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Showing posts with label Lunar Returns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lunar Returns. Show all posts

Nov 8, 2020

Joe Biden's Inauguration Day 2021 Lunar Return

Biden Inauguration Day 2021: Who Goes There?

by Jude Cowell

The DC Horoscope, below, of Joe Biden's Lunar Return which perfects on January 20, 2021 (and operative until mid-February) is of concern to yours truly for a variety of reasons. One reason is that President-Elect Biden's natal Moon degree @00Tau59 (00/1Taurus are degrees of violence which he faced with the tragic deaths of his first wife and daughter), plus, there's the nearness to his Moon of the transiting Mars-Uranus Conjunction which perfects a bit earlier at 3:38 pm ET @6Tau44. There are other chart factors of significance of course, both positive and negative, however, I doubt that it's a good idea to mention very much about the portents of such a subject here with certain of his opponents considering themselves to be enemies. Perhaps even 'sworn enemies'. You know who they are.

Therefore, I'll simply publish a few details concerning the Lunar Return horoscope and a dual chart image along with Mr. Biden's natal chart (lower left) for anyone who may wish to consider the Return, plus, I'll mention that on this significant day, Joe Biden's Return Moon rises with asteroid Circe with its potential for 'where we rescue or where we seek rescue'. Maybe both!

Meanwhile, the Sun, Saturn, and Jupiter squares listed on the image are actually transiting squares to his natal Moon suggesting various internal blockages, plus, the possibilities of encountering arrogant people, critics and nitpickers, disfunctioning schedules and/or systems, and having to deal with other people's extravagance (wonder whose!). Will the White House computer keyboards be intact? Or worse?

Well, we know that President-Elect Biden and his team are certainly facing a daunting job if there ever was one, sabotaged conditions or not.

Then adding to the significance of any or all of his lifetime of Lunar Returns, you see listed on his natal chart, lower right, that his natal Moon leads an ambitious Locomotive shape of his planets. Natal Moon in Taurus (constant and steadfast, warm emotions) is ruled by valuable Venus - his @28Sco33, with transiting Nemesis on Inauguration Day 2021 @29Scorpio46 conjunct his natal Venus (see Return 5th house), Nemesis at a 29th critical degree. Scandals are ceain to be stirred up by then or at least until his next Lunar Return in February. Or we could say that this particular Lunar Return 'sets the clock' on Mr. Biden's entire presidency since it's his first of 2021.

So below the image, you'll find potentials of two midpoint pictures which conjunct his Moon Return's Midheaven, the Goal Point. They sound quite descriptive to me but see what you think, dear reader:

DC Horoscope: January 20, 2021 3:55:36 pm ET Capitol Building Washington DC; Hour of Jupiter; Asc 15Can34 (conjunct natal Asc of the Pentagon/1942--protection?); chart-ruler Moon @00Tau59 has just entered the public 10th house (Placidus System); see the center of the Return chart for a couple of midpoint pictures involving the turbulent Moon-Mars-Uranus trio.

At Goal Point: Midheaven = Mercury-Mars: 'addressing life's problems more directly and completely; ready for action; courage' and Midheaven = Mercury-Uranus: 'mature insight into the needs of others; increased recognition' (Ebertin; Munkasey).

Jun 3, 2018

Trump Solar Return 2018 w his June 26th Moon Return

Jupiterian Donald Trump Gets a New Moon for His 72nd Birthday

by Jude Cowell

June 3, 2018: As you've heard, and unless something changes, defense lawyers reviewing Michael Cohen's seized papers, documents, emails, and other information for attorney-client privilege issues have been given a deadline of June 15, 2018, a date near the birthday (June 14) and the Solar Return 2018 of Mr. Trump (Sun to natal degree perfects June 13, as you can see). The following post concerns the early part of Mr. Trump's upcoming solar year coupled with his next Lunar Return of June 26, 2018 (21Sag12), plus, a few notes on the activities of transit Jupiter in Scorpio.

Previously posted is his May 30, 2018 Lunar Return, ongoing as I type and revealing a very busy month which includes mid-June events such as the deadline noted, above, and the much-hyped 'Singapore Summit' said to be back on the schedule for June 12--unless one or both of the two prima donnas take a quixotic notion to cancel again.

Image: Solar Return 2018 (June 13 8:24:47 pm edt, White House) of Donald Trump along with his June 26, 2018 Lunar Return, outer, to show that his natal/Return Moon conjoins the 2018 Solar Return Ascendant (both charts set for the White House for obvious reasons. This cosmic condition spotlights a significant year and prominent month for him. Lunar changes and fluctuations are indicated and possibly a change of job, residence, and/or public status). Also you see that a New Moon conjoins the Descendant in Trump's Solar Return 2018 horoscope which is a generally favorable indicator (unless negatives interfere) and acts as a timer for something new forming--here, in the relationship arena, although legalities may also be involved. Yet a New Moon conjunct DESC suggests potentials for a new cycle for foreign alliances or perhaps a new lady friend for the lonely, needy Mr. Trump. And yes, maybe he'll get out of his self-created legal messes after all--at least partially. But we should also note that the New Moon @22Gem44 of June 13, 2018 conjoins US natal Mars in Gemini and will activate our nation's tiresomely problematic Mars-Neptune square. Leaders who deliberately mislead lurk in the shadows of this New Moon and confrontations with reality prevail.

Cosmic Synchronicity At Work

Note that the New Moon is the Syzygy Moon of his 2018 Solar Return and in Gemini the lunation recalls candidate Trump's 'prez bid' announcement of June 16, 2015 @25Gem07--his paid-audience 'escalator' speech at Trump Tower. (Of course, a new cycle for US politics began then too and We the People continue to pay for it.) That Mr. Trump's natal Sun sets in his 2018 Solar Return chart may be descriptive of his current condition, plus, we should note that the Moon rules the 8th house of Transition, Corporatism, Shared Resources, Insurance, Credit/Debit, the Occult, and Death so changes are due in those realms as well.

As you see, both Return charts are ruled by Jupiter via the Sag Ascendants yet Jupiter applies to no planet in either Return chart which places the emphasis on Jupiter's sign and house positions. Here it's Jupiter in 11th house of Groups and in the big-business/scandal/surveillance-betrayal sign of Scorpio with transit Jupiter turning Direct @13Sco20 on July 10, 2018. Eventually, tr Jupiter will conjoin Trump's natal IC and enter his 4th house from where the planet of expansion will oppose Trump's natal trio of Uranus-NN-Sun. Of course, tr Jupiter to his natal South Node is part of the transit picture too and tacks on potentials for additional blockages, obstacles, ethical problems, and conflicts of interest coming to the surface--as could Mr. Mueller's report if it hasn't already been revealed by February 2019 when tr Jupiter hits Mr. Trump's natal South Node.

Jupiter in Scorpio Will Leave His Shadow

Prior to entering Trump's 4th house, transit Jupiter must reach and move beyond his shadow degree of 23Sco13 where he (seemed to) turn retrograde on March 8, 2018--stopping short just before conjoining Trump's natal IC (24Sco18) and entering his 4th house. Yet this Jupiterian shift is coming for the broadcaster-in-chief (Jupiter in 4th = expansion, redecoration, or change of residence?) for the first time in approximately 12 years. You may remember that it was in 2006 that real estate (4th house) mogul Donald Trump remarked that he hoped the real estate market tanked and that was about two years before it actually did. Was Trump prescient? Or merely tipped off? Was he in with the Wall Street in-crowd?

Now it's true that some improvements may be noticed around or just after July 10 when Jupiter turns Direct which involve growth, development, finances, or the promise of them by Jupiterian politicians. Yet before things can really move forward within the realms of Jupiter, the expansive planet of generosity must pass his shadow degree of 23Sco13 where he paused and turned retrograde on March 8, 2018 and this won't occur until October 6, 2018. Then the Great Benefic will be free to conjoin Trump's natal IC--once on October 12, 2018 from whence bossy 'Zeus' will do as he pleases. Does this describe Trump's happy release from White House occupancy and a return to his previous lifestyle? Or will freedom be denied? Perhaps a touch of house arrest?!? Well, another possible indicator should be factored in--the three conjunctions all through 2019 of tr Jupiter to Donald Trump's natal Moon, a 'feel good' transit if there ever was one! But will its soothing vibes be enough to mitigate or moderate the negative implications of other transits to his planets? Factual Saturn and corrupt Neptune may testify otherwise.

Jupiter @23Scor13 Midpoint Pictures: Any, All, or None May Apply

Now for the sake of comparison, here are potentials embedded within the midpoint pictures in the horoscopes of Jupiter Rx March 8 and Jupiter to shadow degree October 6 which may be of interest since the Jupiterian Mr. Trump was born within hours of a prominent Jupiter Station @17Lib27, with Mr. Moneybags then moving forward within his 2nd house of Money, Earning Ability, Possessions, and Values--and in 2006, US Mars turned retrograde by progression conjunct that very same degree and we see how successful and fortunate (Jupiter) Trump's broadcasts and glowing promises (Jupiter) have used the inwardly turned, weakened males (US Mars Rx) of our nation while promoting (Jupiter) negatives in society such as violence, war, nuclear stand-offs, bigotry, playboy behavior toward women, misogyny, anger against males who impede him, denigration of traditions and institutions (Mars Rx) and divides Americans one against the another:

March 8, 2018 11:45:18 pm EST White House: Jupiter-Saturn = Moon: changing moods; annoyance via females; a changing relationship to a woman; becoming easily upset. Mars-Pluto = Saturn: desire to overcome difficulties and obstacles at all costs; leaving no stone unturned in pursuit of a particular task. Sun-Jupiter = Pluto: expectation of good luck; pursuit of fortune or wealth. Neptune-ASC = Pluto: suffering harm or damage through deceit, libel, or malice coming from others; depression caused by the environment. Uranus-Neptune = Mercury: plans without the possibility of realization; a peculiar imagination (Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square supplies it); occupation with metaphysical studies or practices; exploration of the unconscious; journeys.

October 6, 2018 8:49:44 pm edt White House: Sun-Saturn = Jupiter: a fortunate separation; corpulence and/or a phlegmatic temperament; good fortune of a sick, old, or serious person; happy in solitude. Jupiter-Neptune = Pluto: unreasonable plans; a far-reaching speculation; a great loss. Saturn-Neptune = Mars: listlessness; lack of creative energy; inactivity through emotional depression or illness. Saturn-Neptune = MC: a peculiar character; frequent mood changes; a tendency to quickly lose courage; wavering between materialism and idealism; emotional suffering; the state of illness. Pluto-NN = Mercury: desire to dominate others mentally or intellectually; exercising a compelling and magnetically powerful influence upon the public. Moon-Venus = Sun: actors or stage performers; protective care of the family; marital love.

Paraphrasing The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin.

Related Reading: In the Realms of Jupiter: Donald Trump.

Now naturally there are multiple chart factors still worth considering but there's yet another storm system approaching the Atlanta Ga area so I'll close for now by mentioning that this upcoming week contains a medical procedure for yours truly so this may or may not be my final post for the week. For as they always like to say, we'll have to see how it goes! jc

Nov 21, 2009

JFK assassination: Sun, Mercury, Moon Returns 2009

The brutal assassination of President John F. Kennedy on Nov 22, 1963 @ 12:32 pm CST in Dallas, Texas is now in process of having 3 Returns to 1963's degrees.

Charts set for Dallas, in order of occurrence, they are:

Nov 21, Saturday @ 4:05 pm CST is the assassination chart's Solar Return in Return 7th house, the degree's repeat of where the Sun (leader) was positioned at the moment of the dirty deed when the Sun was @ 29Sco44 in 9th house with no major aspects; Solar Return (SR)'s Moon 27Cap30 in 10th house conjoined US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx.

Nov 22, Sunday @ 1:37 am CST is the assassination chart's Mercury Return (9Sag45 conj Royal Star Antares, keywords: success if obsession is avoided, or obsessed with success); Merc Return Moon 2AQ11 in 5th house; 5th cusp = JFK's natal Ic 23Cap46 (Ic = 'Death; Endings'...his Ic is conj SR 2009's Mc, so we may expect media and public attention on this, the 46th anniversary of his death.)

Nov 22 @ 8:05 pm CST is the assassination's Lunar Return, with the Moon representing the public or the people @ 11AQ16 in Return 8th house with Jupiter 19AQ50, Chiron 21:30, and Neptune 23:47. This is a Neptune-to-natal-Uranus (n 23AQ43 Rx) transit for JFK describing a time of unrealistic expectations, confusions, deceptions, and disorientation in the atmosphere that stimulate societal changes; ideals conflict with economic and technological conditions which impact methods in unpredictable ways; NN 22Cap19 is near JFK's natal Ic in Moon Return 7th house.

One point about JFK's natal Uranus 23AQ43 Rx is that it was his first natal planet to rise in the assassination chart indicating shock, disruptive events, the unexpected, rebellion, upsets, alienation, and/or separation. (We got them all with this one act.) In fact, with his n Uranus so near US n Moon shows a 'shock to the people'; JFK's n Uranus is in his n 4th house and makes four aspects to n planets: squares to n Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter, and a trine with Venus in Gemini; his Mercury and Mars are in Taurus, 8th house.

Moon Return's Mc 26Pis36 has just been crossed by transiting Uranus 22Pis44 Rx; Saturn 2Lib22 is at the Foundation of the chart in 4th house; Moon Return Sun 00Sag55 is in Return 5th house with Venus 18Sco54.

The Saturnian South Node (SN) of the Moon is a point of separation, and of past events and behaviors. In the Nov 2009 Moon Return chart, JFK's natal SN is conj ASC 11Can40; his n SN = 11Can15, an interesting degree considering how America's relationship with China has changed over the last 46 years. I say this because of the Sabian Symbol for '12Can' which conjuncts US n Sun by one degree...

'12Can' = "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message" which has a Keynote from Dane Rudhyar: 'The revelation of latent worth in an experience once it is seen in its deeper meaning.'

Don't we wish! I believe larger forces and powers were battling over and above the US presidency in 1963 - as they continue to do.

So between the Solar Return's Sun Sco/Moon Cap, through Sunday's Sun Sag/Moon AQ in both the Mercury and the Lunar Returns, we actually have three sets of Sun/Moon energies within the three Return charts and with Sun Sco/Moon AQ in between, all of which influence the anniversary weekend in relation to the 1963 assassination when dark forces diverted America's direction once again. (This 'eternal flame' crap has become overly tiresome, oh illuminated ones who meddle.)

Let's look at the 'Images for Integration' for the three combos:

Sun Sco/Moon Cap: "A general leads his troops to victory...A film director plans each shot to maximize its emotional impact." (My italics.)

Sun Sco/Moon AQ: "A hovering hawk surveys the world, at one with nature...An exotic moth emerges from its chrysalis, in perfect form, a specimen of the sublimity of nature's intelligence." (This blend is the one from 1963 and I have stated here or elsewhere that the 'hovering hawk' reminds me of an in-the-zone sharp shooter, a sniper. Or two.)

Sun Sag/Moon AQ: On a tour of primitive lands, a university professor goes through a tribal initiation and becomes a blood brother of the chief."

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Sun: solar, leader, the adult, purpose, hero's journey; Mercury: thinking processes, intellect, communications, commerce, trade, news and reporting, changes, travel; Moon: the public, the people, emotions and feeling them, the unconscious, the family, nurturing and food, the inner child, fluctuations and changes.

When a past event has three Returns on, or almost on, the anniversary date of the event itself, the three cycles emphasize the event's importance and stimulates attention being paid to it, particularly with the addition of the Lunar Return.

So if we find ourselves discussing JFK's assassination more than on most anniversaries past and expressing our thoughts and feelings about it, we may be unconsciously tapping in to the Sun, Mercury, and Moon energies on that day in Dallas, Nov 22, 1963 at 12:32 om CST - in the Masonic Square of Dealy Plaza.

published Nov 22, 2009 @ 3:06 am est

Oct 27, 2009

US Lunar Return tonight Oct 26, 2009

An article has been posted concerning tonight's US Moon Return which occurs in Washington, DC at 10:05:47 pm edt, if you're interested.

Saturn at critical or crisis degree (29Vir49) and Mercury at critical degree (29Lib26) both form applying aspects with US natal Moon (Sibly) so you may wish to check out the coming month of our daily rounds which is what a Moon or Lunar Return describes.

Thing is, the lunar contact with Saturn - an inconjunct - is sobering for the next month yet conducive to mature attitudes, so perhaps we should all put on our grown-up beanies for a while and smile on through! This aspect is actually a Saturn transit to US Moon and has been within orb for days now - check it out by clicking the above link.

Tonight's *Sun Scorpio/Moon AQ blend has two 'Images for Integration' which refer to the conscious (Sun) and unconscious (Moon) when they're working well together:

A hovering hawk surveys the world, at one with nature...An exotic moth emerges from its chrysalis, in perfect form, a specimen of the sublimity of nature's intelligence.

'Hovering hawks' remind me of US drones killing people - sorry, but they do.

So even if we-the-people get meaningful, cost-effective health insurance reform out of Washington, we still won't be 'at one with nature' imho, because we're so completely in the wrong on certain issues such as the sociopathic propaganda that war = peace.

Yet this is only a wee Moon Return of a month's duration so let's take it for what it is - fluctuating - and be as content as we can be, even if we've only a faint notion of happiness.


*'Images for Integration' from 'Sun Sign-Moon Sign' by Chas & Suzi Harvey.

Jun 12, 2009

June 12--14, 2009: Weekend Planetary Forecast + a Pisces Moon

What does this weekend have in store? What energies As Above, So Below may be expected to lead or to rain on our parades?

Fortunately for us, Julie Demboski has her most fetching astrologer's cap in place and has published an enlightening Weekend Forecast as only Julie can explain: lucidly for astrologers and non-astrologers alike.

And some of us (moi!) may have a Lunar Return over the weekend affecting our daily lives, so I'm happy to find that Julie has done all the tough work to make this weekend's energies more understandable - I was beginning to wonder what was up given the way Friday is turning out so far, for I'm hearing thunder-boomers overhead now!

Now a small Moonligher from Western Australia has floated in to say Hi! to all the Pisces Moons among us...and the sign of the two fishes, Pisces, naturally relates to the big wide oceans...

Moonlighter, a drawing by Jude Cowell 2009+ imported from the Dreamyfish Art collection of botanical fish portraits.