April 22, 2021: Nope, not a whole bunch of text today, only two DC Horoscopes showing America's current Jupiter Return which perfected on July 22, 2013 (lower left - 2021 Uranus across the top/MC = crisis; reforms), and our nation's next Jupiter Return on July 5, 2025 (upper right). Significant is our country's 1776 Jupiter's rounded-up degree of '6 Cancer' and its very descriptive Sabian Symbol, "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" which implies the greed which is the sickness at the core of the Plutocracy through the auspices of which this idealistic experiment called America was begun. And with expansive Jupiter involved, in general our society's tendency toward greed seems only to have grown.
Now as you know, Jupiter is exalted (works best) when in Moon-ruled Cancer, a business-oriented sign of home, family, protection, and needs met. So approximately every 12 years since 1776, when transit Jupiter returns to its July 4, 1776 degree (5Can55:59), the same conjunctions re-form which were in force on that day with our natal Venus and Sun with potentials for - Jupiter to Venus: desire for luxury; potential benefits; fortunate alliances; compromised principles; Jupiter to Sun: ego expansion; self-indulgence; generosity; self-inflating tactics; more money, knowledge, and/or awareness; grand plans.
Note: Mundane Jupiter = expansion, freedom, ideals, philosophy, justice, protection, exploration, discovery, boundary-breaking, good fortune, breakthroughs, finance, banking, investment, politics, religion, corporatism, gurus, thespians, professors, lawyers, judges, and more.
As you see, 2013 Moon @25Cap36 has been catalyzed multiple times by recent transits such as transit Pluto (today @26Cap48) to Moon, another crisis indicator that also suggests the emotional and physical trauma and abuse that so many people are suffering for a variety of reasons. Intense turmoil and overwhelming circumstances are denoted but as with every transit, the influences will pass. However, transit Pluto will be opposing 2013 Sun (29Can48 = '30Cancer' = "A Daughter of the American Revolution") showing that our contest-of-wills/no-compromise political conditions concerning US leadership (Sun) will continue in relation to Jupiterian circumstances, conditions, and people, any of which are noted above. Take your pick!
So until on or about July 5, 2025, check current transits if you wish, for we remain under the influences of America's 2013 Jupiter Return with its chart-ruler, the Sun, making only one applying aspect in the chart, a square to Saturn @4Sco59 conjunct IC (4:50) suggesting a continuation of concentration on business and the need for hard work. Plus, Saturn/4th house indicates links to real estate, mining, natural resources, and, if the American people can be that fortunate despite the plutocatic oppression that weighs so many of us down, to the conservation and preservation of our homeland and its resources: