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Showing posts with label sedition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sedition. Show all posts

Mar 8, 2024

January 3, 2025: 119th Congress opens

If All Goes Well on Capitol Hill

by Jude Cowell

Will the clownish, do-nothing, stunt-prone atmosphere of the current 118th Congress' Maga-led House fade away into the dustbin of history, yet with its sorry effects lingering on? Of late, there is an odor in the air, as perhaps you agree.

Well, when the 119th Congress swears in on January 3, 2025, below is the horoscope we get at 12 noon est, if all goes well. How many, if any, Maga and Freedom Caucus malcontents (aka, seditionists) will be sworn in depends on the results of Election 2024 - and whether the Justice Department catches up with congress members complicit in the J6 coup attempt. These topics we've discussed multiple times here on SO'W so let's not repeat it in this brief post as we look ahead to January 3, 2025 events.

Besides, when it comes to taking a congressional Oath of Office, we have cause to wonder what exactly any seditionist could possibly swear to that's in any way aboveboard.

119th Congress Horoscope January 3, 2025

Now as you see in the 119th Congress chart below, the 8 North "Great American Eclipse" of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 rises with its visions and dreams vibes along with priestly Chiron, the wounded healer - and/or the blindspot. This may refer to "Republican" theocrats so desperate for governmental control, but hopefully it's more of a compassionate indicator than a brutal one - a New Testament Christ rather than an Old Testament authoritarian with a twisted eye-for-an-eye perspective against all humanity - women in particular.

However, the reality is that the 8 South Eclipse of October 2, 2024 @10Lib03 is of the Series in which all three events - Election 2024, the 119th Congress' swearing in, and Inauguration 2025 - occur with 8 South themes of loss and separation (B. Brady) for one side or the other. But isn't that always the case with any competition? One side wins and the other side loses. Personally, I prefer the good guys side rather than the evil bas**rds, and I hope you agree:

And here's an unmarked version of the same 119th Congress Horoscope which may be useful for future reference:

A Related Post: the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope.

May 16, 2023

May 16, 2023: Mars-Pluto opposition squares Jupiter

Today transit Jupiter @29Aries conjoins and enlarges the themes of the 7 North Solar Eclipse of April 20, 2023, Hitler's birthday - themes of (blood) "lust" and "deep passions long-hidden that catch people off-guard" (B. Brady). Take care out there, folks, don't let anyone catch you off-guard, especially for the rest of May into June! The sensitized, critical 29th degree of Mars-ruled Aries has long been prominent in the US - it's the position of the Sun in the American Revolution Horoscope, and also the position of hothead Mars on January 6, 2021, Trump's 'maga' coup attempt of sedition. Jupiter to Mars can temporarily expand the active role of combatants in societal affairs and may refer to militia men, and the actual military itself. Even police state actions may be indicated.

Now to make it clear, my personal assertion is that my Revolutionary War ancestors do not approve of the attempted coup for the sake of - of all things! - an economic royalist like gold-lover Trump who holds monarchical delusions of grandeur to become a perpetual despot--exactly the tyranny the Revolution fought against and freed us from! Now naturally, I'm speaking on their behalf knowing something of the sacrifice, loss, even death that they and their families - my families - suffered during that harrowing time.

Now, it's harrowing times once again, and today transit Mars @27Can42 opposes not only transit Pluto (00AQ18 Rx) over our heads but also opposes US progressed Pluto (29Capricorn), a complex opposition that squares transit Jupiter @29Ari55 and, as a midpoint picture, contains potentials for: "wars; rape; mayhem; chaos; attacks" (M. Munkasey). See why I said to take care out there, folks? Of course, these are issues society is already dealing with so the T-square may be simply reflecting them.

Then two more cosmic links are occurring: transit Pluto @00AQ continues its conjunction to US Inaugural Sun, a role of power now inhabited by President Joe Biden. Obviously, a power game and a contest of wills is in progress as the President squares off against a maga GOP holding the US economy hostage - or else economic collapse that, if it results, they hope to blame on Joe Biden. In addition, Pluto @00AQ continues to activate the recent Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction of December 21, 2020 @00AQ29 which times the start of a new 20-year economic and social order!

