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Showing posts with label Mars-Uranus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mars-Uranus. Show all posts

Jul 5, 2024

Mars-Uranus-Algol Conjunct July 15, 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Please note: This is another of my forewarned is forearmed posts and may not be suitable for oversensitive readers.Yet the brazen July 1, 2024 SCOTUS immunity decision must be kept in mind going forward - by everyone.

Perhaps you remember that on the afternoon of Inauguration Day 2021, a risky Mars-Uranus Conjunction perfected @6Tau44. Considering the incendiary quality of this planetary duo, and its indications of willfulness, peril, danger, and unpredictability their 2024 conjunction on July 15th is well worth consideration.

That enraged star Algol of Medusa fame is included - plus the fact that the vicious trio conjuncts the natal goal-oriented Midheaven of Herr Trump on July 15th - is an alarming concern, for as you know, Algol is often prominent in horoscopes of criminal acts including murd*r. Not wishing, only informing.

Additionally, Mars-Uranus conjunct MC suggests potentials for "taking drastic measures; getting one's way; and/or putting a pistol to someone's head" (N. Tyl, Solar Arcs #ad) so Trump's lack accountability for criminal acts will remain in the news cycle that feeds on sensationalism - and Trump's 12th house Pluto conjunct Mars-Saturn, the death axis, reveals that harm and destruction are his natural tendencies. And now he's been given "legal" permission to follow his revenge agenda if shoe-horned again into the Venusian Oval Office:

To summarize: Danger is in the air. However, for additional info you may wish to check out America's Mars-Uranus Cycle which began in the Revolutionary era with strikes and protests vibes.

Jun 24, 2024

Astrology of Trump Sentencing July 11, 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

On July 11, 2024, the degree of Chart-and-Sentence ruler Mercury @14Leo11 rounded-up to "15Leo" = "A Street Pageant" and there are other indications of protests, fanaticism, and potentials for violent actions in the horoscope shown, below.

For one thing (and I didn't list its potentials on the image), the incendiary pair of Mars and Uranus are snugged around the natal Midheaven ('MC'; The Goal) of convicted felon Trump. This forms a potential midpoint picture that suggests: acts of violence; putting a pistol to someone's head; execution of drastic measures; an inflexible character; desire for independence; injury; accident; surgery (paraphrasing R. Ebertin). May all who participate in the sentencing hearing stay safe!

Additionally, there's a Grand Trine, a closed circuit of energies, between the Virgo Moon, radical Uranus (conjunct enraged Algol), and wealthy manipulator Pluto (conjunct Altair the eagle: the Vatican?) and if we stretch to include Neptune 29Pis54 Rx, the Trine becomes a high-flying Kite pattern with the Moon as the tail and Neptune as the rudder. Hopefully, the protective nature of Grand Trines will apply.

Yet if we discount the Kite, it's the Moon-Neptune opposition which identifies the deceptive environment and efforts of fantasist Trump and the mass deception under which he, his wealthy enablers, and his gullible cult members have been operating under - much to the peril of America.

Meanwhile, Trump's first natal planet to rise in the sentencing chart is his 2nd house Neptune (5Lib50 Rx) which necessarily brings along the entire trio: his Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter at Station and this spotlights his grand schemes, speculative activities, hypocrisy as a tool, and his well-known tendency toward scandalous behavior:

Now for those who would appreciate an unmarked version of the July 11th sentencing chart, check out the version I've published to a new mirror blog recently set up called Stars Over Washington Reporting. It's still in its infancy stage! jc

May 4, 2024

Is Mr. Trump like Mr. Stalin?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Recently I've heard a pundit or two on TV state that, rather than Herr Adolf, old Donald Trump is more like the Soviet Union's Joseph Stalin. Of course, no dictator is a prize in the humanity sweepstakes, yet if Trump and comrades manage to steal the White House in November we'll all be messing around and finding out through nasty experiences.

A disturbing suspicion is that few Americans of our younger generations are familiar with the horror that was Stalin or are aware of the dystopian society he created, as if it were a good idea (like the psychopath he was).

So naturally I got to wondering what would transpire if I put together a bi-wheel of the Stalin and Trump natal charts to see which planets and points make contact between them - which ones blend, as it were. So see what you think - here is the result:

1946 reaches back to 1878

Obviously, there are significant contacts such as Stalin's natal Pluto Rx @24Tau58 conjunct Trump's Midheaven ('MC' = goals) where enraged star Algol of Medusa fame twinkles off and on. Notably, Algol is often prominent in the natal charts of criminals and murderers (D.K. Rosenberg). Plus, Stalin's Mars-Pluto opposition of brutality and violence sits neatly upon Trump's MC-IC angles - across the possessive Taurus-Scorpio axis. Their Mercuries are in opposite signs, too.

There's even a Trump Moon-SN conjunct Stalin Sun in Sagittarius, quite a match they are, it seems, and with their natal Suns (egos; goals) in opposite signs.

Then Trump's guiding planet, his inner voice of chaos and disruption, Uranus @17Gemini conjuncts Stalin's Syzygy Moon @17Gemini but to make matters more complex, zealous Stalin was a Uranus-Pluto square kind of despot (aka, an extremely violent, revolutionary anarchist) and his radical Uranus @4Virgo rises in Trump's natal chart as does Trump's aggressive Mars @26Leo and royal star, Regulus with its caution against taking revenge, or all that's gained will be taken away.

Then as you know, the Mars-Uranus duo is another cosmic signal for incendiary, erratic, and/or revolutionary activities.

The rest of their contacts I shall leave up to you, dear reader, for I've had all of these two maladjusted miscreants I can take for one post. Except that --

Trump you know ad nauseum, but if you wish, check out a Mini-Bio of Joseph Stalin, "--one of the greatest mass murderers of the 20th century." And yes, the video may be rough to watch, but it cannot possibly be as rough as living in a society where an authoritarian dictator like Stalin decides quirkily if you and your loved ones live, die, or are locked up. Therefore --

Vote Blue in November. Because all of our lives depend on it.

Mar 2, 2024

Judge Chutkan Must Hold the Line!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Perhaps you've noticed that Politico has published a summary of Judge Tanya Chutkan's difficult position concerning the scheduling of the Trump trial in DC possibly bumping up against Election Day 2024 (Nov 5th). Meanwhile, a majority of Americans want him tried before Election 2024. The pressure on Judge Chutkan is tremendous and more threats against her person are expected, since these days in the US, organized crime figures are trying to run the show and help agent orange complete his mission as successfully as possible.

Now the last time I checked, no accurate birth time is available online for Judge Chutkan but in 2023 we did discuss a bi-wheel of her 'noon' natal horoscope surrounding the timed chart of D. Trump, if you'd care for a look at the planetary contacts between them. Unsurprising that a Mars-Uranus link is shown with its combustible energies. And her Saturn Rx-South Node in Aquarius opposes Herr Trump's natal 12th house Pluto (conjunct his Mars-Saturn = destruction; intervention of a higher power - R. Ebertin) in Leo.

There are other significant contacts between them, as you can see. So here again is the image of their bi-wheel of natal planets, and here are my previously published astro-notes:

May Judge Chutkan receive all the protection she needs! jc

Jul 26, 2023

The Bombing of Hiroshima Horoscope

by Jude Cowell

In the August 6, 1945 Horoscope of the Bombing of Hiroshima, Japan there are obvious planetary signatures such as the incendiary duo of violent attacks Mars-Uranus at Midheaven (the goal point), a power-craving Sun-Pluto conjunction in Leo denoting 'danger to life' and/or 'martyrdom' (R. Ebertin), the grand scheming pair of Jupiter and Neptune rising in first house, and an oppressive Moon-Saturn conjunction of a sad, ill population (Moon) whose lives were ended (Saturn).

That the karma of reaping what's been sown played a role in the tragedy, I leave up to you to decide, dear reader, since the first-ever use of the atomic bomb on Japan (not on Germany since Hitler had died in April) by Robert Oppenheimer and the Los Alamos team had the expressed intention of teaching Japan (see Rigel conjunct MC: "to bring knowledge") that World War II was over - and that the Nazis had been defeated.

So with all my study notes squooshed upon the charts, here are two images:

1. The Bombing of Hiroshima Horoscope (August 6, 1945; 8:15 am jst), followed by 2. the same horoscope (center) with a version of J. Robert Oppenheimer's natal horoscope (outer: my preferred version set for 7:27:01 pm est with 12Sco02 rising: "An Inventor Inventing").

As you see in chart 2, Oppenheimer's natal Pluto @19Gem07 (conjunct his Apollo and Vesta and adding 'fear' to the cosmic picture of the event) sits atop the Bombing's Midheaven (the objective) and forms a catastrophic and violent midpoint picture along with the explosive Mars-Uranus duo of 1945; potentials are penned at the top of the chart. Meanwhile, scroll down for notes concerning Themes of the Eclipse Series in which the Hiroshima Bombing occurred:


Themes of the Total Solar Eclipse of July 9, 1945 @16Can57:11 in the 1 North Saros Series which is aka, "The Mother of All Eclipses" (because it's number one in the Series):

"Unexpected events involving friends or groups place a great deal of pressure on personal relationships; issues loom large and hasty decisions are unwise because information is distorted and possibly false; an essence of tiredness and/or health problems are attached" (paraphrasing B. Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Yes, issues loomed large for the Japanese victims exactly like a mushroom cloud, with health problems, and grievous injuries, most definitely attached. Unexpectedly, pressure was placed (forced) on families, women and children, but in the chaos of decimation was information distorted and false? Well, some of it had to have been.

Thing is, 1 North also brought the world the "Nostradamus Eclipse" of August 11, 1999 @18Leo, aka, the 'King of Terror Eclipse', and which links to the Book of Revelation prophecy of the Oxen-Lion-Eagle-Angel mid-degrees of the fixed signs. (A note for non-believers: perhaps a translator or two of the KJV Bible must have looked ahead to see that a prominent Total Eclipse would arrive in the future in time for the 'New Millennium'. Even so, the 1999 Eclipse's Fixed Grand Cross is prophetic enough for me.)

Now the last Total Solar Eclipse in the 1 North Series manifested as the Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo (conjunct royal Regulus) with Herr Trump in the White House and acting as figurehead of the authoritarian movement craving dictatorship in America. Yet my hope is that with all the attention now paid to the Oppenheimer film and its related power, control, and barbarism issues in the spotlight, society now realizes our opportunities to deal more carefully and fully with such abuse-of-power concerns, and that folks who are slack about -- or cheering on - the potential for a Nazi take-over of this and other countries will 'wake up' to the tragedy, misery, and brutality that Nazism would force upon the entire world after the movement's well-deserved wipe-out in 1945.

After all, atomic physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, who led and won the race for The Bomb against the Nazis, understood this. So it seems to me that Mr. Oppenheimer must've been woke when he said,

"We're in a race against the Nazis and I know what it means if the Nazis have a bomb."

And you and I know what it means if modern-day Nazis take over the White House in 2025 with The Button therein.

A Previous Post lists the Solar Eclipses of 2023 (April and October).

Mar 3, 2023

Horoscope: Trump Speaks at CPAC 2023

With CPAC 2023 going on as I type, have a glance at a horoscope set for CPAC 2023 Washington DC, Saturday March 4 at 5:25 pm. Yes, his nibs tends to run late but 5:25 pm est is the scheduled time for Donald Trump to take the podium and speak his Geminian mind, and the planets may be of interest to a reader or two.

However, it's weekend and I do not care to waste many more minutes on Herr T's combative rhetoric or his dreams of regaining power, so please check out my notes penned messily upon the following bi-wheel. Inner is Saturday night's 5:25 pm est speech horoscope with Trump's natal chart surrounding it (outer).

As you see, the bi-wheel shows that his aggressive, me-first Mars in Leo has already risen prior to 5:25 pm, and his deceptive 2nd house Neptune Rx in Libra will be next to rise, dragging his deceptive Neptune square Mercury, planet of rhetoric, in tow so that we know that misconceptions and fantasies are on his to-do list. As always:

Notable is that CPAC 2023 is being held under the auspices of the 6 South Solar Eclipse which perfected on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio with its 'being forceful, taking power; manic energy with great force or strength in relationships' and 'huge efforts in a group activities' themes (paraphrasing B. Brady).

This describes a "group activity" like CPAC, a 'conservative' organization in which the current leader of the 'Republican Party' in the polls continues to be the rash, brash, belligerent orange blighter whose combative rhetoric may hit, or mention, a brick wall (or border wall?) thanks to CPAC 2023's Mars @20Gem42 conjunct his natal 10th house North Node of public contact and which is sandwiched between his uniquely individualistic Sun-Uranus duo.

Meanwhile, Trump's CPAC 2023 speech's Midheaven ('MC'= the Goal) sports an incendiary midpoint: Mars-Uranus. See lower left corner for potentials of this dangerous combination.

And to powerful wealth hoarder Pluto conjunct Hygeia and leading a ruthless Locomotive pattern, add
CPAC 2023's Sun = Mercury-Neptune midpoint picture with its 'acting or pretending; fantasy; deception; moodiness' potentials penned at the bottom of the image and there we have a Donald Trump, purveyor of hatred and discontent.

A closely related SO'W post and horoscope: Trump Regime identified by Mars-Uranus since 2017.

Jan 5, 2023

Vote for Speaker of the House Day 3

Planet Mars now Rx in Gemini: NASA photo

by Jude Cowell

As Kevin McCarthy has fallen short of the required number of votes to catapult him into the Speaker of the House position since Tuesday January 3, 2022, planets have continued along their courses. Today at noon the Republicans and Democrats will assemble once again on Capitol Hill and votes will be cast and tallied, perhaps with the very same outcomes as on Day 1 and Day 2, and no Speaker will be chosen. If so, no business can be conducted, no oaths of office will be sworn, and Republicans can congratulate themselves (and Tr*mp) that the Biden administration is somehow being hornswaggled in the GOP's "own the libs" kind of way.

Astrologically, there are several reflections of such studied incompetence in the sky over our heads but one that seems significant is that transit Mars, of late its perigee condition close to Earth, heated, and retrograde, continues its activation of US 1776 Uranus (8Gem55), America's totem planet of independence and revolution. The Mars-Uranus combination suggests unstable conditions such as anarchy, revolt, and incendiary potentials, and as you remember, their last real-time conjunction occurred on Inauguration Day 2021 @6Tau44.

This cosmic time link directly reveals this week's political highjinks acted out by House Republicans (or 10% of them, the so-called "Freedom Caucus") as one of their motives against President Biden, as noted.

Meanwhile, political pundits are saying that this week's stalemate makes the GOP "look bad" (it does) yet it's the harm seditionists are doing to our country that's my primary concern. After all, the Republican Party already looked bad, and I consider this clown car exercise to be a continuation of their January 6th coup attempt. And unfortunately, misguided Midterm voters let the seditionists inside the House! This week's antics begin their beguine and it promises little if any better for the next two years the toddlers misrule and show their anti-governing, anti-democracy ideology.

Then if we look for Kevin McCarthy's travails more specifically in today's noon horoscope set for the Capitol Building, we might consider the applying inconjunct between the Moon @1Cancer (females like Boebert) in 3rd house of Communications (00Cancer = the world is watching!) and 10th house Venu$ in early Aquarius indicating someone making too many concesssions in an attempt to be liked and approved of. Thing is, bribes are involved as well as one motive behind such zealous activities; this suggests what McCarthy has promised his wayward members as well as money and favors paid to the Never Kevin voters - pay-offs from outside sources intended to undermine the legitimacy of the US Congress. Note that today's position of lawmaking planet Saturn @23AQ has a curious Sabian Symbol, "A Big Bear Sitting Down and Waving All Its Paws." And you know which country is represented by The Bear.

Another factor is Mercury, planet of speaking and voting. In governmental Capricorn, but retrograde, Mercury turns direct on January 18, 2023 @8Cap08 so surely a Speaker of the House will be elected around or by then!

Well, there are plenty more factors of interest in today's noon horoscope but with my real-world scene busy today, my typing time is brief so I'll leave it for the curious to investigate.

DC Horoscopes: 118th Congress January 3, 3023.

Aug 10, 2022

FBI search brings Far-Right calls for War

August 8, 2022 Planets to the 1861 Civil War Horoscope

by Jude Cowell

Born in Georgia and a descendant of CSA soldiers, the following view of the planets of the FBI search of Trump's Mar-a-Lago headquarters on the morning of August 8, 2022 in relation to the 1861 Civil War Horoscope is intended for your consideration. No, I am not a seditionist and have always said that my only nag in the race is America. By which I mean a sovereign America, free of fascists and nazis like those my uncles fought in World War II.

And with the specter of another "civil war" being fomented by far-right Trumpsters and media opportunists every chance they get, keeping an eye on transits to the Civil War planets of April 12, 1861 seems a good idea to me. And now the August 8th FBI search has ramped up their outrage, even blo*d lust for some.

Well, perhaps we can agree that there is no bottom to which Trump and his acolytes will not stoop in their attempt to coup the US government and re-install the Mango Mussolini back into power, even a potential for sacrificing Trump's Vice President to a noose.

And so the following bi-wheel of horoscopes show the Civil War April 12, 1861 with the deceptive Mercury-Neptune duo rising (inner) and the August 8, 2022 "around 10:00 am edt" horoscope of the FBI search of Trump's Mar-a-Lago property (outer) with 27Vir20 rising, Moon conjunct 1861 Midheaven ('MC': publicity), and 2022 Neptune @25Pisces Rx rising in the 1861 chart. Of course, astrological Neptune infuses into many realms of life so let's not repeat them all here, but considering current conditions of misinformation, sabotage, and sedition, it seems significant that the Civil War of 1861 will be having its first-ever Neptune Return, a three-fer actually, exact on March 25, 2025, October 24, 2025, and January 24, 2026.

And closer to our current time frame is a Mars Return to the Civil War Horoscope which occurs approximately every two years. This one is prominent due to current events and the seditionists in our midst, and becomes exact on August 30, 2022 at 8:50:30 pm edt (Charleston, SC) with separation inclinations (ASC = Saturn-NN) and a 'fateful struggle ordained by destiny' midpoint picture (Saturn-MC = Pluto). Of course, fomenters of this warmongering who feel, or pretend to feel, such a violent destiny are led by opportunists who are using the rank and file as their dupes. Willing dupes, it seems. Similar to the warmongers and their dupes in April 1861 (ASC = Mercury-Neptune).

As for the bi-wheel you see below, the ongoing transit of Neptune in secretive Pisces opposing US 1776 Neptune in fact-based Virgo is front and center with the opposition's persecution vibes and generational clash of ideals and ideologies on display. By now you've heard cries of persecution and the tale of the sad sad martyrdom of Donald Trump filling the air waves to gaslight those of the orange authoritarian persuasion. Why, far-right propagandists are just getting started attempting to rehabilitate the public image of the orange blighter!

Meanwhile, we're so far left to wonder if the FBI search on August 8th involved nuclear secrets tucked away at Mar-a-Lago for this would be extremely lucrative merchandise to put on the black market for a transactional grifter like Trump who is never troubled by any feelings of loyalty to America.

Mars-Uranus Pow!, Moon-Neptune Delusion, Venu$-Pluto Power, Sun-Jupiter Ego Expansion and Publicity

It's all there and more. So if you're curious, please enlarge the image for several astro-notes are penned upon the horoscopes just for you:

Note: attribution for "Mango Mussolini" goes to one of my favorite progressive broadcasters Randi Rhodes, a veritable force of nature.

Mar 16, 2022

Zelenskyy to US Congress: Midpoint Pix

March 16, 2022

As you know, and perhaps watched, this morning at 9:00 am edt (began @9:06 am edt), Ukraine's President Zelenskyy virtually addressed the US Congress and the Ameircan people from an undisclosed location in Kiev, Ukraine. He mentioned, as previously reported, that Ukraine will not be joining NATO but asked that a no-fly zone over Ukraine be established (President Biden says, no, this would mean all-out war between Russia and the US), and for more weapnonry and aide. More military and humanitarian aide he is and will be receiving, and President Biden will speak shortly before noon today, last I heard.

Now today my real life environment is busy but I felt compelled to prepare a page displaying the midpoint pictures and a few astro-notes for you of 9:06 am edt and 9:23 am edt on Capitol Hill, Washington DC. Hopefully, you will be able to read them, below. If not, please enlarge the image or print it.

A stand-out is a midpoint picture with Neptune, planet of the masses and of mass media, which veils the incendiary Mars-Uranus midpoint and suggests potentials for "pushing for change" (M. Munkasey), and "people with bad intentions; overtaxed strength" (R. Ebertin). Sounds correct to me.

Another midpoint picture listed on the chart (apex Jupiter highlighted in green) is Mercury-Neptune = Jupiter: 'harboring great hopes; an actor or poet' (Ebertin). Perhaps we can agree that Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the speaker, is playing the role of thespian Jupiter on such a level. Meanwhile, planet of oration and negotiation, Mercury @10Pis33/37, remains in the 11th house and happily, Mercury is Direct - as is the money bags planet of politicians, corporatists, and broadcasters, generous Jupiter in compassionate Pisces. Thus we see the outpouring of aide and support for the Ukrainain people.

Now as you see, while President Zelenskyy spoke, radical Uranus, planet of war, revolt, and upheaval, arose as the Ascendant morphed from 7Tau35 to 13Tau37, and to me this suggests the Mars-Uranus Conjunction @6Tau44 on US Inauguration Day 2021. Conjunct US Inauguration Ascendant (@14Taurus = Oath of Office), unpredictable, upsetting, inflammatory, and/or unusual or erratic events are and have been the case for the Biden presidency. And with starry Menkar rising, we find that all presidents are expected to 'say what needs to be said'. And yet with Uranus rising, there's a potential for great coping ability!

As for House changes, there are two: Sun in Pisces moved from the hidden 12th house to the 11th house of Groups and Wishes, and Saturn - conjunct Nemesis - moved from 11th house to the more visible 10th house of Public Status and the World Stage. At this moment, I'll venture no speculation on what this entails.

But I will add that the rising position of Uranus in Taurus opposes what is generally considered to be the natal Venus in Scorpio of Mr. Putin and this transit at least partially describes the unexpected reactions and criticisms Putin garnered for his cruel invasion of Ukraine. This transit marks a period when agreements made are broken, and joint ventures are subject to change and separation. Vlad thought a take-over would be easy but the Ukrainian people proved him wrong!

Okay, so I'll hush for now with the hope that the following information may be useful to you, or that it is at least somewhat interesting:

Jan 12, 2022

April 2022 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction times a Civil War Solar Return

January 12, 2022

'Wild Cards' of the Universe and Cosmic Synchronicities

by Jude Cowell

In light of recent and current secessionist-type events, the DC Horoscope of the April 12, 2022 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction @23Pis58 is hereby re-published just to add the point that the day of their bubbly, speculative conjunction is also a day of the Solar Return 2022 of the Civil War which began under deceptive Mercury-Neptune influences on April 12, 1861 with the Sun @22Ari27. (Of course, explosive, warring Mars-Uranus also had a hand as on the day of Inauguration 2021.)

Of interest is the Sabian Symbol of the Sun's rounded-up degree of '23Aries' = "A Woman in Pastel Colors Carrying a Heavy And Valuable But Veiled Load"; "Keyword: RETICENCE; positive expression: the unimpeachable integrity of the man whose fullness of life becomes a practical contribution to the circumstances in which he dwells; negative (unconscious/shadow side - jc) expression: a disinclination to participate at all fairly in everyday living." Now for me, this last relates to secessionists then and now to which I'd include obstructionist congressional Republicans, those radical reactionaries who long for a regressive America in the pre-Civil Rights and pre-Voting Rights days because they assume it can soothe their bigoted world view and support their alleged "supremacy".

Now we should also add the Sabian Symbol for the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction of April 12, 2022 @24Pisces which is notated messily in the center of the horoscope but I'll also type its potentials for you below:

'24Pisces' = An Inhabited Island"; "Keyword: CULTIVATION; positive expression: achievement through a creative opportunism or inventiveness of exceptional order; negative expression: snobbish complacency and self-indulgence" (Jones). Is this a NYC island, perhaps?

Energies of Jupiter-Neptune when combined can certainly appreciate self-indulgence between Jupiter's expansion principle and Neptune's urge to merge and become lax or slack, plus, the planetary duo suggests several other potentials, both positive and negative, such as:

'Visions, dreams, mysticism, idealism, the grand spirit, the 'Big Lie', corruption, theft, veils, disguises, pretense, loss of reality, compassion, inspiration, fraud, get-rich-quick schemes, speculation, inflation, bubbles, instability, loss, political conflicts, sabotage, vast deceptions, increased gaslighting, gain without effort, abundant feelings, expansive creativity, tricks of the eye or ear, art interests, impressionability, easy seduction, scandal via instability, the wrong diagnosis, foolish surmisings, shoddy conditions, Utopian illusions (used to break down society), neglect of ethics, confusion, senseless doctrine, hypocrisy as a form of internal policy, a degraded legal system based on favors and pay-offs, unfounded legal situations or theories, churches espousing a moral philosophy for all (rather than one based on each believer's conscience), vague excuses, overlooking the faults of others, unexplained events or miracles, worn out or inefficient forms of publicity, and/or myth-making.

Well, there's my Jupiter-Neptune list, the most complete I've published so far. How about yours? Care to step up and add a name-tagged potential or two?

For a view of the 1861 Civil War Horoscope try Zealotry and the Civil War's Progressed Full Moon, a symbolic phase that perfected on - of all days - December 14, 2020, the day of the Electoral College Vote when a 4 South Solar Eclipse, a 'wild card of the Universe', manifested with its difficult themes and 'strong feelings' that continue to bedevil and sabotage America - all because the orange sore loser refuses to let it go.

Related: When US Neptune Turned Retrograde by Progression and unreality slowly gained an upper hand. And this makes any Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction a particularly relevant cosmic synchronicity for the United States of America.

Dec 1, 2021

Mengele and Fauci: Angel of Death vs Saver of Life

Astrology of Mengele vs Fauci

According to FOX News personality Lara Logan on November 29, 2021, "Fauci doesn't represent Science, he represents Nazi Doctor Josef Mengele". To promote this propaganda, Logan introduces it with the typical Fox-esque tactic of "people have likened" and "people all across the world are saying this" - so that she herself can say it out loud on TV (links to the video). No evidence is produced, merely opinion.

So I got to wondering: what can Astrology reveal about cosmic contacts that the two men may have in common? Obviously, Scorpio, sign of surgery, regeneration, and death, is active in both natal charts, as you can see. Plus, the victim-savior axis of Virgo-Pisces is found via Mengeles' planets in suffering Pisces (Sun, Mercury, centaur Chiron, plus, his Midheaven, the Goal Point) while opposing is Fauci's fact-based sign of Virgo which contains compassionate Neptune.

Another planetary factor that stands out to me is that Mengele was born with a volatile Mars-Uranus Conjunction (out of sign, yes, but look where it is: conjunct his 8th cusp of death), while Anthony Fauci was born with a stubborn, strong-willed Mars-Uranus Opposition. As you see, a few notes are penned near the top of the image concerning the conjunction and the opposition and here I'll add that the Mars-Uranus pair signifies potentials for: 'bodily intervention (operation); cutting of the skin; loss of blood; a scar' (R. Ebertin). Of course, none of these potentials are rare finds in the natal horoscopes and psyches of medical doctors and surgeons.

Now the natal chart of the Nazis' "Angel of Death" Josef Mengele is accurately timed (RR: AA). Not so for the natal chart of Anthony Fauci. Therefore, the bi-wheel of their horoscopes, displayed below, is set up with Mengele's chart, inner, surrounded by Dr. Fauci's chart, outer, for the sake of comparison. Note that Mengele's chart-ruler, his 4th house Libra Moon, applies to two Ptolemaic (major) aspects which are listed, lower left.

And please be advised that this post is not intended to answer the question of Dr. Fauci's integrity which Republicans assail on a constant basis for reasons of their own self-interest. For me, any hope of judging such an issue would require an accurately timed natal chart for Anthony Fauci. Yet because Dr. Fauci has served our country in various medical roles for decades under 14 presidents and is an expert in infectious diseases, I'm labeling him as a "Saver of Life" unless and until I learn differently from a reputable source.

Valuable Research vs Freakish Experimentalism

So additionally, on the subject of healthcare and how it is practiced, near the very top of the image you'll find Mengele's Saturn-Chiron sextile: 'assists the pain of others' and Fauci's Neptune sextile Chiron: 'a healer'. Take this, dear reader, as you will, and leave a comment if you wish. One man had, and the other is having, opportunities (sextile) during their lifetimes to express their Chirons ('the wounded healer') however they wish: either for humanity or against it. And I'm completely certain that reasonable people can easily separate one from the other.

May 12, 2021

June 24, 2021 Cap Full Moon reacts to the June Eclipse

May 12, 2021: The June 24th Full Moon, seen below, suggests public reaction to the June 10, 2021 5 North Solar Eclipse (19Gem47) themes of "prophetic dreams, visions, insights from the Unconscious" (Brady). However, Saturn-ruled Capricorn is about consolidation, facts, business, investment, law, and government so what dreams and insights should be brought into reality? What insights can be realistically used to benefit our social and political conditions?

Notably, transit Mercury the Messenger and negotiator, here @16Gem15, will speed on to conjunct and possibly activate 5 North eclipse themes on or about July 2, 2021. Many people's dreams around that time, if not before, should be quite fascinating and perhaps contain helpful solutions for what ails us. Of course, eclipse influences last for approximately 6 months until the next solar eclipse draws near with its themes, and overlapping has been known to occur.

Now here's a famous quote from a Sun Cancer-Moon Capricorn writer-dramatist:

"Every man thinks God is on his side. The rich and powerful know He is." - Jean Anouilh (1910--1987; born in Bordeaux, France with Sun @00Cancer and Moon @2Can54 - and this is a post about a Full Moon spotlighting his words!)

DC Horoscope: June 24, 2021 Full Moon @3Cap27 oppo Sun @3Can27, across the 3/9 axis when the chart is set for Washington DC (a phase of culmination, fulfillment, full awareness, relationships); Hour of Jupiter Rx (in green). ASC 20Lib55 sports a few midpoint pictures (detailed on the chart) with Venus @27Can04 in blue as chart-ruler, however, Venus makes no applying aspects so her sign, degree, and house position are emphasized. Then as you see, angular Venus conjuncts Midheaven ('MC'), The Goal and Career Point of the chart, while opposing Pluto (26Cap05) at 'IC', the Foundation of the chart (and within orb of the US Pluto Return/s, exact in 2022). Potentials of this opposition are penned on the chart (upper right in blue) including cut-throat competition, underhanded manipulation, and lack of trust undermines relationships.

Plus, we should be aware that an opposition between venal Venu$ vs powerful Pluto ($$) has been known to attract violence, and the pair suggests private wealth hidden in secret places. It also contains bankruptcy potential and can denote a breakdown in the social fabric which anti-democratic forces are attempting to hoist upon us now under cover of the pandemic and its resulting economic difficulties which President Biden is in process of easing - without any cooperation from congressional Republicans, the party of obstruction whenever it comes to the needs of the American people.

(Despite McConnell and the other sore losers, Joe Biden's vaccine roll-out has been the most successful project Washington politicians have aced, maybe ever!)

Significantly, the Full Moon in ambitious Capricorn leads a Locomotive shape of the planets which suggests people or high-powered executives who are ruthlessly determined on success. And with the Moon out-of-bounds, these may be socially detached folks, even those secluded within ivory towers, those who are emotionally estranged from society who only care about business endeavors, politics, and taking or retaining control.

So as you see, there are dynamic energies in the chart via a Mars-Saturn opposition (4A32; obstacles; delays; resentment or resistance of authority) and the squares to rebellious Uranus that are involved: Mars square Uranus (5A23; difficulties, delays, frustration, threats) and of course the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square (0S50; past vs future; generational clash between seniors and young folk; old order uncomfortably replaced by the new; violent people).

Obviously, contentiousness, obstacles, delays, and political stalemates continue, however, the Sun Cancer-Moon Capricorn blend of conscious and unconscious energies can be very perceptive, dutiful, and professional yet family-oriented.

Well, it seems to me as if pessimism is what 'they' want from us and I refuse to comply! (Moon-Neptune = Saturn). Plus, as you know, the Moon-Neptune duo suggests potentials for sympathy, receptiveness, strange influences, exploitation, and/or an intensely vivid dream life and the activity of the subconscious (with the last two resonating with 5 North eclipse themes). Solutions may be found in dreams!

So What About Protective Jupiter?

Significantly, with expansive, optimistic Jupiter recently entered into his retrograde phase (until mid-October 2021), there's a revealing midpoint picture with the Great Benefic at apex. Saturn-Neptune = Jupiter suggests potentials for 'religion conceals deceptive practices; a sense that reality is just a vision (which resonates with 5 North themes, incorrect as it is); fortunate answers, as noted on the chart; and optimistically, yours truly would add, funding (Jupiter) for social safety net programs (Saturn-Neptune, social programs and the illness axis; of course, other indications for this planetary trio are possible but I'll leave them to your imagination).

Now we should also mention that US natal Mercury Rx conjuncts the MC opposite US natal Pluto at IC and suggests that government surveillance, intelligence gathering, and propaganda are on this Full Moon's menu along with 'vulnerable roadways' (infrastructure), 'disruptive political talk', 'news of orbital weapons or space exploration', 'secrets concerning transportation' or 'satellites', and/or 'self-destructive impulses in business' (paraphrasing M. Munkasey).

Well, the Sun's "A Cat Arguing With a Mouse" and the Moon's "A Party Entering a Large Canoe" are revealed by the rays of the June 24, 2021 Full Moon as We the People react in Saturnine fashion to the energies and ideas reflected by the dreamy June 10, 2021 Solar Eclipse so we may find ourselves or others 'interminably quarreling with the nature of things' (4Cancer) and demonstrating an 'inability to get along with anybody' (4Capricorn; Jones).

But if this doesn't describe you, dear reader, I'm glad!

Feb 2, 2021

The Solar Eclipse of Sidney "Kraken" Powell

As we see from her Wikipedia bio, Sidney Powell was born on May 2, 1955 in Durham, North Carolina (hour unknown) so a 'noon' natal chart has been placed in my files. Check the following horoscope, upper right, for a few of her natal details and note that one of her natal midpoint pictures (not dependent upon her time of birth) also appears, below, in the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Horoscope into which she was born, the 11 North @2Cap58 - Pluto-NN = Neptune, and in the Eclipse chart the "tiger by the tail" duo of Pluto and North Node rise at Ascendant with Neptune; suggested are: "success via lies and fraud" (Ebertin) and "sense of suspicion in associations" (Tyl):

As you see, Uranus Rx @26Can35 (opposite US natal Pluto Rx) leads a Locomotive shape of planets, ruthlessly determined on success via Uranus, planet of chaos, rebellion, and disruption. Cancer is the sign of Home but also of tribalism, nationalism, patriotism, self-protection, and subjectivity. Suggested is a period when political and social power shifts occur, plus, generational conflicts.

Also opposing US natal Pluto Rx is Jupiter Rx @27Can38 indicating a time when power and success are seductive traps and tend to be grossly overrated and mismanaged. Glowing offers are made that promise influence or oppportunities to manipulate conditions to personal advantage, plus, a contest of wills is suggested. Taxes, debts, and inheritance issues are not favored.

11 North themes: 'suddenly changing groups either through travel or ideas; making greater commitments in relationships; good outcomes are possible' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

11 North Eclipses also occurred in the years 1900, 1918, 1936, (1954), 1973, 1991, 2009 (@6AQ conjunct US natal SN), and next on February 6, 2027 @18Aquarius; its initial eclipse in the Series: August 1, 1125 @14Leo33 with Pluto Rx @6Tau55 where the Mars-Uranus Conjunction perfected on Inauguration Day 2021. Formed is Pluto = Mars-Uranus: "force; a 'Higher Power'; intervention of the big shock' (Tyl); Ebertin adds, "violent interventions."

A Related Post: Tr*mp Regime Identified with Mars-Uranus Since 2017.

Jan 6, 2021

DC Horoscopes: Trump Mob Breaches Capitol Building

January 6, 2021: Today violence occurred in Washington DC. A woman shot earlier during the breach has died, WaPo reports, and others are injured. The stirred up Trump Mob of malcontents stormed and breached the US Capitol Building this afternoon while Congress had begun certifying the Electoral College votes for Joe Biden. Few astro-notes will be added tonight (it's after 6:00 pm est and I'm pretty wumped out at the moment) other than what I've marked on the bi-wheel charts you see below.

The chaos occurred after sore loser Trump spoke earlier at a 'rally' in the Federal City, exhibiting his usual 'low and mean way of acting' in the midst of his malicious scheme to stay in power. Meanwhile, the combustible Mars-Uranus duo draws nearer to conjunction each day and will peak @6Tau44 on Inauguration Day 2021. DC police officers and the National Guard were somewhat slow to begin defending the Capitol Building today and one must wonder why. Well, some members of the political punditry class have suggested that a desperate Trump wants - called for - such upheaval so that he can declare martial law.

Tragically this seems plausible. So see what you think of the charts:

The Federal City Horoscope is in center; outer chart: January 6, 2021 6:00 pm est (the curfew time Mayor Bowser set earlier for the District this evening). Circled are the primary contacts that pop out to me and note that activist Mars entered Taurus at 5:27 pm est, and 00--1 Taurus are considered degrees of violence - it's actually an aggressive, ego-gratifying Mars-to-natal-Sun transit - for Adolf Hitler:

Note that Trump natal Pluto @10Leo02 conjuncts 1791 Uranus. Rebellion!

Jan 3, 2021

January 6, 2021 US Congress: Strong Emotions Surface

by Jude Cowell

January 3, 2021: Besides facing the combustible Mars-Uranus Conjunction @6Tau44 on Inauguration Day 2021 and the ongoing sabotage of America by fascist forces and their figurehead Trump, we first must successfully navigate through potential riots, protests, and the seditious behavior threatened in the US Congress on January 6, 2021 by certain congressional Republicans determined to disrupt America's tradition of a peaceful transfer of power, undermine the Biden administration, and, they hope, prevent Trump from tweeting against them and ruining their next election chances. However, on that date the Electoral College Vote is to be certified by the Congress doing its duty.

For an intuitive reading concerning our current circumstances in January 2021 you may wish to check out Revealing Light Tarot (recommended!).

Of course, this purposefully stirred up 'hail Mary' political drama by Trump and comrades is meant to take over the US government entirely and morph it into a fascist enterprise. And it's all being piled atop our ongoing fight against the SARS-Covid pandemic now decimating the American people and straining our hospital system to its core, plus, our dire economic and cyber conditions. Yes, Trump and his ilk are attacking the country while America is weakened by disease and loss. And a misguided 1/3 of the population likes it!

Now naturally these weighty 2020-into-2021 issues and events are described ably by multiple cosmic factors, some of which have been discussed here on Stars Over Washington and available for those who care to search (sidebar Search field, or just Google). But if I had to name one cosmic factor which basically accounts for many of the stirred up feelings - 'the strong emotions over money and relatonships', it has to be the background influences of the 4 South Solar Eclipse in which we now simmer (that is, until the next Solar Eclipse comes along in June 2021).

Occurring on December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 (the day the Electoral College voted against Trump - see what I mean?), the 4 South Eclipse contains difficult themes that are now expressing in society and what could be one of the peaks of such difficulties manifests in the US Congress, Capitol Hill, January 6, 2021.

And yet there is one promising potential in particular from the 4 South Eclipse @23Sag08 - it 'eclipsed' the 8th house Saturn in authoritarian Trump's Inauguration 2017 Horoscope!

Besides karmic Saturn's rulership of authority, accountability, control, and separation, for me this describes another of the 4 South influences: a 'sudden desire to end a relationship'. For if We The People ever wanted to end a relationship asap, it has to be the one between the Oval Office and saboteur Trump whose presidential term ends at noon on January 20, 2021 as Joe Biden takes the Oath of Office.

Dec 31, 2020

January 1, 2021: Senate Back in Session at Noon ET with Mars Rising: Happy New Year!

December 31, 2020

Unless something interferes overnight, on Friday January 1, 2021 at Noon ET, Senate debate over raising the relief amount from $600 to $2,000 continues with an Ascendant of 15Ari52 (ASC = the debate and other business during the session, if any). Obviously, contentious Mars @27Ari39 rises in first house followed by unpredictable Uranus Rx @6Tau47, the rebel planet's degree on Inauguration Day 2021 for the combustible Mars-Uranus conjunction (6:44).

So since my suspicion about the debate outcome is that we'll reap unhappy results via the Sabian Symbol for tomorrow's Mars degree at noon, here's my relic of an illustration for "28 Aries": "A Large Disappointed Audience":

And here's a generic bottle of champagne to wish you and yours a Happy New Year!

Related Posts include: The Prenatal Solar Eclipse of Inauguration 2021 with its difficult theme of 'strong emotions over money and/or relationships'! Yep. Playing out again tomorrow in the Senate chamber located in the Masonic Temple upon Capitol Hill; and the First Lunation of 2021: a Capricorn New Moon conjunct Pluto.

Dec 13, 2020

January 6, 2021 Horoscope: House Republican Coup?

December 13, 2020: Below is the 10:00 am est (speculative hour) DC Horoscope set for January 6, 2021 Washington DC in case anyone wants to view it. Apologies that my usual study notes are scribbled all over the chart:

See Republicans plotting attempt to deny presidency to Biden on floor of the House if Trump gives the word: report by Tom Boggioni.

Fomalhaut Rising: 'success through integrity' and 'noble ideals'!

Despite this time of uncertainty, insecurity, and paranoia it seems apparent to me, with my decided preference for democracy and a Constitutional Republic, that 'integrity' on Capitol Hill is in short supply considering the rash of secession fever that many Republicans seem to be laboring under, and continually worsened by super-spreader Trump.

And whew! That voting planet Mercury changing directions on Election Day 2020 just keeps on keepin' on, doesn't it? Reminds me of Trump saying he was winning, then he wasn't (because he had told his supporters not to vote by mail). And you see in the January 6th chart, the combustible Mars-Uranus duo nears exact alignment on Inauguration Day 2021 (@6Tau44), here in 2nd house with testy Mars at an impatient, critical 29th degree of fiery Aries. And check out Neptune @18Pis35 rising in 1st house conjunct Anti-Vertex (Republicans with their natal Neptune in Pisces) and apex of two midpoint pictures (NN-MC = Neptune: separation through disappointment or deceit; a grievous loss; losing contact). You'll find a second picture's potentials penned on the chart, lower right, plus, there's an interesting picture of possibilities involving Saturn, planet of authority: Neptune-MC = Saturn: inability to get over losses; suffering from wrong actions; insecurity; uncertainty; lack of clarity (Ebertin).

Then there's chart-ruler Jupiter's one applying Ptolemaic aspect (square Uranus) which is penned on, lower left. Hey maybe the Jupiter-Uranus combo of energies will bring America the pair's famous potential for a fortunate turn of events!

Nov 26, 2020

Trump Nodal Return 2020 IDs secret meeting with Special Forces

No Alarm, Merely a Forewarning that's Hopefully Unnecessary

by Jude Cowell

Most everyone is anxious about Inauguration Day 2021. Well, as it turns out, on the very day of his Nodal Return, October 29, 2020, Trump met behind the scenes with US Special Forces at Fort Bragg, NC, the men who killed Islamic leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi a year or so ago. During their meeting that was conducted "outside the view of the press corp traveling with him," Trump presented the troops with a Presidential Unit Citation, an honor formerly known as a Distinguished Unit Citation. For conspiracy theorists the fancy word play (as if to put Trump's personal stamp on the award and "claim" the troops as his own whether all of them like it or not), plus, Trump's (North Node conjunct North Node in duplicitous Gemini) secret meeting with Special Forces, seems to be part of a potential Inauguration Day 2021 Mars-Uranus Conjunction plan for anarchy since we know that Trump will do anything to hold onto to power and thus avoid (or postpone!) his fate.

Yes, it goes against the grain yet I'm reluctantly suggesting here the possibility of a Trump scheme to use military intervention by what some might call 'rogue' units to be put in service to a cult leader instead of honoring their oaths to the US Constitution. Trump's ongoing legal challenges to his election loss could be serving as a distraction campaign for such military muscling up behind the scenes. For when a politician says, 'look here', we must be sure to look elsewhere.

Astrologically, such interventionist energies peak on January 20, 2021 (noon chart shown) when the Mar-Uranus Conjunction @6Tau44 perfects at 3:38 pm est - quite near Joe Biden's natal Moon (@00Tau59, in n 5th house). And as you know, earlier at noon that day, the combustible, activist pair rises over Capitol Hill in 12th house: behind the scenes; Politics; US Congress. Yet hopefully, all these considerations are too fantastical for practical implementation and too non-traditional to be feasible. After all, President-Elect Biden has the option to use US military troops for various purposes, too.

Meanwhile, here's something I wrote on Trump's above linked Nodal Return Horoscope of October 29th which apparently relates to this difficult topic. It involves the fact that transiting Neptune (fraudster, speculator, grand schemer, liar, erosion, the media) in secretive, shady Pisces, has been squaring Trump's Nodal Axis which creates potentials for: subversives who undermine traditional religious and social standards and principles (ex: the peaceful transition of power that We The People must rely on); sabotage of social institutions, and/or terrorists with villainous purposes (Munkasey).

So in closing, here again is a view of the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope with the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope added:

A Closely Related Post:Trump regime identified by Mars-Uranus since 2017.

Nov 8, 2020

Joe Biden's Inauguration Day 2021 Lunar Return

Biden Inauguration Day 2021: Who Goes There?

by Jude Cowell

The DC Horoscope, below, of Joe Biden's Lunar Return which perfects on January 20, 2021 (and operative until mid-February) is of concern to yours truly for a variety of reasons. One reason is that President-Elect Biden's natal Moon degree @00Tau59 (00/1Taurus are degrees of violence which he faced with the tragic deaths of his first wife and daughter), plus, there's the nearness to his Moon of the transiting Mars-Uranus Conjunction which perfects a bit earlier at 3:38 pm ET @6Tau44. There are other chart factors of significance of course, both positive and negative, however, I doubt that it's a good idea to mention very much about the portents of such a subject here with certain of his opponents considering themselves to be enemies. Perhaps even 'sworn enemies'. You know who they are.

Therefore, I'll simply publish a few details concerning the Lunar Return horoscope and a dual chart image along with Mr. Biden's natal chart (lower left) for anyone who may wish to consider the Return, plus, I'll mention that on this significant day, Joe Biden's Return Moon rises with asteroid Circe with its potential for 'where we rescue or where we seek rescue'. Maybe both!

Meanwhile, the Sun, Saturn, and Jupiter squares listed on the image are actually transiting squares to his natal Moon suggesting various internal blockages, plus, the possibilities of encountering arrogant people, critics and nitpickers, disfunctioning schedules and/or systems, and having to deal with other people's extravagance (wonder whose!). Will the White House computer keyboards be intact? Or worse?

Well, we know that President-Elect Biden and his team are certainly facing a daunting job if there ever was one, sabotaged conditions or not.

Then adding to the significance of any or all of his lifetime of Lunar Returns, you see listed on his natal chart, lower right, that his natal Moon leads an ambitious Locomotive shape of his planets. Natal Moon in Taurus (constant and steadfast, warm emotions) is ruled by valuable Venus - his @28Sco33, with transiting Nemesis on Inauguration Day 2021 @29Scorpio46 conjunct his natal Venus (see Return 5th house), Nemesis at a 29th critical degree. Scandals are ceain to be stirred up by then or at least until his next Lunar Return in February. Or we could say that this particular Lunar Return 'sets the clock' on Mr. Biden's entire presidency since it's his first of 2021.

So below the image, you'll find potentials of two midpoint pictures which conjunct his Moon Return's Midheaven, the Goal Point. They sound quite descriptive to me but see what you think, dear reader:

DC Horoscope: January 20, 2021 3:55:36 pm ET Capitol Building Washington DC; Hour of Jupiter; Asc 15Can34 (conjunct natal Asc of the Pentagon/1942--protection?); chart-ruler Moon @00Tau59 has just entered the public 10th house (Placidus System); see the center of the Return chart for a couple of midpoint pictures involving the turbulent Moon-Mars-Uranus trio.

At Goal Point: Midheaven = Mercury-Mars: 'addressing life's problems more directly and completely; ready for action; courage' and Midheaven = Mercury-Uranus: 'mature insight into the needs of others; increased recognition' (Ebertin; Munkasey).

Oct 26, 2020

October 26, 2020: Senate to Vote under Moon-Neptune

An Alt-Right Court: Moon-Neptune Delusions about Popular Support for Policies

by Jude Cowell

October 26, 2020: This morning as I've watched the US Senate "debate" the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court (aka, SCOTUS), tonight's vote at an undisclosed hour deserves some measure of scrutiny especially since Judge Barrett's views on important issues have been left tucked away from public view.

Now everyone knows that a Pisces Moon is one of secrecy, vulnerability, supersensitive emotions, impressionability, irritability, and love of seclusion. Judge Barrett's religious views have her under sway of her husband, as you know, so I must wonder if hubby will have a bumper seat underneath the SCOTUS bench. Yes, Barrett is technically qualified to serve, but it's her ideology that concerns and although her recusal from certain cases has been suggested and may resonate with tonight's Pisces Moon, recusals would negate the aims of Trump and the jackbooted GOP.

Now if afflicted, irrational dominance by the unconscious mind is often an issue with a Pisces Moon (suggestible and easily led if firmer planetary factors don't mitigate and break any hypnotic spells) and I don't know about you, dear reader, but I consider tonight's Moon-Neptune Conjunction to be such an affliction which was also shown by the extreme, even subversive, tenor during the recent Barrett senate hearing. And the area of the Zodiac under which tonight's illusive conjunction takes place (10:00 pm edt: Neptune 18Pis27 Rx/MC (The Goal) 17Pis55/Moon 14Pis35 conjunct Achernar, star of crisis) is familiar in recent years as the area where the natal Neptune of the Republican Party (1854) resides (and has had a Neptune Return full of conspiracies, deception, paranoia and, as it turns out, a debilitating pandemic).

Now in Politics and Business, the Moon-Neptune = MC picture suggests notoriety concerning explanations of future options, and/or giving personal guarantees that cannot be fulfilled (paraphrasing Munkasey).

In addition, Moon-Neptune can indicate heeding the opinion and emotional climate of constituents vs an inability to utilize information about the public mood when setting a course of action. Naturally, scandals tend to follow in the wake of the Moon-Neptune pairing of energies which I think relates in part to the ongoing sabotage of America's justice system and other legal institutions, as we've seen, and which will be further undermined by a Barrett confirmation and tenure. And although one might expect sympathy and receptivity from the Moon-Neptune influence (certainly from the Democratic side), the possibility exists of a Justice Barrett acting under strange and peculiar influences instead. Spirituality is implied here, but spirituality can be misguided and Scriptual truths are often taken out of context and twisted for some deceptive end. Evangelical Christians are not the only perpetrators of such spirtual degradation! We should also note that most of the SCOTUS justices are of the Roman Catholic persuasion and with Barrett's seating the lack of balance increases.

Significant as well is Barrett's natal Venus @14Pis45 so another midpoint picture is formed tonight of Moon-Neptune = natal Venus potentials such as: 'odd or perverse inclinations; peculiar and strange tendencies in the expression of love; over-enthusiastic adoration' (Ebertin), and/or 'enjoyment of mystical contacts' (Munkasey). Plus, as noted above, in mid-Pisces Achernar, the star of crisis, 'crisis at the end of the river', and 'risk of rapid endings' is activated tonight as it was by Venus at Barrett's birth.

Adding to Moon-Neptune is another major influence in play tonight which relates directly to Judge Barrett's natal planets (a 'noon' chart is shown for January 28, 1972 New Orleans, LA).

Of course, I refer to the current Mars retrograde period which is providing Amy Coney Barrett with an extended Mars Return 2020 - her natal Mars at or near 21Ari31 and opposing natal Uranus Rx in Libra (@18:18 - conjunct Trump's natal Jupiter identifying their religious and political affiliation). Basically, transit Mars in activist Aries is triggering or activating her natal Mars-Uranus opposition into expression. Her three-fer Mars Return 2020 perfects on or near August 8, October 12, and December 16 - 'on or near' due to the lack of an accurate birth time for her. (View her 'noon' natal chart, linked, above.)

So let's close with indications for a natal Mars-Uranus opposition especially since it looks as if the American people will be stuck with hers for decades to come. Mars-oppo-Uranus suggests someone who is drawn to reactionary political movements and/or the criminal elements in society. (Hitching her professional star to the corrupt Trump jalopy must have been her dream come true!) Yes, it's revolution for Amy who doesn't mind seeking status in destructive ways. Concerns (or scandals) over corporate resources and joint finances are possible but so far a veil has been cast over them, last I heard. However, this may not remain the case for veils are notoriously thin. And with this particular opposition, adverse actions taken against her are unpredictable and can have disastrous results. In fact, this is an unfavorable period for Barrett to partake in new activities and projects with the potential for quarrels and resentment at a high level. But a Republican steamroller driven by a bruised Mitch 'grim reaper' McConnell is rushing to save Amy's dream by crushing opposition to her urgently sought SCOTUS confirmation.

Meanwhile, her natal Mars-Uranus tendencies of stubbornness, ill temper, explosive outbursts, and recklessness simmer behind a curtain of calmness with current challenges to her objective to gain the freedom and status of being a lifelong SCOTUS Justice with the power to influence court decisions which can shove American social policies toward the alt-right. And this, no matter how unpopular with the majority of Americans such paternalistic, authoritarian, draconian, theocratic policies are. Mars-Uranus also indicates potentials for the perpetration of violence, thievery, using collective power for self-aggrandizement, and indulging a deep need for ruling over and remaking others. For as we know, once seated on The Bench, all progressive policies and laws within US society will be in Barrett's line of fire - unelected by the populace as she'll be. This is traditionally so and for her, directly so because her SCOTUS confirmation is being rushed in case Trump is hounded from office after November 3rd. The ole timey phrase bum-rushed comes to mind but since Barrett is completely dependent on the efficacy of the GOP steamroller for her successful seating, it's debatable just who the 'bums' actually are. Well, we can guess that she would be bummed out if their effort on her behalf should collapse of its own misbegotten weight.

As it seems, her natal Mars-Uranus opposition also suggests that Amy Coney Barrett's aspirations have driven her into unstable situations denoting a time in her life when drastic alterations are possible so it's understandable to assume that promotion to the SCOTUS bench will fill this cosmic indication for her. And with her inherent tendency toward conflict, plus, the sentimental religiosity of tonight's Moon-Neptune influence on her natal venus, sober pause is necessary for anyone wishing for a deeper consideration of how Barrett's theocractic ideology and anti-democratic activism will alter America for Mars-oppo-Uranus is determined to sweep away the status quo with no thought or consideration of what could sufficiently replace it.

Now of course there are other cosmic factors in play tonight so (as always) you are cordially invited to add your on-topic comments and insights with this post if and as you dare, plus, a Share would be much appreciated, too! Jude