12th house Saturn (delays; resistance; stop'n'go energy); ASC 24AQ38 (US natal Moon rising) conjunct Uranus-MC suggests excitability, irritability, possible upsets; Uranus unaspected = spurts of activity; warlike Antares conjunct MC; at IC are Moon @12Gemini and Midas (fluctuating campaign finances?); Neptune and Pisces intercepted in 1st house suggests large events possibly water related and/or contagion/toxins; also, the media, the masses, deception, loss, theft, disappointment, conspiracy; voting planet Mercury 6Lib27 in 8th house and nearing Nemesis (the unbeatable foe).

Chart-ruler Saturn makes one applying Ptolemaic aspect, a conjunction with powerful manipulator Pluto (see lower left) which is, of course, a continuation of their conjunction's harsh, constraining energies of January 2020, and of course the Capricorn trio continues its heavy influence. Meanwhile, the revolutionary pair of Mars and Uranus will blend their energies on Election Day November 3, 2020 @6Tau44 with a disturbing potential for conflicts and destruction.

On Election Day 2020, Mars Rx 16Ari01 is opposing US natal Saturn (14lib48) off and on which denotes a period of potentials such as: attempts to circumvent rules and/or laws, anger flare ups, delays that lead to cancellations, organizational difficulties, resentment, and/or resistance to the authority of others. Obviously with Trump involved, court cases and legal decisions may be involved as well as ballot counting issues.

Upper right: November 13, 2020 Mars Rx Station @15Ari13 10th house 7:35:36 pm est Washington DC; Hour of Venus 20Lib42 5th house but leading a ruthless Locomotive shape into 4th house (condition of Venus in Libra relates to 2020 Election results: incumbent wins unless something miraculous occurs - ex: Blue Tsunami).

Both of Mars' changes of direction fall within the 4 North Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse Saros Series (restraint, restriction, separation, illusion) and as you see, the November 13th chart has US natal Jupiter rising just after the 4 North Solar Eclipse pops up over the horizon. And when Mars shifts to direct motion on November 13, 2020 'he' opposes Venus (ruthless as a Locomotive engine) which, among other things, suggests sore losers. However, by November 22nd, transit Venus will scoot on into Scorpio, leaving Mars to continue simmering in fiery Aries until early January 2021.

And with Cancer rising on November 13th, Moon is chart-ruler indicating emotions vs intellect, excitement, and potential conditions of instability, as seen in the Scorpio Moon's applying opposition to quirky Uranus Rx in money sign Taurus where finances tend to be uncertain and/or fluctuating and unusual sources of revenue are sought.

October 2020:Of course, more information (aka, inconvenient facts or secrets) are sure to be revealed by the light of the Halloween 2020 Full Moon @8Tau38 which casts its illuminating rays upon disruptive Uranus - the Witness and the Awakener!

Wild Cards of the Universe, Uranian Eclipses Disrupt Earthly Events

So will it be shock, awe, or a little of both when Uranus stars in a cosmic spotlight once again and closes the month of November 2020 with a Lunar Eclipse 8Gem38 conjunct US natal Uranus and simultaneously activates Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 2 Old North Saros Series (8Gem48: 'unfortunate news; separation; but fast action can bring good results' - Brady).

Related and also in October 2020: Trump's Nodal Return.

Aug 27, 2020

Power Shift: by astrologer Peter Doughty

With Campaign 2020 grinding on, Stars Over Washington is very pleased to present a guest post authored by Peter Doughty!

Power Shift

by Peter Doughty

The other night - Friday night, probably - I was sitting back with ye olde laptop in me lap as I digested a bit more of the bits and pieces I’d been chewing on, that came from the Democratic Party online shindig for anointing POTUS and VPOTUS candidates. It’s been quite the buzz, even in my perennially independent-minded head. Sure, I’ve leaned that direction all my adult life and never did vote for any R candidate that came along: their so-called conservatism never seemed to line up at all with my brand of such.

So, the news of the choice for VPOTUS was, frankly, exciting — somewhat, for a while. After all, the sorts of economic, cultural and political changes that even the near future would seem to hold were not about to pass her lips, masked or not — nor those of her running mate.

Yet from an astrological perspective, the charts of both candidates provide plenty of fodder for fascinating and perhaps illuminating study.

In the case of Mr. Biden, all that Scorpio energy — Mars, Mercury, Sun and Venus, in that order — in the twelfth house would mark him from birth with a path involving much struggle and suffering, and, maybe, inner work. So it would seem. As one with a diurnal chart (Sun in watery Scorpio above the horizon), his first personal cycle of Saturn would be under the general dominion of Venus. However, Venus also being above the horizon as well as “in exile” in Scorpio, she would not be adorning a path toward being a small-p party animal.

Life was evidently not much easier for Mr. B through his second Saturn cycle (until 2001), under Mars’ dominion. More strength and determination were called for, though he was still essentially trapped within labyrinthine institutions.

Now, though, his life is under the general sway of Luna: quite happy (under the overall circumstances) in the steady and huggy sign of Taurus. Ms. Harris could not be in much better astrological condition, conferring popularity and success as long as Mr. B. plays a caretaker role (natal Luna in the service-demanding sixth house).

There are some quite interesting connections in progressions and directions to his natal chart (of course). I will merely say this: The astrological confirmation of the appropriateness of, and the larger societal readiness for, teaming with a woman with roots in atypical cultures comes through most emphatically. The exact natal opposition between Juno in the first house and Saturn in the seventh, along with the seventh-house profection year (age seventy-eight) to begin in November, shout it out. This is a classic depiction of a need for a truly collaborative partner at this time. And the foreign-ness of Juno in Sagittarius is, well — astrologers couldn’t make up something more symbolically spot-on.

It looks like Biden — or, more likely, the hidden councils of his Party — has chosen well.

What I find most intriguing about Ms. H’s natal chart is the exact full moon, somewhat similar to that of the Agent Orange of the Oval Office.

His was a special full moon: a lunar eclipse, with all the spookiness implied and noticed whenever it recurs (at least twice a year). Hers was just a regular full moon.
Hers, like his, was an Air sun / Fire moon combination: cardinal signs, denoting initiative and new directions. His, with the individualistic and defiant element of Uranus thrown in, emphasized reaction, chaos and rendering asunder.

Evidently, Ms. Harris' role is to be one of the chief architects of a newly constituted polity arising from the ashes of the nation’s Pluto return and the depredations of Trumpism. There is apt to be, in her imprint on events and developments, a definite back-and-forth between instinctive, pointed response and action and, on the other hand, patterns of rational consideration to the point of vacillation: Luna in Aries, Sol in Libra.

What probably among most astrologers appears as the most significant portion in the synastry is the superimposition of Ms. Harris’ grand cross in the fixed signs upon Mr. Biden’s chart, linking with his Scorpio cluster and Chiron in Leo. The latter is his “wounded leader” placement, activated by the Great American Eclipse three years ago, nearly to the day. (I wonder what he was doing that day, and where he was?)

For Ms. Harris, the grand cross represents the inheritance of a great burden, just as she enters into her third personal Saturn cycle, under the dominion of Saturn. That placement for her links closely with his Chiron placement. Fortunately for her, and even more so for the citizenry, natal Saturn is in a dignified condition in Aquarius. This indicates that she would undertake great responsibility in this phase of her life, and that it would involve carefully balancing the needs and demands of disparate social or political groups.

As fate would have it, she might have been thrust into the role of headwoman of some tribe struggling to survive the onslaught of Jair Bolsonaro’s destroyers of the last of the delicate rainforests in the Brazilian hinterlands, or mayor of some hamlet on the Great Plains which lately lost its leader in the Great Derecho of 2020. Instead, she’s stepping into line to become the first female president of a faltering republic and shrinking empire which once styled itself champion of the “free world.” What will even be the shape of the presidency in this next era? That’s another and much larger question, with no attempt at an answer here.

Biden and Harris are holding out the carrot of a return, somehow, sometime, to something that might pass for “normalcy.” But it ain’t gonna happen. The largesse both are talking about are represented by Biden’s natal Jupiter, exalted in caring (when it’s not involved in accumulating) Cancer, in a close sextile (sixty-degree) relationship with Harris’ Jupiter in easy-going, got-plenty Taurus. Actually, the latter — in the context of her grand cross — represents the stemming of the bulk of the big-money projects they propose.

The overall national and international economies are on a cliff-edge, teetering near their tipping points.

