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Dec 30, 2024

Feb 2025: Meeting with Gassy Neptune

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

On February 7, 2025, a transiting conjunction of societal significance occurs between nebulous, gaslighting Neptune of the masses and the media - still floating within its own sign of watery Pisces - and the serpentine North Node of the Moon which relates to public contacts, publicity, and future direction. As you see, they meet @28Pis09 in 4th house when the horoscope is set for the White House, Washington DC. And yes, that's royal Regulus (the kingmaker star that brings success yet cautions against taking revenge) conjunct the aspirational Midheaven of Public Status:

As a pair, Neptune-North-Node (Neptune-NN) represents a variety of potential expressions such as:

"A lack of community or team spirit; peculiar or strange conduct in communal life; unreliability; inclination to exploit, deceive, and cheat other people; anti-social behavior; anti-social elements in society" (R. Ebertin).

Round up the conjunction's degree to the critical "29 Pisces" and its Sabian Symbol is instructive: "A Prism"; Keyword: VALIDATION; positive expression: exceptional accomplishment through judgment of unusual accuracy; negative (shadow side/unconscious - jc) expression: fatuous pride of intellect (Marc Edmund Jones). On one level, this may be a reference to the confirmation process to staff the new "administration" of kleptocrats. They're a doozy of a bunch.

Then additionally, there's a complicating factor involved: Neptune-NN conjuncts transit Uranus-Pluto, the revolutionary pair wanting to collapse the old order and establish a new one (RE). This anti-societal goal has been made abundantly clear. Yet some citizens seem to think that the way these fascists plan to go about it via Project 2025's purging agenda of loss and hardship - is a "good" thing! Then Neptune's subversive machinations have been effective over millions of the population.

Well, I already know my opinion of which groups of political operatives, their current enablers, and social meddlers and funders are represented by the descriptions via Neptune-NN combined with zealous Uranus-Pluto, so I'll leave it for You, dear reader, to decide for yourself!

Meanwhile, it may interest a reader of two that on February 7, 2025, the day's breezy double air Sun Aquarius-Moon Gemini blend of conscious and unconscious energies repeats the personality blend of patriot and Founding Father Thomas Paine so let's close this post for now with one of Paine's more famous quotes that to me echoes the current state of life in America as a New Year begins:

"The sublime and the ridculous are often so nearly related, that it is difficult to class them separately."

Emphasis on the ridiculous.

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