In the news: Senator Sheldon Whitehouse's statement on Mukasey's nomination.
Read Whitehouse's official bio here.
Born Oct 20, 1955 into a diplomatic family in NYC, Junior Senator from Rhode Island, Sheldon Whitehouse (D) may have the perfect Washingtonian can hear it, I know: President Whitehouse in the Whitehouse. Sounds fine to me!
Now Senator Whitehouse's natal Sun Libra/Moon Sagittarius blend has two Images for Integration:
"An educationalist creates a Palace of Discovery to feed and stimulate young minds...Bob Geldof spins Band Aid out of thin air to help famine-stricken Africa."
Obviously, he shares this Sun-Moon blend with Geldof and also with: historian Bruce Catton, Sean Lennon, Dory Previn, Betty Boothroyd, and Art Buchwald who said, "I explained to him that I had simple tastes and didn't want anything ostentatious, no matter what it cost me.""
This is an idealistic combo, generous, adventurous, witty, and enthusiastic with missionary zeal...there are persuasive powers with philosophical interests and a desire to help others. (Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Chasles and Suzi Harvey.)
A flair for public speaking is demonstrated as well as an ability to see the larger picture (Sag.) Negatively there can be a tendency to overstretch, over-estimate one's capacities, and/or to hide personal problems with workaholism (who doesn't?).
And yet a lack of introspection may cause blindness to one's true motives, an inability to "see" oneself realistically, and a certain detachment and aloofness may be noticed. Perhaps this results from hearing a celestial choir.
Yes, having a sensitive, receptive Sun-Neptune conjunction, it's not always easy to make one's mark although humanitarian work would be perfect for nebulous, idealistic Neptune's melding with one's essence and leadership qualities (Sun.) He seems to prefer working behind the scenes.
This creative combo usually results in a lack of confidence when expressing oneself, and there's a veiled outlook on life which may lead to disappointments and unpleasantness--plus, personal responsibilities may be difficult to manage. (Maturity can help mitigate such nebulous issues.)
Yet a career based on the public's benefit would be fine as long as a trusted advisor is around to help face the tougher issues, for realities can be abrasive to a Sun-Neptune individual.
Whitehouse's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series is problematic--the 11 South Series which last manifested July 11, 1991. This is the Series in which a few things have occurred through history such as:1. the murder of writer Danny Casolaro which took place the weekend of Aug 9/10, 1991 as he closed in on the PROMIS gang and its octopus tendencies;
2. the assassination of Marat (July 13, 1793);
3. George Washington takes command of the army (July 3, 1775);
4. PE of Enrico Fermi.
Brady's Predictive Astrology lists the themes of this Series as:
Old ideas or methods will suddenly fail and new systems are required to deal with events brought on by the Eclipse; there is a need for sudden reforms and new ways of handling issues; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed.
Well, Danny Casalaro, his investigation, and his in-progress book about 'The Octopus' certainly were removed.
The 11S Series next occurs: July 22, 2009 (29Can27--"30Cancer" = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" degree.)
Well, there's a small cameo of the Senator from Rhode Island who seems to have been inspired this week to speak up on America's behalf. I only wish more of the varmints of Washington DC would do it--and mean it.