The resources increasingly devoted to disaster-recovery take away big chunks from whatever Green New Deal ideas come forward. Those will have to depend on regional and local resources, even as their economies are broken.

Yet a great many localized enterprises, like a thousand points of light, can increase a sense of focus and purpose, within the potential for a measure of continuity. (The pervasive and persistent disruptions on a vast scale, symbolized in 2021 by Jupiter and Saturn in square to Uranus, guarantee an era of even-greater difficulties.)

Ms. Harris, whenever and to what degree she assumes prominent responsibility, will have to carry that cross. There will be many false starts and dead ends in cultivating the next stage, yet evidence shows that good-faith effort and due diligence will be among the new norms.

And those ain’t small matters.

For both Ms. Harris and the Agent, December marks the month of climactic shifts in circumstances. On 14 December — a week before the Great Solstice with the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction — a total solar eclipse falls on the natally-eclipsed Luna in the Agent’s chart, and on the western horizon of Harris’ natal chart. Translation: likely precipitous descent into total madness for the former, and full-scale partnership mode for the latter.

May our better angels prevail.

Biden-Harris synastry chart

In addition to his personal consulting work, Peter Doughty blogs every other Wednesday at Zodiacal Spiral and co-writes a monthly forecast with Aeolea Wendy Burwell at Rocmetaphysical online magazine.

Aug 24, 2020

DC Horoscope: Gemini Lunar Eclipse November 2020

Monday August 24, 2020: Of Cosmic Blinks, Secrets, and Cheats

by Jude Cowell

Between the Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse in the 4 North Saros Series and the Total December 14, 2020 Solar Eclipse in the difficult 4 South Saros Series comes a significant Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 across the 2/8 axi$ when the horoscope is set for Washington DC.

Below is the DC Horoscope of the November 30, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 which conjuncts US natal Uranus (8Gem55 July 4, 1776). So although this Gemini Lunar Eclipse falls within the 4 North Solar Eclipse Saros Series of June, it's actually associated with the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 in the 4 South Series with its 'money and relationship' concerns. An accompanying lunar eclipse reveals a sequence - here across the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity - relating to the karmic issues within its solar eclipse themes and provides information concerning the Collective's inner and/or emotional reactions to the disruptive karmic issues and problems. Here we have a Gemini Lunar Eclipse suggesting that a variety (Gemini) of solutions should be tried prior to and during the December 14th Solar Eclipse season in the Jupiterian realms of the eclipse's Sagittarian issues of ethics and morals, as noted in the center of the horoscope; a large splash of integrity would be appreciated, too:

Image: Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 November 30, 2020 4:29:32 am est Washington DC; Ascendant 6Sco09 makes Mars chart-ruler and he's strong in Aries in 6th house of Health, Work, Service (Police, Military, Civil) and Daily Rounds. Fever-prone Mars is assisted by Scorpio's co- or sub-ruler wealthy stealthy Pluto yet neither planet applies Ptolemaically to other planets in this horoscope so their signs and houses are emphasized (Aries Mars 1st and 6th; for Pluto add his 3rd house position in Saturn-ruled Capricorn).

So with the November 30th Lunar Eclipse conjunct US natal Uranus (8Gem55) we may expect the unexpected from this Uranian 'Wild Card of the Universe' and/or we can prepare for shocks and more disruptions. That warrior Mars is in 6th house of the military and 1776 Uranus is America's totem planet of revolt and upheaval, battles and conflicts in society continue with the possibility of war, and simultaneously the eclipse activates Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse themes (2 Old North), his PE which manifested on May 30, 1946 @9Gemini ('separation; unfortunate news but quick action can bring positive results'- Brady).

Then can this Eclipse conjunct US natal Uranus be a picture of the US military preparing for action of a shocking nature on, before, or after January 20, 2021? Perhaps so. But basically, this revealing Horoscope of the Gemini Lunar Eclipse contains a preponderance of financial indicators along with 'social and religious fanaticism' vibes via the Capricorn trio (Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter). Add to this that Mercurial Gemini is the juggler, magician, and the trader (or, traitor), isn't he/she? Well, as you see, Mercury @27Sco48 rises in 1st house, disposits the eclipse Moon, and rules the corporate 8th house and the 11th house of Groups and Associations, Hopes and Wishes.

