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Showing posts with label socialism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label socialism. Show all posts

Oct 12, 2022

How Republicans Conspire with Churches for Political & Social Control - Thom Hartmann

Wednesday October 12, 2022

Here's a segment from Tuesday's Thom Hartmann broadcast that touches on the realms of politics, religion as theocracy, government, and societal conditions - all of which the Republican Party wants complete control over even though a majority of Americans disagree. 'Consent of the governed' has no place in their future plans for America. Instead, tyranny is their jam.

Translated astrologically, we might ascribe such societal topics to the realms of two karmic planets: Saturn (control; restriction; limitation; law; government; The State) and Neptune (spirit; divine source; the masses; churchiness; panacea; contagion; paranoia), while as a planetary pair, Saturn-Neptune relates to social safety net programs (which Republicans loathe), socialism (ditto), plus, the ill, weak, and poor among us - which they also loathe:

In fact, as the haughty GOP makes abundantly clear these days, the party much prefers to model our nation upon Mussolini's formula: Statism + Corporatism = Fascism. And with beastly Nazism waiting its turn in the wings. So I'll say it again, my fellow Americans:

Vote Blue in 2022 to save democracy in America.

Otherwise, degradation, loss, suffering, and brutality will be the fate of the American people. Because, yes. It really can happen here.

Aug 14, 2022

Happy 87th Anniversary Social Security!

August 14, 2022

Because the 87th anniversary of the signing of the Social Security Act by President Franklin D. Roosevelt has arrived, here is a bi-wheel of horoscopes showing the signing of the Social Security Act ("noon"; inner) with the popular, life-saving social safety net program's Solar Return 2022 planets (outer) which actually became exact yesterday afternoon:

Yes, I know, way too many of my study notes are squooshed upon the charts, my usual mea culpa. Actually, marking the charts took quite some time this Sunday morning so that now I have company coming and no time to type a bunch upon the topic. However --

An Eclipse 'Cosmic Time Link' Theory: 2022 to 1935

Toward Social Security, threats have often been made, including by Donald Trump and his GOP comrades. Meanwhile, in light of America's current problems concerning the Trump-Espionage Act turmoil, there is a factor I am compelled to add to this post and it involves the Solar Eclipse Series in which the SS Act was signed - the 9 New South.

Penned on the inner chart in 9th house you see it there where it manifested in 1935 @6Leo17. My 'cosmic link' theory about this is that the recent New Moon of July 28, 2022 @5Leo39 activated or is echoing the themes of the 9 New South Solar Eclipse and bringing them up in the Collective for society to deal with. 'Certain conditions open to scrutiny that were previously hidden' is part of this picture, and of course, New Moons can behave in similar disruptive fashion to Solar Eclipses (and Full Moons like Lunar Eclipses: even the Full Moon @19AQ21 on August 11, 2022 'hit' the SS Act's Syzygy Moon @20AQ47, and 2022 Saturn Rx now restricting the Act's Full Moon - see top center of the image).

Additionally, I've long had a theory that when turmoil takes over the media air waves such as we now have, it's always prudent to look in the opposite direction, so to speak, because something is happening in politics that public attention is being diverted from. Poorly explained, but you know what I mean: slight of hand, and under table deals. Now the Schumer-Manchin deal seems positive enough but considering current transits to the 1935 horoscope, a primary concern is about the health and future of the Social Security Program that millions of Americans depend on - and the malevolent tendencies of certain greedy politicians and the wealthy ideologues who bribe them.

So in closing, I hope you'll consider 9 New South themes which mimic current Trump-Espionage Act circumstances (my italics) - unless I miss my guess:

Bringing to the surface long-term worries about loved ones, health, or issues to do with paperwork or communications; this could manifest as a worrying piece of news about a loved one or responsibilities with paperwork coming home to roost; any news will have a sense of fatedness or destiny attached (paraphrasing B. Brady).

And one more thing: among the multiple topics involved, the purloined documents that Trump illegally squirreled away at Mar-a-Lago could contain secret information about the WTC attacks of 9/11.

Sep 5, 2021

Upton Sinclair, his Eclipse, and the Democratic Party

Sunday September 5, 2021: Here's a link to a 5m-20s video with more historical details on the political career of author Upton Sinclair than I ever knew before: How Upton Sinclair and EPIC Swept the Democratic Primary 1934 involving Sinclair's run for the governorship of California! He was way ahead of all opponents in the race until Hollywood came out against him with what apparently was the very first 'attack ad' - a campaign tactic that we're overly accustomed to these days. But one result was that thanks to Sinclair's mass of supporters, California turned blue. Of course, now in 2021, Governor Newsom and Democrats are in peril in California and it reaches all the way to the US Senate.


In his natal horoscope (RR: A) set for September 20, 1878 9:00 am LMT Baltimore, Maryland, we can see Sinclair's practical Earth-Water Sun Virgo-Moon Cancer personality blend with its Mercury-Moon flavors. A socialist off and on, Upton Sinclair is known for a famous quote of his which I have added to SO'W posts more than once through the years:

"Is it altogether a Utopian dream, that once in history a ruling class might be willing to make the great surrender, and permit social change to come about without hatred, turmoil, and waste of human life?"

And as I've typed before, yes. It is. Because few if any of "the powers that think they be" (credit to activist Max Igan!) will ever willingly sacrifice any measure of their exalted positions over the masses after clawing their way to (what they consider to be) the top - or being born there. The earthly top, that is. Where things rust and pass away.

Now for one more thing: the Total Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Upton Sinclair manifested on July 29, 1878 @6Leo33 in the 6 South Saros Series with themes of 'being forceful, taking power; manic energy; exerting huge efforts in group activities' (B. Brady). And as eclipse cycles would have it, a 6 South eclipse repeats on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio - and manifested @8Vir09 on August 31, 1932 as the 'Nazis Rise to Power' Eclipse. I do hope you feel forewarned!

Aug 15, 2021

Will the Authoritarians & Their Useful Idiots Win? - Thom Hartmann

Sunday August 15, 2021: Here's a recent segment from progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann on Why do Conservatives want America to fail?

This disturbing topic always brings to mind Grover Norquist and his urge to 'shrink the US government so small it can be drowned in a bath tub' - which was an urge and a promise! Because: is America drowning now? For decades the GOP and its wealthy backers and enablers have been quite successful 'hollowing out' our country so that such a question must now be asked. However, I suspect that few if any people in Grover's day realized how deeply the white-supremacist-neo-fascist crowd would be involved, as we now see so starkly. Or maybe they did but they weren't telling.

So here's another Thom Hartmann segment that was shared here way back in 2016: The Republican Plan: Destroy America, Let Corporations Rule which follows the Republican model of: Statism + Corporatism = Fascism. And although Benito Mussolini coined the term "fascism" in the 1930s, his promotion of the link between corporatism and fascism can be disputed.

Even so, the accuracy of the equation has certainly turned out to be the case.

Links of interest may include:

Authoritarianism and Useful Idiot. And here's a previous post concerning Mussolini's fascist party seen through the 'cosmic blinks' of an Eclipse Timeline.

And we may as well add a little something about the socialism that Republicans pretend to dread even though it's been with us all along:

"Many people consider the things which government does for them to be social progress, but they consider the things government does for others as socialism." - Chief Justice Earl Warren

Don't they though?

Also see: Hey America: You Already Have Democratic Socialist Programs - and the list is long!

Mar 13, 2020

Catch Nicole Sandler's interview w/ Lawrence O'Donnell

March 13, 2020: Just a quick heads-up concerning a recent interview conducted by radio broadcaster Nicole Sandler and Lawrence O'Donnell, host of MSNBC's The Last Word. Their conversation actually began on Twitter a couple of weeks ago and resulted in Nicole issuing an invitation to discuss the topic of Socialism and Lawrence's O'Donnell's on-air admission that he is a socialist. Not once but several times through the years he has publicly said this and if you find such topics of interest, check out their conversation which Nicole re-aired today during her Friday guest stint as host of The BradCast.

Nicole says she has all but stopped watching MSNBC due to the large number of disaffected Republicans appearing on the network with their anti-Trump grumps and you may wish to hear Mr. O'Donnell's response.

Plus, here is a segment of The Last Word from March 12, 2020 with Rep. Adam Schiff in a discussion of the CoronaVirus outbreak in the US and the administration's response to it.

Feb 13, 2020

Spring Equinox 2020's 2nd House Planetary Pairs

More on Spring Equinox 2020

by Jude Cowell

February 13, 2020: If you've watched Revealing Light Tarot's reading covering the Next 6 Months you've noticed Mary Ann's focus on the month of March which naturally contains Spring Equinox 2020 (March 19 11:49 pm ET), a horoscope that serves for the entire year and marks the moment when the Sun conjuncts the Aries Point of World Events. And if you use the late afternoon US natal chart of July 4, 1776 that I tend most to use, this times the Sun's entrance into America's natal 4th house of Domestic Scene and Homeland (with its 4/10 Security implications). The following post is my attempt at an additional consideration of Spring Equinox 2020 (the horoscope set for Washington DC) and the emphasis created by the chart's 2nd hou$e planetary pairs opposing the corporate 8th hou$e. Obviously, we must keep in mind other matters of the 8th house which include death, transition, the occult, shared resources, taxes, debt and credit, and/or insurance.

Mars as 2nd-house Trigger conjuncts Jupiter, then Pluto, then Saturn

In the Spring Equinox 2020 Horoscope (chart shown) we find a full 2nd house (National Treasury; Values; Earning Ability) suggesting a heavy focus on financial matters, if not economic, budgetary, and/or currency concerns. So let's consider the planetary pairs therein for more information in the Realms of Politics and Business as provided by Michael Munkasey and the Hegelian model (creating problems then 'solving' them the way that was already intended).

First, a few basics:

2nd cusp 25Sag19 makes money bags Jupiter the 2nd-house ruler; Jupiter also rules 4th house with its cusp @6Pis46 along with the 'help' of deceptive loss-leader Neptune, planet of fraud and mergers. Transit Jupiter first conjoins Pluto (1A54) suggesting The Fed, then Saturn (7A040) pointing toward a new social, political, and economic order (see the Jupiter-Saturn link, below). Placements in 2nd house include the drain of the Moon's South Node, the tail of the dragon, suggesting a neurotic reliance on past tactics that are no longer effective, and most folks agree that Trump has certainly plopped our National Treasury resources into the red, in large part due to his Tax Cuts for the wealthy (Corporate Socialism for the 1%!). That the Cancer-Capricorn polarity is intercepted across the 2/8 axis in the Spring Equinox 2020 chart denotes karmic conditions which must be addressed via its Moon-Saturn influences of ambition, strategy, and direction. Saturn-ruled Capricorn's involvement implies investments and Wall Street trading with depressive Moon-Saturn vibes. However, taking direct action to solve problems can always mitigate this.

Meanwhile, with 24Scorpio46 rising, 2nd-house Mars is chart-ruler (and activating trigger), plus, the warrior planet also rules the 5th house of Speculation and Risk-Taking (5th cusp 8Ari17). And with Mars @22Cap35, the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 is thereby activated suggesting potentials for: ruthlessness, violence, and/or 'the necessity to fight for existence' (Ebertin). Munkasey adds 'the need to use whatever means or power available to continue working' and as we know, royalist Trump keeps claiming for himself expansive powers that break the parameters placed in the US Constitution = unconstitutional behavior of the Executive Branch morphing the US government into an imperial monarchy.

Plus, a nod should be made toward the 6th house of Work and Service (Civil, Military, Police, etc), and Health which contains disruptive Uranus @4Tau32 (in Taurus = seeking unusual sources of funding; environmental concerns) and money planet Venus @15Tau56 (conservative in Taurus yet luxury-loving). Together the Venus-Uranus pair relates to money matters such as extravagant spending, waste, eventual bankruptcy, plus, estrangement and relationship break-ups.

So here are some of the potentials of the planetary pairs posited in the 2nd-house with a few comments and a steel industry link included by yours truly:

Mars-Jupiter Thesis: action taken in response to legal judgments (Barr shortening Roger Stone's sentence?); advice which angers or inflames others (ditto); too much legal activity or opinions; religious activities. Anti-thesis: judgment of enemies or those who seek to do battles; misuse of forces; an expansion of military hardware (and funding); legal opinions or judicial cases which affect the military or metal industries.

Mars-Pluto Thesis: security forces allied with the military; conducting clandestine operations; using police or military against criminal elements (oh could we?); attacks using powerful forces and weaponry. Anti-thesis: A police state with rigid military controls; use of suppression and torture as a means of enforcing policy (Trump's dream?); exporting upheaval and political theory to others as an objective; wars, rape, mayhem, chaos.

