Security Minded Cancer-Capricorn: Home and Career
by Jude Cowell
April 19, 2022
Below is a marked-up look ahead at the Winter Solstice 2022 Horoscope; please enlarge the image for there are astro-notes squooshed upon the chart for the curious to read. And note that in Washington DC, Winter Solstice 2022's Goal Point (MC/Midheaven) @8Pis51 receives the dynamic energies of the Moon-Mars opposition which contains "Don't Tred On Me" vibes according to Alan Oken. Plus, the 6th house Moon @8Sag51 (conjunct The Fed's 1910 New Moon during its secretive Jekyll Island planning session) is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') as are Mars, Mercury, and Venus which sounds like a lot of detachment or estrangement from the Collective going on. Meanwhile, Saturn (in blue) is unaspected with asteroid Orpheus the melancholy tagging along (see bottom center of chart for Saturn influences).
Then with the Cardinal World Point of manifestation rising (ASC 00Can50), the fluctuating Moon rules the chart and the 2nd hou$e; see lower left for Luna's applying opposition to testosterone-driven Mars Rx (conjunct greedy Midas and with Gemini-Sagittarius intercepted across the 6/12 axis). With wealthy Pluto in the corporate 8th house, and Moon reflecting The Fed New Moon, finances and investment are naturally on the national agenda as 2022 fades into 2023. Well, of course they are. America's first-ever Pluto Return is ongoing all through 2022. And this is the same position and house occupied by subversive, transformative Pluto in the US Solar Return 2022 Horoscope.
Then as you see, the Solstice Sun @00Cap00:00 (leadership) has just sunk from 7th into 6th house along with asteroid Hygeia so obviously, health and medical issues continue to interfere with America's progress - and possibly with the health of a political leader or two as well as with Covid patients. Of course, military, police, and civil service matters, plus, our daily routines are also suggested whenever the 6th house is involved.
Meanwhile, expansive Jupiter (in green, 10th house) sits upon the Aries Point along with the Mercury-Mars midpoint (see upper right), while Luna leads a BOWL shape of the planets indicating advocacy of a cause or a leader or leaders of a mission.
Notably, Winter Solstice 2022 occurs under the auspices of the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio - it's notated on the chart in 5th house as 'PE'. A 6 South Eclipse also occurred on August 31, 1932 as what I've termed the Nazi Rise To Power Eclipse (Berlin horoscope shown) so repetition of a 6 South Eclipse in 2022, considering the current authoritarian energies of a global movement determined again to extinguish democracy and establish world domination, is extremely disturbing, I agree, but such possibilities must be faced - apathy will not rescue democracy.
Therefore, we should note that 6 South's 1932 degree of 8 Virgo conjuncts the IC (the HOW? Point; The Basis or Foundation; Domestic Scene) of the Winter Solstice 2022 Horoscope shown here and this further spotlights the manic 6 South themes marked upon the chart (5th house).
So see what you think, dear reader, perhaps make your own astro-notes, and share your thoughts via on-topic comments:
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