Other chart factors include 'values and currency' planet Venus rising in the Big Business sign of intense, brooding Scorpio and leading a Locomotive shape. A 'ruthless executive determined on success' is indicated by astrological Venus, the engine who, as an actor in our cosmic drama, can be vengeful, envious, and petty, or, more positively can signify some variety of diplomacy. Perhaps you've heard a few economic pundits warning about the potential for devaluation of the US dollar so we'll see if matters continue to skew in that downward direction. Others have hinted that Trump might crash the US economy if he loses in November. This could be what this eclipse shows especially since his PE is activated, as noted above, and the Total 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14 2020 'eclipses' his natal Moon-South Node while opposing natal Sun-North-Node in Gemini, as we've previously discussed. However events turn out for him, Trump's 4/10 Home-Career axis is intimately involved.

1910/2020: $$$

Now if you will, check around the outside of the above horoscope and you'll see planetary placements of the Federal Reserve ('the Fed') based on the entity's secret organizational meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia, timed by the December 1, 1910 New Moon @8Sag49, marked in green (3rd house). With the US economy shaky as Election Day 2020 approaches, will the November Lunar Eclipse uncover leaks and/or Secrets of the Federal Reserve? Or will it simply uncover more facts concerning Trump and Co's fraud and corruption? Note that some Fed planets (in green) are listed simply as '1910' and the Fed's 1910 Mars-Jupiter rising = 2020 Venus which suggests using guile vs force when competing. Plus, bottom right, you see listed the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction and the third of three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions ('the Fed') both of which relate to the financial implications of this eclipse.

Also messily penned around the chart are the Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto of America (July 4, 1776) and of course, the hairy gorilla in the room (3rd house) is transit Saturn @28Cap21 and the taskmaster's continued ruffling of US natal Pluto Rx (27Cap33), a period of power and control issues, conditions too large to easily handle, and a lack of resources. Meanwhile transit Pluto @23Cap15 continues his opposition to Trump's natal Saturn in watery Cancer with Trump's new barricade of a wall built around the White House. Perhaps now his watery Saturn, planet of walls, borders, and fear, feels safe now. But neglecting his responsibilities during this Saturn-Pluto transit garners him little applause or reward so for 'best results' from the 2020 Election, cheating really is the only 'solution' for Trump and the GOP.

And significantly, all the Capricorn action is occurring on and around America's Inauguration Midheaven for all the world to see. Yes, Saturn to MC is a picture of Election 2020 and the assumption of control but the placement can also indicate a 'fall from grace' so we have that going against us.

Now as you see, coming right up is the midpoint between Saturn and Midheaven ('MC') rising on the Ascendant which forms a picture of 'hindered growth, shared anxiety, separation, and/or unfortunate circumstances' for some. However, the Saturn-MC duo can also denote important people! (Ebertin) with the difference depending upon other chart factors, as is always the case.

Now in closing, I want to add a note with cosmic time link implications:

The 4 South Solar Eclipse on December 14, 2020 @23Sagittarius potentially activates by degree the June 13, 1984 Lunar Eclipse @23Sag which was the accompanying Lunar Eclipse of the May 30, 1984 Solar Eclipse @9Gemini - in the 4 North Saros Series (as is the Summer Solstice 2020 Eclipse). To me, if not to you, this amount of reciprocal cosmic energy seems significant given our current conditions of light vs dark, and so, as usual, comparing the cosmic time link between years 1984 (Reagan: 're-elected') and 2020 (Trump: probably bwo cheating) through the 'rhyming' of historical events would most likely be informative for the curious seeker.

Related and curated for you! A 7m37s video George Orwell and 1984: How Freedom Dies detailing Orwell's vision of the future vs that of Aldous Huxley. Warning: Hedonism, Collectivism, and other -isms are involved.

Aug 18, 2020

August 24, 2020 Louis DeJoy to Defend USPS Sabotage

Expectations for a Controversial Proceeding

by Jude Cowell

August 18, 2020: By now everyone has heard that US Postal Service saboteur Louis DeJoy has agreed to testify before the House Oversight and Reform Committee on Monday August 24, 2020 which happens to be the opening day of the Republican National Convention this year. Enshrined within the US Constitution, Americans are taking the sabotage of the USPS (which therefore amounts to an undermining of our Constitution) very badly indeed. Even a few Republicans have given what may be only lip service to the outrageousness of Trump's USPS assault which threatens to further break down the fabric of society.