Meanwhile, the global economy is also being held on the edge of collapse by power-mad, sore-loser Republicans with Confederacy sentiments that, as you know, include "a dark vein of intolerance."

So in light of the current Mars-Pluto stand-off of force and control, here's a Horoscope of the first moment that America's Mars-Pluto Cycle began. Check where transit Mars, Pluto, and Jupiter are today in relation to our country's initial cycle, for the clock is ticking:

A closing note: yes, there may a lifting of the T-square energies once transit Jupiter travels into Taurus a few desgrees. The Great Benefic enters Taurus today, May 16, 2023 at 1:20 pm edt. This is, however, the solar position of little Herr Adolf so a measure of ego expansion by nazi-types may occur for some people while others may end a project they began about 12 years ago. Then tomorrow evening, May 17th, a Jupiter-Pluto square becomes exact at 9:11 pm edt which suggests views and plans that are too broad or encompassing to be ultimately successful. jc

Apr 17, 2023

America’s Slow Civil War w/ Jeff Sharlet - Thom Hartmann

Well, it's Monday, Mitch McConnell is back at work in the Senate, and here's a recent segment from the Thom Hartmann Show with author Jeff Sharlet discussing his new book on the "slow Civil War" now in progress thanks to the Republican Party death cult of seditionists who want all the power and control.

And if they should manage to grab it, don't think that We the People will continue to worship as we please either, for their brand of morality will be legislatively enforced across the land while corruption will only grow. It'll be an exported version of sharia law roosting - in America!

Now as everyone knows, our country has already experienced a Civil War of ritual sacrifice (as all wars are), so personally, this pro-democracy citizen (despite CSA ancestry) prefers America's Perpetual Union - sans any and all fascists and nazis, violent criminals as they are.

Because you see, originally, as the 1781 Horoscope linked above shows, our nation was founded on enlightened principles of rationality through which we could analyze the past and actually learn from it! So no matter how many cheating tactics Republicans have in place for Election 2024, a free America's only hope is to Vote Blue in 2024 as if our democratic Republic depends on it.

Because, dear reader, it does.

Now here's a question: do you know that the 7 North Eclipse of April 20, 2023 @29Aries is in the same Saros Series that brought America the Civil War of 1861? And the eclipse conjuncts warrior planet Mars' 29Aries position during the insurrection of January 6, 2021, which was an opening salvo of the 'maga' plan for another 'civil war'.

Oct 5, 2022

Right-Wing calls for Civil War grow louder

Recently seditious right-wing calls for another Civil War have been re-spotlighted during the current trial of J6 militia leader Stewart Rhodes who calls himself a patriot. In fact, he and his comrades are using his trial for the purpose of promoting the seditious idea.

So perhaps you remember that it was not so long ago we discussed such topics with a display of the 1861 Civil War Horoscope surrounded by transits emphasizing Neptune in Pisces conjunct the 1861 War's Ascendant (the War itself) with the deceptive Mercury-Neptune conjunction rising. Note that Mercury-Neptune with more Neptune = "added dreaminess to thinking and reasoning; contriving ideas and solutions--" (M. Munkasey).

And of course, Herr Trump, cult leader of Mr. Rhodes, would be lost if he couldn't constantly express and use his deceptive, gossip-loving, propagandizing, loose-lipped Mercury-Neptune square which resonates all too well with the 1861 War's Mercury-Neptune = ASC of exploitation.

Pluto in Capricorn: Ready For His Close-Up

So politically speaking, underneath it all the Republican Party's Neptune in Pisces (1854) is being masterfully used for its abilities to deceive, confuse, disguise, cloud, erode, undermine, gaslight, and sabotage what originally is America's Neptune in fact-based Virgo of 1776, and this opposition times a karmic, titanic transit of ideological and generational clashes, along with persecutions of various kinds including those fueled by racism and misogyny. And to make matters more complex and unstable, our Neptunian problems are occurring in tandem with America's first-ever Pluto Return/s ('Mr. Hades' shown above) occurring all through 2022 - and with a worldwide authoritarian political movement recognizing current conditions as a huge opportunity to overwhelm democracy and freedom - long-planned.

