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Showing posts with label GOP tax scam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GOP tax scam. Show all posts

Dec 22, 2017

Dec 22, 2017 Trump Signs GOP Tax Bill leaves for Mar-a-Lago

This morning the impatient Mars Rising fellow playing the presidential role signed the so-called GOP Tax Cut and Jobs Act (or is it only a mock-up to represent the hastily passed bill?) Here's a video of Trump's remarks as he looks ahead to a quick escape to his Mar-a-Lago resort home for a holiday break.

Signing today puts cuts to social programs like Medicare on the GOP's 2018 agenda instead of 2019 (after midterms November 2018) because Trump didn't have enough patience to wait until January 2018 to sign the thing and if he hadn't been annoyed (Mars rising) by TV talking heads this morning asking 'would he keep his promise by Christmas'.

However, billions of dollars for the military are safe from any threatened cuts so Pentagon generals can heave a sigh of relief.

Dec 19, 2017

The Tax Scam Means Some Won't Be Able To Afford Getting Sick - clip

And that's not all it means! Posted to YouTube December 18, 2017, here's a segment from the Thom Hartmann broadcast concerning the GOP tax scam about to be voted on this week--maybe today (12.19)--and signed into law, perhaps next week, by Mr. Trump who, along with the rest of his crime family, will greatly benefit financially from the legislation as will the deficit-fretter Senator Bob Corker... #CorkerKickback:


Meanwhile, as of December 14, 2017, the now-in-progress Jupiter Return/s (13Scorpio44) of former President Ronald Reagan just keeps on stimulating opportunities for another GOP billion-dollar grab! Coincidence? More like a cosmic cycle Republicans are taking advantage of under the greedy auspices of their political idol (to the extent that Reagan still is an idol, for GOP codgers anyway).