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Showing posts with label Solar Eclipses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solar Eclipses. Show all posts

Feb 12, 2024

Is AG Merrick Garland "spineless"?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Previously, we discussed the personality blend of AG Merrick Garland (Sun Scorpio-Moon Libra) but now that he's under attack more than ever for his handling of "the Trump trials," his appointment of over-stepper Robert Hur, and other legal matters, so a look at two particular Solar Eclipses would be informative regarding the cosmic energies affecting AG Garland's natal planets now and in 2024, and, by extension, affecting legal matters, Election 2024, and the Department of Justice in the US.

Above is a dual image of the two "Garland-adjacent" eclipses: one is the 7 South Eclipse of October 14, 2023 (lower left) with themes of 'crisis', or, 'a huge obstacle suddenly clears'--B. Brady) in effect as I type and operative until the Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024--along with an Eclipse repeating in Garland's personal 8 South Solar Eclipse Series on October 2, 2024 @10Libra (upper right); 8S themes: 'loss, separation, sad partings; overstrain, possible physical injury' (B. Brady), and acting as the PE influencing Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025.

Yet without an accurate birth time for Merrick Garland, we can't be certain where 10Libra falls in his natal chart, but the point is, 8 South is his personal eclipse series so its themes are coming up for review in his life and gives him the opportunity to deal more successfully with events brought along by the eclipse. Of interest is that his Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') prior to his birth occurred @27Leo31 - conjunct royal Regulus back on August 20, 1952. Previously, an 8 South Eclipse manifested on August 21, 1933 @28Leo--conjunct Regulus. And this creates a cosmic time link from Garland's 1952 Eclipse through October 2, 2024, then back to the Nazi era - all three are 8 South Eclipses.

So last but not least, let's assess solar eclipse potentials when they manifest in the Venus-ruled Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice:

Positive expression includes issues of 'fair play, cooperation, impartiality, karmic relationships, and the promotion of world justice'. Negative expression includes: 'spinelessness; injustice, insincerity, and self-indulgence'. (paraphrasing R. Lineman, Eclipses).

So it's sad to say for democracy, but when it comes to having the courage to stop Fascism from taking over America, perhaps AG Garland's critics are spot-on.

Oct 24, 2021

What about President Biden completing his first term?

Biden's Nemesis, Three Significant 2021 Eclipses, and Karmic Transits

by Jude Cowell

Due to his advanced age alone, it's understandable that some people have expressed concern over whether or not Joe Biden will complete his first term in office as US President especially considering his many (vicious, vengeful, power-craving) enemies of the Trumpian persuasion (or, of the neo-nazi/Aryan/fascist persuasion, if you prefer.)

This has been an astrologically-based concern of mine as well since Mr. Biden's natal Ascendant (physical body) received or was 'eclipsed' by the May 26, 2021 Lunar Eclipse @5Sagittarius, a second Lunar Eclipse @27Taurus will 'hit' his natal Scorpio Sun and Venus on November 19, 2021, the 5 New South Solar Eclipse of December 4, 2021 @12Sagittarius will manifest near his natal Ascendant - and Mr. Biden's natal asteroid Nemesis in Libra rises in the December 4th chart, along with Herr Tr*mp's natal stationary Jupiter (17Lib27).

And although I've tried to ignore such difficult potentials of the Biden presidency, the plot must thicken for as Alex Miller reveals, there are additional indicators of demise for President Biden this year via certain asteroids which Alex identifies in his Daykeeper Journal article, Bye Bye Biden? which is not full of predictions at all, but is only an explanation of possibilities reflected between Heaven and Earth.

So perhaps we can agree, dear reader, that suggested potentials in Alex's article make for tough reading with disturbing indicators quite piling up, but as I've often typed in my posts, Americans must directly face problems, difficult conditions, and challenging events if we hope to deal with them in a realistic Saturnian manner which is the only way to find true solutions of a lasting kind. And we know that in Washington DC, contingencies must always be considered and put in place.

Facing reality: despite the confusion, deception, illusion, propaganda, and gaslighting the American public is constantly being scammed by and led astray with!

As for planetary transits, there are both positive and negative ones for Mr. Biden and for us all. For one, the horoscope of President Biden's Mars Return 2021 on November 17th contains a danger signal via transit Uranus opposing his natal Mars in Scorpio, which suggests a difficult period for anyone for it may indicate unpredictable, erratic, or disruptive actions from others but may also suggest a potential for surgical procedures, and lasting up to two years. Yet we must remember that the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope showed the day's explosive Mars-Uranus Conjunction (@6Tau44) rising as Joe Biden took the Oath of Office - and on that very afternoon, a Lunar Return to his natal Taurus Moon at a degree of violence (so-called because 00-1Taurus is the degree of Herr Adolf's natal Sun) perfected with the Moon relating to the physical body in anyone's natal chart.

Meanwhile, further clues concerning this topic are available by way of transits to natal: see Karmic Planets Block President Biden's Agenda 2021 into 2022 including the third of three oppositions from transit Pluto (the saboteur) challenging Joe Biden's natal Saturn, 'loss-leader' planet of authority. And of old age.

And with that, we've ended this dreary post pretty much where we began, now haven't we?

