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Showing posts with label Virgo Sun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Virgo Sun. Show all posts

Aug 31, 2022

Sept 1, 2022: Joe Biden Talks Democracy

Astro-Notes on The Health of American Democracy

by Jude Cowell

On Thursday September 1, 2022, a prime time address is scheduled to be delivered by President Biden concerning the state of American Democracy. The hour cited is 8:00 pm edt from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as you see in the horoscope, below.

Descriptively, President Biden's natal Ceres, asteroid of democracy, rises at 8:00 pm edt along with asteroids Juno Rx (nation-state; protection thereof), Astraea Rx (justice), plus, planet Neptune Rx in Pisces which I assume this placement in relation to the president's Address represents compassion for the masses. This resonates with Joe Biden's 'efforts to bring help to those in need' (Sun-Pluto = Moon); Sun-Pluto (Biden) is opposed by radical, zealous Uranus Rx = potentials for 'rebellion, sudden changes, powerful ideas, and/or arrest' (R. Ebertin; Tyl). Of course, mass media, subterfuge, and deception are also in the realms of Neptune. Will Trump's theft of official documents be mentioned?

Then underneath it all - besides America's ongoing Pluto Return of transformation - transit Neptune continues a titanic opposition to US Neptune in Virgo, a period of generational ideals and beliefs clashing, along with various forms of persecution (racism, misogyny, civil rights, exploitation, scams):

Scorpio: Sign of Health and Regeneration

As you see, in 2nd house the health asteroid Hygeia @17Sco15 conjuncts the Moon (17Sco08) so the Health of Democracy, even if the phrase isn't spoken, may be a basic feature of Biden's address along with medical concerns. Meanwhile, the Uranus-North-Node ('NN') duo in Taurus widens yet its 'radical politics' signature retains influence along with the current 6 North Solar Eclipse @10Tau28, also in 2nd house, and thematically bringing society 'relationship to authority' and 'accepting commitments due to another person's unreliability or illness' (paraphrasing B. Brady) - at least until the power-grabbing 6 South Eclipse of October 25, 2022 manifests @2Scorpio with manic energy that will influence our 2022 Midterms.

To close, I direct your attention to the bottom right corner and the excitable Moon-Uranus opposition which perfects at 11:06 pm edt (reactions to President Biden's remarks, one supposes) and, above the horoscope, to the dynamic T-Square pattern their opposition forms with karmic Saturn Rx @20AQ34 in the hidden 12th house which can also denote large institutions such as the US Congress, and which contains potentials for 'self-will; sudden damage; and/or striving for independence' (R. Ebertin).

Yet with America's Pluto Return ongoing we mustn't leave out a midpoint picture formed in this chart with apex Pluto (11th house) - and that's Moon-Jupiter: 'major plans for major triumph; the big picture and the power to make it appear'(N. Tyl).

Perhaps we can agree that America under President Joe Biden would be happy for even more good news!