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Showing posts with label US Pluto Return. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Pluto Return. Show all posts

Dec 5, 2023

The regressive GOP targets Zoomers!

GOP 2024: Zoomers, Minority Voters, Women Unwelcome in Voting Booths

by Jude Cowell, partisan for American Democracy

As you know, Generation Z, aka, Zoomers, are those born from 1997 to 2012 - "The Future Innovators." Well, obviously, innovation is the last thing the Republican Party wants since regression and backward time travel are major features of their authoritarian agenda of dystopian oppression and misogyny.

Yes, Zoomers are being targeted by Republican operatives because even the entity called the GOP realizes that younger Americans (who will live in the future) will vote in droves in November 2024 for candidates with progressive policies, aka, beneficial ones, rather than settle for the crabbiness, corruption, and greed of low-charactered GOPers, whether indicted yet or not.

For a better explanation, check out The GOP has Declared War on Their New Mortal Enemy: Zoomers, by progressive broadcaster and author, Thom Hartmann.

Image: A Close-Up of Pluto (NASA photo)

So with the multiple GOP tactics, both known and, so far, unknown, such as purging voter rolls (Pluto, planet of purges) they hope to sway Election 2024 their crabby way. Regressives demand a Past vs Future struggle as if clocks can be turned back!

And so we may wish to consider any cosmic predictors (As Above, So Below) that we can find in order to forewarn and forearm American voters of all ages. And we all must do what we can to sound the alarm against regressive Trumpianism and Fascism while taking whatever defensive actions possible in order to avoid America being turned into a dictatorship. In other words, the threat is real: Vote Blue in 2024!

Note to GOP: Time Advances Forward, Never Backward!

Now if you as an American, agree, read on. If you disagree, then you're probably in the wrong country and are reading someone else's Unsealed Letter.

Then there's the fact that transit Pluto of primal violence fame has already inched a twisted hoof temporarily into progressive Aquarius back in December 2020, and Mr. Transformation will be residing in Aquarius in time for Inauguration 2025 - but will still stomp on 29Capricorn for Election 2024, with 29 a critical/crisis degree of impatience. But with Pluto in Aquarius, we may expect more folks to express a communal sense than before. And yet we know that the depressingly long sojourn of Pluto in Capricorn, the cosmic marker for The Dictator (R. Ebertin), is fading as I type even as effects of our three-fer US Pluto Return all through 2022 will be with our nation going forward including the US Mercury-Pluto opposition of 1776 and the surveillance state its energies made possible.

One reliable cosmic marker for Election 2024 is its prior New Moon, a lunation that can affect earthly events like a Solar Eclipse and in a similar disruptive fashion as radical planet Uranus often does. Changes of direction are suggested and secrets may be revealed, so Election 2024's Predictive New Moon Prior is worth keeping an eye on.

Then on a Sun-Pluto power-wielding or abuse level, there's a previous SO'W post you may wish to revisit for its Plutonian oppression-suppression potentials, When Pluto Hits America's POTUS Sun (00AQ53), an exact conjunction that occurs three times: February 18, July 22, and December 26, 2024.

And on the topic of the US Pluto Return, see GOP, Foreign Power, and Pluto in America which includes an informative Thom Hartmann clip, plus, a tri-wheel image of all three conjunctions of transit Pluto to its natal position on July 4, 1776.

In closing, there's another potential indicator of US electional outcomes and it's planet Venus. America's presidential election cycle follows the Cycle of Venus via our 4-year vs 8-year presidential terms. For more details see Election Day 2024: What Does the Venus Cycle Say? and please be certain that all the voting-aged Zoomers in your life remain aware of the GOP strategies against their right to vote. Don't let an irrational GOP of brutal authoritarians negate America's future!

May 5, 2023

Trump To Dictate Fascistic “Townhall” On CNN Next Week -- Thom Hartmann

Thom, a Fascist Townhall Horoscope, and Moon-Pluto

by Jude Cowell

To gain higher ratings and profits, CNN has been moving to the right politically, thanks to a billionaire investor, and a live broadcast of a Tr*mp "Townhall" in Goffstown, New Hampshire is scheduled in which grievances will once gain be listed ad nauseum along with the fascist views of agent orange, still bu*t-hurt over his election loss in 2020.

Trump's Townhall of Republican questioners is a far-reich signal along the road toward the nazi-style dystopia now assaulting America. Now I know that the strong-armed paternalism that fascists offer America may seem comforting to some folks, and for others it seems to provide a way to make money, but make no mistake that it includes the criminality and violence now accosting our society - including the targets they and the NRA have placed on the backs of our children. Yet A majority of rational Americans do not want fascist government.

Casting Blame on Pluto in Saturn-Ruled Capricorn

Yes, primal violence came along with America's first-ever Pluto Return, a three-fer of conjunctions (to its 1776 position 27Cap33) all through 2022: Pluto, planet of Plutocracy and exploitation, fulfilling his role as stealthy assassin, and making his play for a barbaric transformation of US society into a police state - and We the People have decades during which these destructive energies and actors must be vigorously fought in defense of democracy.

That's if we take the 248-year cycle of Pluto, divide by 3, and consider the first of the three Pluto Return horoscopes as a cosmic guide lasting approximately 83 years. This gives us a time frame of 2022 to year 2105 in which to deal with fascist lies, fraud, sinister actors and threats of violence - and curiously, 83 years is very close to the 84-year orbit of Uranus, planet of disruption but also of progressive reforms. See below for a link to a tri-wheel of America's three Pluto Return horoscopes.

But please don't fret for we know that despair is not an option, as Thom always reminds us! So for your consideration, here's commentary concerning Trump's upcoming "Townhall" of fascist promotion (with Mercury Rx = repetition!) from progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann who spotlights a definition of fascism in the words of FDR's VP Henry Wallace, speaking on April 9, 1944 - a not-to-be-missed citing by one of the men who faced the rising tide of fascism and Nazism in their era - and prevailed:

Now if all goes as planned, the live "Townhall" with Republicans asking Trump questions is scheduled for Wednesday May 10, 2023 at 8:00 pm edt. Of interest that evening is a Moon-Pluto Conjunction perfecting at 10:40 pm edt @00AQ20 conjunct US Inaugural Sun (corrupting elements--he'll insult President Biden any way he can), and transit Tisiphone, asteroid of retaliation. Mentions will include immigration, crime and violent events (Trump's threat of "American carnage"?), his usual grievances and grudges, funding, and possibly his real or imagined popularity with the public which isn't what he pretends or wants it to be.

Please enlarge or print the image to read further details, as you wish:

As you can see in the upper right horoscope, above, the 4 South 'Electoral College Vote Eclipse' of December 14, 2020 rises as the Moon-Pluto Conjunction becomes exact at 10:40 pm edt which may perfect after the broadcast ends but even if so, the conjunction's extreme emotions and tendency toward quarrels and violence will be certain to express in one way or another.

Of course, the Electoral College Vote of 2020 activated sore-loser Trump's "Big Lie," and crazily, there's his natal stationary Jupiter (18Lib27) sitting atop the Moon-Pluto Conjunction Horoscope! Rounded up we find that "19Libra" = "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" which is one way to describe Trump and his corrupt comrades desperate for more money and power. Can Stormy Daniels turn up in his rhetoric? I ask because her natal Pluto Rx @18Lib26 does conjunct his boundary-and-taboo-breaking Jupiter in Libra with its eternal whine, "it's not fair!"

Well, Boo and Hoo. Obviously, a Townhall full of belly-achin' is in store for viewers.

Meanwhile, lower left is the Townhall 8:00 pm edt chart with karmic Saturn @6Pis03 at its base (IC) and conjoining the Fascism Rising Eclipse of February 1933 in the 7 North Saros Series with themes of (blood) "-lust, and long-hidden passion that catches people off-guard" (B. Brady). Therefore, Trump's May 10th Townhall is occurring under the influences of the series in which we now toil because a 7 North Eclipse repeated on April 20, 2023 @29Ari50, as what I've termed, "Hitler's birthday eclipse."

So how do we vanquish Fascism in America?

Why, Vote Blue in 2024! And in massive numbers.

If needed, here's a previous post displaying a tri-wheel of the three-fer US Pluto Return/s with the first 83-year horoscope in center. Plus, there's this: Remembering Henry Wallace, Our Mystic Vice President.

Dec 28, 2022

Why Congress Can't Cut Defense Spending: Feat. Rep. Mark Pocan - clip

Here's a recent segment from a Thom Hartmann broadcast with guest Rep. Mark Pocan:

And here's a nostalgic view of the Pentagon's founding horoscope (April 29, 1942) with its war-waging, out-of-bounds Mars in Moon-ruled Cancer (touchy!) at apex of two difficult midpoints: ruthless Saturn-Pluto and fanatical Uranus-Pluto, creating both brutal and intense conditions.

Additionally, snugged around this particular view of the Pentagon 1942 chart is the DC Horoscope of the 12 North Solar Eclipse of January 15, 2010 (@25Cap01, in the highly sensitized area of governmental/legal Capricorn which includes US Pluto Return, a three-fer due to planetary retrogradation).

As for America's years of out-of-this-world amounts of defense spending, we might consider Capricorn eclipses for their negative implications of ruler Saturn: avarice and selfishness which impede karmic progress and identify the imperative to adhere to conservative Saturn's demands for self-control, conscientiousness, sober thinking, and self-discipline when it comes to financial investments (rather than clearing out the National Treasury - and all the while promoting austerity for the masses).

From a previous post, let's close with a quote clipped from President Eisenhower's famous 'Chance for Peace' speech of 1953, an era when the Republican Party wasn't sadistic, brutal, deceptive, and crass as it is now:

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children."

Nov 4, 2022

Nov 8, 2022: Biden-Trump Progressions

Midterms 2022? Meet Two Progressed Horoscopes

by Jude Cowell

Today my Friday post shows a dual image of President Biden's Secondary Progressed Horoscope (upper right; 'SP') and Trump's ('SP') Horoscope (lower left) with both charts set for natal locations (Scranton PA and Queens NY) on November 8, 2022. Emphasized are the planetary factors that stand out to yours truly but you will undoubtedly discover other significant factors for yourself.

Then, if you read my study notes penned upon the image, differences between the two men will surface for your consideration such as karmic Saturn, planet of authority, responsibility, maturity, soberness, and accountability in a starring role with reformist Uranus, and with Pluto, planet of power, wealth, and stealth. All three planets play major roles when it comes to leadership style and the exercising of power or its abuse. And of course, transformation is part of the Plutonian picture as well - especially in 2022 with America's first-ever Pluto Return/s ongoing.

Planet Saturn in a Leader's Horoscope and Psyche

President Biden's Saturn remains in Mercury-ruled Gemini when progressed suggesting a measure of adaptable stability, while Trump's Saturn, natally in Moon-ruled Cancer, has progressed into Sun-ruled Leo suggesting rigidity and pomposity. In quicksilver Gemini, Saturn suggests conscientiousness, logical thinking, studiousness, and a tendency to become preoccupied with difficult problems (like presidents must do). However, wall-builder Saturn tends toward neurosis when in emotional, self-protective Cancer, but when progressed into proud Leo, we find Trump's egotism, dislike of formalities, and deep need for power, control, recognition, applause, and importance.

Additionally, we know that restrictive Saturn can add fear and/or paranoia to most any equation, as well as a sense of loss when Saturn's demands for upright behavior and maturity are not met. Obviously, an individual's Saturn Return Horoscope provides information concerning such issues.

Two factors stand out in particular in each SP chart

For Mr. Biden, it's his SP Uranus Stationed Direct and unaspected so there's a strong emphasis on the planet, plus the suggestion that he's independent and thus not overly influenced by external forces, energies, or actors. (His aviator shades and fast cars might suggest a cool independent streak.)

For Mr. Trump, it's his SP Ascendant @1Sco27 which has received the current 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 conjunct it with themes of 'forcfully taking control' (B. Brady), which is what he's determined and very desperate to do, no matter the cost.

So beneath the symbolic progressed horoscopes (which provide hints as to how one has evolved during their lives), brief notes concerning both men's Sun-Moon blends (which are temporary until SP Moon enters the next Zodiacal sign) are added via The Harveys; then in closing, potentials contained within their SP midpoint pictures are listed for the sake of comparison via Reinhold Ebertin and Noel Tyl:

President Joe Biden: SP Sun Aquarius-Moon Aries (Air-Fire) = self and society; the brotherhood of man is a reality; sound intellect; frankness; disdain for hypocrisy; talkative; an observer of humanity; pokes fun at absurdities; loves challenges; a social reformer or eccentric ambassador; prefers practical answers that cut through bureaucracies and red tape; can be arrogant, cool, and detached. "Image for Integration: Robin Hood and his merry band of men outwit the evil King John once again."

Donald Trump: SP Sun Virgo-Moon Libra (Earth-Air) = pragmatism; lives in a private world; a gift for words; an eye for detail; organized; consults others but pushes through with own ideas; delights in paradox; lives according to a personal code; yearns for the day when others see things "his way"; fussy insistence on getting things a particular way; can be tactful and approachable; ability to cooperate for a common cause. "Image for Integration: "A monastic husband." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad).

SP Midpt Pix (11/08/22): any, all, or none may apply

President Biden: stress in the profession (Sun-Neptune = MC); pressure to regroup forces and plan anew; constraint; grave inhibitions (Moon-Pluto = Saturn); desire for pleasant contacts with many people (Jupiter-North Node = Pluto); placing false hopes on associations; dealing with others naively or simplistically (Jup-Nept = North Node).

Donald Trump: desire to rise from difficult circumstances; major separation (Saturn-Pluto = MC); grappling with unusual problems; brooding over one's destiny (Mercury-Saturn = Pluto); having a bad influence upon others; breakdown between people living together (Nept-NN = Pluto); giving stimulating ideas to others (Venus-Uranus = Mercury); chaotic emotional life; easily led by others; a dreamy nature (Venus-Neptune = Moon); arranging associations or unions (Jup-NN = Merc: or an army? jc); contemplating loss; fearing wipe-out; abandonment (Merc-Saturn = Pluto).

Nov 14, 2021

A Few Cosmic Considerations as 2021 Nears Its End

Karmic Eclipse Themes Undergird Events; Solstices and Equinoxes Are Timers

by Jude Cowell

Image: 'Blue Winter's Path'; pencil on paper; by Jude Cowell Art 2021

Sunday November 14, 2021

As Astrology always reveals, it's the Winter Solstice Horoscope that takes us from one year into the next and holds particular influence as its planets reflect earthly events until Spring Equinox of the following year. In fact, it's illuminating to consider both charts for a fuller picture, perhaps in the form of a bi-wheel with the Winter Solstice chart snugged inside since it is the first cosmic event to occur. One might also take a Spring Equinox Horoscope and add the Winter Solstice Horoscope for the same year to see how things are moving along, especially since Spring Equinox charts are 'good for' an entire year and may be considered via transits, directions, and such.

So as 2021 nears its end, here's an excerpt from the previously published Winter Solstice 2021 Horoscope (DC Horoscope shown):

Winter Solstice 2021 falls within the 5 New South Eclipse Series which manifests on December 4, 2021 @12Sag22 with benefits promised. (The 12Sag Eclipse is in 9th house of {the Winter Solstice 2021} chart conjunct Midheaven although it isn't penned upon the {Solstice} chart - and the Midheaven is unaspected by any planet so the beneficial themes of the eclipse may be the objectives of the winter season!

(For more chart details, follow the eclipse's link.)

Therefore, considering President Biden's legislative efforts in Congress this year, such beneficial objectives and the good news that comes with them (ex: his Infrastructure Bill) seem to be a given. A 'given' representing progress to some legislators for the American people (aka, the common good) but improvements to block and delay for others who are regressively minded as they work to accomplish an authoritarian take-over of the US government, a fascist/corporate effort that failed in 1933. And of course you know which political party is which within our current circumstances as transit Neptune in Pisces opposes US natal Neptune in Virgo (clash of ideals; racial and other persecutions across the Virgo-Pisces victim/savior axis). Plus, transit Pluto is already within orb of America's first-ever Pluto Return - exact three times all through 2022 as societal scaffolding is forced to collapse and traditions and laws are sabotaged and ignored. Yet we know that the fascist plot of 1933 became known as 'the businessmen's coup' and it failed, just as it should have.

This time, after decades of patient planning, the plot has widened and a multitude of wealthy corporations and CEOs are funding the fascist coup attempt yet it's imperative that the traitorous saboteurs and criminals who have infiltrated and infested America must be made to fail again!

And on that note, thanks go to journalist Judd Leggum and this staff, because the public can know what many corporations are up to in private while funding far-right efforts against democracy - despite what their gaslighting public relations people say in public.

So if you haven't, see EXCLUSIVE: How corporate PACs are plotting to "move beyond" January 6. Why, they're part of a global crime syndicate of saboteurs and malicious schemers so it's no wonder their heinous efforts and thuggish acts of violence are difficult for the little ole US Congress to hold accountable.

Because after all, these crooks have got friends in high places.

Looking ahead, here's the Spring Equinox 2022 Horoscope (aka, Aries Ingress 2022) and here's the DC Horoscope with details on the 5 New South Solar Eclipse of December 4, 2021: The Karma of Past Actions.

Nov 3, 2021

In America: Progressive Populism or Fascist Populism?

What's It To Be, America?

by Jude Cowell

In his recent op-ed, Thom Hartmann provides a comprehensive overview of the current political and societal stand-off between "progressive populism" and "fascist populism" in a way that no one else can. The first is inspired by such notables as Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Bernie Sanders, and yes! Joe Biden. The other is a Charles Lindburgh-Hitler-Trump glob of a mass movement to turn America into a dystopian authoritarian nightmare that voters who fall for its lies will wish with all their hearts they hadn't.

It's as if the power bestowed simultaneouly upon FDR in America and Hitler in Germany back in 1932/33 is being restaged all over again and the power bestowed upon the two men was of a completely different quality, as you know, and results were radically different.

Yet through the decades since the late 1970s and ramped up in the 1980s decade under Reagan and 'Reaganomics', we Americans have had Neo-Liberalism foisted upon us resulting in the bad social and economic conditions we now face. In fact, it's the Neo-Liberalist system now dying under the ongoing US Pluto Return. It's a complex situation that most Americans are too busy with their problems to give much attention to. However, Thom Hartmann's op-ed linked above clears up many such issues if only folks will read!

As Above, So Below

Now astrologically, we know that the Solar Eclipses of 1932 and 1933 which heralded the 'Nazis Rise to Power' and 'Fascism Rising' will repeat in 2022 and 2023 so the themes and influences of the two eclipses will 'run in the background' of society once again along with other cosmic and earthly factors, some aiding, some mitigating. And perhaps you've read my recent grump over a certain cosmic synchronicity that worries yours truly November 2022 Eclipse Hits Austrian Psychopath's Chart on election day, a circumstance which may do no more than add insult to injury politically, may with Uranian cussedness amount to nothing, or, may time a distressing set of conditions that we already pretty much know to expect for it's marked on the fascist power-grabbing calendar of figurehead Tr*mp's ongoing coup d'etat.

Below is a bi-wheel of my concern; please follow the above link for details:

So even though down-ballot elections such as in Vriginia yesterday may or may not be telling for 2022 and 2024 outcomes, what we do know for certain is that Midterms 2022 is the first major test of whether Americans will choose Progressive Populism over Fascist Populism in spite of fascists rigging the ballots and other cheating tactics. And that, with a Taurus Lunar Eclipse conjunct progressive planet Uranus on November 8, 2022 which may either aid or hinder the progressive cause. Still, motivation is everything so the outcome in 2022 can be swayed by a massive turnout of progressive voters overwhelming draconian politicians of the fascist persuasion as Americans (with the support of our better angels!) choose Progressive Populism.

Sep 30, 2021

On the Trail of powerful Pluto creeping into Aquarius

Primal Pluto at the Base of It All

by Jude Cowell

NASA image: Distant planet Pluto (soon to enter Tropical Aquarius)

Thursday September 30, 2021: As transit Pluto continues its stealthy slog through the last degrees of Capricorn reaching America's 1776 Pluto position (27Cap33) in 2022 - for the first time ever - few folk will lament the planet of power-grasping subversion bidding farewell to the governmental sign ruled by austere Saturn with the 'dictator' vibes (according to Reinhold Ebertin) of Pluto in Capricorn.

Meanwhile, in December 2020 here on Stars Over Washington, we considered what will be a momentous occasion when Pluto Enters Aquarius, the midpoint pictures that form, and powerful Pluto's affects on the December 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction, the planetary pair which ushered society into Year 2021 and which landed upon US Inaugural Sun.

Now as you know, the pair of Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) relates in government to such matters as:

Checks and balances; changes in governmental religious, or social orders; repression based on morality instituted by law or religion; the serious side of law and justice; too many restrictions on the operation of justice; a judicial system at its breaking point; leniency and harshness vie for balance within the overall social and economic systems; and/or pessimism about the ability of the police to control lawbreakers' (Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey #ad).