Mars-Saturn (with Saturn strong in Capricorn at a critical-crisis 29th degree) Thesis: curtailing force or military power by authorities; enforcement of honor through the use of strife or struggle; wars which persist (yep); frustration imposed upon or by criminal elements (Alert: mob boss in the White House!); demands to halt armaments. Anti-thesis: military actions which continue under political or other restrictions; an obligation to use force (NATO?) when restraint is required; the ambitious taking of what belongs to another; an older enterprise becomes angered.

And if we add health to the planetary pictures in consideration of our concerns over Trump's obese medical condition, bad diet, and what looks to be his continual drug use (sniff sniff!), we find that Mars-Jupiter = hip or liver surgery or a major operation, Mars-Pluto = tumors and/or toxic diseases of the sexual organs (late-stage syphilis?), and Mars-Saturn = high blood pressure, blockages (how could a fatty grub not have these?), weak or withered muscles, and/or hyper followed by hypo (Munkasey).

Biologically, to Mars-Jupiter Ebertin adds 'heart muscle' and 'activity of the organs'; to Mars-Pluto: replacement by 'artificial organs and functions' (including dentures); to Mars-Saturn: 'joints, muscles, bones, tendons, sinews, bone or bone marrow inflammation; atrophy of an organ, and/or muscle paralysis, particularly of the breathing mechanism (includes suffocation)'.

(An additional astro-note: today, February 13, 2020, marks the first of three exact oppositions from transit Pluto to Trump's natal Saturn in clannish Cancer and these challenging energies imprint upon the whole of 2020 for him, and thus for our nation (exact again on July 12th and December 20th). Aptly, Trump's abuse of power issues are front and center in the news this very day via his Roger Stone sentencing interference, as you know, along with rigid demands concerning his authority, accountability, and unreliability, demands which are always required by cosmic taskmaster Saturn - his, spotlighted all through 2020 by oppositions from powerful Pluto, planet of manipulation, control, secrets, criminality, and hidden wealth.)

Well, this post is my second pass at the Spring Equinox 2020 Horoscope (aka, Aries Ingress) using a different lens than before. And as always your on-topic comments are welcome (moderated to cull out the ads and trolls!) and my Thanks for any and all Shares which encourage more such SO'W posts! jc

Related 2020 posts include: DC Horoscopes: Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions of 2020 (tri-wheel charts shown), and the order-shifting Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction which ends 2020 on December 21st @00AQ29 - here are the conjunction's Midpoint Pictures and its DC Horoscope.

Sources: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey, and The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin.

Above image: 'Abandoned Garden with Peonies', a pencil drawing by yours truly.

Jun 13, 2019

Saturn-Pluto and our Social Safety Net Chickens

Year 2020: Karmic Pile-Ups and the Social Order

Listening to C-SPAN Radio this morning my ears perked up when the discussion turned to Social Security issues and mention was made of the social safety net program's crisis of 1982 and into the 1980s. Googling a bit I soon located an archived New York Times op-ed from May 20, 1982 concerning the "recurrent crisis" of funding the program, Social Security in 1982, 1984, and 2020 stating in 1982 that, "The more worrisome crisis is still decades away"..."By about 2020, {} there may be trouble."

Now politicians, economists, and others have been aware of such funding issues all along and "there may be trouble" time is upon us, folks, Baby Boom Bubble and all. And while I don't like typing it, the timing points toward the Great Conjunctions of Saturn and Pluto: on November 8, 1982 @27Libra36 and the upcoming conjunction on January 12, 2020 @22Capricorn46 (both charts linked in the next paragraph). Of course, Venus-ruled Libra is an Air sign of thoughts and ideas, while Saturn-ruled Capricorn is a practical Earth sign through which ideas become reality.

Now, as January 2020 approaches, the most popular content here on Stars Over Washington of late is my recent post displaying both DC Horoscopes of the 1982 and 2020 conjunctions of these heavyweight planets: restrictive Saturn, one of the two societal planets along with expansive Jupiter, and transformative planet Pluto, the usual suspect manipulating powerfully from behind the curtain and a favorite planet of exploiting plutocrats the world over. In fact, America's Predatory Capitalism is one of the basic cash cows funding Plutocracy along with outright theft and criminality.

As for Saturn-Pluto, together their energies in the political sphere support such potentials as 'upsets in existing checks and balances', 'turmoil in any rigid or older structure', 'lengthy consideration of methods of removal or destruction', 'hoarding resources for potential future disasters', 'keeping affairs private or not open to scrutiny' (Trump's tryin'!), and/or 'secret preparations for future restrictions' preparations which I suspect are ongoing. (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey.)

Additional Note: the Saturn-Pluto cycle is approximately 33-38 years in length and prior to 1982, these particular karmic planets conjoined on August 11, 1947 @13Leo07. And by 'karmic' I mean the natural law of reaping what was sown, not that my granny thought she was Marie Antoinette!

Thus it appears that the troubling chickens that squawk within America's Social Security program are on the verge of coming home to roost just as expected for decades (for politicians chickened out on implementing fixes that would have eased the funding situation while purloining its trust fund monies) and the harsh conditions and constrictive energies of the Saturn-Pluto duo are regretfully implicated as cosmic descriptor and timing agent of our Social Security program's karmic troubles that lurk within.

And so it seems necessary to close this dreary post (sorry, dear reader!) the same way my favorite journalist, muckraker, and "all-around swell fellow" Brad Friedman ends each one of his podcasts...Good Luck, World.

Related Posts include: Saturn-Pluto, Economic Recessions, and Eclipses, and beginning in April 2020, plutocrats and the Federal Reserve System will enjoy three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions in the 22--25 degree range of governmental Capricorn. And of course, 2020 ends with a Great Conjunction of social order planets Jupiter and Saturn @00AQ29 at Winter Solstice 2020--and conjunct US Inaugural Sun (POTUS). Significant to the presidency and to Inauguration 2021? You betcha.

Above fowl: public domain image of a Chicken Silhouette.

Apr 6, 2017

Millennial Astrologer Analyzes Economic Systems

Stars Over Washington's ongoing series of articles authored by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes continues as Kevin shares his astro-analysis of the four main economic systems in society and how to recognize the indicators in a horoscope:

Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, and Fascism Defined: Which Is The "Right" System?

by Kevin Estes

The US is commonly labeled as a capitalist country, but when looking at the definition of capitalism, the US is clearly not a capitalist country, at least not anymore. The four main economic systems, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, and Fascism, will be defined in this post, and the system that fits the current US economic system will be quite surprising for you if you don't know what all of them truly are.


"An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state."

In a capitalist society, there would be no public schools, no public colleges and universities, no state funded highways, and no safety net programs. This sounds good to many with strong right wing economic indicators (Venus and its ruler in aspect to the North Node, 2nd house, and the sign of Taurus, with cultural indicators and Pallas aspects varying), which indicate a preference of capitalism, but many people need those safety net programs, especially those with low incomes, disabilities, and people who get laid off. Of course, it's easy to say "that's what your family is supposed to be there for!", but quite a few people don't have family members in close proximity to be there for them, as they can be living in another state, not on speaking terms, or even worse, not be alive at all. And some will also say that it should be the church's job, but many aren't religious at all.


"A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

In a socialist society, the needs of everyone are met. Safety net programs for people who are laid off or just can't work at all (retirees, mentally ill, disabled), free public schools for children, health care for everyone, business regulations to improve the quality of the work environment, etc. The US is much closer to socialism than capitalism, though not purely socialist. Socialism in the natal chart is generally indicated by left wing economic indicators (Venus and its ruler in aspect to the 12th house, the sign of Pisces, Neptune, and the South Node), with defensive Pallas (Pallas and its ruler in aspect to the Sun, Mercury, and North Node), and often with left wing cultural indicators (Moon and its ruler in aspect to the 12th house, Neptune, and the South Node), as making sure the needs of everyone are met also involves social issues like abortion rights, gay rights, minority rights, environmentalism, etc.


"A political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs."

Communism is basically an authoritarian version of socialism, in that private property is not allowed and society is completely devoid of economic classes. Basically, everyone's needs are met, outside of freedom. Communism is indicated by left wing economic indicators and aggressive Pallas (Pallas and its ruler in aspect to Pluto and the South Node and in hard aspect to Jupiter), generally with left wing cultural indicators. The US has never been communist, as economic classes are still prevalent to this day, though they're dwindling rapidly, which brings us to:


"An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization."

Fascism is a right wing economic system, where the corporations control the government, opposition is stifled, and is occupied by nationalism. Sound familiar? That's because it is. Ever since 9/11, many have been arrested as "terrorists," just because they were true patriots and whistle blowers. In the current Pluto in Capricorn era, corporations have gained more and more control over the government, and as a result, the wealth gap has been expanding rapidly every year.

Fascism is indicated by left wing economic indicators (because the wealth of the people is being dissolved and going to the 1%, which is why there's such a large gap between the rich and the poor, while the middle class is disappearing rapidly), along with aggressive Pallas and right wing cultural indicators (Moon and its ruler in aspect to the 4th house, the North Node, and the sign of Cancer). The left wing economic indicators and right wing cultural indicators are present in numerous GOP politicians, including George W Bush (he has defensive Pallas but his VP Cheney had a strong aggressive Pallas), Ronald Reagan, Paul Ryan, Rick Santorum, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, and Condoleezza Rice, which is basically a "who's who?" of the GOP establishment. Out of the four systems, fascism is what the US is closest to right now, and what the economic system will likely be if the NWO actually comes to fruition.

Many Republicans who are anti-socialism and anti-communism, yet claim to be capitalist, may actually be supporting fascism instead, especially if they're in favor of deficit spending on the military rather than the safety net programs, tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans regardless of how much job growth they're creating, and not batting an eye when GOP politicians like Trump attempt to suppress freedom of speech. Not everyone with left wing economic indicators and right wing cultural indicators is fascist though (ex: the Catholic doctrine is known for promoting a socially conservative doctrine, while promoting a very leftist economic view).

The Right Economic System

With all these economic systems defined, which one is the right one? Technically, none of them. Out of the four, socialism is the closest, as it makes sure everyone's needs are met, while being significantly less authoritarian than communism, though the government plays a huge role in socialism, which brings the risk of its growing into communism over time. However, as I've mentioned before, the economic system itself is a modern version of slavery, in that in order to make a good living, you need to work an average of 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for over 40 years until you reach the age where you're no longer productive enough for the elites anymore, which means you'll be eligible for retirement. I am not saying that people should sit at home all day, but that it's immoral to force people to be "wage slaves," or else have extreme difficulty surviving. If you cannot survive without being a "wage slave" to the elites, then it is not true freedom.

Personally, the "right" economic system is one where everyone's needs are met unconditionally with free health care for everyone by way of Medicare expansion, with the freedom for people to pursue whatever career they want, yet not rely on that career just to survive, as work life and family/social life would be more balanced and everyone would have enough to survive comfortably unconditionally, which would happen by way of something like a Social Security expansion for everyone (jobs would give people the extras, such as traveling and seeing the world). That system doesn't exist right now, as it would have to be created when the current system, which encourages people to want more and more in order to get ahead financially, collapses. With Pluto in Capricorn and the Pluto return coming in 2022, and Pluto entering Aquarius right after the Pluto return in 2023, this could actually become a reality.

Be sure to check out more articles by Kevin Estes at Left Wing Astrology.

Jun 23, 2016

Ask King Midas: Is "Spread the Wealth" Socialism?

King Midas. Etching. Wellcome V0035927

King Midas, Etching; [CC BY 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

The following post is a Stars Over Washington republish from October 2008. I had totally forgotten I'd ever written it but, thanks to today's Brexit vote and its possibility of adversely affecting global markets and economies, I find myself in the mood to re-post it for you now.

So whether you agree or disagree, here it is:

Well, it's true that the phrase "spread the wealth" never goes over well with the richest class, and I can think of no better reason than this: if spreading or sharing actually occurred, half a million or so of their dollars might be used to feed the hungry, bind the wounds of the ill and dying, and comfort an orphan or a foster child or two.

Why, a factory might be built and a few jobs created - and after the corporate elite worked so hard to ship our jobs overseas, too!

So apparently, if there's one thing a rich man can't stand, it's being his brother's keeper by giving back a little of the largess he receives through the laws of this great nation and from the sweat of the common worker's brow.

Never mind that a rich man has money and legal reps to avoid paying taxes which he rightly should have been paying all along. Plus, they didn't invent offshore or Swiss bank accounts for nuthin'!

As you know, it was King Midas who turned everything he touched into gold which became a major problem to him because gold isn't everything and people turned into golden statues make poor companions.

Now, lest a rich man think this gnat of a blogger covets his gold, let him rest at ease, for temporary values don't trump (Trump!) eternal values with me - for it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God, says Scripture.

And you know that rich men probably think they have that circumvented just as they do with creative accounting tricks, triple sets of books, laws skewed on their behalf against the individual, world banks in cahoots, and Wall Street schemes galore.

But one day when All accounts are settled, we'll have to see about that. We'll all just have to see, won't we?

June 23, 2016: Funny that I must have been thinking of Donald 'King Midas' Trump and his love of gold when I published the above post in 2008--probably because he's threatened to run for president multiple times in the past. Well, this week my wonderment at his campaign rhetoric involves his assertion that he's "made a fortune off debt" (or words to that effect) and I can't figure out exactly who was harmed while he was making his fortune (contractors he refused to pay, for one.)

And yet I'm sure you've heard that, besides having a 'golden touch', Mr. Trump is Really, Really Proud to Be the 'King of Debt'! But before anyone (s)elects him to be US president, I'd like them to explain how his indebtedness to a certain German bank could compromise a Trump presidency because his indebtedness creates a vast Conflict of Interest that no other presidential candidate has ever had!

Sep 8, 2015

Most Americans Agree with Bernie Sanders - Thom Hartmann video (w/ some Astrology)

Do you Feel The Bern yet? Some say Hillary Clinton feels it these days with the approval ratings of Senator Sanders going up and hers going whatever they're going.

Well, here is progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann detailing a list of issues that Bernie and a majority of the American people agree on. The list can be found on the website linked, above.

A Few Astro-Notes Regarding Senator Bernie Sanders

2016 candidate Sanders expresses his practical, dedicated-to-a-cause, socially concerned, idea-loving Virgo Sun and with the Social Democrat/Populist point of view he embodies in the "I AM the people" motto sometimes found with natal Moon (the people) in pioneering Aries, the first sign which asserts the I AM principle.

Yet Bernie's birth time remains unknown as far as I can tell. Even expert San Francisco astrologer Larry Schwimmer, who writes the Astrology column for the Huffington Post, wants Bernie's birth time but doesn't have it. And as Larry reminded me recently, maybe when Bernie was born in New York (Happy Birthday to his nibs this very day!) birth times simply were not recorded. Even so, we can at least consider his Sun Virgo-Moon Aries blend to gain a few personality clues about the populist candidate!

Related: Richard Wolffe: On Bernie Sanders and Socialism.

Nov 26, 2012

Famous Words for Corporate Welfare CEOs and Jupiter-Neptune

Of Fiscal Cliffs, Tax Pledges, and Jupiter-Neptune-Pluto

by Jude Cowell

As the New Year with its fiscal problems looms, I'm certain you've seen the very descriptive Huffington Post article on hypocritical CEOS who want to cut your Granny's food budget and de-fund Little Timmy's physical therapy sessions even though CEOs themselves have taken--demanded--outrageous bail outs, subsidies, and tax breaks from the hand of US taxpayers, aka, corporate welfare.

Keep the Charlatans--Gimme Those Old Time Republicans

Justice Earl Warren (March 19, 1891--July 9, 1974) was a highly popular Republican governor (in the days when Republican office holders actually governed) when President Eisenhower placed him upon the SCOTUS bench. Perhaps you'll that find one of Justice Warren's more famous quotes applies to America's greedy plutocrats and corporatists who can't get enough American abundance--which they bolster by perpetrating tax evasion and skewing laws in their favor--yet all the while working and lobbying so very hard to deny even the most basic crumbs to the needy as our nation approaches 2013:

"Many people consider the things which government does for them to be social progress, but they consider the things government does for others as socialism."

How true. Now I'm looking in the back of my copy of Marc Edmund Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology and there he is pre-SCOTUS, listed as, "Earl Warren politician." His birth date and hour are given and I will list his natal planets below for the mildly curious, and you'll note the humanitarian Aquarius components of his psyche along with his compassionate Pisces facets:

Earl Warren March 19, 1891 2:00 am (PST) Los Angeles CA; ASC 10Cap50 (where tr Pluto now approaches); MC 1 Scorpio; Sun 28Pis32; Moon 21Can32; Mercury 24Pis01; Venus 14AQ33; Mars 7Tau50; judging Jupiter 2Pis38; Saturn 12Vir38 Rx; Uranus 00Sco35 Rx (conj MC); Neptune 4Gem20; Pluto 6Gem00.

Of course, his year of birth--1891--puts him snugly within the Robber Baron generation by way of the Great Conjunction/s of Neptune and Pluto (1891/92, 3x @7--9 Gemini, conjunct US natal *Uranus 8Gem55.) And since horoscopes of deceased people continue to be triggered by transits ad infinitum, Justice Warrens' natal Jupiter @2Pis38 (in his natal 9th house of Legal Affairs, Higher Education, Philosophy, etc) is currently under the influence of transit Neptune (with its effects of illusion, deception, yet possibly inspiration) very active in its own sign of Pisces.

This transit highlights idealism and a need to keep a proper perspective on things as it points to the Jupiter-Neptune combination of energies which so easily tend toward grand schemes (which may not be valid or practical), charlatans (including Jupiterian gurus like no-tax-pledger Grover Norquist, or, hypocrites of the religious kind), large social projects, speculation, gambling, and the wasting of what is usually other people's money.

So! Is America a nation of her brothers' keepers? Or is she a nation of corporate raiders, outsourcers, tax dodgers, vultures upon the needy, and morally bankrupt psychopaths who work to undermine and shrink the US government into oblivion?


Related: a few astro-notes on Grover Norquist.

*Here's one planetary imprint upon the 1890s in relation to America--all, any, or none may apply: Nepune-Pluto = US natal Uranus: unusual, adventurous, mystical, and supernatural experiences; hypersensitivity; peculiar discoveries. (Ebertin.)

And of course, now as they move in and out of a fated or karmic septile aspect (51 degr 26 min), the 492-year cycle of veiled, undermining Neptune and transformative underworld figure, Pluto, continues its dance...

May 8, 2012

Lunar Secrets of Saturn-Neptune Describe the Ryan Budget Plan

Lunar Secrets of Saturn-Neptune Describe the Ryan Budget Plan by Jude Cowell

On The Maddow Blog Rep. Paul Ryan and his draconian take-from-poor-give-to-rich 'Budget Plan' is discussed with emphasis on the consequences of the suffering from cuts to programs that operate as lifelines for the poor, elderly, disabled, and children that shall ensue in spite of Mr. Ryan's alleged Catholic beliefs. I say 'alleged' because in all my years, some of the most charitable folk I've known were of the Catholic persuasion--and they never stinted anyone they could aid by putting their religious faith in action on behalf of the disadvantaged or those in temporary dire straights.

See: Paul Ryan on the Suffering of the Poor and consider that at this time, America's Secondary Progressed horoscope shows a certain descriptive midpoint picture and other factors detailed below along with a complicating Moon-Saturn-Mars condition now active in our national progressions as well. For timing's sake, the progressed chart I calculated issues from America's 'Sibly' natal chart of July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Secondary Progressions of other versions may give slightly different timing info but all portents are for 2012 with the Ryan Budget Plan in the news and 'on the table' for implementation as if the cruel nature of its consequences is unworthy of our closer consideration.

As always with midpoint pictures, all, any, or none may apply; like the natal Moon in Mundane Astrology, the Progressed Moon relates to The People, women, mothers, and families (including political-social wedge issues such as abortion, contraception, children's nutritional programs, security needs, women marrying women, Planned Parenthood defunding, etc), and to the public's current mood and to societal trends:

Sec Saturn/Neptune = Sec Moon: pessimism; emotional depression; a low character (Ryan and his cohorts, imho, and those kicked out on our streets or going to bed hungry--in America); illness through emotional suffering; women's diseases chronic or otherwise (Ebertin); hesitating over relacing what no longer functions; activities which serve no real purpose and seem to come and go; increased use of drugs to escape harsh realities and responsibilities (Munkasey); emotional drain; feeling inhibited (Tyl.)

Such planetary sigificators as Moon-Saturn-Neptune may also be described as the Grim Face of Reality weighing down upon us yet US politicians continue to hand us enslavement to a False Reality as Paul Ryan threatens us with grim austerity measures which are now ruining communities and lives all across Europe! The German government is in command? It's a joke, right?

And now We the People are expected to cheer Ryan's nonsensical madness? Puh!

Campaign 2012's Opponents--or Is It Really Only We vs Them?

As you know, many charges against opponents and parties are being leveled back and forth during Campaign 2012 as was to be expected since this tactic keeps the electorate riled up and divided moer than informed and thus less potent to act against a ruling class greedy for more power and wealth. The charges include such taboos in America as Socialism, Communism, Trotskyism, Social Darwinism, and other systems, ideologies, and methods of governing. ("I know you are but what am I?" Insert childish, self-serving footstamp for dramatic effect. This is badly performed Political Theater, dahlink.)

So as you see, this is part of my topic here for all of these systems, ideologies, and methods belong precisely within the realm of the Saturn-Neptune pair when their energies combine. Plus, you know of the secret/invisible (Neptune) government (Saturn) which America is said to be directed by--in Britain they go ahead and call it a Shadow Government though in the US our politicians act more coyly and never discuss such a mysterious system if it can be avoided; plus, my studies continue to indicate that London has been ruling America all along! Or did you know?

Then there's our national horoscope with '1 Libra' at Midheaven (MC = The Goal) which places natal Saturn 14Lib48 in 10th house and natal Neptune 22Vir25 in 9th house (of Foreign Lands) on either side of MC which gives a picture of Saturn/Neptune = MC: capitulating to the demands of the environment totally (at Cornwallis' 'Surrender'?); using short, inefficient methods when tough, dedicated, complete work is needed; wavering between materialism and idealism; frequent mood changes; a peculiar character; emotional suffering; illness.

Or, we might say that secret, invisible government, Communism, Socialism, etc, have been our government's goal all along (well, ours and the puppetmasters abroad who actually call the shots in Washington through the Federal Reserve System.) Actually some do say such things--that maintaining The Masses on large social welfare programs is intended to be how our society functions and not as a democracy of people able to stand on their own at all.

For as Barry Goldwater (Sun Cap-Moon Tau) once informed, warned, prophesied, or promised us, "A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away." Which is not to say that social welfare programs are replete with riches for those who must partake of them for they merely help the needy get by, not prosper. You must apply to Corporate Welfare Programs like TARP or other trillion-dollar bailouts if you wish to prosper like a bandit!

Secondary Progressed Moon as Timer and Emotional Indicator

Making matters more complex, as many astrologers have already detailed, is the astrological factor of US Secondary Progressed Moon 14Lib42 now approaching our Sec Mars Rx in Sec 2nd house (exact in about 3 months but within orb now)--and Luna is already knocking on the gate of US natal Saturn 14Lib48--Moon-Saturn can show ambition, strategy, and direction, but also depressive, limiting conditions.

Add US Sec Neptune 26Vir14 Rx in Sec 2nd H as well and you have the above-mentioned depression, pessimism, and suffering, along with the fraud and sad losses of idealistic Neptune in Virgo, sign of Dedicated Work, Employment, Service--and 2nd H = Earning Ability and Values. Its our traditional values of providing aid for the needy (aka, a Christian nation and attitude) that Ryan and his ilk are working to transform along with an attempt to free up funds for more war on behalf of a 'new world order' and for the wealthy class to wallow about in like greedy pigs. Plus, indicators of floods, other expensive weather-related losses, problems with oil, gas, toxins, and poisons are shown by gaseous Neptune, as you know.

Worrisomely, our natural gas pipeline system is under cyber-attack as I type, reports USA Today, Christian Science Monitor, and NPR. Astrologically, this circumstance, in effect since 2011 apparently, shows in certain horoscopes (protagonist Mars in 9th H of Foreign Lands) and I plan to discuss the topic more fully later on if my blogging calendar permits.

Mars = Males Between the Ages of 25 - 35, Give or Take a Year or So

Well, US Sec Mars 18Lib30 Rx (retrograde by progression since 2006) has re-turned some of our troops home but has also brought protests by, and military and police actions against, the American people. The current Sec Moon-to-Mars factor indicates the anger, rage, protests, and riled up feelings and actions that are expectable whenever the emotionally charged duo of Moon and Mars get together; and maybe more Americans will soon sign up for military service in lieu of employment at home. Plus, in Politics and Business, Michael Munkasey gives the Moon-Mars duo a potential for: 'leaders who show concern about the welfare of people but don't necessarily follow through with relief'! Wonder who that could be?

In addition, US natal Saturn's presence in Sec 2nd H adds austerity, loss, delay, depression, control, and restriction to our difficult financial picture, and I for one hope and pray that America will not fall underneath the crushing boots of the cruel policies of ideologues of either political party (Tea Party members very much included) who brazenly place abstract systems of thought (such as Social Darwinism with its anti-social 'survival of the fittest' meanness, and the Objectivism of Ayn-Randers like Paul Ryan) far above their fellow Americans' very lives. Well, except that Objectivists act not as Americans, do they?

Now let's close with two Sabian Symbols which are quite descriptive of conditions in America 2012 and of certain detached politicians who now scorn their social responsibilities (tell me again: why are they 'serving' in Washington as representatives of The People?) Meanwhile they act as part of the political arm of globalist world-domination schemers rather than representing us! These symbols issue directly from the Moon-Mars Rx picture above; both pictures are from The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, by Marc Edmund Jones and to my way of common good thinking, they simultaneously describe several levels of our current conditions including Rep. Paul Ryan's Budget Plan intended to starve the needy, and to anyone who sides with his abstract anti-social dogma, either openly or secretly--they'd be ashamed if they had any shame:

'18Lib' = "Two Men Placed Under Arrest" = CONSEQUENCE.

positive expression: a heightened challenge to every special talent;

negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc): total inappropriateness of impulse and act.

'19Lib' = "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" = DIVERGENCE.

positive: alertness to every threat against a true individuality;

negative (shadow side): abnormal mistrust of everything worth while.


Blog Note: you'll find few astro-notes concerning the natal chart of Rep. Paul Ryan if you wish to enter his name in the sidebar's Search field; I'd add a link to the post for you but frankly I'm more than a little fed up with him at the moment. jc

Jan 19, 2011

What is Democratic Socialism?

As I meandered around the Web this morning while watching the US-China PR mummery at the White House being shown on C-SPAN, I ran across Senator Bernie Sanders' recent remarks on how Social Security benefits have nothing to do with the US deficit.


Then I ran across a pdf that explains how Sen. Sanders labels himself: a Democratic Socialist.

The whole warm-fuzzy political theater now on display in Washington is designed to soothe the American peoples' fears over China, the place US jobs have gravitated toward since the presidency of Ronald Reagan. Richard Nixon opened the door (as Teddy Roosevelt had pined for at the turn of the 20th century), Reagan strutted in, and we-the-people have been paying with our livelihoods and our national sovereignty ever since.

Meanwhile, other US presidents have continued the globalists' sell-out agenda (Clinton's NAFTA, CAFTA, and the illusion of 'free trade') until the US looks more like a 3rd world country every day while the Chinese people work hard for the money and dream of better lives. Now this is what Politics can do for global populations: build up, tear down, tinker with people's lives - and all with the power elite's bottom line upper most in their reptilian brains.

Democratic Socialism sounds better than the glaringly bad deal we've been handed by our own government officials who may be found lurking within the US Saturn 14Lib48 and Neptune 22Vir25 pair of Communism-Socialism-Fascism-inner-and-secret-government signature which falls near US natal Midheaven in the Sibly chart:

Saturn/Neptune = Mc: use of shortened, inefficient methods when tough, dedicated, completed work is needed; taking a definitive stand on practices which lessen the quality of life; giving up and capitulating totally to the demands of the environment; peculiar loss of ambition; wavering between idealism and materialism; emotional suffering; moodiness; a peculiar character. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Michael Munkasey, in Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, gives the Political and Business implications for Saturn/Neptune; any, all, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions):

Thesis: Delusions among the real leadership; long lived programs that have no real purpose; policies that restrict spies; misusing law officers; inefficient use of capable expert advice; mistaken religious leaders.

Antithesis: leaders deceive about the exercise of control; deficient business practices exposed; respected persons involved in questionable practices; reliable equipment failures; a leader capitulates.

As you know, the Saturn/Neptune cycle is approximately 36 years in length. Their last Great Conjunction occurred in 1989 as the Reagan presidency morphed into that of George H. W. Bush who loudly touted the New World Order:

1. March 3, 1989 @11Cap55;
2. June 24, 1989 @11Cap14;
3. November 13, 1989 @10Cap22.

As you see, these positions in Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, have a weighty encounter within range for an important state visit: transiting Pluto.

Saturn/Neptune = Pluto: denial of guilt from responsible people; new ideas on evolution which upset long-held but weaker historical theories; punishment for those who've allowed decay and decadence to persist; tremendous awareness for potential for loss; feeling downtrodden; workers' rights campaigns.

Since Pluto moves very slowly, this transit will be particularly difficult for society and America is emphasized here due to our Cancer planets (Venus, Jupiter, and Sun 3 - 14 Cancer) in opposition to underworld god, assassin, and spymaster Pluto triggering the effects and the aftermath of Saturn/Neptune in 1989, the year that Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus conjoined for the first time since the 15th century.

Historically, the triple conjunction marked a pivotal moment and its long lasting effects will continue to play out for decades to come. Yes, 1989 saw the 'end' of the Cold War yet it's interesting how often we hear that phrase from the media and politicians today.

Dec 27, 2010

Quotes about a 'New World Order' (FDR, Nixon, Bush, 9/11, etc)

An interesting link has been added in SO'W's sidebar with Quotes of Note concerning the establishment of a New World Order (aka, a new world economic order.) From the linked page I'm lifting the following excerpt and will hook you up near post's end with a link to the complete list of quotes.

The first one you've probably read or heard before. It's the second one that ties together some of my recent discoveries as I finish reading Jonathan Alter's The Defining Moment about FDR. So far I'm finding no mention of any particular NWO stuff by Mr. Alter, and no hint of FDR's notable Masonic membership (initiated October 11, 1911 NYC.) But the UN is present, of course.

Change in America?

Between FDR's March 4, 1933 Inauguration and his 2nd Inauguration on January 20, 1937, the character and leadership (Sun) of the office of the US presidency were morphed from Jupiter/Neptune's Piscean (March 1933's Sun 13Pis41 w Moon 16Gem41 @ 1:08 pm est, the time of Oath-taking as stated in Mr. Alter's book) into Saturn/Uranus' Aquarian (January 1937's Sun 00AQ15 w Moon 11Tau44 @ noon.)

FDR was often thought in his day to be a lightweight in the intellectual department, and his continual nodding while saying, "Yes, yes, yes" gave people the impression he was agreeing with them! He considered himself an 'actor', 'juggler', and 'magician' and had many rhetorical tricks and flourishes as a 'gifted orator' (see quote, paragraph 2!) Yes, FDR was famous for his 'fireside chats' meant to sway the American people to his way of thinking, and oftentimes the campaign worked:

In Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.'s The Coming of the New Deal (1958) he quotes Machiavelli at the front of the book saying, "There is nothing...more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things."

At the end of the book, he quotes Fabian Socialist H.G. Wells describing FDR as, "The most effective transmitting instrument possible for the coming of the new world order. He is continuously revolutionary in the new way without ever provoking a stark revolutionary crisis."

Really? Well, that's not too surprising since FDR was born with revolutionary *Uranus Rx rising in mid-Virgo!

Both his natal ASC and Uranus Rx are @ '18Vir' = "Two Girls Playing with a Ouija Board." Mr. Alter quotes some of FDR's contemporaries as trying to put a finger on a certain air about the man and 'feminine' is one of the possibilities. 'Ouija board' seems to refer in part to mysticism and use of the occult such as Freemasonry and other societies might engage in.

Well, to read more such notable quotes on the establishment of a New World Order or one-world-government (since knowledge is power) click here.Some of it may surprise you including who said or penned them and how widespread NWO touting and envisioning was even decades ago...some say all the way back to the founding of America though I retain serious and sentimental doubts that the totalitarianism and fascism of today's Zionists and Trotskyite neocons (and their competitive attempts to gain control of the global government's helm and grandly unite Capitalism with Socialism) were just what the Founding Fathers had in mind.

However, there is that pesky Saturn (government; authoritarianism; Capitalism) and Neptune (secret; invisible; Socialism) pair atop (The Goal) of America's founding horoscope in the Sibly version: Saturn/Neptune as a planetary pair of energies collectively signifies Communism and Socialism.


*Uranus rising = coping ability, and a magician, just as FDR professed!

Mar 6, 2010

Technocracy the real threat to our freedoms

An article by The August Review 's editor Patrick Wood has set me back on my heels this morning!

Smart Grid: the Implementation of Technocracy? is a must-read for those feeling distinctly wary of the constant drip drip of propaganda which the power elite are using to frog-march us toward totalitarian global control.

According to Mr. Wood, Technocracy is the deeper threat to our freedoms, not Communism, Fascism, or Socialism and he explains it much better than I ever could. Repudiated by the American people when presented in 1932 and 1933, Technocracy is working behind the scenes to establish Smart Grid monitoring and distribution of energy which will be the basis of a new economy...not fiat currencies of any sort, but -- energy!

This will involve the fully regulated consumption of electricity, gas and----water. Now there's total control over human behavior!

Technocracy is described as a totalitarian scientific dictatorship dreamed up by a few men including Howard A. Porter, one of the dudes of 1933 who thought FDR should be inaugurated as a dictator. They attempted to sell Technocracy as a solution for the world's economic ills - familiar since 2008, yes? Great Depression meet Great Recession and here we go again.

Now astrologers are familiar with the fact that Hitler and FDR have natal charts so similar, it's uncanny. Why, one was a vicious dictator, the other a sainted US President, say the unwary! Well, there's more to the links between the two men than an innocent astrologer might reasonably hope or expect.

So let me try one of the hilarious Craig Ferguson's tricks: 'Hitler and FDR. One was a ruthless dictator who seized power and turned governmental systems and societal norms upside down...and the other was Hitler.'

Yes, there were two 'seize power/take control' flavored Series of Solar Eclipses which occurred in 1932: 6 North and 6 South: 6N on March 7, 1932 @ '7Pisces' and 6S on August 31, 1932 @ '8Virgo' - these eclipses repeated, not in 2008, '09, or '10 - but in 2004, the year that the plutocratic, oppressive, fascist, technocratic combo of Pluto and Chiron aligned by parallel (mid-August) upon America's natal Ascendant (Sibly chart)...@ '12Sag' = "A Flag Turned into an Eagle That Crows."

And 6N's '7Pisces' conjoins US natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint and our natal Ceres (security and food issues), too, with Virgo-Pisces being the victim-savior axis.

Well, I hope you'll read Patrick Wood's article, perhaps follow the links he provides, and begin noticing more closely the Smart Grid Task Force goings-on all around us. Billions of our tax dollars have been and will be pumped into this radical 'project' by way of stimulus funds in the US and across the globe so this slab of fat has already been tossed into the one-world fire and will make for a very meager communal dinner for all but the wealthy shareholders.

Smart Grid, Smart-Meters, Smart Government?

So will Americans fall for the Technocracy-promoting propaganda as they refused to do in 1933? If so, we must have gotten much stupider over the last 77 years. Maybe we do need a nanny state. After all, when President Obama visited just down the road from where I type - Savannah, GA. - the other day to tout nuclear plants and stimulus money investments, he lifted up his 'Home Star Initiative' which is said to be a 'revolutionary program' that will put a lien on personal property and tie consumption costs to one's property taxes.

How does that smell to you, m'peops? My own suspicion is that there's more than a little stank issuing from that particular governmental skunk in the totalitarian road. Are they offering us a roadkill in every pot?

So the next time the disingenuous GOP calls Mr. Obama names such as 'socialist' I'll know that BHO is really acting as a reconstituted Technocrat and that he obviously agreed to promote their ruthless 'scientific' agenda in order to tarry in the Oval Office a while and play 'president'....aka, 'propaganda-catapulter' as W called it when he had the gig.

Now here's further reading posted online mere minutes ago: Maryland Gets Ready for Smart Electricity Grid Technology and you notice someone inserted 'electricity' into the code words for changes which may sound okay but we're not gonna like the agenda's heavy hand at all once its true nature is fully revealed.

Oct 18, 2008

Is 'spread the wealth' same as socialism?

Charges are mulitplying by McCain and his surrogates that Barack Obama's tax proposals and other economic ideas are 'socialist' in nature.

Well, it's true that the phrase "spread the wealth" never goes over well with the richest class, and I can think of no better reason than this: if spreading or sharing actually occurred, half a million or so of their dollars might be used to feed the hungry, bind the wounds of the ill and dying, and comfort an orphan or a foster child or two.

Why, a factory might be built and a few jobs created - and after the corporate elite worked so hard to ship our jobs overseas, too!

So apparently, if there's one thing a rich man can't stand, it's being his brother's keeper by giving back a little of the largesse he receives through the laws of this great nation and from the sweat of the common worker's brow.

Never mind that a rich man has money and legal reps to avoid paying taxes which he rightly should have been paying all along. Plus, they didn't invent offshore or Swiss bank accounts for nuthin'!

As you know, it was King Midas who turned everything he touched into gold which became a major problem to him because gold isn't everything and people turned into golden statues make poor companions.

Now, lest a rich man think this gnat of a blogger covets his gold, let him rest at ease, for temporary values don't trump (Trump!) eternal values with me - for it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God, says Scripture.

And you know that rich men probably think they have that circumvented just as they do with creative accounting tricks, triple sets of books, laws skewed on their behalf against the individual, world banks in cahoots, and Wall Street schemes galore.

But one day when All accounts are settled, we'll have to see about that. We'll all just have to see, won't we?