Below is a marked-up look ahead at the Winter Solstice 2022 Horoscope; please enlarge the image for there are astro-notes squooshed upon the chart for the curious to read. And note that in Washington DC, Winter Solstice 2022's Goal Point (MC/Midheaven) @8Pis51 receives the dynamic energies of the Moon-Mars opposition which contains "Don't Tred On Me" vibes according to Alan Oken. Plus, the 6th house Moon @8Sag51 (conjunct The Fed's 1910 New Moon during its secretive Jekyll Island planning session) is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') as are Mars, Mercury, and Venus which sounds like a lot of detachment or estrangement from the Collective going on. Meanwhile, Saturn (in blue) is unaspected with asteroid Orpheusthe melancholy tagging along (see bottom center of chart for Saturn influences).
Then with the Cardinal World Point of manifestation rising (ASC 00Can50), the fluctuating Moon rules the chart and the 2nd hou$e; see lower left for Luna's applying opposition to testosterone-driven Mars Rx (conjunct greedy Midas and with Gemini-Sagittarius intercepted across the 6/12 axis). With wealthy Pluto in the corporate 8th house, and Moon reflecting The Fed New Moon, finances and investment are naturally on the national agenda as 2022 fades into 2023. Well, of course they are. America's first-ever Pluto Return is ongoing all through 2022. And this is the same position and house occupied by subversive, transformative Pluto in the US Solar Return 2022 Horoscope.
Then as you see, the Solstice Sun @00Cap00:00 (leadership) has just sunk from 7th into 6th house along with asteroid Hygeia so obviously, health and medical issues continue to interfere with America's progress - and possibly with the health of a political leader or two as well as with Covid patients. Of course, military, police, and civil service matters, plus, our daily routines are also suggested whenever the 6th house is involved.
Meanwhile, expansive Jupiter (in green, 10th house) sits upon the Aries Point along with the Mercury-Mars midpoint (see upper right), while Luna leads a BOWL shape of the planets indicating advocacy of a cause or a leader or leaders of a mission.
Notably, Winter Solstice 2022 occurs under the auspices of the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio - it's notated on the chart in 5th house as 'PE'. A 6 South Eclipse also occurred on August 31, 1932 as what I've termed the Nazi Rise To Power Eclipse (Berlin horoscope shown) so repetition of a 6 South Eclipse in 2022, considering the current authoritarian energies of a global movement determined again to extinguish democracy and establish world domination, is extremely disturbing, I agree, but such possibilities must be faced - apathy will not rescue democracy.
Therefore, we should note that 6 South's 1932 degree of 8 Virgo conjuncts the IC (the HOW? Point; The Basis or Foundation; Domestic Scene) of the Winter Solstice 2022 Horoscope shown here and this further spotlights the manic 6 South themes marked upon the chart (5th house).
So see what you think, dear reader, perhaps make your own astro-notes, and share your thoughts via on-topic comments:
Saturn in Aquarius: Austerity, Ambitious Plans, and Selfish Politicians
by Jude Cowell
September 22, 2021
On April 12, 2021 we discussed how Karmic Planets Block President Biden's Plans into 2022 and perhaps most readers recognize how this turns out to be the case now that Biden's first term is well underway and non-governing Republicans are doing their 'thing' including threatening a government shutdown (again) over the debt ceiling (and because the GOP can cause a global financial meltdown if they're a-wantin' to). Follow the link for a list of primary planetary culprits now affecting Joe Biden's natal planets. Naturally, positive transits are also in effect for the president but the negative ones seem to be holding sway at the moment.
Yet it isn't only Mitch McConnell and his Republican comrades blocking the Biden agenda (financial and otherwise), it's certain members of President Biden's own Democratic Party via what some pundits call a "party split".
Note: there's another previous SO'W post from December 2020 that relates to this topic: Horoscopes: Power Couple Biden and McConnell showing the natal charts of both men although McConnell's chart has no accurate birth hour so noon is used. Even so, you'll see Mitch's Mercury-Venus conjunction (11AQ48--5AQ39) both Rx, opposing his Pluto-Chiron conjunction - both Rx and Pluto conjunct melancholy Orpheus of this self-styled "grim reaper". Plus, as you know, the Pluto-Chiron duo is a favorite of plutocrats the world over and both men are children of their pairing of exploitation, racism, various other isms, and primal violence. A major difference is that President Biden uses these powerful energies more positively for society while others born under Pluto-Chiron influences (of approximately 80 years ago in proud, vain Leo) prefer using its darker side to satisfy their selfish interests and to gain dominance over others (exs: "owning the libs" and the 'success at any cost' attitude.) McConnell's Mercury-Venus = transit Saturn: 'thouroughness; a serious attitude' (R. Ebertin); Mercury-Venus in Politics:'a business sector at odds with society; speeches emphasizing economic facts; debates on added costs; news about the status of wealth' (M. Munkasey).
(Plus, we might note that another Pluto-Chiron Conjunction @11Sag+ occurred around the time of the much-touted 'New Millennium' and the plutocratic pair has an opportunity to receive benefits from the 5 South Solar Eclipse of December 4, 2021 @12Sag22.)
Why So Bossy and Austere?
So! The reason I'm fussing about all this tonight is that tiresomely, transit Saturn Rx in early Aquarius has been stomping on Inauguration 2021's Jupiter (@7AQ22, 10th house) so that conditions of economic restriction, limitation, and blockage clearly are part of the ongoing bedevilment against the Biden White House and agenda as prosperity is slowed (and will be the world over if the GOP don't raise the debt ceiling so that Ameria can pay bills already incurred - including those racked up by Republicans).
Now as you know, transit Saturn turned retrograde on May 23, 2021 @13AQ31:01 and has been opposing the natal Plutos in Leo of many of us - or soon will (for myself in February 2022). This transit has already occurred for McConnell but is in progress now for Joe Biden. Transit Saturn conjunct Inauguration 2021 Jupiter only adds to Mr. Biden's and our limitations and the serious baggage such karma brings.
Saturn to Inauguration 2021 Jupiter exact 3 times in 2021: February 18, September 16 (just passed!), and finally: November 4, 2021. (Using Inauguration 2021 Biden Oath Taken at 11:47 am est.)
However, karmic Saturn turns Direct on October 10, 2021 @6AQ52:43 (conjunct US natal South Node, a Saturnian point - just to make things more karmic and separative in America! Then perhaps on one level, Saturn-SN symbolizes the GOP and the authority-craving party's separative sentiments against the federal government, its mockery of US laws (and subpoenas), and its general lack of cooperation with traditional values and ethics. Of course, South Node suggests past behavior no longer useful, and regressive Republican ideas issue from the 1850s and 1950s which is part of why they act neurotically and expect to shove America backward to settle for social and political conditions of the past.)
And looking ahead at devilish Saturn's path, the old man won't reach and surpass his Shadow Degree (13AQ31) until mid-January 2022 so limitations and some forms of restriction should lighten up by then if they haven't previously.
On the other side of the political equation, this release from his Shadow phase could inspire some Saturnian folk to add even harher austerity measures to their dystopian authoritarian agenda intended for the rest of us. Not for them, of course, but for the masses of people they choose to prey upon and exploit.
Now here's a republish of the December 2021 Solar Eclipse (inner) surrounded by the natal horoscope of President Joseph R. Biden (outer):
Apparently, on Wednesday October 3, 2018, Donald Trump via FEMA sends out his first Emergency Alert to TV, radio, and cellphones across America at 2:18 pm ET. Naturally this all smacks of disruptive shocker Uranus, doesn't it? Well, Uranus @1Tau21 Rxis conjunct the IC 2Tau02 (Foundation; Basis) of a DC horoscope set for that date and time with tech savvy Uranus in the 3rd house of Communications.
Rising is 8Cap54 with fixed star Facies (ruthlessness or the victim) and archetypal asteroid Orpheus, the melancholy. Chart-ruler Saturn @3Cap08 has no application to another planet in the chart but is rising in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Self--Undoing, while creepy manipulator and wealth hoarder Pluto @18Cap45 (strong on its Direct Station degree of September 30, 2018) is in 1st house and is the first planet to rise so that soon a midpoint will form:
Saturn-Pluto = ASC: sadness and mourning (Tyl); cumbersome circumstances (Ebertin). However, at precisely 2:18 pm ET, another midpoint picture rises: Neptune-MC = ASC: acting and pretending; taking the wrong path; pursuit of wrong objectives; uncertainty; insecurity; unreality and illusion (Ebertin). Plus, karmic Saturn @3Cap08 is in Nodal Degree (and inconjunct North Node 3Leo32 = the public), an indicator of a fated event and adjustments that need to be made between authorities and the public.
Testy Mars 7AQ03 will soon be swiped by the separative 'Tail of the Dragon' (South Node 3AQ32) and both are also rising in 1st house (after Pluto) which suggests a loner acting out of harmony with the traditions and standards of society and this--plus, the sudden Emergency Alert--may antagonize and annoy the populace.
Image above:Cryin' to the Hills, a drawing by yours truly from a certain Secret Moon Art Collection.
Update August 28, 2018: the September 17th trial of Paul Manafort will proceed as scheduled with jury selection, however, opening statements are postponed for one week until September 24th.
Original post begins here:
Uncertain of the precise hour the trial of Paul Manafort opens on September 17, 2018 in a Washington DC courtroom, the following horoscope is set for '8:00 am edt' and as you see, the Midheaven ('MC'), or Goal Point, at the top of the chart @8Can34 shows the natal Mercury of Donald Trump crossing over it at that moment. Fixed star Alhena is there as well with its theme, to have a mission. Might the mission have anything to do with Trump's chatty if duplicitous Mercury? More likely with Mr. Manafort's knowledge of the Mercurial Trump's 2016 campaign.
September 17, 2018 The Cosmic Curtain Rises in Judge Jackson's Courtroom
Rising at 8:00 am is 7Lib32 which makes Venus chart-ruler yet she makes no applying aspects at all to clue us in on how things will proceed. Or does she? With no application of the chart-ruler, we must depend on Venus' sign, degree, house placement (2nd h of Money, Values, Possessions), and house ruler-ship to tell the tale. Here, with Venus in brooding Scorpio, sign of corporations, money, big business, and betrayal, we find the Sabian Symbol for Venus' degree instructive: '6Scorpio' = "A Gold Rush"...AMBITION with its negative expression of "a lack of practical discrimination and an irresistible desire for easy money." (Jones). Considering the allegations against unregistered 'foreign lobbyist' and money launderer, Mr. Manafort, this seems clear enough, right? Plus, Venus also rules the corporate 8th house of Finance, Shared Resources, Credit, and Debt viaTaurus, the luxury-loving sign of Paul Manafort's natal Moon. Yes, luxury, comfort, money, and possessions are his reigning needs (Moon).
Then there's Mr. Trump's natal Cancerian Mercury at Goal Point--Mercury, planet of communications (ex: tweets), commerce, trade, theft, deals and negotiations--in Cancer, sign of patriotism, shrewd business ability, and self-protection, so we may expect Paul Manafort's knowledge of Mr. Trump's words, plans, deals, and 'patriotism' to be part of the legal proceedings if Trump's name comes up at all. Possibly it will in relation to the events, contacts, and negotiations which took place at RNC 2016 as foreign actors lurked about:
Please enlarge the image to read my scribbles for not all chart factors will be mentioned in this text; besides, the trial date could possibly be changed again or the proceedings could begin at noon or later--at noon, Scorpio rises which would emphasize Mars conjunct POTUS Sun, square Uranus (0A26; danger; explosions, and Mars, here out-of-bounds (OOBs), soon to be conjoined by the transiting South Node of the Moon, aka, The Tail of the Dragon (as will the POTUS Sun 00AQ48, a separative and karmic Saturnian condition--see Tail of the Dragon Smacks POTUS Sun!) in late October 2018. Popularity with the public is not promised by this transit.
So as you see, 8:00 am edt is an Hour of Saturn, perfect for legalities and for holding the innocent-until-proven-guilty to account. Upper right of the chart I penned the ASC 7Lib32 to show that Trump's natal Neptune (5:50 Rx) is rising, then Manafort's natal Neptune (13:52 Rx) about to rise. The Sun-Mercury midpoint (business people) of this chart sits upon America's natal Neptune (23Virgo) which provides a cosmic picture of swindlers and crooks (Ebertin). Homegrown ones, I guess. Anyway, at the Foundation (IC) of the chart, the Moon at a Cardinal World Point) pairs with Saturn conjoins asteroid Orpheus so cue the violins for the emotional heaviness that pervades. Yet the Moon-Saturn duo can also denote ambition and strategy especially here in Capricorn.
This is a first quarter Moon phase (crisis in action) but what really catches my eye is the Locomotive shape of the planets (ruthless success) led by little Mercury @21Virgo--conjunct fixed star Denebola (to go against society). Mercury is oriental (rises just before the Sun) and in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, Secret Enemies, and Backroom Deals. And of course, Sun in 12th house denotes unconscious arrogance and with Mercuryoriental it's predictably a 'cross the Ts dot the Is' sort of day.
Paul Manafort's natal Mercury at Aries Point (00:04) is in process of being visited by transit Chiron (the wounded healer, the wound, the blind spot) suggesting him as a conduit of some sort for sending messages. Then his natal Venus @7Ari42 is setting for the vengeful-when-scorned planet sits precisely on the Descendant at 8:00 am--with his natal Mars @8Ari21. With this pair, are love affairs or other liaisons indicated? Or merely irritability, exaggeration, and possibly a lack of tact? (Ebertin).
Now striding across the chart is a Grand Cross if we allow the Nodal axis to take part. Otherwise, it's a double T-Square between the Venus-Uranus opposition that points toward Mars @1AQ28--and US POTUS Sun (in 2017, Sun @00AQ48 = Trump) on one end, and Venus-Uranus = North NOde on the other. Quick responses and intense feelings are suggested. Plus, someone is 'ready to go' and 'proud' (POTUS Sun). Of course, another picture is shown--Mars-NN = Uranus which denotes potentials for upsets and sudden experiences, but also for active cooperation. Then Venus opposite Uranus adds collaboration to the Mars-Nodal picture. But surely not the flipping of Paul Manafort! Probably just the legal teams involved in the investigations and the trial.
And naturally, there's a notation at the bottom of the horoscope with saboteur and wealth-hoarder Pluto @18Cap48 Rx again intensifying the 1993 Uranus-Neptune conjunction/s (18Cap) which forms a midpoint picture of 'the big picture must be followed; very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl). Sounds like an offer someone can't refuse. The Sabian Symbol for this degree describes POLITICAL POWER and, negatively, 'strong-armed paternalism' at its 'best' (by which I mean worst) and here in 4th house, the Basis of the whole shebang.
And we mustn't neglect to mention the Jupiter-Pluto sextile (plutocrats; big wheeler-dealers--2nd h of Money, 4th h of Real Estate) which forms a temporary YOD (crisis; turning point) with Trump's natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio which is marked in orange in the 8th house. As a midpoint picture, this suggests Mr. Trump's tendencies for quick exploitation of every situation, far-reaching associations, possible adjustment to new circumstances, fanatical striving for improvement, and political activities (Ebertin). As a YOD the pattern can act as a timer for major adjustments which must be made so that a complete change of direction is facilitated. If the energies are poorly handled, results will be negative for Mr. Trump.
Well, there are many more cosmic clues in the chart and in later charts of the day but since I try to avoid typing too much about a horoscope for which I have no exact hour, I'll leave you with this spotty analysis until and unless the hour the trial begins is discovered causing the different house cusps to change to a large extent so that any of the portents mentioned in today's post don't hold. Or if there's a delay in the court calendar.
Cosmic Pursuits, Brian Ventrudo's excellent astronomy website and newsletter, gives us a heads-up on the brilliant Summer Triangle of stars Vega, Altair, and Deneb (Adige) with double star Albireo twinkling colorfully in the triangle's center.
Of course, depending on your vantage point, the trio may be called the Winter Triangle!
Now let's consider a little astrology concerning Vega (Alpha Lyrae, the Lyre of Orpheus in the Lyra constellation), Altair (Alpha Aquilae, constellation Aquila, the Eagle), and Deneb in constellation Cygnus the Swan, with Deneb (Alpha Cygnus) as its tail.
Among others, these stars have appeared here on Stars Over Washington in previous posts, some of which are linked below or are searchable via the sidebar Search field by name, or try 'fixed stars' if you dare.
Keywords and themes for Vega (or, Wega) include magic, mysticism, other-worldliness, and charisma. As with all stars that are prominent in a horoscope, Vega's expression depends upon the planet/s or chart angles it is linked to by conjunction, opposition, or by paran (rising, culminating, setting with, etc.) Artistry is indicated either positively as in the Arts, or negatively as in criminal activities; plus, its connection to the Lyre of Orpheus provides a magical divine spells implication along with musical talent. Leadership ability and social awareness may also be noted with Vega but a caution is to avoid pretentiousness.
Keywords and themes for Altair include boldness, dogged determination, and achievement through risk-taking. Altair is a masculine star of strength and action that is taken--not just for the self, but for others when its energy is positively directed. Yet its swift and bold action traits may also express themselves with rashness and excessive aggression as we see by the eagle symbols of the Roman Empire and the American Empire acting under a foolhardy urge to conquer, vanquish, devour, and/or control. Still, a planetary or angular link with Altair promises high honors and preferment though they may be temporary (as with everything other earthly thing, This too shall pass).
With starry Deneb we find keywords and themes of the willingness to become aware, mystical or transcendental qualities or interests, spirituality and the inner journey, and the shamanistic legend of the World Egg. Deneb prominent in a horoscope bestows intelligence, artistic talent, and scientific ability. In addition, there is a duality surrounding Deneb for it can express both the strength and the aggression of a swan, one of the more vicious guardians of the animal kingdom--the "strong fighting bird and the swan-god"!
Popular Pluto To Have Professional Photos Taken!
Then for discerning Pluto fans, this summer marks the planet's (okay, dwarf planet's) historic flyby 'rendezvous' with NASA's New Horizons spacecraft set for July 14th which puts everyone in mind of another historic flyby of distant Neptune and its moon Triton by Voyager 2 in 1989 (see video recreation, below). On July 14, 2015 Pluto Rx will fall upon its current zodiacal degree of 14 Capricorn and some minutes--still within orb of US natal Sun (13Can19) which conjoins Egyptian goddess star, Sirius (The Scorcher) and Canopus (the navigator or pathfinder).
Astrology of 1989 vs 2015: Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto
Voyager 2's closest encounter with Neptune and Triton occurred on August 25, 1989 (yes, Taylor Swift's birth year and album title) when Neptune was at 9Cap48 in the Tropical Zodiac. Perhaps you recognize 1989 as the year of the last Great Conjunction/s of Saturn and Neptune, a pair that has much to say in societal and political realms. Meeting three times through the year (March 3, June 24, November 13) in the degree range of 10 to 12 Capricorn, we note that transiting Pluto has very recently stomped on and around this degree of Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, and remains within orb.
So if we use a 5-degree orb on either side of slow-moving Pluto we see that 4Cap to 14Cap is our focus though its powerful influence has been stronger while applying to the 9/10Cap area where gaseous Neptune floated on August 25, 1989. We have noted Pluto conjoining the Saturn-Neptune conjunction/s of 1989 in previous posts since its implications suit politicians and the corporatists who fund and direct them perfectly within the midpoint picture formed by this significant trio which includes these potentials:
Saturn-Neptune = Pluto: denial of responsibility by the guilty; fear of loss. (Tyl)
Naturally these potentials apply to both political parties in the US yet I think first of the GOP since 1989 implicates a Republican White House! Plus, America's ongoing socialism-communism-capitalism "debate" is found within the Saturn-Neptune duo as is secret or invisible (Neptune) government (Saturn), a description nearer the truth imho.
So when ancient Pluto has its close-up on July 14, 2015 and clocks in from our earthly vantage point at 14Cap, it qualifies as a Pluto-to-Neptune transit for society--ongoing since late November 2010. It marks a period of moral and religious issues such as abortion, mercy killing, executions and methods used, genetic engineering, GMO food contamination, chemically eroded health, racial and minority prejudices acted out, social welfare programs, workers' and Civil Rights as power and control slowly erode via unseen forces--or are seen to be only illusions and delusions.
Several other social concerns of the 1989 era still need to be addressed such as environmental degradation (Earth Day was revived in 1990), climate change, oil spills (now add coal ash leaks, bad water quality, and fracking), droughts and floods, 'mysterious' fish and bird kills, whale beachings, shark attacks, election irregularities, uranium and plutonium leaks, revolutions, conflicts, and topplings of government leaders across the globe along with the Fall of the Berlin Wall (and of Communism) which at the time seemed to justify America claiming victory in the 'Cold War' (which some say has returned). You can think of more examples, I'm certain.
Yet many if not all of these events were and are staged by those who profit from the wars and revolutions they take none of the blame for (denial of guilt) so let us note that on a deeper level the Pluto-to-Neptune transit indicates political, economic, and physical power struggles that actually have as their foundation uplifting spiritual ideals that identify the Collective's deep thirst for honesty, compassion, and clear-eyed solutions instead of the charlatanism, fraud, corruption, and propaganda we and Mother Earth continue to endure and accept at our peril.