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Showing posts with label Democratic Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democratic Party. Show all posts

Dec 6, 2022

Top 10 Democrats Who Should Run in 2024 Presidential Election - clip

Here's a recent segment from Thom Hartmann:

As for Astrology, related posts concerning Election 2024 include:The 2024 Presidential Election Eclipse in the 8 South Saros Series which occurs after the 8 North April 8, 2024 Great American Eclipse (#3 of 3). And as you know, all eclipses can be disruptive and toss unexpected monkey wrenches into proceedings like the cosmic wild cards they are.

Jun 9, 2022

Can 19-Year-Old Democrat Stop Corrupt GOP Incumbent? - video Featuring Sam Lawrence

If you missed Thom's recent interview with up-and-coming Democratic candidate Sam Lawrence check it out - and be inspired for American Democracy!

Hope you're planning to tune in tonight at 8:00 pm edt for the first public Jan 6th hearing! (Horoscope shown).

Dec 26, 2021

1968 Eclipses Repeat in 2022: Strategy and Turbulence

by Jude Cowell

December 26, 2021

Since August 2018, the History dot com channel has sported a brief YouTube video of Chicago's rioting at the DNC in 1968 (Democratic National Convention) described as "a political and cultural watershed moment" in America. As a teenager I remember watching the Convention and the melee on TV, possibly on the 'evening news' or in 'real time' and feeling suspicious of the participants and their aggressive actions. Not that 'plants' were understood by yours truly back then but it seemed clear to me that something sneaky (meant to spark violence) was going on in an attempt to undermine the Democratic Party and its candidates. While the riots were disturbing, that 'voting Republican' should be the result of watching the conflict on the evening news did not dawn upon my teenaged brain and it did not sway me toward Republicans in the voting booth on Election Day (my first-ever!). Nor will any similar events that may occur sway me in 2022.

Now in hind sight, a Timeline of the Events of 1968 tells a difficult tale of a year of turmoil and strife in the US. And if we consult them, solar eclipse themes of 1968 can reveal background influences during that year via the 'As Above, So Below' model (on Earth as it is in Heaven). Therefore, I regretfully inform you that the two solar eclipses of 1968 fell into the difficult 6 North and 6 South Saros Series (series are like families) - and both 6N and 6S solar eclipses are due to repeat in 2022, but in different Zodiacal positions, of course.

Now naturally 6N and 6S eclipses have manifested between 1968 and 2022 (their years are listed, below) but since we're still in 2021 for a little while longer, let's focus on what's coming down the political pike, as they say, especially since 2022 is a year of risky Midterm Elections in the US and we already know we've got worlds of trouble with America's future hanging in the balance bwo 'democracy vs fascism', which is one way to describe our current existential predicament. So shall we keep our Republic, or lose it?

See Midterms 2022 Brings a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus conjunct radical planet of anarchy and zealotry, Uranus.

March and September 1968 and April and October 2022

So as it happened back in the day, the 6 North Solar Eclipse of March 28, 1968 functioned as the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE") of both political conventions - the RNC (August 8, 1968 Miami Beach, Florida) and the DNC (August 26, 1968 Chicago, Illinois) with themes of: 'relationship to authority figures; the need to take responsibility and control; accepting commitments due to another individual's unreliability or illness'. Well, in 1968 it was Republican Richard Nixon vs Democrat Hubert Humphrey, as you know, and political trickiness ('strategy'!) was afoot. For as you know, eclipses are considered Uranian (quirky, chaotic) and often disrupt earthly events like a 'wild card of the Universe'. Changes of direction have been known to occur. View the DC Horoscope of the 6 North Solar Eclipse of April 2022 @10Tau28.

Then before 1968 ended, on a 'cosmic blink' level there perfected a 6 South Solar Eclipse on September 22, 1968 @29Virgo, a 29th critical-crisis degree - and was the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of Election 1968 in November. (For those who use a late afternoon Sagitarius rising horoscope for the US, this eclipse 'hit' the Midheaven of July 4, 1776 - and I suspect that its themes relate to someone's goal in 1968. Certainly, power plays and high stakes are common features of every election year and nominating convention, yes?)

History Rhymes, Echoes, Reverberates

So to close this fuss, here is some "you have been warned" info because in October 2022, a 6 South Eclipse @2Scorpio conjunct Venus will be the "wild card" we may as well expect since it's the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of Midterms 2022:

6 South themes: 'being forceful and taking power; manic energy, great force or strength in relationships; sudden events; huge efforts in a group activity' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

My thought for 2022? That vicious anarchists and zealots, determined to take over the US despite how the American people vote, must be challenged and repelled with equal - no, with stronger force, even if it takes a gargantuan record-setting Blue Wave of voters to do it.

6N and 6S Eclipses occurred in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, (1968), 1986, 2004, (2022), and next: 2040.

Above image: an early depiction of the US Capitol Building; attribution unknown.

Sep 5, 2021

Upton Sinclair, his Eclipse, and the Democratic Party

Sunday September 5, 2021: Here's a link to a 5m-20s video with more historical details on the political career of author Upton Sinclair than I ever knew before: How Upton Sinclair and EPIC Swept the Democratic Primary 1934 involving Sinclair's run for the governorship of California! He was way ahead of all opponents in the race until Hollywood came out against him with what apparently was the very first 'attack ad' - a campaign tactic that we're overly accustomed to these days. But one result was that thanks to Sinclair's mass of supporters, California turned blue. Of course, now in 2021, Governor Newsom and Democrats are in peril in California and it reaches all the way to the US Senate.


In his natal horoscope (RR: A) set for September 20, 1878 9:00 am LMT Baltimore, Maryland, we can see Sinclair's practical Earth-Water Sun Virgo-Moon Cancer personality blend with its Mercury-Moon flavors. A socialist off and on, Upton Sinclair is known for a famous quote of his which I have added to SO'W posts more than once through the years:

"Is it altogether a Utopian dream, that once in history a ruling class might be willing to make the great surrender, and permit social change to come about without hatred, turmoil, and waste of human life?"

And as I've typed before, yes. It is. Because few if any of "the powers that think they be" (credit to activist Max Igan!) will ever willingly sacrifice any measure of their exalted positions over the masses after clawing their way to (what they consider to be) the top - or being born there. The earthly top, that is. Where things rust and pass away.

