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Showing posts with label Discovery of Uranus Horoscope 1781. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Discovery of Uranus Horoscope 1781. Show all posts

Mar 13, 2007

Happy 226th Birthday Uranus!

Shown in the above horoscope, the planet Uranus was discovered on March 13, 1781 by German-born astronomer William Herschel. Uranus is now the second-farthest planet from the Sun, leaving Neptune the farthest away after Pluto was last year downgraded to a dwarf planet (now restored!). Follow the latest news and features on science & technology at The Scotsman.#

In the discovery chart of Uranus, formerly Ouranus, the Sky God, ruler of lightening bolts, uprisings, revolutions, originality, awareness...the creative spark.

The Sabian Symbol for Uranus, The Witness, whose discovery expanded the known universe from its former limit, Saturn, is:

"25Gem": "A man trimming palms"...ENHANCEMENT:

pos: an exceptional gift for bringing all things to an effective service in some over-all achievement;

neg: an empty display of trivial excellencies.

You'll notice that Pluto has been opposite Uranus of late, and plowing through the Mars/Saturn conjunction.

Mars/Saturn = tr Pluto: forcing an issue; taking control; strong anger.

Refer to the Discovery chart to see Chiron at his own discovery degree, and today's transits snugged around the chart in my usual chicken-scratch fashion. As you know, centaur Chiron orbits between Saturn and Uranus.

Today's Mars/Saturn midpoint conjuncts Uranus' Moon 15Sco04...

Mars/Sat = Moon: feelings about losing something; moodiness; depression.

You see the 29Leo MC (Aspiration Point) which is conj Fixed Star Regulus, keywords: success if revenge is avoided. Also at MC at discovery is the asteroid Morya. Morya nowadays hangs out ominously with Pluto. You notice that natal Pluto is at the "Medina degree."

Chart-ruler, Venus, not a nice lady when scorned, is conj IC, the HOW Point, the Foundation of the chart...and in nebulous Pisces. The US secondary progressed Sun is thereabouts resulting in a nebulous and murky view of America--internally and externally.

At discovery, perhaps Venus represents Herschel's sister who did more than hold his ladder but never got the credit she deserved (Pisces.)

Sec Sun in Pisces may relate to the rumors of globalist desires to morph America into the North American Union with Canada and Mexico...and perhaps South America, George? They sure don't like ya down there, but you can stay in your Paraguay compound if you like, I wouldn't miss ya.

Well, with no more time to celebrate the 226th Birthday of Uranus just now (yes, I say: yur ahn' nus) I wish the best of the day to this quirky planet so active in the US chart, so disruptive on the world stage.