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Showing posts with label Marjorie Orr. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marjorie Orr. Show all posts

Sep 13, 2023

Leonard Leo: Scorpio Sun-AQ Moon

Right-wing operative Leonard Leo of SCOTUS-stacking fame, and long time VP of the conservative-libertarian Federalist Society is now under investigation by DC Attorney General Brian Schwalb - see details in The Guardian, Leonard Leo Under Investigation in Washington DC.

Up until now, Mr. Leo's birth date has been elusive but has apparently turned up thanks to master astrologer Marjorie Orr. Other astrologers may have it, too, but Marjorie's Star4Cast website is where I discovered it first, however, her source is unknown to me.

So below are two images of Leonard Leo's 'noon' natal horoscope, the first with a bunch of my study notes squooshed upon it, the second the same natal horoscope set for November 1, 1965, no aspect grid, unmarked and suitable for printing or whatever:

You'll note that little baby Leonard was born under the auspices of a 3 North Solar Eclipse (@9Gem13; May 30, 1965), the Saros Series that brought America the WTC Attacks of 9/11 and the Financial Crash of 1929 that announced the Republican Great Depression of the 1930s; a 3 North Eclipse last manifested in 2019 @11Cancer. To review 3 North themes go here.

Sept 13, 2023 UPDATE: Another birth date and location have turned up for Mr. Leo. Below is an unmarked 'noon' chart image set for November 7, 1965 Northport, New York. His 3 North PE and Syzygy Moon remain the same as noted, above, however, a Sun Scorpio-Moon Aries personality blend is more combative and confrontational with Scorpio and Aries both ruled by warrior planet, Mars. So obviously, unless a verified source appears, the topic of Leonard Leo's natal horoscope will be an ongoing enigma suitable for such a controversial man who prefers secrecy!

A huge Thank You to my FB friend Kat King for bringing Mr. Leo's alternate data to my attention!

Jun 22, 2021

Florida's Ron DeSantis: Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius

Brief Astro-Notes by Jude Cowell

US Representative Ron DeSantis; official portrait; 113th Congress

Tuesday June 22, 2021: Can Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ('noon' chart shown, thanks to Marjorie Orr) possibly become the GOP's 2024 candidate for the presidency? Well, his resume pre-politics is stellar with a history degree from Yale, a law degree from Harvard, serving as a Naval Reserve officer and JAG, attorney for Seal Team deployed to Iraq, former US Rep. Ron DeSantis is just about everything draft-dodger Trump never was. DeSantis has described himself as a "mini-Trump" yet with his current poll numbers higher than those of the exiled "Dick A L'Orange" (props to Steven Colbert!), the Trumpiness of DeSantis may or may not aid him in the next race for the White House. Yes, 40-something Gov. DeSantis may have baggage but it seems to be lighter than the steamer trunks that old 70-something Trump lugs around. Barring huge scandals of romantic or financial proportions, the Florida governor could become a political 'star' for the GOP.

So in case you missed it, here's a Morning Joe segment from earlier today discussing the potential presidential candidacy of Ron DeSantis. And below are a few astro-notes on his Sun-Moon personality blend which holds true no matter his birth time on September 14, 1978: he's an Earth-Air Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius sort of guy. Yet we should also mention his Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Mercury-ruled Virgo which obviously aided him in his studies toward higher degrees and in his legal work and suggests that plenty of hard work and concentration have been his primary way of reaching his objectives in life. Even so, DeSantis has gained a significant level of power within his sphere of influence through his organizational ability and by working within The System (ruled by Saturn). However, several planetary contacts of 2021 into 2022 are unfavorable for his plans but will lighten in time for political events of 2024 and 2025. More on that later if Ron DeSantis continues to be considered as a possible candidate.

Now his natal Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius blend of conscious and unconscious energies denotes a man of shrewd intelligence, one who is capable of impartial analysis. His (lawyerly) focus tends to be on "black and white facts" while dispassionately distancing himself from other people and from his own feelings. A bit of a people-watcher, he's a self-controlled fellow with a streak of perfectionism supplied by Virgo (the critic). Yet there is social concern, plus, a measure of friendliness via his Aquarian Moon. (Note that a candidate's natal placement in Aquarius can resonate well with the American people for a presidential hopeful!)

