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Showing posts with label Nicholas Hagger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nicholas Hagger. Show all posts

Jan 9, 2016

Edward Snowden on America's Secret Government (plus, Mars and Bacon)

Somehow I had missed this informative excerpt from an interview of November 2014 conducted by former 2016 candidate Lawrence Lessig with shunned NSA official and exile Edward Snowden. Being a presidential election year you would think that such topics would be prominent in our current public discourse! Yet listen for surveillance topics within the current presidential debate cycle and you'll hear little more than crickets. Ask Trump, Bush, Cruz, Rubio, Clinton, or even Sanders to comment on or describe America's secret government or to uphold its antidote government by consent of the governed and evasions and diversions begin though you might get a fevered rise out of Sanders or Trump (to give us the impression that our concerns are 'being heard') while studied non-responses from the rest must suffice. They'll have to leave it there, as their bosses often advise them to say...

This interview with Ed Snowden seemed totally appropriate since the Saturn-Neptune square is upon us all for as you know, mundane Saturn = government, law, business while mundane (as if!) Neptune = secret, invisible, illegitimate, fraudulent. My opinions is that we're brainless fools if we allow the 'ruling class' to tell us we can't even discuss aloud such topics as surveillance, illegalities, and anti-constitutional provisions since our lives and the futures of our children are closely and adversely affected. Too many of our officials are in the raptor's grip and trying desperately to hold on to their positions of power and their generous incomes but constantly act in breach of the public trust and contract. So few of them actually represent the interests of the American public that it would be hilariously amusing were it not so riotously tragic.

Now I wonder if the '30Cap' Sabian Symbol we spoke of earlier will be part of the secrets to be revealed under the auspices of Mars' retrograde period during April into October 2016 which takes us right up to the position of transiting Mars on Election Day 2016 and "A Secret Business Conference" which may possibly be made inconveniently public? For a deeper look, I do feel certain that the symbol of the Illumination Point for '30Cap'--right across the axis at '30Cancer' may be informative for it is, "A Daughter of the American Revolution," a reference to our past political revolution that inspires me to begin quoting (some of which you may have read here in prior posts or elsewhere) as I think of how 2016 candidate Senator Bernie Sanders has been calling for one:

The American Revolution "was not a revolt against an existing indigenous system of government but rather an anti-colonial movement against the English"...that "involved a change in political authority rather than a transformation in the power structure of society. Therefore it does not conform to the model of other revolutions.

The full revolutionary dynamic of the American Revolution can be stated as follows:

Heretical occult inspiration: Scottish Jacobite Templarism (via Gosnold/Bacon)

Intellectual expression: Weishaupt/Franklin/Jefferson/Paine

Political expression: Washington

Physical consolidation: Jackson

The American Revolution brought about a constitutional transformation that ended Britain's colonial rule and created republicanism, the political expression of Templar Masonry. The new Atlantis of America was a Templar-created Masonic State.

The revolutionary dynamic of the ideas behind the American Revolution can be stated as follows:

Heretical occult inspiration: *New Atlantis

Intellectual expression: Illuminism

Political expression: Republicanism

Physical expression: Conquest/westward expansion."

And so the astrological puzzle remains: what structural and political reforms will America's first-ever Pluto Return/s all through 2022 perpetrate? And since the Return of powerful, wealthy Pluto to its 1776 position will soon begin triggering our national Mercury-Pluto opposition (Cancer/Capricorn) of propaganda, secrets, spies, and surveillance, will the spying industry grow by then into the beast it now strives to be? Or has it already?

*New Atlantis by (Sir) Francis Bacon; for more information see Old and New Atlantis: a Mysterious Legend that won't fade.

Quotes from: The Secret History of the West: The Influence of Secret Organisations On Western History From the Renaissance to the 20th Century by Nicholas Haggar.

Aug 30, 2009

Astrology notes~Famous quotes on the New World Order

Here are a few quotes about the 'new world order', if you're hankering for a brief bask in its deformed rays.

In his book *The Secret History of the West, Nicholas Hagger says that the term 'new world order' was first used in the modern media by Nelson Rockefeller on **July 26, 1968, when he asserted that he would "work toward international creation of 'a new world order.'"

(The term) 'was widely used following the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989' (Reagan.) 'President George Bush used the term several times before the Gulf War; for instance, "Out of these troubled times...a New World Order can emerge" ('Sept 11, 1991' as displayed in the video below ~ although this precise date is disputed, particularly as noted in this text of Bush Sr's speech to a Joint Session of Congress, Sept 11, 1990, not '1991'; notice in the text he refers to their "fifth objective, 'a new world order.'" jc.)

'And the term has been much-used following the terrorists attacks on New York's Twin Towers and Washington's Pentagon on September 11, 2001, and in association with President George W. Bush's ensuing war in Afghanistan. A new world arrangement is taking place.

The New World Order has frequently been associated with American world dominance and increasing powers of the UN. Essentially is is the creation of a world revolution to form a United States of the World. A world revolution cannot happen everywhere simultaneously; it is by its very nature piecemeal, involving component revolutions in specific local places, now here, not there.'

Hopefully, I am not quoting too much text from Mr. Hagger's book for my intention is to say that the more people reading his books, the better.

In Hagger's next paragraph he goes on to say that 'the immediate roots of the New World' is what he calls a "Syndicate of banking and governing families seeking to control the world's oil, in which the European Rothschilds and American Rockefellers were principal influences,' and that they have had 'a dynastic drive for a one-world regime ever since 1900. 'The drive has been linked with Templar Grand Orient Freemasonry.' (My caps.)

He then questions whether separate revolutions of the last 550 years are linked in some way, and offers the reader other intriguing posers. In his Introduction, Mr. Hagger states that, 'The roots of the New World Order can be found in the dismantling of the old Catholic Europe, and it is to the Reformation and its effects on the Elizabethan world that we must first look, a revolution that influenced Utopians for the next 550 years.' (Remember Rumsfeld's "that's old Europe" brou-ha-ha?)

We're bedeviled by Utopians! So. How 'utopian' does it feel to lose your job and watch your kids go without basic necessities? Now don't you think that if Congress cared a fig they would've avoided plopping us into this broiling stew to begin with? Government is the problem, all right, but not for the reasons government disingenuously cites.

Of course, I have more questions on the topic of the NWO and the chaotic messes the world has been mired in since the 'New Millennium' reared its Nostradamic head:

Are Pentagon-labelled "insurgents" of the Middle East, in their haphazardly violent way, fighting on the correct side of the resource-pillaging Syndicate because they are fighting its establishment as a one-world-government? Is The Octopus, the network of world crime families, actually as against me/my kith and kin (and you, dear reader) just as much as they are against those who stand in their oil-grabbing and plundering way in the Middle East and elsewhere?

Is installing a 'new world order' fair justification for invading Iraq and anywhere else the White House and Pentagon cast a raptor's eye upon? Are you enjoying the 'financial collapse of 2008' as a way of ushering in the economic chaos that is an integral part of the singular money system by which they will manipulate the world's trade, commerce, and basic needs such as food and water?

Are you ready for your day and manner of worship to be dictated to you?

If you haven't yet, read what another Rockefeller had to predict in 1991 about the New World Order, a famous quote that should curdle your bones. These bonesmen play for keeps, as both readers of this, and other blogs, know.

So...what do you think? you think?


*You'll find Ricki Reeves' The Quindecile in my 'Good Books on Astrology' feature in the sidebar to your right.

** As to the Astrology of Rockefeller's open use of the term 'NWO' we note the separating Uranus 26Vir20 (tr Uranus now opposing its 1968 position - in Natal Astrology what would mark one's 'midlife crisis')/Pluto 20Vir59 Conjunction of 1965/66, 16 - 18Virgo), plus, the obsessive-compulsive quindecile (165 degr) between radical reformer Uranus and the North Node of the Moon (public contacts; fated associations.)

In her groundbreaking work, Quindecile, by Ricki Reeves, we find that a QD between Uran/NN = disruption of the status quo bwo innovative ideas; being renowned for inventive ideas; being driven by a need to shock others (as in, 'Shock Doctrine'? jc.) The combination of Uranus/NN = radical political reformers.

The year 1968 was a radically shocking year to our national psyches, to be sure:

April 1968 stunned and bereaved our nation with the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as he proceed to meld The People together in support of anti-war sentiments along with the civil rights movement - a larger, more potent force from We-The-People than each movement could be on its own; June brought the horror and tragedy of Robert Kennedy's assassination to prevent his presidency.

A New World Order pecks from its shell: April, June, and July 1968

So Rockefeller's statement came after two assassinations of leaders the people rallied behind en masse, and all three events happened - were perpetrated - during the 6 North Series whose March 28, 1968 Solar Eclipse manifestation occurred @ '8Aries' and which has this flavor:

Focus on relationships with authority figures; the need to take control and responsibility; commitments come along due to another person's unreliability or illness (or murder. - jc.) (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

6 North has manifested in the years 1986 (@ '19Aries' on April 9) and 2004 (@29Ari49 on April 19) and will do so again on April 30, 2022 @ '10Taurus,' fyi.

And now, presenting a video of Geo Bush, Sr., in one of his most-remembered you've watched a thousand times and just can't seem to get enough of the crazy-eyed b*st*'s George Herbert Walker Bush touting, predicting, and threatening us on behalf of a 'New World Order' - a Novus Ordo Seclorum manifesting directly under our snoots, if you will...

"...and we will.....," Bush intones with determination.

Now. Don't you think he meant it?