Now for one more thing: the Total Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Upton Sinclair manifested on July 29, 1878 @6Leo33 in the 6 South Saros Series with themes of 'being forceful, taking power; manic energy; exerting huge efforts in group activities' (B. Brady). And as eclipse cycles would have it, a 6 South eclipse repeats on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio - and manifested @8Vir09 on August 31, 1932 as the 'Nazis Rise to Power' Eclipse. I do hope you feel forewarned!

Jun 22, 2021

Astro-Notes on the Dixiecrats of 1948 and their spawn

by Jude Cowell

Back in the day, a gaggle of anti-Civil-Rights Southerners, known as the Dixiecrats, met in Birmingham, Alabama and on July 17, 1948 nominated South Carolina Gov. Strom Thurmond for president and Mississippi Gov. Fielding L. Wright for vice president. The Truman and Democratic Party programs supporting Civil Rights for the disenfrachised victims of our country had enraged them, apparently enough to secede from the Democratic Party and proceed to row their own political canoe of States' Rights, racial segregation, white supremacy, Southern Nationalism, and other regressive attitudes and policies ('Jim Crow' laws once again being one of them even though the far-right party officially dissolved in 1948 - but we still have the GOP; I suggest that Dixiecrat ghosts continue to haunt us now.)

Plus, President Truman's Executive Order 9981 ended discrimination in the US military, a major faux pas in the eyes of the racist Dixiecrats. (Side note: Strom Thurmond became a Republican in 1964, and in the November 2, 1948 General Election, he received only 39 Electoral Votes and 2.4% of the popular vote.)

Now these events of 1948 occurred soon after the harsh, cruel energies of the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of August 11, 1947 @13Leo07 and the two karmic planets remained in royal Leo by the time of Governor Thurmond's nomination on July 17, 1948, but with an orb of 8+ degrees. And of course, Sun-ruled Leo is the proud, vain sign of the natural leader while a self-satisfied Moon-Jupiter conjunction perfected that very evening in the 20-22 degree-range of Sagittarius (conjunct you-know-who's tiresome, needy Moon-SN conjunction).

Additionally, the formation of the Dixiecrat Party and Thurmond's nomination fell under the cosmic influences of a 4 North Solar Eclipse with its themes of: 'restraint, restriction, inhibition, separation, illusion, and a 'misjudgment of strength or the situation' (Brady). If 4 North themes sound familiar it's because we recently struggled through them again, thanks to the Summer Solstice 2020 Eclipse @00Cancer.

Inconveniently, the natal horoscope of politician Strom Thurmond has no accurate birth time but check out the chart if you wish. Born December 5, 1902 in Edgefield, SC, you'll find an impressive line-up of planets in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius (Mercury-Sun-Venus-Uranus) and with Jupiter @13Aquarius, he possibly was born with an expansive Moon-Jupiter conjunction, not an unusual pairing for a glad-handing politician whose Mama had always assured him that he could be anything he wanted to be, you see. And this vision-of-grandeur belief, if repeated often enough, can sometimes lead to a presidential run!

Yet also visible in Strom's chart is a dynamic T-Square in effect no matter his birth time: Uranus-Pluto = Mars (@23Vir10 - square US 1776 Mars and conjunct US Neptune) with potentials for: 'fanaticism and violence' (R. Ebertin) and/or an 'impulsive, demanding nature' (M. Munkasey). Then as you know, the Uranus-Pluto duo, his a rebellious opposition, suggests potentials for engaging in extremely violent destruction, anarchy, and revolution (A. Oken).

Well, that's enough fussing about my fellow Southerners and their undistinguished actions in US history. Why fuss? Because if you've read SO'W before this you may remember my assertion that the American people must directly face our monsters - 'Dixiecrats', Jim Crow laws, bigotry, violence, and otherwise - if we wish to have any hope whatsoever of vanquishing them and entertaining the better angels our nature.

Personally, my money is on a constitutional America and democracy. How about yours? #

Update July 7, 2021: Expert astrologer Gary Lorentzen has informed me that Richard Nixon invited the Dixiecrats to "formally join the GOP" on August 5, 1968, aka, Nixon's Southern Strategy. This date falls within the 6 North Saros Series with themes of, 'relationship to authority figures, or, the need to take responsibility and control; commitments are presented due to another person's illness or unreliability' (Brady). The last 6 North eclipse occurred in 2004 @30Aries, the next will manifest on April 30, 2022 @10Taurus. Therefore, this political 'slight of hand' amounted to a gaggle of racists joining the Republican Party.

Jun 8, 2021

Coming in early July: America's Solar Return 2021

US Solar Return 2021: So Far Our Democracy Has Weathered 245 Years

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday June 8, 2021: This summer we can expect America's Solar Return to our July 4, 1776 Sun degree (@13Can19:19; mundane Sun = leadership) to perfect actually on July 4th (at 10:51:37 pm edt; horoscope shown) which is not always the case. However, as you know, everyone's Sun always returns to natal degree within one day or on their birthday. For those who prefer a late afternoon horoscope for the founding of this illuminating 'experiment' in self-governance with Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius rising (I tend toward '5:09 pm LMT' because it places Cardinal World Points of manifestation and recognition on the MC-IC angles of the chart but I'm not wedded to this chart and don't mind calling it 'speculative') - in the Solar Return 2021 Horoscope ('SR') we find US natal Moon rising (ASC @26AQ30) when the chart is set for Washington DC. If you follow the above link you can see this for yourself.

Also of note is that all planetary returns repeat whatever aspects a returning planet makes in the natal or founding chart; for America that would be Cancer Sun square Saturn exalted in Libra, a time for taking responsibility, having to measure up, and delayed rewards) yet a mitigating factor of optimism is the US Sun-Jupiter conjunction with Venus in Cancer nearby.

Also rising in our SR 2021 Horoscope are the assertive, destiny-changing Uranus-MC midpoint (hastiness, excitement, sudden adjustment to new conditions - Ebertin), and transiting Tisiphone, asteroid of retaliation (against anti-democracy seditionists? count me in for as I've typed on SO'W multiple times through the years, America is my only nag in the race - which includes the common good, a sovereign nation, and a Republic replete with democracy).

Now readers familiar with the natal horoscope and planets of the former guy (that some call the KKK's Grand Dragon) know that US SR 2021's ASC @26AQ30 conjunct US natal Moon places agent orange's natal Mars in Leo upon the SR 2021 Descendant so his aggression (Mars) targeting the American people continues (see the Tr*mp vs America Synastry Grid). Yet admittedly, no Astrology is necessary to realize any of this concerning the revenge-loving fellow so fond of retaliation who was contentiously born with hot, fiery Mars rising (if 10:54 am is his actual birth time on June 14, 1946).