Aug 25, 2021

1 North Saros Series: The Mother of All Eclipses!

The Total Solar Eclipse of June 29, 1927 @6Can31 which perfected in the 1 North Saros Series inspired this cool poster touting London as a great location for the thrill-of-a-lifetime viewing of the eeriest cosmic event of 1927:

Readers of SO'W will remember the astrological portents of all 1 North solar eclipses and 1 North's *themes (listed, below) because we've previously discussed a few of the significant historical events which have occurred under the influence of this series in that cyclic history-rhymes sort of way which (Uranian) 'wild card' eclipses tend to provide via disruption and sudden changes in the course of earthly events. 'Cosmic blinks' as they're sometimes called. Revelations may also appear, sometimes leading to scandals and crises for the naughtier among us. For politicians? Oh yes, most definitely for politicians.

Why 'The Mother of All Eclipses'? Because it's the One North, numero uno!

The initial 1 North Eclipse occurred on January 4, 1639 @13Cap48 (opposite what would become America's Sun on July 4, 1776), a year during which several significant Events Transpired in locations such as early Virginia and Connecticut. Note that all subsequent 1 North eclipses in their particular signs should be viewed through a Capricorn or Saturnian lens; one way to do this is bwo the angular relationship between their signs (ex: 2017's Leo inconjunct 1639's Capricorn with Sun-Saturn flavors).

Now in our era, 1 North eclipses have manifested in the years:

1909 @20Sagittarius (in Britain MI5 and MI6 are founded; in the US the NAACP is founded), 1927 @6Can31 as noted, above (2nd volume of Mein Kampf is published), 1945 @17Cancer (the tragic Atomic Bombings of Japan's Hiroshima and Nagasaki), 1963 @27Cancer oppposite US natal Pluto in Capricorn (JFK assassination), 1981 @8Leo (aka, the Reaganomics Eclipse), 1999 @18Leo (aka, the prophetic 'Nostradamus', or, 'King of Terror' Eclipse which heralded the New Millennium with its Fixed Grand Cross as described in The Book of Revelation), 2017 @29Leo as linked, below. The next 1 North Solar Eclipse manifests in 2035 @9Virgo.

Related posts include: the Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017. For historical context, please see the NBC News video The 10 News Stories That Defined 2017. I doubt you'll like it much but watch it anyway.

*1 North themes: 'unexpected events place great pressure on personal relationships and groups; issues loom large so make no hasty decisions until influences pass; information is distorted or possibly false; fatigue and/or health problems' (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady #ad).

Apr 29, 2021

Midterms 2022 brings a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

At 2022 Midterms a Fateful Struggle: "Swords vs Torches"

by Jude Cowell

April 29, 2021: Now that President Joe Biden has delivered his pseudo-SOTU address last night to a pared-down Joint Session of Congress on the eve of his 100th day in office, it's time to face the portents within the horoscope of the 2022 Midterm Elections of November 8, 2022 which is the day of a Lunar Eclipse @16Taurus00. Now usually for elections, I publish horoscopes of the opening of voting and/or the closing of it but since a Lunar Eclipse is a huge 'cosmic blink' of disruption and revelation, I'm using the eclipse's moment of perfection at 6:01:57 am est on Election Day as the Midterms 2022 Horoscope to work from concerning these very significant elections that can possibly result in a change of control in the US Congress, House and/or Senate. But as you know, flipping Congress would be a disaster for Americans who appreciate Mr. Biden's attempts and policies meant to improve social conditions in our country while sending a huge bill to wealthy corporate tax evaders and authoritarian, anti-democratic enablers - including violent hotheads who like to march with Tiki Torches which are now viewed as racist. For good reason.

And is it bizarre that for ages 'eternal flames' have been symbolic of so-called 'illumi*ati' involvement in certain events? (Readers: NO illumi*ati promos or ads will ever be published on SO'W so don't waste your time.)

Well, for the curious, here's some info concerning the gravesite eternal flames of JFK, Princess Diana, the Parisienne tunnel where she and Dodi crashed, the World Trade Center, etc. Tragically, the concept of ritual sacrifice comes to mind but do ignore the information if you wish!

DC Horoscope: 'Midterms' Lunar Eclipse November 8, 2022 @16Tau00:53

The Syzygy Moon (prior lunation) of this Eclipse IS the Solar Eclipse @2Sco00 in the manic 6 South Saros Series. As you know, New Moons prior to elections are considered predictive so my fondest wish is that the 'taking power' theme of 6 South, which worked so well for Nazis in 1932 (and more kindly in the US for FDR), will be taken very seriously by those who have the power to act against the sore loser insurrectionists who again plan a violent take-over of the US government - and this time a stronger effort will be mounted than on January 6, 2021 (which was a practice session):

Ascendant 6Sco57 makes Mars Rx in Gemini the chart-ruler with a square from Neptune in Pisces (2A12) continuing the gaseous planet's deceptive, undermining, ongoing opposition to US natal Neptune @22Virgo (timing a generational clash of ideals), plus, this includes Neptune's square to US Mars which denotes the undermining of physical efforts, delayed successes, goals that must be realistic and as practical as possible (yet can be inspirational), potentials for illness and infection, dangerous water travel, and a caution to keep plugging away despite it all. Of course, we can expect that from time to time mitigating planetary factors will help the abundance of Neptunian conditions which, I confess, I identify primarily with the 'Republican Party' of 1854 and its Neptune in Pisces.

And so America's Mars-Neptune Square of 1776 with its misguided or misdirected energies and motivations (plus, with the square's 'fog of war' implications) pines for for the also-ran inspiration which dreamy Neptune can supply to any planet it touches with its glittering magic wand.