Astrologically, several planetary aspects form on the 24th but the 'star of the show' must be the Mars-Saturn square which perfects at 2:19 pm edt and imprints its difficult energies upon the day's events. That Mr. DeJoy is a large donor to Trump and to the RNC serves to spotlight his sabotage of the USPS as a selfish, corrupt pursuit of greed and profit as well as his soul-less attempt to keep career-criminal Trump in power.

Of course, this square is part of the current Mars-Saturn cycle which began with their conjunction on March 31, 2020 @00AQ29 (2:31 pm edt) - conjunct US Inaugural Sun (Trump). This created a midpoint picture of a POTUS (Sun) 'breaking down under stress' and who 'could not meet all demands or master all situations'. An illness-and-death factor was added as well so naturally we think of the expanding corona virus contagion and Trump's selfish attempt to ignore its overwhelming implications for him personally.

March Leads to August

So now, with both malevolent planets strong in their own signs (Aries-Capricorn: Cardinal and initiating), the obstacle-laden square between them threatens harsh, angry, even dangerous proceedings. A callous atmosphere will be on display between DeJoy and his questioners (Mars vs Saturn) who obviously won't be getting along very well during his proposed testimony especially with sharp questions from Rep. Katy Porter. Hers may be what we all want to hear DeJoy answer or try to evade! Expectably, sullen anger may be shown by someone on Monday and I'm going to take a not-so-wild guess and say that this would be Mr. DeJoy whose actions and motives (Mars) are under scrutiny (Saturn: authority, lawmakers, the law, lawyers in Congress). For as you know, the distrustful, dishonest Mars-Saturn duo signifies destructive, harmful energies which DeJoy has demonstrably perpetrated against our much beloved US Postal Service (serving us brilliantly since 1775!).

Plus, if it occurs, "postmaster general" DeJoy's appearance on Capitol Hill on Monday will spotlight a test of wills between Trump comrade DeJoy (with his own financial fish to fry) vs House Democrats. Actually, Trump's strong, often irrational will is one of the targets of the show, isn't it? That, and the Trump-DeJoy determination to sabotage the 2020 Election by preventing voters from mailing in their ballots (while staying safely at home) which could stage a massive Blue Landslide - a Tsunami - against a potential second term of Trump the mad mobster, born under the brutal death-dealing midpoint picture of Mars-Saturn = Pluto.

Now as you know, Reinhold Ebertin describes Mars-Saturn midpoint as the 'death axis' so we must hope that any death involved on Monday will apply to DeJoy's and Trump's underhanded efforts to destroy the US Postal Service (which would result in the service being privatized, they hope) and not to the USPS itself.

Holding angular sway at the Midheaven of recent US Inauguration Horoscopes (MC: '26/27 Capricorn' conjunct US natal Pluto) we see Saturn Rx @27Capricorn on Monday during DeJoy's House testimony as the taskmaster planet blends his karmic energies with US natal Pluto, always a difficult transit containing 'issues of power and control' and/or 'abuse of power' implications.

As for the August 24th Mars-Saturn square, testy Mars can be a vicious activist, malcontent, and flame-thrower particularly when in Aries but in a flurry of hope I'm weighting the day's outcome, and pinning my hopes, on Saturn's strength and demand for accountability in governmental Capricorn! Starkly revealing of this crisis, the Mars-Saturn square forms a Thor's Hammer (or, Fist of God) pattern that points toward testifying Mercury @9Virgo in the 9th house of Legal Affairs! Is August 24's Mercury (with his magician's wand) casting a spotlight on Election 2016's and Inauguration 2017's Prenatal Eclipse in the 19 North Saros Series with its themes of 'realism, coming down to earth with a bump, recognizing a situation for what it really is', and 'tackling the truth'? (Brady). You'll remember that 19 North's themes were completely undermined by transit Neptune @9Pisces directly opposing the eclipse, a cosmic condition that has stained the entire term of Trump in the White House with Neptunian fantasy, corruption, fraud, deceit, loss, theft, scandals, and Trump's 24/7 fight against the truth. Can Louis DeJoy successfully defend Trump's inglorious leadership and his constant deceit? Will he try with deceit of his own?

