by Jude Cowell
May 27, 2020: With the significant month of June just around the corner here is a round-up of information concerning June's Lunar and Solar Eclipses, plus, a link to a few details on America's 'birthday' Lunar Eclipse of July 5, 2020. No telling what secrets, leaks, and inconvenient facts will be revealed and which may lead to scandal during our Summer of Eclipses but we can be quite assured that disruption is on the calendar and changes of direction are due whether sought or not.
1. Excerpt from a previous post: "Lunar Eclipse June 5 @15Sag34 - this one will be personal for America if a late afternoon natal horoscope is used for it perfects near US natal Ascendant in Sagittarius (July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, PA) and is rising in 1st house." In addition, this Lunar Eclipse 'eclipses' the Moon of the US Judicial System which may or may not be worrisome for the people of the United States (Moon = the people; horoscopes shown).
2. On June 21, 2020 comes Summer 2020's sandwich filling in the form of the Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse. In Moon-ruled Cancer a Solar Eclipse tends the Collective toward extreme emotions and/or the urge to hide away like a crab in its shell! Occurring upon a Cardinal World Point of manifestation of global events, the Family of Mankind will experience a cosmic blink from above. That the ongoing pandemic will somehow be involved goes without saying - either positively, negatively, or a mixture of both.
3. Then comes Independence Day 2020 and a Capricorn Lunar Eclipse which directly involves America's natal Sun (POTUS) in Cancer from July 4, 1776. Will the eclipse activate the fixed star that our Sun conjoined in 1776? Possibly. If so this would be Sirius, the scorcher, so this will be a Lunar Eclipse worth keeping our patriotic eyes upon.
Update: as lock out from my Facebook account continues I'm asking any reader who may to please share this or another recent SO'W post to FB. It would be much appreciated! Jude
May 30, 2020 Update: Last evening I set up a 'new' FB account under the name Judith Cowell. It's under construction but do check it out if you wish! Jude
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