Now note that the Saturnian South Node rises along with voting planet Mercury (leading a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets which possibly hints at election cheating or fraud) and that the 1st house Sun conjuncts fixed star Zuben Elgenubi: positive social reform, while Venus conjuncts Zuben Elschemali: negative social reform, a mixed portent. Yet to me this looks as if President Biden, born with Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus himself, is represented by the rising Scorpio energies in this chart while the anarchists and insurrectionsist voters and anti-American politicians can be seen via the eclipsed Moon conjunct radical reactionary Uranus in the intolerant, possessive sign of Taurus. Shown is a fateful struggle between democracy and Neo-Nazism, folks, in part through the exciteable Moon-Uranus conjunction's revealing Sabian Symbol ("17Taurus"): "A Battle Between the Swords and the Torches." "Keyword is RESOLUTION" (Jones). This symbol speaks of "enlightenment, high organizational skill, and an ability to bring the magic of understanding to any specific difficulty." Those are the positive potentials of the symbol for which I look to those represented by democratic, nurturing Ceres (below). The negative expression = "a loss of self-competence through the conflicting compulsions of necessity and desire." This could be related to the urgent needs of the American people vs a certain group's deep desire for power and control embedded within the manic energies of the 6 South Solar Eclipse @2Sco00 which manifests on October 25 2022 with themes of 'huge efforts in group activities', 'sudden events', great strength or force in relationships', and 'being forceful and taking power' (Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). Taking power, not through elections - through seizing power. Can forewarned be forearmed?

Now if you enlarge the image you'll see that the Lunar Eclipse Horoscope of November 8, 2022 reveals factors of 'Democracy vs Neo-Nazism' via Ceres @16Vir27 (sextile Sun, trine Moon - see Ceres, below), and the factoid that the elections fall within the influence of the prior Scorpio Solar Eclipse (losted as 'PE' and highlighted in orange, in 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions such as Congress, Back Room Deals, Self-Undoing, and/or Karma) falls within the 6 South Saros Series which in 2022 is a repeat of the 'Nazi Rise to Power' Eclipse of August 31, 1932 @8Vir09.

However, here's a ray of hope...

Ceres as Thales Point: A Saving Grace!

As astrologer Alice Portman explains, the Thales Point in an event chart identifies one who gets along well with both sides (here, political rivals: Sun opposite Moon) and can negotiate a fair arrangement. Basically, Ceres (asteroid of democracy) acting as Thales Point for this Lunar Eclipse (and therefore, for the 2022 Midterm Elections and the rivals therein) indicates a skilled negotiator or negotiators (with a democratic mindset, it seems) who can solve thorny issues, then communicate and explain them in ways that resolve, or at least, improve, difficult circumstances.

In closing, let's add a famous, never more appropriate, quote from a former US president who, along with past democratic presidential candidate Michael Dukakis, shares Midterms 2022's Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus blend along with President Joe Biden:

"Our country needs not heroics bu healing; not nostrums but normalcy; not revolution but restoration." - President Warren G. Harding.

Well, if you made it this far, Thanks a bunch for reading! And I'm quite certain that more such fussing must be published concerning this Eclipse before the 2022 Midterms come along so please Share if you dare. jc

Apr 27, 2021

Two Solar Eclipses and Nixon's War On Drugs

April 27 2021: By now most Americans are aware that Richard Nixon and his enablers invented America's War On Drugs, which he announced in 1971, and was intended to incarcerate his 'enemies', those unruly African Americans demanding their Civil Rights and anti-Vietnam-War protesters, made up mostly of my idealistic Flower Power Generation of peaceniks.

So becoming curious to see if the 9 Old South Solar Eclipse of Summer 1971, which ended with that particular manifestation, affected its own initial eclipse in the series (June 23, 0727 @4Can17, inner chart, its genesis or birth), I set up a bi-wheel of the two eclipses, as you can see, below. Also note that Nixon's taking the US off the gold standard in 1971 was also an issue of the final 9 Old South Eclipse (endings) and we can see that, yes, a few financial factors are involved along with the drug war and subsequent incarcerations. Exs: 1971 Pluto-Chiron midpoint (Plutocracy; exploitation; primal violence; racism) @5Can51 conjuncts US natal Jupiter @5Can55 of 1776 ('6 Cancer' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"), and the 1971 Jupiter-Neptune duo (speculators, visionaries, hypocrites, wastrels, and political conflicts conjuncts Midheaven in 1971 and rises in 0727). As you know, it's primarily the hypocrisy of and speculation by wealthy entrepreneurs taking over the cannabis industry that's in the news these days so that profits can be made after 40 years of oppression and imprisonment of young people and non-violent offenders. This seems a classic example of 'do as I say, not as I do'.

Yet as noted, political conflict is the basic reason that Nixon declared the 'war' in the first place - to remove his enemies from the playing field. Making a windfall must have seemed a bonus for wealth-hoarder Pluto @27Leo50 which was actually eclipsed in 1971 so, listed on the chart are potentials for: 1971 Sun-Moon = 0727 Pluto: 'changed circumstances lead to critical stages of development; power; gang wars; criminality; rape' (R. Ebertin).

And as we now find, drug arrests and long sentences have long fueled America's massive prison system, a lucrative, cruel, and malicious scheme for profit for certain politicians, judges, lawyers, police departments, and others, thanks to Tricky Dick and his co-conspirators in 1971.

Then for the passage of legislation, you see that 1971 Saturn, planet of restriction and law, opposes 0727 Uranus, planet of freedom and rebellion. This transit identifies the "passage of restrictive legislation" that Nixon finagled in order to make his oppressive actions seem legal! Meanwhile, we might also note that the May 26, 2021 Lunar Eclipse will 'eclipse' 1971 Saturn, a Sun-to-Saturn transit suggesting serious circumstances and legal issues that involve authority concerns.

