Sunday September 5, 2021: Here's a link to a 5m-20s video with more historical details on the political career of author Upton Sinclair than I ever knew before: How Upton Sinclair and EPIC Swept the Democratic Primary 1934 involving Sinclair's run for the governorship of California! He was way ahead of all opponents in the race until Hollywood came out against him with what apparently was the very first 'attack ad' - a campaign tactic that we're overly accustomed to these days. But one result was that thanks to Sinclair's mass of supporters, California turned blue. Of course, now in 2021, Governor Newsom and Democrats are in peril in California and it reaches all the way to the US Senate.
In his natal horoscope (RR: A) set for September 20, 1878 9:00 am LMT Baltimore, Maryland, we can see Sinclair's practical Earth-Water Sun Virgo-Moon Cancer personality blend with its Mercury-Moon flavors. A socialist off and on, Upton Sinclair is known for a famous quote of his which I have added to SO'W posts more than once through the years:
"Is it altogether a Utopian dream, that once in history a ruling class might be willing to make the great surrender, and permit social change to come about without hatred, turmoil, and waste of human life?"
And as I've typed before, yes. It is. Because few if any of "the powers that think they be" (credit to activist Max Igan!) will ever willingly sacrifice any measure of their exalted positions over the masses after clawing their way to (what they consider to be) the top - or being born there. The earthly top, that is. Where things rust and pass away.
Now for one more thing: the Total Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Upton Sinclair manifested on July 29, 1878 @6Leo33 in the 6 South Saros Series with themes of 'being forceful, taking power; manic energy; exerting huge efforts in group activities' (B. Brady). And as eclipse cycles would have it, a 6 South eclipse repeats on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio - and manifested @8Vir09 on August 31, 1932 as the 'Nazis Rise to Power' Eclipse. I do hope you feel forewarned!
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