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Sep 25, 2020

Trump Regime identified by Mars-Uranus since 2017

September 25, 2020: From the first Solar Eclipse of the Trump "administration" which occurred at 8Pisces12 on February 26, 2017 in the 19 South Saros Series, Trump and his comrades have identified and been identified with the violent, explosive, reactionary energies of the Mars-Uranus Conjunction which perfected @22Aries00 on that very day. The Solar Eclipse manifested at 9:58:19 am est on February 26, 2017, as you see in the eclipse horoscope shown below, and the Mars-Uranus Conjunction became exact at 7:19:20 pm that evening with 25Gem15 at Midheaven (the Goal Point) which is the degree of Trump's 2015 "Prez Bid" New Moon. Now you know that many political pundits have said that Trump was 'surprised' he won in 2016. Me? I'm no pundit but I'm not so certain considering all the help his nibs received from foreign saboteurs (see 9th house Pluto @18Capricorn and the wealthy manipulator's conjunction with 1993's Uranus-Neptune Conjunction degree = "the big picture must be followed--," lower left.)

The timing so soon after Inauguration 2017 imprints 19 South eclipse energies upon the "presidency" of Donald Trump through 19 South's primary theme of "a lucky win" or "break", plus, "a joyous event" (Brady). And along with these cosmic factors comes the Mars-Uranus Conjunction in Mars-ruled Aries. This post is inspired by the fact that another Mars-Uranus Conjunction occurs on Inauguration Day January 20, 2021 and it rises into the 12th house of Politics and Karma at noon, the hour that Trump's first term officially ends, as you know.

So perhaps we can agree that it would be suitable that freeloader Trump's White House residency began with Mars-Uranus in Aries and could end with Mars-Uranus in Taurus!

As for planetary conjunctions, you know that they begin a new cycle of the planetary energies involved and share 'new moon' status in the form of the seeding of new plans. Here, the reactionary plans for action and turmoil of Trump and comrades are identified since the early days of his regime and we may expect that an increase or peak of such violent energies will occur at or around the time of the Mars-Uranus Conjunction of January 20, 2021. Synchronistically, the 2021 conjunction perfects near the public's Inaugural Moon (00Tau55) which happens to be the position of the natal Moon of Joe Biden (00Tau59). Can this trio portend Mars-Uranus style violence toward (or by!) Mr. Biden? On some level, perhaps, and yet Mars-Uranus = Moon also shows high ambition and a 'desire to achieve something very big' (Ebertin).

Sounds good to me! Because the fighting spirit of the US military (Mars-Uranus) may join Mr. Biden and a majority of the American people by ejecting certain miscreants and saboteurs from the White House - whether the saboteurs like it or not.

So see what you think of the Trump regime's first Solar Eclipse in shady Pisces with deceptive Neptune nearby. As always, your on-topic comments and insights are welcome and appreciated but please note my new rule for SO'W: like unsolicited advertisements, No Comments by "Anonymous" readers will ever again be published.

And yes, I agree that too many study notes are squished upon the chart but I hope that those who wish to can and will read them!

DC Horoscope: Solar Eclipse February 26, 2017 @8Pis12 in the 19 South Saros Series:

Two Related Posts: Historical Horoscope of the Confederate Constitution of 1861, created as a reaction to the 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln; post contains a link to the relic's text as provided by the Avalon Project, and The First Lunation of 2021: a Capricorn New Moon.


zeebling said...

This Uranus mars connection is very interesting you pointed out with the 2021 inauguration chart ..Its been the bit of the puzzle that has me stumped with the aggressive reactionary mars Uranus moon square sun Saturn Jupiter (MC) .. this insight helps point to the fact that conflict may be assured no matter who wins but Uranian violence is much more likely if trump loses as he will claim a Coup d'état activating his devoted militia .. mercury retrograde on election day wont be helping with election disinformation (no doubt trump will claim victory or fraud & FOX will echo this) but with this and as you have noted in a previous post the Jupiter in the 10th (with sun saturn) it does seem more likely a Biden win being the new Jupiter Saturn cycle in Aquarius in the 10th also seems to support this ...although its all pretty scary no matter how this cookie crumbles because against trump , his devoted militia & his gestapo DOJ winning might not be enough

zeebling said...

not to back down on my previous comment but that inauguration Moon (conjunct Uranus mars ) conjunct Biden's moon ! ahhh so confusing ha ha

Jude Cowell said...

Zoidion, Yes. And unfortunately no matter the cookie or how it crumbles, America's enemies, particularly P*tin, have won in their obsession to collapse America. Doesn't mean we can't or won't rebuild but DC is effectively having its wings clipped with Trump as the figurehead saboteur. jc