So below you see a bi-wheel of both the initial and the final 9 Old South Eclipse with themes of: 'idealism' and 'great energy via a forceful, controlling, manipulative Mars-Pluto influence' (Brady). Naturally, there are other chart factors which may be of interest to you so feel free to mention them in an on-topic comment if you wish:

May 2021 Lunar Eclipse reacts to December 2020 Solar Eclipse Themes

Solar/Lunar Eclipses Knit Together December 2020 and May 2021 and Beyond

by Jude Cowell

April 27, 2021: As you know, the Lunar Eclipse that accompanies a Solar Eclipse provides clues concerning our instinctive reactions to the karmic situations and conditions associated with the previous Solar Eclipse. The current 'cosmic blinks' fall into the Gemini-Sagittarius sector of the Zodiac with its Mercury-Jupiter influences that spotlight logic, reasoning, mental agility, fluent communications, morals, ethics, and the search for ultimate truth. All this as "the big lie" and its spawn continue to undergird the anti-democratic objectives of the Republican Party and sore losers cause nothing but trouble.

So while society remains under the auspices of the difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 (until about the June 10, 2021 Solar Eclipse, listed, lower right on the chart - conjunct the former guy's natal Moon-SN) which manifested upon the very day of the 2020 Electoral College Vote (the GOP's political bone of contention), here's a look at December 2020's 4 South Eclipse with its karmic themes of 'strong feelings over money and/or relationships; a sudden desire to end relationships' (Brady), plus, the accompanying Lunar Eclipse of May 26, 2021 @5Sag25 which significantly conjuncts, reflects, and reveals transiting Nemesis (@17Sco43 in December) conjunct the eclipsed Moon. Both eclipses are Total, thus bringing strong influences upon conditions and events.

Planet Mercury (highlighted in green), is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') in both charts, isolated from input by the rest of the planets, and opposing its Sag position of 2020 by the time of the 2021 Lunar Eclipse, when it's happier in its own sign of Gemini, as you see. Obviously, potential shifts in communications and planning are denoted along with changes in other realms ruled by Mercury such as commerce, education, and young people's concerns (increased innoculations?). Changeable Mercury is chart-ruler in May (ASC 26Gem24) and as such, applies to a dramatic inconjunct with powerful, wealthy Pluto (adjustments are needed), a pleasant conjunction/meeting with Venus, then speeds on to trine expansive Jupiter in compassionate Pisces (conjunct MC and benevolent Fomalhaut!) bringing uplifting ideas and plans, some perhaps of the 'big picture' variety.

Note that in December, the Virgo-Pisces polarity is intercepted, a karmic implication suggesting veiled factors being hidden from view but which must be dealt with. My suspicion is that the May 2021 Lunar Eclipse conjunct the Saturnian South Node (of the Moon) indicates that best results can be attained when past hurts and festering grudges are let go so that forward progress can be made and new opportunities embraced. This would be the wisest way to respond to the difficult conditions and events heralded by the December 2020 4 South Eclipse. Yet not everyone can manage to do this. I refer to the May Eclipse's Midheaven holding high asteroid Niobe (the grieving mother) along with the Saturn-Neptune midpoint of suffering, illness, loss - and the social safety net programs so many of us need right now.

Now at critical degrees in both charts we find Mars, planet of energy, action, motivation, and conflict, in 2021 squaring his 2020 position in his own sign of Aries and indicating an unfavorable period for decisive action, a lack of cooperation, and lending a forceful, determined air to what are very busy proceedings. There's a decidedly masculine influence pervading activities which may lift slightly with Mars in Cancer, sign of family and home, although in emotional Cancer, the potential for fiery anger often increases - especially for those with hot tempers - while the square brings blockages, frustration, and delay. Plus, significantly, Mars is the planet of police and military men and at the Lunar Eclipse, asteroid HOPI joins Mars with its ambush and/or prejudice vibes. The two stars of Gemini also join in - Castor and Pollux - so that 'murder, cruelty, crippled limbs, mental illness, and/or sudden fame or loss' (A. Louis) continue as possible outcomes in certain situations especially those involving (rogue?) police officers or the military (deployed and coming home: Cancer). Meanwhile, we should be aware that difficulties, conflicts, and hostilities could peak around the first week of June 2021 when Mars and Pluto oppose one another across the Cancer-Capricorn axis, a cosmic suggestion that interfering with the status quo will be more unwise than usual due to the tremendous, forceful energies within the Mars-Pluto combo along with the Lunar Eclipse conjunct Nemesis and leading a Locomotive shape of planets which indicates a 'high-powered executive ruthlessly determined to achieve success'.

Wonder who?

Nov 4, 2020

Horoscopes: November and December 2020 Eclipses

2020 into 2021: Nervous Times and Cosmic Blinks

by Jude Cowell (Coh'-wull)

Simply for the sake of comparison, below is a dual image of the two upcoming eclipses that will round out year 2020 and escort society into 2021 with their disruptive, revealing Uranian 'wild card' and 'cosmic blink' qualities: Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 (lower left) of November 30, 2020 and the Total 4 South December 14, 2020 Solar Eclipse @23Sag08 (the day the Electoral College is scheduled to vote). The eclipses occur across the Gemini-Sagittarius axis which is ruled by Mercury and Jupiter, and both manifest in Mutable (changeable) signs.

However, the Lunar Eclipse brings in Fixed Signs of Taurus-Scorpio and Leo-Aquarius suggesting rigidity within financial and business interests (Taurus-Scorpio) in partnerships (Asc-Desc) with the self-will stubbornness of Leo-AQ affecting career and security matters across the 4/10 axis. Yet perhaps a bit of Aquarian humanitarianism will sneak in to our Domestic Scene (Ic/4th house). And since the November Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 conjuncts US natal Uranus (8Gem55), yet another unusual twist of fate could appear on America's calendar during this particular eclipse season which just as easily denotes a positive twist so that no additional nervousness will be warranted ahead of time. Pre-worrying never assures good outcomes anyway!

And so the December Solar Eclipse falls within the difficult 4 South Saros Series and perfects near the South Node of the fluctuating Moon so energy tends to drain away from conditions and karma from the past is involved with 10th house matters (Washington DC). Mercury @20Sag05, planet of young people, writing, reporters, messages (ex: tweets), negotiations, commerce, theft, and/or elections, is nearest the eclipse and conjunct the Saturnian South Node indicating ideas and solutions ahead or behind their times, or those that could be plagiarized.

Also, you see that in the 1st-7th houses, the Virgo-Pisces axis (also Mercury-Jupiter ruled) is intercepted suggesting fated issues that must be dealt with in the victim-savior realms (ex: Trump's caged children? hunger and eviction due to the lack of a stimulus package from Congress?). Well, victim-savior issues we know - we've been feeling and experiencing them for quite some time now (for illness, see below).

Influences of the December 14th Solar Eclipse can begin for up to at least two weeks prior to December 14th, perhaps earlier in November. Both eclipses have been discussed on SO'W previously: here and here (horoscopes with details are shown separately and are earlier versions from the dual charts you see here):

Study notes are penned on the charts; please enlarge the image to read.

And here are potential astro-correspondences for the Mercury-Jupiter pair:

Thesis: Communications about plans for growth or expansion; business, legal, religious, and/or philosophical discussions.

Antithesis: A budget strained by too much expansion or inflation; legal decisions that affect commerce or transportation; religious leaders with desires to assume political power; religion censures scholarship.

Persuasion through public relations, speeches, and/or writing, plus, statements that misrepresent, or are arrogant or mouthy are also potentials with the Mercury-Jupiter pair.

Biological Correspondences: Inability to absorb sugars in the blood (diabetes); excessive fat in the blood; weakened lung or oxygen exchange; sciatica; nervous disorders.

(Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.) #ad

A Note to Nervous Readers: As usual this post concerns national matters and is not directly applicable to personal issues. If concerned by anything written here, please consult your astrologer or your natal horoscope to see where the eclipses fall in your chart and proceed from there. A similar caution also appears in the SO'W sidebar to your right depending on your device. Jude

Oct 28, 2020

Astro-Notes on the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2021

America 2021: Treading a Fork'd Path under Four Eclipses

by Jude Cowell

October 28, 2020: We're mere days away from the November 3rd Presidential Election with everything hanging in the balance and the American people poised at a crossroads as we face a New Year, 2021. And since eclipses 'run in the background' of society (and affect history as it turns out!), a list of 2021 Solar and Lunar Eclipses with a few details might come in handy at some point.

Actually, Year 2021 begins with a Lunar Eclipse @5Sag25 which perfects on May 26th and significantly, is the cosmic 'bookend' of the previous Total Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 in the rather difficult 4 South Saros Series (potentials for: frustration, strong emotions over money and/or relationships; a sudden desire to end relationships). With an eclipse in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius we can expect our ongoing searches for truth and our ethical and morals concerns to continue well into 2021. Perhaps you agree that gone-astray America has much repair work to do and a large amount of reality to face especially considering the misplaced idealism that has been ineffectively guiding of our nation off a cliff. That is, repair work if we wish to follow a better path toward karmic progress. Of course, deceptive Neptune floating through its own shady sign of Pisces hasn't aided many of us on the side of clarity, has it? Instead, contagion, disease, fear, paranoia, loss, confusion, disappointment, fraud, theft, and corruption have ruled a majority of our days.

Well, I say more of Neptune's talent for creative inspiration is due!

So the next eclipse of 2021 will be an annual Solar Eclipse (not as strong as a Total of course--unless it contacts something in your chart!) on June 10th @19Gem47 in the 5 North Saros Series (visions; prophetic dreams; good insights, inspiration, and ideas). The duration of this eclipse is 3:51 so its effects may endure for nearly 4 months or years, if you can believe it. Well, it isn't as if we don't need good ideas. And inspired solutions. But hopefully, 2021's prophetic dreams and visions are not a reference to this gnarly issue, something few people are ready for, if so.

As for the June 2021 Solar Eclipse, Mercury-ruled Gemini is the polar opposite of Sagittarius, between them a common-sense Mercury-Jupiter signature. And with quick-thinking Gemini, reasoning ability and logic will be most important if we are to have any chance of making karmic progress in 2021. To me this suggests a Biden administration of professionals who know how to govern although you are welcome to disagree. And yes, we should acknowledge that 19-20 Gemini conjuncts Trump's Gemini trio (Uranus-NN-Sun) so if he's still on the scene (and he will be, a hulk lurking somewhere) he will use his inherent capriciousness, duplicity, and superficiality to interfere with America's karmic progress (whether he's in the White House or not) bwo regressive, reactionary policies and conspiratorial propaganda.