Defend Trump or not, at Winter Solstice 2020, the game-changing Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction, with its 'checks and balances', 'change in government' and 'leniency vs harshness' vibes lands directly upon US Inaugural Sun (00AQ+) which suggests a 'new order' that requires fresh and competent leadership full of innovative ideas and plans for solving America's old problems. And for handling solutions for our future problems and difficulties.

Louis DeJoy June 20, 1957 Brooklyn, NY (no hour known) with Sun in late Gemini, Moon in either Pisces or Aries, Mercury in mid-Gemini, Jupiter @23Virgo (conjunct US natal Neptune), and Saturn, planet of accountability, retrograde @9Sagittarius conjunct warring Antares. Perhaps his temper will flare! But without a timed natal chart, what interests me most about DeJoy are the themes of his 13 South Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') which manifested on April 19, 1957 @8Tau22 (now being activated off and on by transit Uranus!) Paraphrasing Brady, 13 South themes are: 'expansive energy under which lies a more sinister flavor; the urge to expand contains frustration, inhibitions, loss, or separation; striving for group endeavors positively or negatively', and may involve issues of 'constitutional crisis' (USPS enshrined!).

So it will be engaging on Monday August 24, 2020, to see if the sinister energies within the activities of Trump and DeJoy, as they attempt to continue undermining the US Constitution while destroying our right to vote, are expressed by Mercury the Messenger testifying while in its own sign of discriminating Virgo, sign of The Critic. Especially since DeJoy's natal Pluto conjuncts royal Regulus and thus powerfully connects with Trump's natal Ascendant and ropes in Donnie's rising Mars. And should we add that August 24th is the day of DeJoy's 2020 Venus Return (16Cancer+) which happens to conjunct the natal Nemesis of Donald Trump?

p.s. Confession: I'm not sure which of these two sidewinding varmints is the larger underworld figure!

Related Posts include: Midpoint Pictures of Inauguration 2021 and the good-for-about-12-years Horoscope of America's current Jupiter Return which occurred in 2013 with We The People's Jupiter Return Moon @25Capricorn (!) in the Return 6th house of Health and Service. And considering society's current troubles and turmoil, you may agree that it will be tres interesting to see what America's next Jupiter Return (Horoscope) has in store!

UPDATE August 19, 2020: This Friday, August 21, 2020, Louis DeJoy is scheduled to attend a hearing in the Republican-led Senate. Soft-ball questions are expected by yours truly as transit Venus @13Cancer conjuncts US Sun (July 4, 1776) - grandstanding and acting will occur - plus, dog star Sirius (The Scorcher) while the August 21st Sun returns to and activates its Great American Eclipse degree of August 21, 2017 in the 1 North Saros Series, aka, The Mother of All Eclipses series. 1 North themes: 'unexpected events concerning friends or groups place a great deal of pressure on personal relationships; issues loom large, information is distorted and possibly false; hasty decisions are unwise; tiredness or heath problems may be involved' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). You'll remember how Trump removed safety glasses and stared up at the eclipse multiple times as the 'cosmic blink' perfected upon his natal Ascendant ('29Leo').

Aug 10, 2020

Trump Threatens To Crash Economy If He Loses 2020 - Thom Hartmann

August 10, 2020: Yes, the threats are starting to fly thick and fast from a nervous Trump fearful that all his manipulations and Republican Party dirty tricks won't be enough to "re-elect" him in November 2020 if a massive Blue Wave should wash Agent Orange away:

You know this very day the Sun made its annual return to its degree in The Tower Solar Eclipse Horoscope. When I used to post to SO'W concerning the difficult themes of the 2018 eclipse, I'd hoped it was only 'Trump's Towers' that would collapse into rubble and not the US economy at all.

But since the Covid-19 pandemic came along and the country, if not the world, has more or less shut down, 'The Tower' now suggests that a much larger rebuilding job is on our schedules. And who better at bad-tempered, sore-loser retaliation than grudge-holder Donald Trump?

Image: 16 The Tower Tarot Card from The Enchanted Tarot by Amy Zerner.

Aug 4, 2020

What Damage Will Trump Unleash Before November? - Thom Hartmann

August 4, 2020: Here's a segment from the August 3rd Thom Hartmann broadcast asking a very disturbing question that spotlights how un-American, outrageous, and psychotically divorced from reality the entire Trump regime really is and how desperate to avoid losing his position: