Atlanta Airport Restricted 6:45 pm--9:00 pm edt; Mars Trump Bows to Pluto's Power
by Jude Cowell
With cooperation in his cards, this evening, August 24, 2023, Mars-rising Trump flies into Atlanta and says he'll surrender for arrest at the Rice Street jail, Atlanta, Georgia a la DA Fani Willis - and he'll do so in "prime time." Naturally, the reality TV guy wants to create a ratings-grabbing media circus out of his current disgraceful arrest.
Well, powering through the shame (he refuses to feel or admit) despite the intervention of a higher power is a potential since at 8:23 pm edt in Atlanta, Georgia, a power-laden Mars-Pluto trine perfects and forms a protective Earth Grand Trine with zealous, radical Uranus the chaos-creator which happens to conjunct Trump's natal Midheaven (24Tau18) of Goals and Objectives. A high-flying Kite pattern of success results if we add 1st house Neptune Rx @26Pis56 to the Mars-Pluto-Uranus trine. Yet a caution of a Grand Trine is that mismanaging its energies can turn out more negatively than positively.
Meanwhile, legal eagle planet Saturn Rx @4Pisces, Lord of Karma, is rising at 8:23 pm suggesting to me that Saturnian accountability comes first, then comes Trump's spin of the event (orating Mercury trine Jupiter, the broadcaster), an arrest for which he's said he's "proud." Translation: he expects more donations to pour in from his gullible cult members - and indictment number 4 adds to his "martyr" mystique and fuels the skewed rhetoric he will be employing.
Freedom-Lover Uranus, Planet of Chaos and Fanaticism
Then at 8:23 pm edt, Trump's first natal planet to rise is his 10th house Uranus (17Gem55) dragging with it his natal North Node and Gemini Sun. Also along for the ride is his natal Jupiter-Uranus trine which seems to be continuing the lucky breaks that here suggest the villain will be allowed to walk away tonight from the Rice Street jail. No one expects him to be detained, of course, I'm only saying that the Cosmos supports this. For now, at least:
Now several other astro-factors of note are penned upon the above horoscope for those who are curious, yet many factors are not listed.
Therefore, if you read but one or two of my study notes, check out the Earth Grand Trine info, lower right corner highlighted in yellow, and the midpoint picture potentials of Mars-Saturn = MC, upper right corner, while keeping in mind Trump's natal Mars-Saturn = Pluto midpoint picture of death, destruction, and fury buried deep within his 12th house of the Unconscious - plus, of note tonight is another potential of this picture--the intervention of a higher power, as noted above.
A related post: America's Mars-Pluto Cycle (conjunct @25Cap35).
And in case you missed it, check out Keith Olbermann's current Countdown podcast episode, Trump is Romping Because DeSantis Is a Hologram with Keith's commentary re: last night's Republican debate.
Also see: Ron DeSantis' Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius.