Brief Astro-Notes by Jude Cowell
US Representative Ron DeSantis; official portrait; 113th Congress
Tuesday June 22, 2021: Can Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ('noon' chart shown, thanks to Marjorie Orr) possibly become the GOP's 2024 candidate for the presidency? Well, his resume pre-politics is stellar with a history degree from Yale, a law degree from Harvard, serving as a Naval Reserve officer and JAG, attorney for Seal Team deployed to Iraq, former US Rep. Ron DeSantis is just about everything draft-dodger Trump never was. DeSantis has described himself as a "mini-Trump" yet with his current poll numbers higher than those of the exiled "Dick A L'Orange" (props to Steven Colbert!), the Trumpiness of DeSantis may or may not aid him in the next race for the White House. Yes, 40-something Gov. DeSantis may have baggage but it seems to be lighter than the steamer trunks that old 70-something Trump lugs around. Barring huge scandals of romantic or financial proportions, the Florida governor could become a political 'star' for the GOP.
So in case you missed it, here's a Morning Joe segment from earlier today discussing the potential presidential candidacy of Ron DeSantis. And below are a few astro-notes on his Sun-Moon personality blend which holds true no matter his birth time on September 14, 1978: he's an Earth-Air Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius sort of guy. Yet we should also mention his Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Mercury-ruled Virgo which obviously aided him in his studies toward higher degrees and in his legal work and suggests that plenty of hard work and concentration have been his primary way of reaching his objectives in life. Even so, DeSantis has gained a significant level of power within his sphere of influence through his organizational ability and by working within The System (ruled by Saturn). However, several planetary contacts of 2021 into 2022 are unfavorable for his plans but will lighten in time for political events of 2024 and 2025. More on that later if Ron DeSantis continues to be considered as a possible candidate.
Now his natal Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius blend of conscious and unconscious energies denotes a man of shrewd intelligence, one who is capable of impartial analysis. His (lawyerly) focus tends to be on "black and white facts" while dispassionately distancing himself from other people and from his own feelings. A bit of a people-watcher, he's a self-controlled fellow with a streak of perfectionism supplied by Virgo (the critic). Yet there is social concern, plus, a measure of friendliness via his Aquarian Moon. (Note that a candidate's natal placement in Aquarius can resonate well with the American people for a presidential hopeful!)
In closing, here is one of his Sun-Moon blend's Images for Integration provided by the Harveys in their book, Sun Sign-Moon Sign (#ad), then a quote from a fellow also born under the influence of the Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius blend, author and broadcaster J.B. Priestley (1894--1984):
Image: "Aliens land and embark on building a new and improved world order."
"The real lost souls don't wear their hair long and play guitars. They have crewcuts, trained minds, sign on for research in biological warfare, and don't give their parents a moment's worry."- J.B. Priestley.
And some of those "trained minds" hold Yale and Harvard degrees.
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