by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy
Above cameo: Jupiter; thanks to NASA
Knowing that the orbit of planet Jupiter takes close to 12 years to complete, the cyclical return of Jupiter to a certain Zodiacal position takes about that long. And since Election 2012 was the successful re-election of President Barack Obama and VP Joe Biden, Election Year 2024 carries the cosmic imprint of a Jupiter Return to Election Year 2012. By a difference of one day, the 2012 Election was held on November 6th with Jupiter @14Gem33, and as you know, this year the Election is on November 5th with Jupiter Rx @20Gem06.
So we can see that The Jolly One has moved on by about 6 degrees from his 2012 position - similar to the way the American people have moved beyond grumpy old man Trump the frowny sour puss - and forward to the easy laughter and stellar political skills of VP Kamala Harris who believes in a progressive future for our country, not a dark past irrationally revisited under the yoke of a death cult.
For as you know, on November 5th our choice is between young vs old, future vs past, light vs dark, life vs death, folks! And a victorious Kamala Harris as President will need down-ballot victories, too, in both House and Senate in order to correct mistakes and move America toward the future. By Zoom call, VP Harris has accepted the Democrats' nomination and says she will officially accept next week at the DNC 2024, an event which will be cosmically imprinted by an Aquarian Full Moon.
In case you missed it, check out Thom Hartmann's overview of Trump entering his Fat Elvis phase of trying to recapture his faded glory. And of course, "fat" is a Jupiterian descriptor, plus, albatrossian Trump was born under a 2nd hou$e Stationary Jupiter in Libra with its constant refrain of, "it's not fair!," along with a hefty urge to break through boundaries including the boundaries of others.
Now if you wish, refresh yourself with details concerning Election 2012 held, as noted, on November 6, 2012 with Jupiter Rx @14Gem33. In 2024, the Election occurs on November 5, 2024 with Jupiter Rx clocking in @20Gem06.
And if out of curiosity, we search for the 2012 Election's Jupiter Return in 2024 we find three dates: 1. August 1st (yesterday!); 2. December 20, 2024 (see below); and 3. March 22, 2025, about one day after Spring Equinox 2025 (post with horoscope coming soon).
Now obviously, Mercury-ruled Gemini is the fluid Mutable (changeable) sign of communications, trade and commerce, thinking, teaching and learning, voting, decisions, travel, trickery, lies, theft, and a multiplicity of other things, while Jupiter operates in the realms of expansion, generosity, freedom, finances and banking, corporatism, politics, ideology, religion, law, justice, ethics, morality, civil service, and the list goes on.
Yet with transit Jupiter retrograde until October 9, 2024, we should add that today's news concerns what is now a softening of the US economy (ex: jobs numbers are down) as Republican Fed head Jerome Powell keeps interest rates up which continues helping Trump "win" in November. Finagling a recession in the US would make victory more difficult for VP Kamala Harris, but not impossible.
And so when Jupiter lumbers through Gemini - opposite Sagittarius, the sign it rules - we expect versatility, a variety of changes, making lots of contacts and connections, an obliging manner, an emphasis on those with carefree attitudes, but also a potential for superficiality, often a feature of skim-the-surface Gemini.
Then as Campaign 2024 trundles on, we're being "treated" to expansive fibs and fantasies from those who use deception and gaslighting (trickster Mercury ruling duplicitous Gemini) in order to achieve their take-over objectives and this identifies the win-at-any-cost crowd of cheaters and election fixers.
Meanwhile, in the context of the 2012 Election, we know that it was a Blue Wave of Democrats and Independentswho voted to re-elect President Obama and VP Biden so to avoid the tyrannical agenda of radical Republicans in November 2024 into 2025, a Blue Tsunami is needed to wash the dark-visioned saboteurs, including Fat Elvis, out to sea!
In closing, related posts include the Solar and Lunar Eclipses Pre-Election 2024 (that's 8 South, the Saros Series into which Fed head Jerome Powell was born in 1953, so is he one of the anti-democracy operators who works to activate 8 South's themes of loss and separation against the US economy, and thus against American Democracy?
Pertinent for our nation is the January 3rd 119th Congress Horoscope with the North Node of future direction conjunct the Aries Point of World Events.
Then there's the J6 Solar Return 2025 Horoscope which perfects on January 6, 2025, the very day that the US Congress is scheduled to count and certify the 2024 Electoral College Votes as in 2021. Notable is that the Jupiter Return date of December 20, 2024, mentioned above, falls within December 17th when electors vote in the states and December 25th, the latest day that electoral college votes must be received by the President of the Senate and the Archivist as we see listed on the 2024 Electoral College Vote Timeline.
Dear reader: If you'd like to encourage more posts such as this, why not Buy Me A Coffee - and my sincere Thanks to all who do! jc
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