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Showing posts with label Independence Hall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Independence Hall. Show all posts

Aug 31, 2022

Sept 1, 2022: Joe Biden Talks Democracy

Astro-Notes on The Health of American Democracy

by Jude Cowell

On Thursday September 1, 2022, a prime time address is scheduled to be delivered by President Biden concerning the state of American Democracy. The hour cited is 8:00 pm edt from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as you see in the horoscope, below.

Descriptively, President Biden's natal Ceres, asteroid of democracy, rises at 8:00 pm edt along with asteroids Juno Rx (nation-state; protection thereof), Astraea Rx (justice), plus, planet Neptune Rx in Pisces which I assume this placement in relation to the president's Address represents compassion for the masses. This resonates with Joe Biden's 'efforts to bring help to those in need' (Sun-Pluto = Moon); Sun-Pluto (Biden) is opposed by radical, zealous Uranus Rx = potentials for 'rebellion, sudden changes, powerful ideas, and/or arrest' (R. Ebertin; Tyl). Of course, mass media, subterfuge, and deception are also in the realms of Neptune. Will Trump's theft of official documents be mentioned?

Then underneath it all - besides America's ongoing Pluto Return of transformation - transit Neptune continues a titanic opposition to US Neptune in Virgo, a period of generational ideals and beliefs clashing, along with various forms of persecution (racism, misogyny, civil rights, exploitation, scams):

Scorpio: Sign of Health and Regeneration

As you see, in 2nd house the health asteroid Hygeia @17Sco15 conjuncts the Moon (17Sco08) so the Health of Democracy, even if the phrase isn't spoken, may be a basic feature of Biden's address along with medical concerns. Meanwhile, the Uranus-North-Node ('NN') duo in Taurus widens yet its 'radical politics' signature retains influence along with the current 6 North Solar Eclipse @10Tau28, also in 2nd house, and thematically bringing society 'relationship to authority' and 'accepting commitments due to another person's unreliability or illness' (paraphrasing B. Brady) - at least until the power-grabbing 6 South Eclipse of October 25, 2022 manifests @2Scorpio with manic energy that will influence our 2022 Midterms.

To close, I direct your attention to the bottom right corner and the excitable Moon-Uranus opposition which perfects at 11:06 pm edt (reactions to President Biden's remarks, one supposes) and, above the horoscope, to the dynamic T-Square pattern their opposition forms with karmic Saturn Rx @20AQ34 in the hidden 12th house which can also denote large institutions such as the US Congress, and which contains potentials for 'self-will; sudden damage; and/or striving for independence' (R. Ebertin).

Yet with America's Pluto Return ongoing we mustn't leave out a midpoint picture formed in this chart with apex Pluto (11th house) - and that's Moon-Jupiter: 'major plans for major triumph; the big picture and the power to make it appear'(N. Tyl).

Perhaps we can agree that America under President Joe Biden would be happy for even more good news!

Apr 26, 2019

America's Birthplace 2019: A UNESCO World Heritage Site of Global Culture and Interdependence - clip

April 24, 2019: Does the founding of America no longer belong to We The People? Here's an interesting presentation from Truthstream Media:

My personal opinion is that my Revolutionary ancestors who risked their lives and fortunes to help set up the place would not appreciate this 're-branding' of our nation at all. What do you think?