Plus, the heat has recently been turned up via former guy's threat to run for Congress in 2022 but this seems like a stretch, doesn't it? For one thing, a seat in Congress is not elevated enough for Mr. Ego and the thought of his laziness with a bunch of paperwork on his desk is laughably absurd. Yet could a congressional seat be a stepping stone to another presidential run for agent orange? For many politicians it definitely could be but he's not a 'regular' politician, is he? Or one at all to my way of thinking.

Besides, his 'grand', wide physical presence in Congress, the place he sent shock troops to attack its members on 1/6, would certainly shake up congressional proceedings like no one else could do. Stop them entirely, one supposes. His antics could easily shut down the US government as he has done multiple times before. Which makes me wonder: could the Capitol Building (Masonic temple as it is) be made safe enough for such a 'grand' figure?

Meanwhile, one thing seems certain to me based on many things including the US Solar Return 2021 Horoscope: demagogue Tr*mp is not done harming and undermining our nation. And with a Democratic Party seen as weak, milque-toast, and possibly not up to the task of again successfully beating back (the now Tr*mp-style) neo-nazism (aka, neo-fascism), it falls upon We The People (US natal Moon rising in our SR 2021 chart!) to make clear that draconian authoritarianism is totally unacceptable because We The People prefer to Keep our Republic as We were challenged to do by Benjamin Franklin on September 17, 1787 (shown: US Constitution Horoscope with Mercury-Pluto = MC: the ability to cope).

So to close this fussy post, here's a question for you: do you know that the Midpoint Pictures in the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope perfectly describe many of the outcomes the American people experienced while Tr*mp was crouching (rent-free) in the White House? I thought you did.

Dec 2, 2019

Do Republicans Want To Be Ruled By a King? - Thom Hartmann

December 2, 2019: With the House Judiciary Committee's phase two of the Impeachment Inquiry of Donald Trump looming over the country beginning Wednesday December 4th at 10:00 am est (rising Saturn-Pluto = Ascendant @20Capricorn: being placed in cumbersome and difficult circumstances; separation--Ebertin), here's a belated Thom Hartmann segment from Thom's program posted November 14th which asks a very good question, Do Republicans Want To Be Ruled By a King?

Oct 10, 2019

October 15, 2019: Democratic Debate Number 4

October 10, 2019: the upcoming 2020 Democratic Debate is scheduled for Tuesday October 15, 2019 at 8:00 pm edt and will be hosted by CNN's Anderson Cooper and Erin Burnett, plus, the National Editor of the NYT, Marc Lacey. Predictably, this 4th debate is billed as another "showdown" between former VP Joe Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren with 10 other Democratic candidates flanking them onstage. Whether Biden and Warren will fuss'n'tussle as The Media so desires remains to be seen. Why, you'd think the networks and the press make money off the debate's entertainment value, or something, though I do agree it's primarily a performance of America's Political Theater. However, the cosmic weather of the debate's Sun Libra-Moon Taurus combo of energies, with both signs ruled by Venus, suggests that cooperation between the candidates is more likely to be shown than competitiveness, and we may hear the assertion that everyone has the right to health, wealth, and education.

The full line-up of political performers on October 15th consists of Gabbard, Steyer, Booker, Harris, Sanders, (Biden, Warren), Buttigieg, Yang, O'Rourke, Klobuchar, and Castro and will be held at Otterbein University in Westerville, Ohio where they 'serve the common good' (then it's my kinda place!).

So with the October 15th debate's North Node of future direction @11Can43 in the 3rd house of Communications (8:00 pm Westerville, OH) we can round up to '12 Cancer' which spotlights a certain Sabian Symbol: "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message". You see my artful depiction of this symbol, above left, but its display is not intended as a shout-out to Chinese interference of any kind!

Meanwhile, Venus @9Sco03 in 6th house with debating planet Mercury is chart-ruler because ascending at 8:00 pm is 19Tau12 with the Moon (the public) rising @16Tau12 (it's a "Swords vs Torches' affair!). Chart ruler Venus makes no Ptolemaic aspects to other debate planets but she does trine the North Node of public contacts and future direction, as noted. Will a female be the Democratic nominee or someone's VP pick? Obviously, there is a beneficial feminine touch to the proceedings yet it's the 6th house Mars @7Lib37 which leads a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets toward success and Mars suggests males or a male, and US military and/or civil service issues (such as whistle blowers?! Trump's troop withdrawals for the sake of Russia's ambitions?).

And as you know, health can also be a factor when the 6th house is involved and we think of Senator Sanders' recent heart procedure which casts doubt upon his continuing stamina. Here's hoping Bernie is feeling fine now with his medical problem taken care of.

Yet perhaps the most obvious planetary stand-out in the October 15th horoscope is the rising Moon in Taurus opposing the setting Mercury in Scorpio which paints an appropriate cosmic picture of the 4th debate itself (Taurus-Scorpio issues) and suggests that someone's progress is blocked or frustrated, conflicts flare, ideas and opinions (Mercury) are confronted (opposition), and things that don't run very smoothly. Any, all, or none of these head vs heart potentials may involve the younger (Mercury) candidates challenging the female (Moon) candidates but may also represent a public (Moon) challenged by the ideas and policies (Mercury) of any or some of the Democratic candidates in this debate. Consequently, indecision can be one of the results of the Moon-Mercury opposition which implicates both economic and domestic issues--and lively debates.

We might also note that 4th debate Mars conjoins powerful asteroid Hidalgo which hints at social climbing and may possibly denote Julian Castro. To close, there are only two midpoint pictures in the 4th debate horoscope and both involve planet of The Masses and the Mass Media, Neptune:

Assertive Uranus-MC = Neptune: expecting recognition, and withdrawal if frustrated; and, the patient, wise, and/or inhibited pair of Saturn-ASC = Neptune: over-making a point, and arguments about strange dimensions or obscure things (Tyl). The topics of Trump's crimes, antics, bad decisions, and unsuitability for office may be included here, plus, Big T appears at other places in the chart.

Now naturally there are several more chart factors of note (ex: debate's Syzygy Moon @20Ari13 = "A Pugilist Entering the Ring" which is the degree of America's natal Chiron--an injured public will be watching the debate!) but to keep this a post not an e-book, I'll stop here and let you, dear reader, ferret out the rest!

And as always, your on-topic comments and kind shares are welcomed and encouraging. Jude

Sep 10, 2019

Sept 12, 2019 Democratic Debate: All About The Biden?

Joseph Biden; official portrait; United States Senate. [Public domain]

First, a few bio details concerning the Biden family. Next a glance at the natal horoscope of Joseph Biden if needed where you'll see the 2020 Democratic candidate's Midheaven, the Goal and Career Point, @19Vir54, suggesting a debate performance Thursday night during which Joe will shine in some way because the debate Sun @19Vir53 spotlights his Goal and Career Point in a positive way and allows his objectives and goals to be visible to all. Plus, with the debate held in Houston, Texas, Joe's natal Ascendant (self; physical body) @3Sag11 will rise as the debate begins, again an indicator of being placed in the spotlight, featured, and/or favored in some way. (By voters would be good! I'm for anyone but Spanky!)

However, all is not harmony and light for Joe Biden for there are a few cosmic flies in the political ointment on debate night and thereafter although they may be kept in a jar behind the curtain, yet perhaps they're worth mentioning. For one thing, Biden's natal Midheaven has always bothered me because a certain fixed star shines there--Denebola with key potentials: to go against society; against the mainstream. Years ago I put down the first potential as his membership in secretive groups of societal meddlers like the CFR and the Bilderberg Group promoting their own agendas which to me makes him a behind-the-scenes mover-and-shaker up to sneaky stuff, and its hidden facets make me fussy. The second potential I could only explain as his reputed habit during years of serving in Washington DC but riding a train home every night to his family. Actually, with this habit security concerns come to mind due to his past tragedy with wife and daughter (see bio link, above, if you don't know the sad story). Anyway, the former VP should be lauded for such familial devotion especially in a craven city like Washington DC (my former city of residence--and I despise what's been done to the place).

Then there's hidden hand Pluto @20Capricorn now trining Joe's natal Midheaven and supporting his ambitions and power potential while simultaneously sextiling his natal Mercury, an advantageous transit for political activities and for molding or transforming public perceptions. Mr. Biden does seem to be the Establishment's favored 2020 candidate, doesn't he?

Now the final 'fly' I shall mention is a major transiting influence upon Biden's natal chart and it is the other half of the transiting Sun-Neptune opposition which will be in force for all the debaters Thursday night (but without accurate birth times for them all it's impossible to say with confidence whether they'll be as affected as Joe--see links, below). For Biden it's nebulous Neptune @17Pisces in 3rd house conjunct his natal IC @19Pis54 (Basis; Endings; Roots; Domestic Scene, etc). Yes, Neptune is rapping softly on the door and about to float into Joe's natal 4th house. Yes, gas leaks and/or water damage are possibilities yet, while this transit hints at potentials for inspiration, it also suggests such things as confusion, deception, loss, disappointment or dissolution, if not now then later on. Plus, scandals, mysteries, and/or secrets may come to light during Campaign 2020 probably in relation to the Biden family or to Joe himself.

One situation we know of already is that his son Hunter recently married suddenly and in secret (apparently Joe learned about it by phone afterwards) so that should be no problem for now, right? And perhaps Hunter's secret wedding is exactly what transit Neptune at the Foundation Point of his dad's chart means, and only that.

After all, it was way back in June just passed that the Washington Post reported on Hunter Biden's "messy personal life" and wondered in print, Will it cause political headaches for his dad?. Well, I don't know about that but I do know that Neptune in its own sign of Pisces has a lot more nebulous work to do concerning the public and private life of 2020 candidate Joe Biden for the urge-to-merge planet is just getting started--moving in mysterious ways and rapping at the door. Of course, astrological Neptune also represents The Media and The Masses and politically has much to do with propaganda and/or mass social movements, but also with spirituality and the Divine Source if Neptune's compassionate energies are positively channeled.

As for the other debate participants Thursday night, the current transiting Sun-Neptune opposition, though fading, may provide a similar scandalous vibe to their candidacies and/or debate performances, suggesting a chameleon-like quality, or, it may uplift their rhetoric in the idealism-hopes-and-dreams department barring any glaring gaffes or fibs, while suggesting the possibility that a public image may be tarnished or undermined via deception by fellow debaters, or by Republican opponents determined upon Democratic losses no matter how many lies and insulting tweets it takes.

Ah well, such is politics, that "organized system of hatreds." (H.B. Adams).

Now here are three previous astro-posts concerning other Democratic debaters: Elizabeth Warren (her natal Chiron Rx @4Sag12 will rise in Houston while her Sun-Uranus conjunction @00Cancer, a Cardinal World point, will always stand out in an original and unique way); Kamala Harris (Thursday's debate Sun near her natal Venus in Virgo but debate Neptune opposes it, an undermining influence particularly in regard to relationships and/or allies); Cory Booker whose natal Sun in Taurus has been energized of late by transiting Uranus which may cause him to stand out from the crowd!

And if you wish, check out my previous 'Moon Talk' post concerning the September 12, 2019 Democratic Debate.

Jul 19, 2019

July 30, 2019 Democratic Debate Detroit, Michigan

Image: July 30, 2019 Democratic Debate 8:00 pm edt Detroit, Michigan.

As the Democratic Debate schedule shows, the next match-up between Democratic candidates will be held July 30, 2019 at 8:00 pm edt (5:00 pm pdt) in Detroit, Michigan. The first night's debate list includes Sanders, Warren, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, O'Rourke, Bullock, Delaney, Hickenlooper, Ryan, and Williamson. Second night (July 31) it's Biden, Harris, Booker, Castro, Yang, Benet, de Blasio, Gabbard, Gillibrand, and Gov. Inslee. Both debates are being held prior to the New Moon of July 31, 2019, a seeding of new ideas and plans, yes, but New Moons suggest darkness when things go bump in the night. Around the time of a New Moon is not the best time for activities that need publicity, however, the fact that the July 30th debate begins during a Lunar Hour promises some measure of public notice.

And of course, New and Full Moons are capable of affecting earthly events in similar Uranian fashion to Solar and Lunar Eclipses by disrupting and/or bringing new directions along with the possible uncovering of secrets, scandals, and/or inconvenient facts.

Of course, fulfillment and culmination of such New Moon ideas and plans, many of which will be mentioned during the July 30 and 31 Democratic debates, will occur on or around the Full Moon of August 15, 2019 @22AQ24. Obviously, these July-into-August lunations fall across the Self-Will Leo-Aquarius axis as does America's Nodal axis of destiny (July 4, 1776) with Aquarius at its best the sign of humanitarianism which continues to attach more to the Democratic Party than to the reactionary Republican-turned-Trumpian Party.

Now as you see in the above horoscope, communicating, debating, negotiating, message-bringer Mercury Rx @24Cancer (here ruling the 5th, 6th, and 8th houses) is in process of performing its annual US Mercury Return (24Can11) with all that that implies (US Mercury oppo Pluto Rx). This Mercury Return is a 'three-fer': 1. June 20; 2. July 29; and the third and final conjunction to natal position on August 3, 2019. This period contains off-and-on Neptune trines to our Mercury (intuitive ideas and insights) and Pluto oppositions to it (a 'natal echo' for America) suggesting that info or intel may be misused, and greater control is sought over communications--and including issues of sex against minors. Certainly obsessions and mental manipulation are spotlighted by Mercury-Pluto, plus, we have the 3 North Solar Eclipse energies of July 2, 2019 running in the background with its 'obsessive' theme and 'news transforming a situation' - news that possibly involves young people (Brady). As it has. There's also a Sun-Pluto quindecile in the chart, another US natal echo of ruthlessness and an intense drive to gain power and control. Who do you suspect wants the Democratic nomination more?!

Please enlarge the image because marked on the chart, lower left, is a note about chart-ruler Saturn's lack of applying Ptolemaic aspects which places focus on Saturn Rx's sign, degree, and house position--rising with Pluto Rx and foretelling of their Great Conjunction on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46. That Moon (the public) and Mercury are opposed here by this upcoming karmic conjunction (8:00 pm edt in the 12th house of Karma and Politics) hints at the difficulties already felt in the social and political environments and the harsh measures taken by the Trump 'administration' toward children (Mercury) and women (Moon). Such topics are sure to be mentioned during the July 30th debate perhaps early in the evening but if not, they should be. Perhaps the Kite pattern of high-flying success will provide positive energies with the Moon (We the People) as its tail.

But before anyone flies away we should note that the Saturn-Pluto combination of energies also relates to financial matters and to various levels of constriction and compression so we may expect that Senator Elizabeth Warren (she the Moon?) will have the perfect opportunity to discuss America's financial condition and her proposals ("I have a plan") as she attempts to wrest the lead in the 2020 Campaign from Senator Bernie Sanders in the July 30th debate and thereafter.

Yet in closing we must also give a shout-out to Jupiter Rx still leading a Locomotive pattern (of the high-powered executive) - strong in his own sign, yes, but weakened by his retrograde condition (turning Direct August 11). Is this boundary-breaker Donald Trump? My suspicion is that yes, it is, and his empty promises, falsehoods, and propaganda (moneybags Jupiter the politician and broadcaster) continue to affect our public discourse by hideously distorting what should be a democratic American agenda by, for, and of We The People.

If you wish a look back at the previous June 2019 Democratic Debates try my Moon-Tracking post for these were the first and as such they set the tone for the whole Democratic Party enchilada.

Jun 25, 2019

Moon-Tracking the Dem Debates June 26/27, 2019

There's an appropriate midpoint picture that forms during both Democratic Debates the evenings of June 26 and 27, 2019: Venus-Neptune = Uranus (@5Tau+): 'the politics of vanity and deceit' (Munkasey). Noel Tyl adds potentials for: 'intensified fantasy setting up impractical expectations; going too far'; and/or, 'susceptibility to exploitation through ego aggrandizement'. Well, all these possibilities sound like US Politics in general as practiced in 2019, don't they? And with both political parties described in one handy midpoint picture brought to us by the Cosmos and emphasized by Campaign 2020 getting underway.

Now as you know, the sign of the Moon reveals info on current societal trends and the public mood of the moment so checking the Sun-Moon signs for both nights, we find Sun in early Cancer--June 26 9:00 pm edt Miami, FL conjunct US natal Jupiter @6Cancer ("Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" -- perhaps a book deal or two may result from a presidential campaign--or is this a hint of Senator Elizabeth Warren's perennial financial topics?), and the public's Moon in Mars-ruled Aries revealing some measure of riled up feelings and social activism. So the first debate shows a Water-Fire Sun-Cancer-Moon Aries blend which suggests quick, shrewd minds, impatience, sharp tongues, and the tendency to hide behind a 'brisk, authoritative manner when feeling vulnerable'. Plus some debater or two may stir up trouble where there isn't any! A political tactic for their own purposes, of course.

The more descriptive 'Image for Integration' for the first debate's Sun Cancer-Moon Aries combo of energies is: "A suffragette takes to the barricades in aid of her cause." Yowsa!

Then for the second debate (June 27, 2019 9:00 pm edt), Luna moves into Venus-ruled Taurus and is already slightly beyond erratic Uranus by 9:00 pm edt with the planetary pair suggesting emotional excitement for some viewers/voters and emotional detachment for others. This can also apply to one candidate or another at the same time, plus, Uranus these days tends to signify chaos-creator Donald Trump, the Uranian.

Now a Taurus Moon reveals a public mood in need of preserving values and traditions and desiring the attainment of more settled conditions rather than rocking the boat. Whether this atmosphere favors former VP Biden over Senator Sanders time will tell although to me it sounds more like voters leaning toward a staid Joe over a reformist Bernie (even though Sanders is more popular with the public at large--plus, I'm not considering personal planets of the candidates in this post) -- or, another status quo vs progressive candidate. Whatever the public preference may be at the end of June 2019, there will be plenty of time for sentiments and emotions to shift.

June 27: Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus is a pragmatic Water-Earth blend suggesting practical realism, sensitive responses to public appeals, and 'belief in the worth of every individual' (more of a Democratic thing than a Republican ideal, don't you agree?). However, subjective prejudices may be in evidence yet with a caring maternal quality expressed. Actually, the comforts of home may be on the menu with this blend and may include America's long-touted, patriotic apple pie symbolism at some point. Plus, Taurus-Cancer denotes a Sun-Moon sextile so folks will want to help the candidate of their choice by providing benefits!

Now in Sun Sign-Moon Sign, the Harveys provide three 'Images for Integration' for the Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus blend and frankly I'm not certain which might apply more closely (if any!) to the second Democratic Debate and its debaters so I'll close this post with all of them for your consideration:

"A family photo album...A flourishing family business...A painter captures the taste and smell of a landscape."

Any thoughts?

Above image: Trail to the Moon, a lunar inspired drawing by yours truly.

Jan 5, 2019

Nancy Pelosi: Speaker of the House 2007-2019

Below is a bi-wheel of Nancy Pelosi's two stints as Speaker of the House of Representatives circa 2007 (January 4) and 2019 (January 3). Charts are set for noon, the symbolic opening of a new Congress--the 110th in 2007 and the 116th in 2019. Notes are penned on if you care to enlarge the image, and midpoint pictures in force for both stints are listed, below, along with prominent 2019 conjunctions to the 2007 planets although your eagle eye may spot more:

As always with midpoint pictures, any, all, or none may apply and are subject to activation by transit and progression. The following is a comparison of midpoint pictures between Speaker Pelosi 2007 and Speaker Pelosi 2019:

Midpoint Pictures January 4, 2007 noon est Capitol Hill

Sun 13Cap57 = Jupiter-Neptune (speculation; deceiving or being deceived); = Venus-Pluto (acts of elimination); = Mercury-MC (achieving prominence and recognition through hard work and determination. Note that the first two planetary pairs relate to finance, investment, and extravagance or waste.

Pluto 27Sag09 = Sun-Jupiter (great success or complete failure; great good luck; pursuit of fortune; an inheritance).

Mercury 12Cap25 conjunct MC = Sun-MC (communicating intentions; gaining experience; seeing one's way to achieving goals).

North Node 18Pis09 of public contact = Neptune-ASC (goals involve persuading groups to your points of view; suffering from falsehood, fraud, or malice via disharmonious people; rumors.

Venus 00AQ42 conjunct US Inaugural Sun = Sun-Neptune (a value system based on dreams of an easy life; disappointments; a weak constitution); = Mars-Uranus (strong passions; dogmatism).

Midpoint Pictures January 3, 2019 noon est Capitol Hill

MC 10Cap07 = Mercury-Pluto (good coping ability; keen powers of observation, judgment, discernment; prudence; foresight; ability to arrange matters well; leadership; great perception of any situation; resourcefulness -- 'Mercury-Pluto' = success as a speaker.

Mercury 27Sag50 conjunct 2007 Pluto: 'gaining power, gathering valuable information'; = Sun-Jupiter (getting ideas across; successful thinking; good news; success via speaking and acting; recognition; = Jupiter-Saturn (desire to make changes; effective communication; using media to publicize ideas and plans).

Jupiter 12Sag conjunct US natal ASC = Mercury-Venus (successfully expressing values; an advantageous union); = US natal ASC (appreciation for proper behavior).

Pluto 20Cap 41, a critical-crisis degree = Venus-Neptune (suspicions about deceptive practices; criminals using elaborate cover-ups for fraud or deceit; disguising waste); a painful renunciation.

Saturn 11Cap41 = Sun-MC (better planning toward implementation; necessity to make difficult decisions; reserve.)

As you see, 2019 Mercury conjoins 2007 Pluto (notated in the text, above, and on the chart, upper middle; 2019 Saturn conjoins 2007 Mercury denoting serious training, instructions, and broadening of skills; responsibilities increase, and delays are involved with Mercurial things such as communications, planning, commerce, trade, and travel (Trump Shutdown?).

2019 Neptune @14Pis08 nestles between the 2007 Uranus-North-Node midpoint and pair of radical, anarchistic, progressive politics in the 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions such as Congress, and Karma which forms a picture of potentials including: meetings with unusual people (new congress members?), undermining of associations, being suddenly deceived by others, and/or people who are easily impressed by others. Note that this position of nebulous Neptune is the natal degree of the Republican Party (1854) which had its final exact Neptune Return on December 29, 2018. Plus, 2019 Neptune conjuncts 2007 Uranus which suggests changes in society are due but with confusion and disorientation involved as technology conflicts with ideals.

This looks to me like a cosmic picture of Republicans undermining House Democrats (old news!), in particular the progressive wing of the party and - tiresomely - the pro-people policies they and Nancy Pelosi support (to the extent that she does).

And finally, 2019 North Node conjoins 2007 Moon 27Can42 suggesting major publicity, emotional and/or spiritual ties between the congressional ladies, families and children in attendance at both events, and Speaker Pelosi's expression on January 3, 2019 of this being the 100-year anniversary of Women gaining the Right to Vote!


Midpoint sources: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Ebertin; Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey; Solar Arcs, Tyl.

Sep 15, 2018

Tulsi Gabbard Explains Why She Resigned from the DNC pt 1 - clip

And here's a look at the Political and Ethical leanings shown in the natal chart of Tulsi Gabbard written by Millennial Astrologer Kevin Estes.

Apr 13, 2018

August 2018: Democratic Party's natal Saturn eclipsed

In 2014, I published a horoscope for the Democratic Party set for February 17, 1801 1:00 pm LMT Washington DC. This founding data is apparently based on The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, according to an astute reader of SO'W who took strong exception to a version I had previously posted.

The reason I mention this today concerns the current turmoil in Washington DC and the problems said to be occurring within the Republican Party. Why? Because The Tower Solar Eclipse which manifests on August 11, 2018 @19Leo will 'eclipse' the natal 3rd house Saturn in the 1801 Democratic Party horoscope which may be viewed by following the link, above. Of course, astrological Saturn represents various things such as the status quo, The Establishment, reality, authority, seniority, accountability, the boss, lawmakers and lawyers, legal matters, business managers, government officials, limitations and rules, denials or delays, the past, and the potential for karmic losses based on past actions. At times in Political Astrology, Saturn also represents the Democratic Party, other times the Republican. The parties tend to switch roles between generous Jupiter and austere Saturn depending on who's being extravagant and who's complaining about it in order to score political points. Basically, America has 'ruling elite' vs We The People which you've undoubtedly noticed before now.

So I find it curious that a 'Blue Wave' of voters leaning against Republican candidates is said to be arriving at Midterm Elections 2018 and The Tower Solar Eclipse, the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the Midterms! with its 'collapse' motif, seems to hint at the possibility of a landslide for the Democrats in the House if not the Senate--unless the entire election system collapses. Democrats need to gain 23 seats to control the House yet considering past election cheating in the US (exs: hacking of ballot machines, voter suppression, gerrymandering of districts, dark money and propaganda paid for by meddling billionaires and oligarchs, compromised SCOTUS justices, media echo chambers, foreign interference which has not been addressed and therefore is championed) We the People cannot be certain that the results of the 2018 Midterms will be honestly tallied and announced. Besides, it's not who or how many vote, it's who counts the votes, isn't it? And with Uranian chaos-creator Trump behaving just like Putin would do, we know how the kingpin-in-chief stands on such GOP-favoring tactics which may actually expand due to Republican fears of a Blue Wave.

For these deceptive tactics, and by November perhaps for other reasons, an 'eclipse' of the Democratic Party's natal Saturn implies to me the possibility that a 'Blue Wave' will be diverted at least partially by the GOP and their financial backers and political operatives, both here and abroad. And of course influences brought by the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse can begin as early as late July so let's keep collapse themes--political, social, political party, White House, crime families, and/or financial--in mind as Summer 2018 proceeds toward November Midterms and slightly into 2019 for the first Solar Eclipse of 2019 manifests on January 6 @15Capricorn in the 2 South Saros Series of gaining a great deal from group involvement (Brady). This may relate to any and all winners on November 6th and times the first week in January when new congress members will be sworn into office on Capitol Hill. Considering all the Republican defections and resignations this year, there should be quite a number of oaths taken.

So in spite of political dirty tricks used and inconvenient secrets revealed, all Trump resisters must hope that, as promised, millennial voters will turn out en masse on November 6, 2018 and vote the varmints out! Disagree if you must (and knowing that Democrats are compromised corporatists, too, but slightly less objectionable toward the general population)...there it is.

This, from USA Today: Does House Speaker Paul Ryan's retirement signal a blue wave in the fall?

Now is it curious that astrological Neptune, planet of erosion, deception, and fraud, also rules the blue seas and the waves--and is now in process while floating through its own sign of Pisces of perfecting an ongoing five-fer Neptune Return to the watery planet's 1854 position (14Pisces) in the Republican Party natal chart?

Apparently for the GOP, 2018 may be a Blue Wave time indeed!

Related is a discussion in the Noel Tyl forum of the founding of the Republican Party with horoscope included. Closest natal planet to the degree of The Tower Eclipse (18Leo41) is the Republicans' 1854 Mars @26Leo--not close enough) which in 1946 was conjoined by the natal Mars (rising) of a red-faced little Donald Trump. His baby days are long over, but he's still red-faced and squalling.

Also note that at least one other version of a Democratic Party horoscope exists, one by astrologer William Stickevers set for May 21, 1814 12:00 pm LMT Baltimore, Maryland. Is this a Maryland State Party chart or is it national? On Facebook I've asked William for historical information and will await his reply, if any, since Google searches have been unsatisfactory so far.

above image: Neptune Ascends

Jul 29, 2016

A White-Clad Hillary Clinton Accepts the Democratic Nomination for the Presidency

Hillary Clinton Visualizes Helming the White House

by Jude Cowell

Last evening, July 28, 2016, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton accepted the nomination of her party for the presidency of the United States while dressed all in white. The time stamp on my phone registered these times: introduced by daughter Chelsea @10:27 pm edt; Hillary begins speaking @10:30 pm edt; accepts @10:47 pm edt; ends speech @11:27 pm edt, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

For those who prefer an 8:02 pm CST natal chart for Hillary with its 29Pisces12 Moon, her acceptance speech began (10:30 pm edt) as this lunar position was precisely rising in Philadelphia with a 29Pis10 Ascendant. Not conclusive testimony for an 8:02 pm chart, yet in the constant search for her accurate, confirmed birth data (though most astrologers use the astrodatabank hour of 8:02 am, not pm, with Scorpio rising; view her chart here along with a second version set for 8:00 pm which gives her 29Gemini rising--yet I cannot see her with a nervous Gemini Ascendant and adding 2 minutes = 00Cancer rising). Yes, I have suggested here and elsewhere that the evening birth of 8:02 pm gives her World Point 00Cancer of fame and prominence on the Ascendant which describes her Moon-shaped face.

Plus, white, as you know, is a color of the sign Cancer and its ruler, the Moon, which relates to the White Goddess. Did the audience last evening infuse Hillary Rodham Clinton with applause, cheers, and adoration as if worshiping her?

For me, the proceedings favored a modern day idolization ceremony if not a (pagan) worship service though of course you are free to disagree as you wish. Even rock goddess and Isis stand-in Katy Perry performed just before Chelsea, then Hillary, took the stage. And no one can say that mother goddess Ceres was not well represented via verbal and imaged reminders of Hillary's care, concern, and sympathy for the ill, the weak, the young and old, the injured, and the victimized in our society. Plus, symbols of Ceres and Virgo, the goddess sign, are found sprinkled all over Washington DC architecture--do they on some level point to eventual matriarchal rule in America?

Well, as you've noticed, our Founders' Venus veneration is seen in statues such as Columba (the Dove) on the Capitol Dome, aka, Lady Freedom (not Pocahontas, they say.) Yes, evidence of early American paganism is hard to miss unless we try really hard! Especially since the gift of French Freemasons, the copper-clad Statue of Liberty, so obviously pays homage to goddess Venus whose metal is copper.

(See: Horoscope: Founding of the Federal City 1791.)

But Hillary as 'white goddess'? Seriously? Aiming for a matriarchal White House?

Well, perhaps it's just a feeling of mine. Though perhaps you're familiar with poet Robert Graves and his study of The White Goddess and matriarchal religion. Can anyone deny that a patriarchal to matriarchal shift is in store for America if Hillary Clinton is inaugurated on January 20, 2017? Paganism or not, her Methodism notwithstanding, and US secularism aside, this basic change cannot be ignored or denied if a Hillary coronation is held!

Now I wonder if the Sabian Symbols can provide information on this topic? Is there a symbol, a word picture, that applies to the lady and the situation? How about the symbol for '30 Pisces' if we round up for a 29 Pisces+ Moon and a 10:30 pm acceptance speech? Let's blend Dane Rudhyar's description of this degree with that of Marc Edmund Jones and see what we can come up with for Hillary in an all-white pantsuit while adoring fans shouted their praise and the goal of her life is nearly realized and fulfilled:

'30Pisces': "The Great Stone Face...Destiny is character. Keyword: DISCERNMENT; positive expression: self-integrity in its irresistible impact on the course of events; negative/unconscious/shadow side: wholly inarticulate and ineffectual self-realization."

Actually, as far as Politics goes, on its surface I thought her acceptance speech was quite good and reasonably effective though not for her many detractors who are steeped in decades of her opponents' accusations and insults. Her Mercury-South Node conjunction (and Ascendant in the 8:02 am chart), plus, her Sun in Scorpio attracts or describes much of the blame and discredit, it seems--perhaps correctly so since Mars-ruled Scorpio is the sign of betrayal, subterfuge, vengeance, and/or crime--if one does not evolve to a higher plane. For Scorpio has a higher side, too, of the Eagle or even, the Phoenix, both of which are associated with the founding and the symbolism of our nation.

To '30 Pisces', Ruhyar adds notes on Nathaniel Hawthorne's story, "The Great Stone Face" in an "allegorical sense to show the capacity for self-transformation latent in man. This power can be developed through visualization, when the emotions and the will are poured into the visualized mental image." He goes on to speak of "God-like beings" (a White Goddess, perhaps?) starting "a new universe" (which could be the "new world order" the power elite have been implementing under our noses; whoever helms the White House has no option than to follow the global government 'new world order' script--or else; methods used are the only difference between Rs and Ds--if any since the end game is about to be won.)

Now echoing back to what I posted yesterday about the New Year's Eve ceremony when the Clintons 'seeded' the New Millennium, Dane Rudhyar adds, "Within the end of the cycle the seed of a new beginning exists in potency--unless the entire cycle has proven to be a failure. This is the last stage of the last scene of the great ritual play of cyclic transformations. It brings to us a realization of the power of archetypes as factors conditioning life processes. Thus we could use as a final Keyword: ARCHETYPALIZATION.

Then there's stationing Rx planet, radical political Uranus, something of a Utopian, blind zealot, and anarchist when in Mars-ruled Aries. A catalyst of change and revolution, Uranus is rising in Hillary's speech, acceptance, and end-of-speech charts (actually conjunct Ascendant as she ended at 11:27 pm edt), the symbol for '25Aries' is quite relevant to our topic of hidden, subconscious messages delivered during a public event, as we saw last evening (Moon = Mercury-Neptune: subconscious pictures and ideas emerge--Ebertin.)

As you know, mundane Uranus is The Awakener and The Witness (that sense of self-observation and self-consciousness) and is active during times of illumination, shifts, and changes in society such as patriarchal to matriarchal rule, so let's close with a consideration of the symbol for '25Aries':

"A Double Promise Reveals Its Inner and Outer Meaning"...Keyword: SENSIBILITY; positive expression: a facility of adjustment by which everything in a given situation may be brought into the fullest co-operation with everything else; negative/unconscious/shadow side: compromising insincerity and a lean to chicanery in all human relationships."

Let's hope for a positive expression even though the negative seems to hint at her lack of trust issues and/or a superficial agreement on the more progressive Democratic platform that Hillary Clinton's rigid, stubborn, Fixed Scorpio Mercury-South Node conjunction has been finagled into accepting. And a "lean to chicanery"? We'll all have to suffer through that even if it's if mainly due to constant accusations and threats of lawsuits that will be hurled at a President Hillary by her enemies who will again be sore losers if they can't finesse the White House in November!

Pundits React to Hillary's Speech.

Image: '30Pisces': Temple of the Great Stone Face on loan from my art gallery Secret Moon Art.


Please note that for further clarification, "unconscious/shadow side" has been added by yours truly to the negative expressions of the symbols found in the Jones version, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology. I hope you don't mind. jc

Jun 14, 2016

Liberalism: What Happened To The Party Of The People? (w/ Guest: Thomas Frank)

Here progressive author and broadcaster Thom Hartmann interviews author Thomas Frank whose book on Amazon is linked, below. One point made by Mr. Frank is that the successful fundraising of Bernie Sanders during Campaign 2016 proves that the Democratic Party doesn't have to be rotten with corporatism (my wording, not his) in order to win elections.

Of course, then Democrats would be beholden to We the People and expected to act on our behalf which is not part of the Global Government script that Washington follows though you may not hear such sentiments in the following interview! jc

Listen, Liberal: What Ever Happened to the Party of the People?


Related post: Rule by Corporate Democrats Timed by Carter Inauguration 1977 (horoscope shown).

And here is the Natal Chart of Jimmy Carter born October 1, 1924 in Plains, Georgia under a protective Water Grand Trine composed of his Scorpio Moon, Uranus, and Pluto, plus, a dynamic T-Square configuration between his know-it-all Mercury-Uranus opposition with religious Jupiter at apex in its own sign of Sagittarius. Within these patterns are his impressive intellectual capacity, talents for technology and mathematics, and his nuclear interests. A gift for diplomacy is in there somewhere--with his 12th house Sun and Ascendant, both in Venus-ruled Libra, I suspect. jc

May 5, 2016

Growing List of Republicans Voting for Hillary Over Trump - video

May 5, 2016: With many Americans seeing little if any difference between the Republican and Democratic Parties (both follow the corporate global government script but with different ideas of how to implement the 'big picture' agenda) and since Campaign 2016 has proven to be such a cluster f*** of lies, sophomoric insults, slanderous accusations, evading-the-issue debates, and disappointing choices, it makes sense that some conservative voters might wander into war hawk Hillary's aisle on Election Day 2016 in order to avoid Mr. Trump.

Here's David Pakman reporting:

May 2, 2016

Bernie Sanders Takes On Democratic Party - Mike Malloy video

Here is a brief excerpt from a Mike Malloy broadcast concerning 2016 candidate Bernie Sanders and the Democratic Party:

In my files are two possible natal horoscopes for the Democratic Party. The chart you see here is set for February 17, 1801 (NS) 1:00 pm LMT Washington DC during Thomas Jefferson's presidency and I'm told that its pedigree is established via the Papers of Thomas Jefferson:

Another earlier version is the chart I have most often worked with which is set for May 13, 1792 (NS) 12:00 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The 1792 Moon (We the People) conjoins our 1776 Moon in late Aquarius, an interesting synchronicity. You may find the 1792 chart and more details by visiting Neptune Cafe.

Mar 24, 2016

Dems & DOJ Have Done Nothing on Voter Suppression: 2016 Disaster Awaits

The entire Campaign 2016 has become something of a disaster for several reasons but voting conditions on November 8, 2016 may take the cake. It seems maddening and hypocritical how often Washington has pontificated to other countries on How to Hold Elections while they've managed to gum up US elections so effectively in about every way possible:

Visit Ring of Fire Radio for reports on various topics.