However, for Trump this eclipse may imply a Geminian news network or a show of some kind for the old geezer in lieu of fours more years in the White House. (His natal Sun-Moon opposition will be eclipsed, after all.) Plus, I'm fairly certain that his loquacious Mercury in emotional Cancer would adore such an opportunity to whine in a new format where he can continue to 'show off' his own version of truth via the natal Mercury-Neptune square that misinforms his sneaky mind and inspires him to invent malicious schemes. A network or show if lock-up is avoided, that is.

Next up is a partial Lunar Eclipse @27Tau14 on November 19th. This falls within the Pleiades Constellation, not my favorite area of the heavens for it contains nasty, violent Algol, in the Head of the Medusa, a star known for 'piled up corpses' in China. Trump's natal Midheaven (his life's goal: piled up corpses) is nearby the Taurus Eclipse which occurs in opposition to Biden's natal Sun and Venus in late Scorpio, plus, Biden's natal Mercury-ASC midpoint which suggests lots of meetings, discussions, and perhaps a search for a person who compliments his abilities in some way (eclipse in Biden's natal 7th house). For Trump the Taurus Eclipse manifests in his 10th house of Career so for best results he should concern himself with matters that involve his integrity (?) and how he serves the public. Not that service to others is one of his personal qualities, I'm just reading the eclipse placement here so obviously, to me if not to you, this relates to certain lacks in his character and his focus on materialism (Taurus, the builder). This could conceivably be a reference to financial legal matters for Trump particularly if he's out of office in January 2021 - and especially if Democrats keep the House and flip the Senate (admittedly a dream of mine--you caught me). For as you know, both Solar and Lunar Eclipses are similar to quirky planet Uranus and are 'wild cards of the Universe' that tend to uncover secrets and inconvenient facts.

Now, dear reader, my new printer-scanner should be arriving in Raleigh no later than November 3rd and if set-up proceeds as planned, a DC Horoscope of the significant, Total December 4, 2021 Solar Eclipse @12Sag22 in the 5 South Saros Series will soon be published here on Stars Over Washington for your consideration. As you may imagine, there's much to say about its portents, but for now, I'll add that 5 South themes involve potentials for good news, peak experiences of joy (!), and long-lasting benefits! (Sagittarian eclipse implications are mentioned, above with 2020's 4 South.)

For Joe Biden the December 2021 12Sag Eclipse falls within his natal 1st house which personalizes it for him, and for Trump it occurs in his natal 4th house of Domestic Scene, one of the psychological houses where his natal Sag Moon-South Node conjunction resides, a cosmic marker for emotional estrangement, bottomless emotional needs, and difficult relationships.

Well, it's to be Sag-to-Sag eclipses, so perhaps during 2021, karmic progress will be made after all! So make of this as you will, dear reader, and dare to leave an on-topic comment as you wish. Or, wait to comment on the 12Sag horoscope!

Note: no comments from You 'Anonymous' and 'Unknown', don't bother because No useless trolling will be published from you ever again. jc

A Related Post: January 2021 Lunations and the Testing of America.

Eclipse notes: Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady. Which may be considered an #ad by Google, I really don't know. jc

Image: A Fork'd Path; pencil on paper; Jude Cowell

Oct 12, 2020

DC Horoscope: Trump Lunar Return November 2020

DC Horoscope: November 16, 2020 9:00:59 pm est Trump Lunar Return 21Sag12 in Return 5th house of Speculation and Risk-Taking; Moon rules the chart and applies once--sextile Venus (see lower left); Venus @24Lib28 (in Return 4th house) leads a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets and is apex of a T-Square pattern: Pluto-ASC = Venus: wielding influence over others bwo an attractive personality (Ebertin).

Trump natals are penned around the outside of the horoscope and highlighted in pink.

Sabian Symbol for Trump's natal Moon rounded up to "22Sag" = "A Chinese Laundry" (Jones).

Note that Lunar (aka, Moon) Returns describe ordinary conditions, the emotional temperature, and the tempo of daily life for aproximately one month until the transiting Moon again returns to her natal degree. Trump's next Lunar Return (21Sag12) will perfect in mid-December 2020 slinkily near the Total December 14, 2020 Solar Return @23Sag08 in the turbulent 4 South Saros Series (strong emotions over money and relationships) which will affect Trump's natal Sun-Moon opposition conjunct his Nodal axis. Additionally, as you know, December 14th is the day the Electoral College is scheduled cast their votes.

Jun 14, 2020

America 2020: Twisting Between Eclipses

Riots Across America and a Summer of Eclipses

by Jude Cowell

In June 2019 we took a look at the 3 South Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 (shown below) with its themes of 'traumatic transformation through news received or short journeys undertaken' and 'sudden endings of relationships or associations'. Few would disagree that changes since then have been traumatic and separative, and recently we're hearing more and more public figures speak of "transformation." Perhaps you've heard them say this, too.

DC Horoscope: 3 South Solar Eclipse December 26, 2019 @4Cap06:

Naturally, astrologers tend to think of astrological Pluto when it comes to concepts such as transformation by which nothing stays the same. These days we're having a more generous helping of intensity via a boost from the planet of shocks and sudden events: erratic, radical Uranus, now in money sign Taurus and stirring up chaotic conditions as he lurches along.

So considering the current protests, riots, unrest, disruption, violence, and general turmoil in society my suspicion is that the transiting midpoint of Uranus-Pluto in mid-Pisces, opposing the mid-degrees of Virgo where Uranus and Pluto conjoined three times in the mid-1960s, is responsible for some major 'stirring up' of such restless and revolutionary energies of civil unrest and revolt. You, dear reader, may disagree about their midpoint, but there it is.

Now with Pluto plodding through Capricorn, we see startling transformation within the Saturnian realms of government, law, business, and investment. Three conjunctions with Jupiter, planet of expansion and increase, all through 2020 ups the significance and depth of Plutonian changes as Plutocracy (Jupiter-Pluto) makes a stand against massive pushback from We The People.

Then, warming up Summer 2020 are two Lunar Eclipses. One has already occurred on June 5th @15Sag34, in first house of late afternoon US Horoscopes (July 4, 1776) that show Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius rising. But soon comes a second Lunar Eclipse, a sort of 'birthday eclipse' for America for it perfects on July 5th @13Cap37 - an 'eclipse' of America's natal Sun (13Can19). This involves two fixed stars of note: Sirius, the scorcher, and Canopus, the star of old age.

But the most scorching heat of Summer 2020 may arise (between the two Lunar Eclipses) from the Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse in the 4 North Saros Series (chart shown). By degree this eclipse echoes the transformative 3 North Solar Eclipse of Summer Solstice 2001 @00Cancer, one of the four critical Cardinal Points of Manifestation upon which eclipses (those 'wild cards of the Universe') tend to spur some measure of global events. Yet since 00Cancer is known as 'the gate of life' degree, can we expect improved conditions running in the background of society under the influence of the Cancer Solar Eclipse as opposed to the difficult 2019 Capricorn Solar Eclipse, both falling across the Cancer-Capricorn security axis? By theme, it's doubtful since 4 North themes include potentials for 'restraint, restriction, misjudgments, and illusions'.

That is, unless 4 North's 'restrictions, restraint, and misjudgments' should refer to, disrupt, and/or somehow transform the bad actors and rotten apples now disrupting the American barrel as they act under the illusion that our country should belong to authoritarian despots and criminals instead of to We The People!

For more on eclipse themes you may wish to see Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady. In fact, I highly recommend it. jc

May 27, 2020

June and July 2020: A Cosmic Sandwich of Eclipses

Summer 2020 Full of 'Wild Card' and 'Cosmic Blink' Eclipses

by Jude Cowell

May 27, 2020: With the significant month of June just around the corner here is a round-up of information concerning June's Lunar and Solar Eclipses, plus, a link to a few details on America's 'birthday' Lunar Eclipse of July 5, 2020. No telling what secrets, leaks, and inconvenient facts will be revealed and which may lead to scandal during our Summer of Eclipses but we can be quite assured that disruption is on the calendar and changes of direction are due whether sought or not.

1. Excerpt from a previous post: "Lunar Eclipse June 5 @15Sag34 - this one will be personal for America if a late afternoon natal horoscope is used for it perfects near US natal Ascendant in Sagittarius (July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, PA) and is rising in 1st house." In addition, this Lunar Eclipse 'eclipses' the Moon of the US Judicial System which may or may not be worrisome for the people of the United States (Moon = the people; horoscopes shown).

2. On June 21, 2020 comes Summer 2020's sandwich filling in the form of the Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse. In Moon-ruled Cancer a Solar Eclipse tends the Collective toward extreme emotions and/or the urge to hide away like a crab in its shell! Occurring upon a Cardinal World Point of manifestation of global events, the Family of Mankind will experience a cosmic blink from above. That the ongoing pandemic will somehow be involved goes without saying - either positively, negatively, or a mixture of both.

3. Then comes Independence Day 2020 and a Capricorn Lunar Eclipse which directly involves America's natal Sun (POTUS) in Cancer from July 4, 1776. Will the eclipse activate the fixed star that our Sun conjoined in 1776? Possibly. If so this would be Sirius, the scorcher, so this will be a Lunar Eclipse worth keeping our patriotic eyes upon.

Update: as lock out from my Facebook account continues I'm asking any reader who may to please share this or another recent SO'W post to FB. It would be much appreciated! Jude

May 30, 2020 Update: Last evening I set up a 'new' FB account under the name Judith Cowell. It's under construction but do check it out if you wish! Jude

Apr 8, 2020

Current Conditions through the Lens of Eclipses

2020: Cosmic Time links via Historical Eclipses Now Reflected

by Jude Cowell

If you agree that solar and lunar eclipses yield fascinating information concerning the societal and historical realms, perhaps you caught a previous SO'W post Is This a Haunting Eclipse from 1777?. Manifesting within the 14 North Saros Series @13Can10--conjunct US natal Sun--a 14 North Solar Eclipse repeated as the 'Sequestration Eclipse' of November 25, 2011 ('a peculiar turn of events; illness; unexpected happenings in relationships and finances'). Now in 2020, we as a people are feeling 'sequestered' as we practice the doctor-recommended 'social distancing' and 'shelter in place' tactics intended to counter the spread of 'novel coronavirus' which, if infected, leads to Covid-19. Where observed, improvement in stats is shown and curves are "flattened." However, the fight must continue!

Simultaneously, the American people's stamina, endurance, and willingness to follow orders are being tested by government officials who are not necessarily following their own orders. Meanwhile, allegations have been made that celebrities and perhaps certain politicians have been paid to reveal that they have contracted the virus but are 'better now'. Cured even! Tests are readily available for them but for the rest of us, not so much.

So with eclipse themes running in the background of society and solar eclipses having a 19-year cycle of occurrence, history rhymes cyclically (giving society a chance to deal with themes more positively and make karmic progress 'this time around') so that current conditions may be studied via eclipses in history that either repeat by Series (ex: 14 North won't repeat until December 5, 2029 @14Sag), or are activated by degree, or, eclipse themes sometimes repeat within societal conditions so repetition of events/themes are also significant and may be tracked by previous eclipses conjoining modern eclipse degrees. Plus, as you know, certain degrees are deemed from ancient times to be critical or crisis degrees--as are 29 and 00 degrees which can add a sense of impatience and/or rashness to situations.

Summer 2020 Lunar Eclipses Activate Past Solar Eclipses

The Lunar Eclipse @15Sag34 of June 5, 2020 activates and reflects the 16 South Solar Eclipse of December 7, 1779 @15Sag45; 16 South Themes now reflected: 'misdirected motivations; wasted energy especially when dealing with groups'. Therefore, the Sabian Symbol of this degree, rounded-up, is also significant in Summer 2020: '16Sag' = "Seagulls Watching a Ship: Keyword: ALERTNESS; positive expression: a gift for recognizing every opportunity at hand; negative": (unconscious/shadow side--jc): "aimless expectation." Now you may disagree but for me, this symbol describes Trump's recent and continuing performance and his pie-in-the-sky expectations, plus, the plutocrats' habit of seeing every crisis as opportunity--especially the crises they engineer against us. It may also describe both friends and enemies of America watching our Ship of State sinking under the weight of corrupt governance, sails lowered.

Next this Summer comes the Lunar Eclipse of July 5, 2020 @13Cap10. Obviously this 'eclipses' US natal Sun (13Can19 of July 4, 1776 = leader/s) and also activates and reflects the Total Solar Eclipse of July 4, 1777 in the 14 North Saros series, as mentioned and linked, above. Which is why I ask you, feeling sequestered yet? How about oppressed as during our Revolutionary era? And of course, the Cancer-Capricorn polarity contains Security issues and Home vs Career concerns, plus, Health conditions are implicated through the signs' Moon-Saturn influences. And naturally, Moon-to-Sun echoes a New Moon, a phase of 'seeding plans' as a new cycle of activity begins in the realm of The Public vs Authority Figures.

Now to close this fussy post, I am compelled to remind my fellow Americans in case anyone has forgotten that just because a Revolutionary War for freedom and independence from oppression was fought and won in the past doesn't mean that we don't need to fight for America all over again, even while an invisible enemy taunts and undermines us--as it did then. And globally, it's a very similar cosmic picture, the details of which will be more fully revealed and spotlighted by the June 2020 Summer Solstice Eclipse perfecting upon a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation and Recognition. And happily we should note that 00Cancer is the 'Gate to Life' degree.

So to open and enter such a grand portal, our need for stamina and endurance must continue, m'peops!

(Eclipse info: Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

May 6, 2017

2018 Lunar and Solar Eclipses with Themes

Re: Cosmic Blinks! 'Wild Card' Eclipses Affect History

For better viewing, please enlarge the image of the 2018 list of Solar Eclipses (with themes) and Lunar Eclipses.

Occurring after what's being called The Great American Eclipse of August 2017 which 'splits' our nation from coast to coast, the 2018 Solar Eclipses fall into the 1 South, 2 (New) North, and 2 Old North Saros Series and, based on the Nodal cycle of 18.6 years, are repeats of the eclipses of year 2000 in the same signs (AQ, Cancer, Leo) but at different degrees. In addition, the year 2000 brought a fourth Solar Eclipse in the 2 South Series which manifested on Christmas Day @4Capricorn. This go-round, 2 South will repeat on January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn with themes of suddenly finding a new group to join and expecting great gains from such group involvement (Brady).

Since history tends to rhyme if not repeat, deeper insights into the 2018 Solar Eclipses may be attained by considering the historical events that occurred in the years that their initial eclipses began:

1 South occurred @1Vir15 on August 24, 1729 (ends September 22, 2973); 2 (Old) North began @5Can49 on June 24, 792 (OS) (ends July 23, 2036); 2 New North began June 17, 1928 @26Gem21 (ends July 16, 3172) and not only relates to the NYSE and finances but through the influence of its theme of collapse is understandably called, The Tower. Of course, the WTC Twin Towers were already brought down on September 11, 2001 but we now have NYC's Trump Tower (and various other Trumpish structures across the globe) to concern us in more ways than one. Significantly, 2 Old North is the Prenatal Eclipse series of Mr. Donald Trump and in 1946, his year of birth, eclipsed America's natal Uranus @9Gemini--our totem planet of war and revolt.

However, please note that "The Tower" Solar Eclipse of July 31, 2000 (which repeats on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41) was actually not the Prenatal Eclipse (PE) of the 9/11 attacks as we might expect. The PE of 9/11/01 was the 3 North which manifested prominently at Summer Solstice 2001 (June 21) upon the Cardinal World Point of 00Cancer, the stargate degree. And with glaring synchronicity as humanity entered the New Millennium, the winds of war and strife had already been let loose as described by the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse in the 1 North series, the 'Mother of All Eclipses' that Nostradamus warned us about so many moons ago with its Fixed Grand Cross of Oxen-Lion-Eagle-Angel (mid-degrees of Taurus-Leo-Scorpio-Aquarius) which may be found prophetically described in the Book of Revelation.

Related: Signs in the Sky: Opening the Stargate, an intriguing book by Adrian Gilbert.

And speaking of Mr. Trump, US Uranus, and wild cards, here's a related not-to-miss 10-minute video Anonymous: The Truth About Donald Trump for those who dare.