Same with the predicted global recession made worse by Fed head Jerome Powell's overdone interest rate increases. Instituting a windfall profits tax in the US would help economic matters but will Republicans agree? Since GOP-ers want societal conditions to worsen to weaken Democrats before the 2022 Midterms, of course not. The US could also freeze oil prices - but one glitch: which politicians hold oil and gas shares in their stock portfolios?

Meanwhile, a wider view shows that such negative societal conditions are being promoted, supported, and funded by the global totalitarianism movement (which tends to rise when the Earth heats up), and unfortunately America's power position in the world has been eroded while we watched.

No wonder America right now is like a kitten tangled in sinister string! My suspicion is that calls for world government will soon grow louder, too, with the nation-state concept thrown under the proverbial bus. Listen for it! And if you can, keep tabs on the transiting positions of Juno, the nation-state asteroid, and Ceres, asteroid of democracy.

Because, sad to say, the world is going to miss America when she's gone.

Three Related Posts: Oct 8, 2022: Pluto Turns Direct @26Capricorn (DC Horoscope shown) conjunct US Inaugural Midheaven, a milestone indicator. And, speaking of a second civil war, riots in the streets, and the long-planned sabotage of America see Who Is Albert Pike? (video included), a plotter of sedition in the 1800s along with his comrade, Guiseppe Mazzini, founder of the Sicilian mafia; plus, Mercury-Neptune and the Presidential Records Act.

Mar 24, 2021

America's initial Mars-Uranus Cycle began in June 1776

Mars-Uranus: Rebellion, Attack, Great Energy, Danger, Urge For Freedom, Struggle for Survival, Strife, Radical Military Movements, Test of Nerves

by Jude Cowell

As you know, Inauguration Day 2021 featured a combustible Mars-Uranus Conjunction in Taurus (@6Tau44). And perhaps you remember that the entire violence-promoting Tr*mp "regime" was cosmically imprinted during its first Solar Eclipse by a Mars-Uranus Conjunction in Mars-ruled Aries (@21Aries+). Therefore, a consideration of America's initial Mars-Uranus Cycle, which began with their conjunction on June 15, 1776, may be informative.

Plus, a list of the Historical Events of June 1776 mentions June 15, 1776 as the day that the Delaware General Assembly voted to suspend government under the British Crown, aka, Delaware Separation Day. Other events of June 1776 include: Richard Henry Lee's introduction to the Continental Congress of the Lee Resolution seconded by John Adams, and leading to the Declaration of Independence (June 7th); Continental Congress appoints the Committee of Five (June 11th) including Thomas Jefferson to draft the Declaration; and Continental soldier and one of George Washington's trusted bodyguards, Thomas Hickey, is hanged for mutiny and sedition (June 28th).

Now perhaps we can agree that the "wild" January 6, 2021 assault on the US Congress, an attempted coup of the US government by Tr*mp's "MAGA Mob", is a cosmic echo of the sedition of 1776 against General Washington with its 'suspend government' vibes, and both time frames contain disruptive influences, forceful energies, violent acts, and the tremendous tension of a Mars-Uranus kind. The tension? To hold together or to separate: traditional government of The Establishment vs radical government by upstarts. Well these days, the radical upstarts of 1776 look a lot like the traditionalists of 2021. Meanwhile, radical upstarts in 2021 are trying to use again these forceful energies to take control.

