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Nov 8, 2020

Joe Biden's Inauguration Day 2021 Lunar Return

Biden Inauguration Day 2021: Who Goes There?

by Jude Cowell

The DC Horoscope, below, of Joe Biden's Lunar Return which perfects on January 20, 2021 (and operative until mid-February) is of concern to yours truly for a variety of reasons. One reason is that President-Elect Biden's natal Moon degree @00Tau59 (00/1Taurus are degrees of violence which he faced with the tragic deaths of his first wife and daughter), plus, there's the nearness to his Moon of the transiting Mars-Uranus Conjunction which perfects a bit earlier at 3:38 pm ET @6Tau44. There are other chart factors of significance of course, both positive and negative, however, I doubt that it's a good idea to mention very much about the portents of such a subject here with certain of his opponents considering themselves to be enemies. Perhaps even 'sworn enemies'. You know who they are.

Therefore, I'll simply publish a few details concerning the Lunar Return horoscope and a dual chart image along with Mr. Biden's natal chart (lower left) for anyone who may wish to consider the Return, plus, I'll mention that on this significant day, Joe Biden's Return Moon rises with asteroid Circe with its potential for 'where we rescue or where we seek rescue'. Maybe both!

Meanwhile, the Sun, Saturn, and Jupiter squares listed on the image are actually transiting squares to his natal Moon suggesting various internal blockages, plus, the possibilities of encountering arrogant people, critics and nitpickers, disfunctioning schedules and/or systems, and having to deal with other people's extravagance (wonder whose!). Will the White House computer keyboards be intact? Or worse?

Well, we know that President-Elect Biden and his team are certainly facing a daunting job if there ever was one, sabotaged conditions or not.

Then adding to the significance of any or all of his lifetime of Lunar Returns, you see listed on his natal chart, lower right, that his natal Moon leads an ambitious Locomotive shape of his planets. Natal Moon in Taurus (constant and steadfast, warm emotions) is ruled by valuable Venus - his @28Sco33, with transiting Nemesis on Inauguration Day 2021 @29Scorpio46 conjunct his natal Venus (see Return 5th house), Nemesis at a 29th critical degree. Scandals are ceain to be stirred up by then or at least until his next Lunar Return in February. Or we could say that this particular Lunar Return 'sets the clock' on Mr. Biden's entire presidency since it's his first of 2021.

So below the image, you'll find potentials of two midpoint pictures which conjunct his Moon Return's Midheaven, the Goal Point. They sound quite descriptive to me but see what you think, dear reader:

DC Horoscope: January 20, 2021 3:55:36 pm ET Capitol Building Washington DC; Hour of Jupiter; Asc 15Can34 (conjunct natal Asc of the Pentagon/1942--protection?); chart-ruler Moon @00Tau59 has just entered the public 10th house (Placidus System); see the center of the Return chart for a couple of midpoint pictures involving the turbulent Moon-Mars-Uranus trio.

At Goal Point: Midheaven = Mercury-Mars: 'addressing life's problems more directly and completely; ready for action; courage' and Midheaven = Mercury-Uranus: 'mature insight into the needs of others; increased recognition' (Ebertin; Munkasey).


Starcats said...

Excellent analysis. I'm glad you refer to Ebertin and Munkasey, two favorite resources of mine. Biden and Harris enter the White House at the most critical time in our history since Lincoln traveled anonymously by train to D.C. for his inauguration because he had already received assassination threats. I am not saying Biden has or will receive such threats, but they are likely in our present political climate. I like your work and will continue to follow.

Jude Cowell said...

Thank You Starcats (cool name!) Leave a comment any time! Jude

Kat said...

Great analysis
Biden’s extensive relationships with our Fed government will assist & his natal Jupiter in Cancer—so much to dig through! Glad Biden Harris won-relief

Heather Buen said...

I attended a “surprise” event for Kamala Harris where Trump supporters tried their best to get to her. It is scary and extra precautions are necessary. Being that close to seeing the secret service wrangle to the ground someone trying to get close to the next VP is scary.

Jude Cowell said...

Wow Heather! Yes to witness such a thing must have been surreal too. Jude