Mars-Uranus: Rebellion, Attack, Great Energy, Danger, Urge For Freedom, Struggle for Survival, Strife, Radical Military Movements, Test of Nerves
by Jude Cowell
As you know, Inauguration Day 2021 featured a combustible Mars-Uranus Conjunction in Taurus (@6Tau44). And perhaps you remember that the entire violence-promoting Tr*mp "regime" was cosmically imprinted during its first Solar Eclipse by a Mars-Uranus Conjunction in Mars-ruled Aries (@21Aries+). Therefore, a consideration of America's initial Mars-Uranus Cycle, which began with their conjunction on June 15, 1776, may be informative.
Plus, a list of the Historical Events of June 1776 mentions June 15, 1776 as the day that the Delaware General Assembly voted to suspend government under the British Crown, aka, Delaware Separation Day. Other events of June 1776 include: Richard Henry Lee's introduction to the Continental Congress of the Lee Resolution seconded by John Adams, and leading to the Declaration of Independence (June 7th); Continental Congress appoints the Committee of Five (June 11th) including Thomas Jefferson to draft the Declaration; and Continental soldier and one of George Washington's trusted bodyguards, Thomas Hickey, is hanged for mutiny and sedition (June 28th).
Now perhaps we can agree that the "wild" January 6, 2021 assault on the US Congress, an attempted coup of the US government by Tr*mp's "MAGA Mob", is a cosmic echo of the sedition of 1776 against General Washington with its 'suspend government' vibes, and both time frames contain disruptive influences, forceful energies, violent acts, and the tremendous tension of a Mars-Uranus kind. The tension? To hold together or to separate: traditional government of The Establishment vs radical government by upstarts. Well these days, the radical upstarts of 1776 look a lot like the traditionalists of 2021. Meanwhile, radical upstarts in 2021 are trying to use again these forceful energies to take control.
America's Mars-Uranus Cycle Begins
June 15, 1776: Mars Conjunct Uranus @7Gem51:35 at 3:43 am LMT (Philadelphia, PA); rising is 11 Gem27: "12 Gemini" = "A Black Slave Girl Demands Her Rights From Her Mistress" - seems appropriate for America then and now, yes? Below is the Mars-Uranus Conjunction Horoscope of 1776, a planetary pair of energies excellent for fighting a Revolution but not an appropriate use of such explosive energies for those, such as yours truly, who are determined to keep an established Republic intact:
The disruptive conjunction's Sabian Symbol is interesting: "8 Gemini" "Around a Closed-Down Factory, Strikers Mill Defiantly" - PROTEST (Jones). We're pretty good at that, yes? (See upper right, highlighted in red.) You'll find more details penned on the chart such as (lower right) a Note on the chart's Sun-Moon midpoint @19Gem51 which will be stimulated on June 10, 2021 by a Solar Eclipse (19Gem47) in the 5 North Saros Series of 'prophetic dreams, visions, insights from the unconscious' (paraphrasing Brday's Predictive Astrology). #ad
Why, even this chart's Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior) @12Sag07 has a 5 South Solar Eclipse approaching on December 4, 2021 @12Sag22!
Eclipses across the Gemini-Sagittarius axis ('Mercury-Jupiter') suggests a karmic need to deal with issues involving communications, honesty and truth, logical approaches to problems, and moral and ethical concepts. Karmic progress is possible if false optimism, fake choices, scattering of energies, misplaced idealism, and misguided beliefs are avoided.
Tragically for America, on January 6th a certain misguided belief promoted by the former guy, aka, 'the big lie', was not avoided but was used to allegedly justify seditionist acts under the influence of Mars-Uranus.