America's Mars-Uranus Cycle Begins

June 15, 1776: Mars Conjunct Uranus @7Gem51:35 at 3:43 am LMT (Philadelphia, PA); rising is 11 Gem27: "12 Gemini" = "A Black Slave Girl Demands Her Rights From Her Mistress" - seems appropriate for America then and now, yes? Below is the Mars-Uranus Conjunction Horoscope of 1776, a planetary pair of energies excellent for fighting a Revolution but not an appropriate use of such explosive energies for those, such as yours truly, who are determined to keep an established Republic intact:

The disruptive conjunction's Sabian Symbol is interesting: "8 Gemini" "Around a Closed-Down Factory, Strikers Mill Defiantly" - PROTEST (Jones). We're pretty good at that, yes? (See upper right, highlighted in red.) You'll find more details penned on the chart such as (lower right) a Note on the chart's Sun-Moon midpoint @19Gem51 which will be stimulated on June 10, 2021 by a Solar Eclipse (19Gem47) in the 5 North Saros Series of 'prophetic dreams, visions, insights from the unconscious' (paraphrasing Brday's Predictive Astrology). #ad

Why, even this chart's Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior) @12Sag07 has a 5 South Solar Eclipse approaching on December 4, 2021 @12Sag22!

Eclipses across the Gemini-Sagittarius axis ('Mercury-Jupiter') suggests a karmic need to deal with issues involving communications, honesty and truth, logical approaches to problems, and moral and ethical concepts. Karmic progress is possible if false optimism, fake choices, scattering of energies, misplaced idealism, and misguided beliefs are avoided.

Tragically for America, on January 6th a certain misguided belief promoted by the former guy, aka, 'the big lie', was not avoided but was used to allegedly justify seditionist acts under the influence of Mars-Uranus.

Jan 3, 2021

January 6, 2021 US Congress: Strong Emotions Surface

by Jude Cowell

January 3, 2021: Besides facing the combustible Mars-Uranus Conjunction @6Tau44 on Inauguration Day 2021 and the ongoing sabotage of America by fascist forces and their figurehead Trump, we first must successfully navigate through potential riots, protests, and the seditious behavior threatened in the US Congress on January 6, 2021 by certain congressional Republicans determined to disrupt America's tradition of a peaceful transfer of power, undermine the Biden administration, and, they hope, prevent Trump from tweeting against them and ruining their next election chances. However, on that date the Electoral College Vote is to be certified by the Congress doing its duty.

For an intuitive reading concerning our current circumstances in January 2021 you may wish to check out Revealing Light Tarot (recommended!).

Of course, this purposefully stirred up 'hail Mary' political drama by Trump and comrades is meant to take over the US government entirely and morph it into a fascist enterprise. And it's all being piled atop our ongoing fight against the SARS-Covid pandemic now decimating the American people and straining our hospital system to its core, plus, our dire economic and cyber conditions. Yes, Trump and his ilk are attacking the country while America is weakened by disease and loss. And a misguided 1/3 of the population likes it!

Now naturally these weighty 2020-into-2021 issues and events are described ably by multiple cosmic factors, some of which have been discussed here on Stars Over Washington and available for those who care to search (sidebar Search field, or just Google). But if I had to name one cosmic factor which basically accounts for many of the stirred up feelings - 'the strong emotions over money and relatonships', it has to be the background influences of the 4 South Solar Eclipse in which we now simmer (that is, until the next Solar Eclipse comes along in June 2021).

Occurring on December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 (the day the Electoral College voted against Trump - see what I mean?), the 4 South Eclipse contains difficult themes that are now expressing in society and what could be one of the peaks of such difficulties manifests in the US Congress, Capitol Hill, January 6, 2021.

And yet there is one promising potential in particular from the 4 South Eclipse @23Sag08 - it 'eclipsed' the 8th house Saturn in authoritarian Trump's Inauguration 2017 Horoscope!

Besides karmic Saturn's rulership of authority, accountability, control, and separation, for me this describes another of the 4 South influences: a 'sudden desire to end a relationship'. For if We The People ever wanted to end a relationship asap, it has to be the one between the Oval Office and saboteur Trump whose presidential term ends at noon on January 20, 2021 as Joe Biden takes the Oath of Office.