In closing, here is one of his Sun-Moon blend's Images for Integration provided by the Harveys in their book, Sun Sign-Moon Sign (#ad), then a quote from a fellow also born under the influence of the Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius blend, author and broadcaster J.B. Priestley (1894--1984):

Image: "Aliens land and embark on building a new and improved world order."


"The real lost souls don't wear their hair long and play guitars. They have crewcuts, trained minds, sign on for research in biological warfare, and don't give their parents a moment's worry."- J.B. Priestley.

And some of those "trained minds" hold Yale and Harvard degrees.

May 14, 2019

Astrology: The 2020 Potential for Beto O'Rourke

Beto O'Rourke official portrait; US Government [Public domain]

Recently yours truly was asked why no post concerning the astrology chart of 2020 candidate Beto O'Rourke has appeared on Stars Over Washington. For one thing, an accurate birth time for Baby Beto is elusive though perhaps it will eventually turn up. Another reason is that I must agree with expert astrology Marjorie Orr who writes that, Beto O'Rourke: Not a Good Bet for 2020. Marjorie cites O'Rourke's natal Saturn (21Gemini) experiencing a series of squares from transit Neptune in Pisces beginning in late April 2020 (confusion, uncertainty, perhaps a scandal--I'll add potentials for discouragement, deception, false hopes, false promises), plus, from late May 2020 transit Uranus squares his natal Mars-Saturn midpoint which suggests a series of crises, one after another. His strength (Mars-Saturn) will definitely be tested by disruptive Uranus square Mars-Saturn along with the potential for brute force to be applied by and/or toward him (Ebertin). Of course, with Uranus involved results are always unpredictable.

The negative influences of both these significant cosmic stop signs run into early 2021 for Beto so his suggestion of a "blue Texas" sounds good to the Democratic hierarchy but may not be enough to stem the Neptunian and Uranian tide soon to wash against him. Yet many of Mr. O'Rourke's ideas are good (ex: repairing the misery created by Nixon's 'War On Drugs') and the more he spouts them on the campaign trail, the better for those of us who want Trump out of the White House and demand progressive policies to create a fairer balance between the haves and the have-nots in our nation. Is this Beto's ultimate goal? You tell me! But yes, Beto's Kennedy-esque vibe is alluring, I agree.

And yet, as with all transits and life itself, positive aspects to his natal planets also manifest during the 2019-2021 period. Two such significant examples are:

Transit Pluto conjunct natal North Node (future direction) three times, the first of which occurs on or about January 24, 2020. This plutonian influence of power and wealth is karmic and suggests a major turning point for Beto O'Rourke, certainly a boost or perhaps a powerful endorsement--and the Pluto-NN conjunction perfects all through 2020.

Another positive influence is also a three-fer: transit Saturn, planet of authority, accountability, and authenticity, trine natal Mars which first becomes exact on or about February 21, 2020. This period denotes a sense of realism concerning his abilities (he is self-reflective as we've seen), taking appropriate actions, and having lots of energy available for the required hard work. Some form of further recognition is also a potential--maybe an offer of a vice presidency?

Ah! There I show my personal sense that Beto isn't quite ready for the POTUS role due to his political inexperience. Of course, that didn't stop The Trump, did it? Plus, if nominated, Beto would be well-vetted for playing the POTUS role and isn't as heard-headed as Big T who is unable to learn via his natal Mercury-Neptune square.

Now as for us all, Solar and Lunar Eclipses will also be part of Beto's cosmic picture as will other transits during the 2019-2021 political season but this is a post, not an e-book, so I'll close with only one mention: that the Lunar Eclipse of June 5, 2020 @15Sag34 conjuncts his natal Lilith (the seductress) so this Lunar Eclipse may uncover the scandal noted, above (tr Neptune square n Saturn) if there is one for opponents to make hay of, since Lunar Eclipses affecting one's chart very often reveal precisely what one most wants to hide!

Dec 21, 2018

Gemini Sun William Barr: Trump's Attorney General?

Americans Have Drunk at This Barr Before

by Jude Cowell

Time, as they say, is precious and yours truly never relishes spending hours on a Political Astrology topic or event which may or may not come to pass, or may turn out to be moot. However, since Trump will be Trump, here goes: William Barr held the position of US Attorney General under GHWB (1991-1993--Bush Sr lost re-election) and various other governmental posts in the past as well as overseeing the investigation of the December 21, 1988 terrorist bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. Today is the disaster's 30th anniversary and my heart goes out to the family and friends of its victims and to the good people of Scotland, one of my ancestral homes.

Said to be the front-runner for Trump's new AG post who will 'oversee' (aka, sabotage) the Mueller investigation into Donald Trump and his 2016 campaign, Mr. Barr wrote a memo on June 8, 2018 which was copied to acting AG Rod Rosenstein in which Barr dissed the Mueller investigation, supported Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey, and, like Matt Whitaker's antics to impress Trump, reads like a job application full of Barr's personal views. Yet the Republican Mr. Rosenstein seems to have confidence that the Republican Mr. Barr's June 8th dissing against Mr. Mueller's work won't present a problem to Barr's senate confirmation or to his holding of the AG post. That's if Barr is confirmed as US AG, hence my fuss about spending time on Bill Barr's astrological credentials.

Cosmic Weather of June 8, 2018: (Air-Fire) Sun Gemini-Moon Aries: shared by Robert Morley whose famous quote may just apply to both Barr and Trump, "Show me a man who enjoyed his schooldays and I will show you a bully and a bore." This blend of energies reveals potentials for egotism, riding roughshod over others, a sense of partiality, the tendency to monopolize conversations, and people who are insensitive to the feelings of others. Its Image for Integration may describe both men as well: "A nimble-footed street fighter dodges his way to victory over all comers" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, the Harveys). Additionally, on that day the Sun-Uranus midpoint electrified Mr. Trump's natal Midheaven (MC = the Goal or Aspiration) which formed a midpoint picture of 'reformers with far-reaching plans' and 'hopeful triumph for the ego' (Ebertin; Tyl)

So here are a few astro-notes concerning William Barr, born on May 23, 1950 in New York City, NY, hour unknown. A 'noon' horoscope shows his Sun in early Gemini and Moon in mid-Leo, an Air-Fire 'live wire' personality blend of energies showing him to be an 'ideas man' and a natural communicator. Since Mr. Barr shares this natal blend with poet Walt Whitman, perhaps a quote from the bard also applies to Bill Barr as we know it does to Big T, "I celebrate myself; I sing myself." Although not by degree, Barr and Trump do share the 'live wire' Air-Fire combo although, as you know, Sun-Gemini Trump's natal Moon is in Sagittarius rather than Leo. A possibility is that they and their inborn egotism will be too much alike to get along for the duration since both love to take center stage. Quarrels are a certainty if not at first, then later on as Barr works with chaos-lover Trump.

Bill Barr's Planetary Aspects

Mr. Barr has revealed that he would accept the Trump AG job (if confirmed) out of a 'sense of duty' and this is supported by his conservative-leaning Jupiter-Saturn opposition across the victim-savior Virgo-Pisces axis. Of course, Jupiter's expansion principle vs Saturn's restriction principle keeps our Solar System's planets in their courses, and in Political Astrology, we expect in America that Jupiter-Saturn 'checks and balances' will be the objective of every government official, with the sorry exception of Donald Trump and his cult followers and enablers.

Now on a personal level, a Jupiter-Saturn opposition suggests inner moral conflicts, plus, relationship problems, yet maturity (he's a senior) usually improves such difficulties. However, Barr's Venus-Neptune opposition implies clandestine romances and secret loves which further complicate his personal relationships. Technology is vastly intrusive since he played the AG role, so we'll see if anything scandalous turns up, perhaps during or around the time of his confirmation hearing, assuming it's held.

As for a legal career, his Jupiter-Uranus trine is fortunate for it gives Barr a keen sense of judgment and an ability to apply his intuition in practical matters while possibly being a genius in some sphere of life. (imho, let his genius be The Law and not 'Trump's law' invented so that autocrat Donald can perpetrate whatever he likes and get away with it.) Of course, such alleged 'genius' may play a crucial role in the matter of Mr. Mueller continuing his investigation into Trump's activities, unimpeded by an AG of any stripe or bias. Once Mr. Barr knows all details of the matter, we'll see what 'his genius' asserts then.

Now there are other beneficial trines within Barr's natal horoscope but one aspect that stands out to me in relation to his proposed AG position is a Mercury-Pluto square, an aspect that tends toward negative traits such as sarcasm and criticism of others, and aids him to understand the weak points of vulnerability in other people. It also suggests deep-rooted neuroses (an overpowering father? see his PE, below) yet a Mercury-Saturn trine hopefully mitigates these negative traits somewhat (in public at least!) and provides Mr. Barr with a measure of common sense and a good head for business (he left his positions at Verizon Communications in 2008).

So Sun Gemini-Moon Leo describes 'the eternal child' (like man-baby Trump) with fantasies of royal blood and a flair for self-dramatization. Barr, like Trump, is a natural salesperson (ex: his June 8th memo?) who won't compromise on important issues (ruh-roh for Trump patronage!) and has a strong need for flattery (just like you-know-who). Bill Barr is a haughty, stubborn individualist so clashes with a similar Donald Trump may be expected. Both pursue plans fanatically (Barr's Mercury-Pluto = Uranus in self-protective Cancer, sign of tribalism, nationalism, and patriotism) and both men seem to be on the same page as far as the legality of Trump's executive power overreach and an alleged ability to float 'above the law.' This combo's 'Image for Integration': "A king holds court and surprises his audience by joining the mandolin player in a duet of song and story" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign.) You note the "king" and the word "court" which loudly echo Trump's natal chart with royal Regulus, the king or kingmaker, rising with his me-first Mars in royal Leo. Yet we must remember the caution attached to Regulus: that if revenge is not avoided, all that has been gained will be taken away (Brady).

The Prenatal Eclipse ('PE") of William Barr

Mr. Barr's PE occurred on March 18, 1950 @27Pis27 in the 6 North Saros Series. 6N Themes: relationships to authority figures, a need to take responsibility and control and to accept commitments due to another person's unreliability (or via the inability to be confirmed by the US Senate: Matt Whitaker). A 6 North Solar Eclipse last manifested on April 19, 2004 @30Aries, a degree area now activated off and on by transit Uranus; a 6N eclipse next occurs on April 30, 2022 @10Taurus.

Well, there's my brief consideration of the natal planets and personality of William Barr. Highly recommended for more details is expert astrologer Marjorie Orr's assessment of Bill Barr's noon horoscope (shown) along with composite charts of Barr/Trump and Barr/Mueller: visit Marjorie's William Barr - AG nominee - edgy fit with Trump.

And for brief bio details check out the AJC article Who is William Pelham Barr: 5 things to know.

Plus, for fun you may wish to check out Mr. Barr's father Donald Barr (1921--2004) and the Barr family ancestry!

Above photo: William Barr as Atty General DOJ [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Jan 4, 2018

An Astro-Peek at the Furious Trump-Bannon Battle!

With fiery Mars-rising Donald Trump's upcoming medical examination on January 12, he really needs to keep his blood pressure under control by avoiding furious rage-outs. But what are the chances of that for Mr. Retaliation, the resident-in-chief, born not only with Mars rising in proud Leo but asteroid Tisiphone--retaliation--at his MC 24Taurus along with enraged star of violent fury Algol?

Well, expert astrologer Marjorie Orr has just published a piece on the Fire and Fury controversy of Mr. Bannon's criticism of Trump and Family that the book reveals if you wish to read her assessment (scroll past the Prince Harry-Meghan Markle charts which you may also wish to check out). An Amazon link to Michael Wollfe's book is linked, below.

Now previously, I've posted on Steve Bannon's natal Jupiter (with a nod to his conscience-free Saturn) and today I'll add a link to a previous post showing the natal chart of Julian Assange with Bannon's 'noon' natal chart around it. (And note Bannon's natal Venus (vengeful when scorned) is @19Scorpio which is traditionally an 'evil degree' and has two nasty fixed stars there. Devore says it's "the crucial point between the Ego and the Supreme Will".)

Transit Mars to Natal Mercury: Time for a Fuss

Looking at Mr. Bannon's planets, you can see that the current position of transit Mars (quarrels, fights, fires, activism, motives) conjoins Bannon's natal Mercury, planet of quotes and opinions, in mid-degrees of Scorpio, sign of betrayal and the need for self-control. And when transit Mars conjoins natal Mercury, verbal combat as he speaks his mind is a likely outcome and with subsequent chaos involved. Certainly another major bump on the Trump-Mercer-Koch-GOP road to chaos and government collapse has occurred.

Plus as you know, transit Mars and Jupiter are about to conjoin in Scorpio so the Trump-Bannon battle may be affected by this pair which in Politics and Business suggests potentials for: advice which angers or inflames others, action taken in response to legal judgments (also a hint concerning Paul Manafort's just-filed lawsuit against Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation?), and/or judgment of enemies or those who seek to do battle (Munkasey).

An so it seems (unless this is only another fascinating Trump distraction from what's really going on), a Trump-Bannon battle is now enjoined and with Mars and Jupiter about to meet, book sales of Michael Wolffe's Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House are already proving to be brisk and furious!

Oct 18, 2017

Tillerson and Trump: Two Mercury-Neptune Dudes

By DonkeyHotey (Rex Tillerson - Caricature) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Donald Trump's Secretary of State Rex Wayne Tillerson, former CEO of ExxonMobil (2006--2016), was born in Wichita Falls, Texas on March 23, 1952. On that date, the Sun ranged from 2Ari33 to 3Ari32 and the Moon traveled from 27AQ47 to 12Pis16 which creates two possible Sun-Moon blends--either his is a Fire-Air personality of rationality, efficiency, and innovation, or a steamy, volatile Fire-Water personality that can scald as well as cleanse. Mr. Tillerson's Prenatal Eclipse themes are noted, below.

Setting up synastry grid between the natal charts of Mr. Trump and Mr. Tillerson shows a quite a few squares between their planets along with other contacts, of course. Apparently theirs is a dynamic relationship between two willful overachievers with big egos yet theirs may be a sympatico relationship enough to last awhile--or not. Plus, there are insinuating energies since both men were born with challenging Mercury-Neptune aspects in their natal charts, aspects which suggest stretched truths, distorted facts, indiscretion, and off-kilter perceptions, unintentional and unconscious though inaccuracies may be. Both the square (Trump) and opposition (Tillerson) between Mercury and Neptune denote strong tendencies to fantasize.

Mr. Tillerson's Prenatal Eclipse Feb 25, 1952 @6Pisces: 8 North Saros Series

The last manifestation of an 8 North Solar Eclipse occurred on April 29, 2006 @8Aries; the next will be a Total Solar Eclipse on April 4, 2024 @19Aries (the exaltation of the Sun degree and Tillerson's natal Mercury degree). 8 North's initial eclipse occurred on May 17, 1501 @4Gem51 so his PE in Pisces should be viewed through a Mercury-ruled Gemini lens for more in-depth information. Also note that a PE in mystical Pisces typically indicates a person with esoteric or metaphysical interests.

8 North themes: flashes of genius, dreams, visions, hunches, intuitive leaps, insights, good ideas; "new-found inspiration pulls the person away" from social relationships and "causes strain in the private life" because the person "needs to be free if only for a few weeks" (Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady).

You'll find a more complete analysis of Mr. Tillerson's natal chart (with a view of his horoscope set for noon) posted on the website of expert astrologer Majorie Orr along with that of Goldman-Sachs President Gary Cohn, Trump's choice for director of the National Economic Council (no confirmation needed). Their composite (relationship) charts with Mr. Trump are also displayed and discussed.

And published December 14, 2016, here's a brief interview in which Rex Tillerson explains his relationship with Vladimir Putin.

May 18, 2009

Fixing the NY Fed + EU headquarters fire May 18, 2009

Being just-returned from vacation, I can't possibly catch up with the news fast enough to suit me (much less all five of my readers) but I think this opinion from Eliot Spitzer on fixing the NY Fed makes some interesting points and connections.

That's if you think the rotten banking system should be repaired after gross amounts of spoilage have taken place.

Turns out the much-touted Wall Street 'gentry' aren't all that, are they?


And if anyone discovers the precise time the fire broke out today in the Brussels headquarters of the EU, please clue me in...I'm about to search for something more exact than 'early afternoon' (NPR) so I can set up a chart to compare with the EU's natal chart.

European Economic Community: Jan 1, 1958; 12 midnight, Central European Time; Brussels, Belgium.

This chart shows a rigid Fixed Grand Square; Marjorie Orr interprets the entity as having a tendency toward "lavish expenditures" and "a deep-rooted resistance to change" in her excellent book, The Astrological History of the World.