Now no one needs venerable Astrology to inform them of these multiple issues society now deals with - to the extent that they're being dealt with at all as the politicians of Washington DC squabble amongst themselves and perform for the cameras in lieu of actually serving the public by solving the problems our country faces. For most of us would agree that there's not one single item on the above list that is not being expressed in America (and elsewhere) these days and it's only the last quarter of 2021!

Once in Aquarius, we may expect Pluto to activate in society 'a strong communal sense; the urge to reform' (positively we hope!), but with the possibility that plans will be iffy due to 'overexaggeration' (R. Ebertin). Add to this the potential that astrological Pluto may on certain levels express positively through its regenerative and transformative functions - in Aquarius, the sign of humanitarianism. The world could use some of that!

So my thought with this post is that perhaps reading the midpoint pictures in the post linked, above, might aid our preparation as the 2022 Midterms and Election 2024 draw near - just to see and consider a few of the potentials we face as a people. Maybe, I don't know. But I do know that it's always better to be forewarned about a coming period of difficulty especially since we have eclipses waiting in the wings from those two simply hideous Solar Eclipse families and coming soon (in 2022 and 2023) for they were active in the 1930s when Herr Adolf grasped power and commandeered Germany into a nightmare of epic proportions. As they say, history rhymes and eclipse cycles track quite closely with historical cycles and events and often disrupt earthly affairs in a similar manner of electrical Uranus, planet of shocks and sudden events.

So I'm guessing that if you're reading SO'W you are already aware of the spirit of destruction moving across the globe and intending to take over the governments of the world. It's a global authoritarian movement, yes, but Americans fought and won against naz*s in the 1940s and as unpopular as the idea may be in 2021 and beyond, the time has come to fight them again in every way possible for the sake of Democracy and for future generations.

So let's close this fussy post with a question that political pundits and others are now so fond of asking, Are you in?


On a lighter note, my personal hope is that the 5 New South Solar Eclipse perfecting in December 2021 will bring welcome benefits on into 2022!

Jul 22, 2021

July 27, 2021: First 1/6 Hearing and the Mercury-Pluto Cycle

by Jude Cowell

Thursday July 22, 2021: Recently we discussed the two horoscopes of the 1/6 Trump Mob Attack along with the July 27th First 1/6 Hearing when topics such as intelligence communications and the possible exposure of a variety of secrets will be on the House Select Committee's agenda going forward. And of course, you know that America in July 1776 was founded under a surveillance-oriented Mercury-Pluto opposition (24Cancer11 Rx vs 27Capricorn33 Rx), an ambitous, strategy-prone Moon-Saturn influence across Astrology's security polarity and suggesting General Washington's use of spies against the enemy. History rhymes!

So nowadays, having transit Pluto within orb of America's first-ever Pluto Return (2022) repeats 'hidden hand' Pluto's original aspects from 1776. Transit Pluto has been opposing 1776 Mercury for a while now within a 5-degree orb resulting in an intense period of obsession, misused or abused information, subversive activities, intelligence endeavors, news of space travel (Bezos!), powerful plans, and subtle manipulation of thought and action. Through Mercury-Pluto, struggles for control are front and center during this period yet big-picture conflicts can also erupt underneath the surface of public awareness in a subversive or underhanded way.

1776 Pluto's other aspect is a beneficial trine with 1776 Neptune, a generational influence in which societal institutions provide a measure of comfort (ex: stimulus checks) and potentials for societal conditions to facilitate an increased level of power from higher sources (whatever they may be). Of course, we can't have Pluto without Mercury's involvement so a Mercury-Neptune sextile is implied (from Cancer to Virgo) which is suggestive of a period of deeper intuition, broader perspectives, inspired solutions, and media involvement. Travel, especially over water, may also be indicated.

Add to this the transiting Saturn-Uranus square, now waning, which has increased opportunities for rebellious, even violent acts and 'inspired' revolts against the law.

Then add these dynamic energies to the ongoing Neptune in Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in Virgo and we're experiencing various forms of persecution and exploitation along with serious health problems, for as you know, the Virgo-Pisces axis tends toward victimization vs rescue issues in society as the contagious Covid pandemic is having its way with the unmasked and the vulnerable while tragically forcing our hospital systems and medical workers into crisis mode once again, due to the tragically increased contagiousness of the Delta variant.

So with the first 1/6 Hearing scheduled for July 27, 2021 at 9:30 am edt on Capitol Hill, it seems to me that a DC Horoscope of a related cosmic event which perfects on Sunday July 25, 2021 might contain information within, so below is a bi-wheel of the 2021 Mercury-Pluto Cycle as shown by their Conjunction of January 4, 2021 (just prior to 1/6!), center, and their culminating July 25th opposition surrounding; as always your on-topic, name-tagged observations and any encouraging Share you can spare will be much appreciated:

Mar 12, 2021

Normal Celebrations by Independence Day 2021?

"America's Coming Back," says Joe Biden

March 12, 2021: Last evening, after President Biden gave his Covid Anniversary Address in which he offered "July 4, 2021" as the potential date and holiday by which Americans have a "good chance" of celebrating Independence Day in normal, safe fashion with the Covid pandemic under control, it seemed that a rewrite of my US Solar Return 2021 post might be informative in light of new events. Then I reread the post, considered the horoscope as notated, and realized that the SR 2021 chart's two YODs, both patterns containing potentials for karmic progress, and one suggesting "triumph," might not require a rewrite after all! And as you know, YODs often relate to health matters as these must surely do, plus, timing is involved for the apex planet, one of which is the Solar Return Sun (the leader).

Of course, We The People's cooperation by receiving vaccinations when available, continuing our mask wearing, handwashing, and social distancing must be kept up for such a stellar achievement as a safe Happy 4th of July celebration of freedom. And if such normalcy is accomplished, it will lend new meaning to our annual celebration, plus, sales of fireworks will sky rocket!

Of interest is the Ascendant in Washington DC last evening (8:00 pm est) as the President's address began: 14Lib24 bringing up America's natal Saturn, exalted in Libra (14:48). Rounding up to "15Libra" = "Circular Paths" which seems appropriate for a first annniversary coming round. As he spoke, President Biden's first natal planet to rise last evening in Washington DC? His Mars in Scorpio, sign of regeneration. Meanwhile, an entire breakdown and regeneration of American society is underway as transit Pluto returns to his 1776 degree, thus performing America's first-ever Pluto Return, exact three times in 2022.

So! Given that I'm side-effecting from a second Covid vaccination this week and not feeling my best, I will merely recommend the previous horoscopic effort to you, dear reader, for review if you wish but keeping a return to normalcy in mind and, as usual, inviting your on-topic observations via comment. jc

Reminder: comments by 'anonymous' and 'unknown' will not be published.

Dec 8, 2020

Inauguration 2025 Horoscope: Cowboys and Tyranny

"Anarchists Form a Committee to Overthrow the Tyranny of Committees" (The Harveys).

December 8, 2020: Here you see the DC Horoscope of Inauguration 2025 published with a sprinkling of hope that there may actually be one. Please enlarge the image to read my study notes if you wish; brief chart details are added below:

Horoscope: January 20, 2025 12:00 pm est Capitol Building Washington DC; Hour of Venus (@17Pis38 conjunct Saturn in 11th house of Groups and Associations: discontent?); Final Dispositor Neptune in Pisces conjunct 12th cusp; North Node @29Pis08 conjunct star of misfortune, Scheat, in 12th house of Karma; 12th house Chiron conjunct determined Sisyphus opposes the 6th house Moon @18Lib31 (conjunct Trump's natal Jupiter). Sun in the public 10th house (of course) with powerful manipulator Pluto @1AQ41 suggesting a Pluto-to-Sun transit has occurred which can motivate those in power to make a new start with ego as the primary motivation. Obviously, the US Pluto Return has completed previously (3x in 2022) and some evidence of authoritarianism is a potential with its handmaiden tyranny doing its part when necessary. For now I'll reserve my thoughts on the significance of only the Sun (POTUS) and Pluto (hidden manipulator) alone together in the political 10th house of this chart.

And since an Oath of Office is involved, check out 9th house Mercury @18Cap15, the position of the 'NWO' planets Uranus and Neptune when they met three times in 1993. Potentials are penned on the chart. Also note that Mercury opposes testy Mars Rx (at IC) @24Can23 conjunct the Syzygy Moon, the previous Full Moon (@23Can59, January 13, 2025), plus, Mars by transit conjuncts US natal Mercury in the Siby chart suggesting a fast pace of life and lots of verbal combat. (Hopefully anarchist Mars doesn't represent Mars-rising Trump still hanging around!) And you know the Sabian Symbol for '25 Cancer': "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power," plus, US natal Pluto sits atop the Midheaven, aka, the Goal Point.

So we have issues of power, surveillance ('AI' - see Mercury), hidden control, and an iffy National Treasury with banker-general-politician-reverend-actor-broadcaster planet Jupiter Rx conjunct 2nd cusp (12:39) along with asteroid Midas @12:39. As you see, Jupiter here rules the corporate 8th house of debt, credit, and Shared Resources, plus 12th house via its Pisces cusp. Evaluating Venus, another money planet, is in shady Pisces, ruled by Jupiter, co-ruled by nebulous Neptune, so speculation, grand schemes, and currency issues are, as usual, involved. Additionally, this inauguration occurs during a Jupiter-Saturn square denoting a period of moral and/or ethical conflicts prominent within the public discourse.

Now the Solar Eclipse themes running in the backround of society are difficult issues of loss, separation, and possible injury (penned on the chart, 6th house, between South Node and the Moon, with the Libra/Aries polarity karmically intercepted across the 6-12).

Update August 4, 2021: I neglected to add to this post that "Cowboys" is a reference to the Splay shape of the planets in the eclipse horoscope, above, and its (rugged) individualism, within which should be included the 'up-by-boot-straps' self-reliance of America's 'cowboy ethic' that Reagan promoted and actor John Wayne demonstrated on film along with the other 'cowboy' movie and tv stars promoting superficial symbols of the concept. # UPDATE June 2, 2022: it has been pointed out that the above Inauguration Horoscope shows not a Splay shape (as my Solar Fire v9 software says) but a more concentrated BUCKET shape with the 6th house Moon as Handle, the point of focus; disturbingly, the Moon @18Libra conjuncts the natal Jupiter of Herr Tr*mp which reflects what could be an anti-democracy event - happy for him, his duped voters, and corporate enablers, tragic for the future of a free America.

Meanwhile, the cosmic weather on January 20, 2025 may be partially described by the double Air (mental) combination of Sun AQ-Moon Libra, a sociable and idealistic blend of energies. Tolerance and dignity are suggested along with social awareness yet to be effective, leadership must get involved with the practical considerations of others - of The People. If effectiveness is what is wanted, that is. Concerns will include issues of individualism and independent thought which are supported by the Splay shape of planets indicating those who promote the rugged 'cowboy ethic'. This blend is shared natally by Burt Reynolds, Edouard Manet, and author Boris Pasternak who helpfully asserted,

"As for the men in power, they are so anxious to establish the myth of infallibility that they do their utmost to ignore the truth."

You know - similar to The Pope, one of Pluto's many astrological identities.

Dec 4, 2020

Either Radical Change Or Democracy Ends! (w/Richard Wolff); plus US Pluto

From December 3, 2020: Thom Hartmann interviews economics professor Dr. Richard Wolff:


Astrologically, two signifiers come quickly to mind: Pluto-Chiron, Plutocracy's plutocratic, exploitative combo representing Capitalism fanatics and predatory vulture capitalists, and Uranus-NN (North Node) denoting radical politics, or, as Reinhold Ebertin phrases it in his The Combination of Stellar Influences, "a political association advocating reforms." (#ad)

And of course wealthy, stealthy Pluto itself plays along as America's first-ever Pluto Return/s approach with its de-structuring effects already being experienced.

Please note that, as always, the views expressed within this content are not necessarily shared by yours truly although in this case, they mainly are. On SO'W, content is, and has always been, shared in a spirit of allowing you, dear reader, to consider and decide for yourself! Jude

For the curious, here's something I wrote in a 2011 post concerning America's 2022 Pluto Return/s, and includes the 2022 Solar Eclipses with themes (by Brady) that will run in the background of society; the following details on our Pluto Return/s to 27Cap33:57 are based on a 5:09 pm LMT 'Sibley' American Horoscope (a chart I'm not as enthused about these days thanks to the excellent work of astrologer Gary Lorentzen who champions America's Powell Chart):

"Pluto's current traverse of Capricorn, sign of law, government, business, and investment is taking its toll on us with restrictive, karmic Saturn's background influence as ruler of Capricorn.

1. February 20, 2022: Pluto in 8th house of the Return chart along with a Venus/Mars conjunction @20Cap (a critical degree); plutocracy's Pluto/Chiron midpoint = communism/socialism/capitalism, etc, in early Pisces and 2 degrees from invisible government's Saturn/Neptune midpoint; the return falls within the 5 New South Solar Eclipse Series: benefits and peak experiences; eclipse @12Sag22 conjoins US natal ASC of the US Sibly chart...something's brewing and will be in view; in the US Sibly natal chart, Pluto is Rx @27Cap33 and in 2nd house of Earnings and Self-Worth.

In modern times, 5 New South occurred in the years 1913, 1931, 1949, 1967, 1985, and 2003.

2. July 11, 2022: Pluto Rx in return's 1st H and re-creating its former sextile with transiting Neptune in late Pisces; Sun @20Cap (a crisis degree); activist Mars @5Taurus is in 5th H and unaspected, or working on his own; this return falls within the 6 North Solar Eclipse Series which involves issues of 'relationships to father/authority figures, the need to take responsibility and control, and acceptance of commitments due to the unreliability of others'; eclipse @10Tau29.

6N manifested in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, 1968, 1986, and 2004.

3. December 28, 2022: Pluto in return's 1st H with a Mercury/Venus conjunction in Capricorn; Jupiter returns to Aries Point, a World Point of Manifestation, for the first time since 2010; this return falls within the 6 South Solar Eclipse Series which conjoins the return chart's MC (The Goal; Aspirations) with issues of a manic nature such as being 'forceful and taking power, great strength in relationships, sudden events, and huge efforts exerted in group endeavors'; eclipse @2Scor01.

6S occurred in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, 1968, 1986, and 2004 (same years as 6N).

(Years correspond to WWI, WWII and the rise of Fascism, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Challenger explosion, US bombs Tripoli, Iran-Contra details come out, and the Bush-Cheney wars in the Middle East escalated by Barack Obama.)

Since our nation has never experienced a Pluto Return before, no one can predict precisely what it will mean yet the historical events of those years listed give hints of similar issues which will again be on the world's menu as the 5 New South, 6 North, and 6 South eclipses repeat during the watershed year 2022 of America's Pluto Return.

For as 'they' like to say, history rhymes though it may not repeat."

And speaking of eclipses affecting America, Can a Past Eclipse Spotlight Current Conditions?.

Aug 30, 2020

August 30, 2020 Current Conditions: Saturn-Neptune

An Unsealed Letter Within An Unsealed Letter

Since Stars Over Washington is basically an unsealed letter, and because current conditions in the US are dire, I've decided to copy/paste this morning's reply to a thoughtful reader's comments which were posted in October 2019, pre-Covid. In part my reply concerns which US Horoscope to use and why I must continue to use the US chart with Saturn-Neptune at Midheaven. However, please know that the following words are not for the faint of heart nor for the overly fretful or sensitive so please Do Not Read if this describes you, dear reader:

August 30, 2020, I'm just now replying, and we're embroiled in the covid pandemic, as you know zeebling. Depopulation and 'purification' of humanity are well underway and the 'reset economic agenda' is being implemented (with most of us out of the way). Meanwhile the Davos Forum has been rescheduled from January 2021 to Summer 2021 - allegedly due to covid concerns - and this places the 'reset' Forum under the prophetic 5 North Solar eclipse of 2021 rather than the difficult 4 South of December 2020. And as you say, the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope is aggressive and destructive with the Mars-Uranus conjunction rising. Riots and upheavals in US streets show the success of social tinkering efforts to ignite a race war and with a religious war simmering on the back burner. All that I'd fretted over these last several years of SO'W fusses is appearing in front of our eyes.

Meanwhile, I've gone back and forth over which US Horoscope to use but considering current events, I'm sticking with the July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia chart with its Saturn-Neptune = MC (00Libra) for the planetary pair's potentials for 'illness, suffering, renunciation, distrust, sacrifice, methodical execution of plans, tormenting emotional inhibitions, neuroses or diseases with causes difficult to ascertain' plus 'socialism' and other -isms since most now seem to apply. Oh and there's 10th house Saturn's well known "fall from grace" potential if Saturnian demands have not been answered. As they have not. DC and the Pentagon had their chance at global leadership and imho botched it badly. And as usual it's 'the little guy and gal' who must pay. And all this with our US Pluto Return/s almost exact. I continue to see 1776 Pluto as foreign involvement and of course we know which entities this describes in our era.

Yes, it's a dreary picture of course (playing out now!) but as a Saturnian astrologer I've said before - and realistic people know - that we must face our monsters to have any hope of vanquishing them. And with US Mars Rx by progression since 2006, its energies turned inward, it's going to be a long battle.


11:35 AM, August 30, 2020 #

Note: Saturn-Neptune potentials: Reinhold Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences.

Jul 26, 2020

US Pluto Return: a Western Sidereal Astrology lens

Of Inner and Outer Spaces

by Jude Cowell

July 26, 2020: In 2005, as Stars Over Washington was getting underway, I determined that Western Tropical Astrology would be used to scrutinize (and criticize!) American politics and politicians, plus, as my lens to check out historical and current events with a leaning toward the common good. After all, life on Earth is complicated as is any system of analysis used to describe it in some sort of manageable fashion for the curious reader. My choice was more or less intended to keep things squashed down to a "dull roar" if you know what I mean even though trying to limit infinity via Astrology or by any other means is a sisyphusian task. Topics are too broad, problems are too deep, secrets too hidden, and most events occur due to long-standing karmic conditions mishandled in the past and often left unaddressed. Astrological Pluto, with its 248-year cycle, knows all about karma and past mistakes left uncorrected - until permanent change takes the lead as if unbidden.

However, one As Above So Below topic now rears its fire-breathing head above the rest in 2020, while a certain culmination draws near and its primary protagonist is known to even the least astrologically informed Earthling. That is the US Pluto Return creeping into Collective awareness in part due to the plethora of plutonian themes we're now swamped by including income inequality out of control and the deadly pandemic invading American society. (Not to diss pandemic and economic losses and problems elsewhere but this is a post about Washington DC as representative of America, hence its title, SO'W.)

Even the sign through which predator Pluto the Invisible now stealthily creeps as he vultures toward his 1776 degree in Saturn-ruled Capricorn adds fuel to our feelings of general alarm with Reinhold Ebertin labeling Pluto in Capricorn as, "the dictator." When draconian-totalitarian-fascist regimes arose in the 1930s with their destructive spirit on brutal display and bigotry in their shriveled hearts, Pluto was moving through Capricorn's opposite sign of Cancer (Ebertin's "the magician" placement). But these days, fascists in the US and elsewhere are banking on a culmination of Plutonian control and manipulation shown by Pluto-opposite-Pluto (from tribal Cancer to governmental Capricorn) as a Full Moon timing device for their devilish 'dream of transformation becomes reality'. During decades of preparation they have extended their methods and influence since the Nazi era and are expecting global success once America is 'taken down' a la Trump and his totalitarian backers.

Loss Leaders of The Fray

Of course, the January 2020 Great Conjunction of compressive, harsh Saturn and Pluto timed a major signal or shift of draconian intentions and activities for conjunctions of any planets are actually New Moons that express the seeding of a new cycle of activity in relation to the particular planetary energies involved. A watershed moment of global difficulties was reached with Year 2020 acting the role of 'cosmic star' of that particular Saturn-Pluto drama of brutality, control, and loss. Waiting in the wings of 2019, the Covid-19 pandemic soon made itself felt and its release was touted as a giant 'oops!' although on several occasions suspicious me has termed it purposeful and targeted for mismanagement, especially in the US. Because to this Daughter of the Revolution it seems no coincidence that the catastrophic pandemic was timed to sabotage Election 2020 and add its destruction to the collapse of America. Now you, dear reader, may disagree but there it is.

So today with the ramping up of complicated situations in full swing as the world careens toward 2021, many folks are searching for all the Pluto Return info they can find. Therefore, I'm recommending an expanded view of the US Pluto Return/s by expert astrologer Kenneth Bowser using his preferred system, the Western Sidereal. For as you know, in the Tropical system, America's Pluto 'returns' to its July 4, 1776 position of 27Cap33 multiple times (due to retrogradation) during the year 2022. But in the Sidereal system, the key year is 2024.

Does this timing difference indicate a conflict? Perhaps. Yet we know that all planetary cycles describe processes over periods of time so perhaps you agree that the Pluto-esque year of 2020 has brought events and conditions revealing that the world has entered a years-long dark tunnel of sorts, a tunnel leading to Pluto's Cave where The Dragon stands guard over piles of gold and precious jewels secreted far far away from - dare I type it - the 99%. We might even wish to begin counting our cave exploration jaunt from late January 2008 when transit Pluto entered Capricorn, a year of Collective losses on the rise via financial collapse while bankers, corporatists, and politicians made off like the bandits most of them are. But no matter when the modern Plutonian era began, it seems obvious that the global tunnel of turmoil extends into 2022, 2023, 2024, and beyond.

And despite Pluto's potential for regeneration, I'd even say that Humanity has messed things up on Earth very badly when we could have behaved so much better. That the elite class, its enablers, and wanna-bes now scramble in their attempts to blast off into outer space hoping to 'conquer' other planets seems more than a little pathetic to me considering how they've abused and plundered Mother Earth. Can anyone think the greedy wastrels would act any better in space? A puh! and a lol to such vain hope from yours truly! Of course, ridding our tattered Earth of their sorry selves would most likely be a bonus for humanity, wouldn't it?

Meanwhile back on Earth, the debris piles up - nuclear waste, garbage, and otherwise - as Americans face the return of Pluto to its 1776 degree which will activate any and all aspects and conditions of 1776 Pluto's position in the US founding chart/s - primarily, our national Mercury-Pluto opposition of crisis and social problems that cause anxiety yet which must be resolved one way or another. With psychological planet Pluto active we become aware that karmic progress, though much needed, is difficult now with transit Pluto making a series of oppositions to US natal Mercury (25Cancer) revealing that information (Mercury) is intense and subject to manipulation and 'adjustment' (Pluto) even more than previously; total control and vast power are sought by plutonian actors via US Election sabotage, among other fraudulent tactics that include the destruction of our laws, systems, and traditions. Yet our nation's Pluto Return marks a period when we must fight to preserve the continued existence of America as a Republic and must rebuild once the dust has settled!

So as I continue preparing my next post concerning our US Pluto Return (with a vast array of current events constantly interrupting that require attention) my hope is to keep the topic on the briefer side by using Western Tropical Astrology to view the July 4, 1776 horoscope that I most often prefer, set for 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Sagittarius rising ruled by expansive Jupiter exalted in Cancer. For the 5:09 pm horoscope shows two Cardinal World Points of manifestation upon the MC-IC axis (Aries-Libra on the WHY? and HOW? Points). That's Jupiter the Thespian in his many roles as the explorer, adventurer, discoverer, boundary-breaker, land-grabber - and banker, financier, corporatist, politician, guru, priest, and The General.

2020--2024 Solar Eclipses Echo 1930--1934

Since eclipses influence historical events, let's add a few solar eclipse notes comparing 2022 and 2024 with 2023 in between. Now the eclipses of 2021 may provide some respite but buckle up in 2022 for two Solar Eclipses occur, one on April 30th @10Taurus in the 6 North Saros Series ('relationship to authority figures') and the second on October 25th @2Scorpio, a 6 South eclipse that in 1932 timed the Nazi Rise to Power in Germany (and rise of FDR in the US) with themes of 'forcefully taking power' and 'expending huge efforts in group activities'. In 2023 comes a repeat of the 1933 Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse, this time @30Aries in the 7 North series ('deep passion long-hidden'). Plus, 7 South on October 14, 2023 @21Libra is highly troublesome as well with Mars-Pluto vibes and themes of 'immense power, anger, force', and/or 'crisis'. Then in 2024, another significant Great American Eclipse manifests, this time @19Aries in the 8 North series with themes of 'new-found inspiration, vivid dreams, inventiveness, and/or flashes of genius'.

Now naturally I agree with you that 8 North themes sound pretty good considering the eclipse themes of 2022 and 2023, even those of 2020. But that's only the case as long as its cosmic blink/wild card energies don't trigger evil genius on steroids. Am I right?

A Related Post: America 2020: Twisting Between Eclipses.

My Thanks to some FB friends for the heads-up on this important article by Sidereal astrologer Kenneth Bowser. Visit his website for more!

Eclipse info: Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Above Image: Pluto, NASA.

Apr 2, 2020

The "Response to Covid-19" is a Plan for One World Government

April 2, 2020:

Stars Over Washington Has Always Been a Saturnian Endeavor

For years posts have appeared on SO'W concerning the 'new world order' and 'One World Government' and I believe that Max is correct--government response to the coronavirus catastrophe is The Plan to fully implement global authoritarian control. Evidence may be found within the use of the Hegelian Dialectic by which problems are created/engineered (ex: a highly contagious virus of mysterious origin) so that "solutions" (long-planned) can be forcefully induced with apparent justification.

And in at least one previous post I have asserted what many intuit to be true--that such a global "problem" would at some point (it's all about timing and preparation!) be engineered and presented so that the world populace in One Voice would plead, Oh please form a One World Government because old governments of the nation-state variety--shown now to be out of their depths--can no longer solve such a huge catastrophe (as a global pandemic). Of course, Globalism has been a basic part of The Plan so that all systems are dependent upon one another--like dominoes falling. And if such a cry is heard across the land, then my status as something of a Kassandra figure can be renounced!

So tragically, the time for warnings has ended, the signs and signals are evident. One World Government is here, folks, and ready to devour any remaining freedoms of The People.

Astrologically, you may find that much is revealed by eclipses which work through, and influence, historical and global events. Here's a post showing the DC Horoscope of the July 5, 2020 Capricorn Lunar Eclipse which eclipses America's Sun @13Cancer (July 4, 1776: Sun = leader/s) for your consideration if you haven't already. Of course, for World Government to be successfully installed, America and the US government, our principles of freedom, and our traditional '3 branches' had to be sabotaged and undermined as completely as possible. We've watched with alarm as criminal Trump and his corrupt enablers have achieved this very thing. The lunar eclipse post also contains links to the December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse of 'traumatic transformation' under which the world now suffers, plus, other links of interest intended for the daring reader. Then there's the upcoming Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse conjunct a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation (00Cancer) with themes we're already experiencing: restraint, restriction, separation, illusions, misjudgments, and blockages (Brady) so expect more of such on into 2021. By summer 2021 my fervent hope is that some measure of relief may be felt and we must ready ourselves for 2022 when US Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn returns to its 1776 degree - exact three times through 2022. Power-mad Pluto's de-structuring of government continues with regeneration to follow once the dust clears. For as you know, empires always fall - see Saturn-Pluto in the Roman Empire for more details.

Now regretfully I must add that this disturbing post containing a message from Max is one that should be shared as widely as possible for a broader view of what's occurring is owed to the American people and to other nations as well upon whom vast reforms are about to descend with 'Covid-19' as the plutocrats' justification. Yet because this post concerns dire subject matter, few if any on-topic readers' comments are expected but, as always, a share-if-you-dare would be much appreciated! For we must inform others while we are able. Seriously.

Do note, however, that all spam and ads are moderated and deleted so spammers should not waste their time. Oh! and a special shout-out is due to Hong Kong whose many visits of late are duly noted. jc

May Kassandra's Blessings be upon us all:

Sep 16, 2019

Inauguration 2021 Midpoint Pictures

Please enlarge the following image to read the potentials of Inauguration 2021's Midpoint Pictures. Any, all, or none may apply at the time of the 2021 Oath of Office and may be subject to transits, progressions, and/or other activation; potentials are blends of Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey, and as you see, apex planets include: Sun (US natal POTUS; leadership; goals), Mars (males; the military; weapons), Uranus (radicals; reactionaries; zealots; the future), Saturn (authority; legal system; the Establishment; the status quo; limitations; the past), Pluto (power; extreme wealth; hidden hands; saboteurs), Jupiter (finances, banking, investment, wealthy, politics, religion, the General, corporatism; expansion), and Neptune (the media, the masses, propaganda, fraud, deception, disappointment, dissolution). The remaining planets are not apex but are parts of the planetary combinations themselves.

Notably, one planetary picture (Venus-Jupiter) prominently sits atop the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope Midheaven, the Goal Point ('MC'); three planetary midpoints conjunct the Sun, four conjunct Neptune, and two conjunct Jupiter; 12:00 pm est is a Solar Hour, the lunar phase is Crescent (88:10 = crisis in action), and with regret, I add that the chart's planets are in the Bundle shape of a 'dictator' such as Mussolini's (whose natal planets formed the Bundle shape) which suggests a more authoritarian 'presidency' than We The People have always been led to expect from Washington DC--even though we can 'feel' America's three-fer Pluto Return/s approaching in 2022:

Now please note that the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope may not be a cosmic picture of a second presidential term for Donald Trump and yet you may agree that the 2021 Inaugural midpoint pictures suggest quite a mixed cosmic bag of negative and positive possibilities including: temporary or passing states of chaos, success and recognition, lowered standards and goals, magical effects, retaliation, impatience with interference, crooks and swindlers, and someone becoming the mistress or master of her or his own fate.

All this said under the assumption that America will continue to inaugurate presidents during this old order vs new order stage of societal dissolution and regeneration. Meanwhile, Pluto creeping through Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, imposes his own destructive energies, doesn't he?

And so for authoritarian Trump this marks a period when transit Saturn (3AQ55; planet of authority and legalities) opposes his progressed Saturn (3Leo09 conjunct his progressed MC 5:40) and progress is difficult if not impossible to achieve--and transit Pluto @24Capricorn opposes his natal Saturn in Watery Cancer, sign of tribalism and nationalism, and suggesting titanic challenges to his personal authority and control. Hopefully! Is he vanquished yet? Well, perhaps the 'Images for Integration' for Inauguration 2021's Air-Fire Sun AQ-Moon Aries blend of cosmic energies might be of an uplifting nature:

"A court jester mocks the social injustices of the realm...Robin Hood and his band of merry men outwit the evil King John once again." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey). On second thought, mocking and/or outwitting can play out for good or ill, so maybe not.

Note: if you find that any midpoint picture's potentials are difficult to read, leave a comment with this post and I will add its potentials in a reply. Printing the page might increase readability. jc

Also included on the above image in the lower right corner you see listed the 4 South Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Inauguration 2021, the DC Horoscope for which may be viewed in a previous post here with eclipse theme and other astro-notes included.

Jun 5, 2019

List of Solar and Lunar Eclipses July 2019 through 2022

With year 2022 particularly on everyone's radar due to America's first-ever Pluto Return/s (3x in 2022 @27Cap32), note that the Solar Eclipses in the 5 South, 6 North, and 6 South are Prenatal Solar Eclipses of our nation's Pluto Returns exact on February 20, July 11, and December 28.

Naturally, Total eclipses are strongest (July 2019, December 2020, May 2021, December 2021, May 2022, November 2022), and note that 4 North occurs at Summer Solstice 2020, and 5 South conjoins America's natal Ascendant in the July 4, 1776 5:09 pm chart. The current Solar Eclipse now in effect (2 South) manifested @15Cap25 on January 5, 2019 ('joining a new group and gaining a great deal') and is not included on the list. 5 North and 5 South contain the most positive themes of the following eclipses:

Solar Eclipse themes paraphrased from Brady's Predictive Astrology.

May 9, 2019

Astrology of an American Constitutional Crisis

May 9, 2019: The Trump-GOP Alliance Sparks a Constitutional Crisis

by Jude Cowell

Once Trump was installed in the Oval Office by shady operators both foreign and domestic, we discussed the symbolic Progressed New Moon of the US Constitution. Today many voices call constitutional crisis which is precisely one of the things Trump and his backers had in mind all along, as previously stated multiple times here on Stars Over Washington and elsewhere across the interwebs. This very day Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi agrees that such a crisis is, in fact, the case due to Trump's refusal to honor his Oath of Office.

And with the secreted Mueller Report as sketchy justification for GOP action and non-action (ex: Trump's assertion of executive privilege to stop various testimonies), such a crisis is in plain view for all but the most ardent Trump worshipers who apparently are fans of sabotaging our nation's three co-equal branches of government meant to keep an eye on each other as the Founders intended. And it seems that weakening the US Constitution and our Congress are 'necessary' steps on Trump's and the GOP's rocky road to authoritarian dictatorship--with a GOP-packed SCOTUS depended upon to further their draconic aims. Even powerful Pluto 'agrees' as he creeps through Saturn-ruled Capricorn on his way toward America's first-ever Pluto Return/s in 2022 for Pluto in Capricorn suggests "the dictator" according to Reinhold Ebertin.

One of the anti-constitutional arrows in the GOP quiver is to call for a Constitutional Convention so that saboteurs can tinker away on the document and undermine its concepts which for over two centuries have made America 'great'. How ironic for MAGA heads, isn't it? But if or when Trump's remaining dupes ever realize his true aims, it will be too late for America.

And so, the squeaky wheel that is Stars Over Washington is compelled to present yet another posting of the US Constitution Horoscope set for September 17, 1787 4:00 pm LMT (approved and signed) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Highlighted in green around the chart are scribbled today's planets -- as you see, transit Mars now conjoins US Constitution's ('USC') Jupiter (25Gem22) denoting the energetic pursuit of goals, tr Mars also squares USC's Sun (24Vir49 conjunct 1787 Nemesis) activating an urge to fight, and tr Uranus sextiles USC's Mars (3Can05) which calls out those with iron wills for a period of problem-solving. Sorely needed in the most positive way possible.

In USC's Secondary Progressions (not shown) we find a YOD pattern of crisis, a turning point, and karmic opportunity with a Neptune-North-Node sextile at base which points toward USC's progressed ('SP') Venus which happens to conjunct US natal Moon (We The People; @27AQ). On its own, the Neptune-NN pair itself indicates such things as cheaters and other anti-social elements in society along with a lack of community or team spirit and if we add SP Venus as apex of the YOD, plus, our natal Moon and we read the result as a midpoint picture, we have potentials for: wrong liaisons, unfaithfulness (ex: treason), misconceptions about certain relationships, disappointments, and a lack of community spirit, according to Ebertin.

As for a constitutional crisis (and the timing thereof) we may look toward a 'cosmic time link' Solar Eclipse which counts as the Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the US Constitution's Secondary Progressed chart timed for the moment the document entered its symbolic 3rd Quarter phase (the 'crisis in consciousness' stage) on February 28, 2017, just after Trump's Oath of Office was taken (apparently with his fingers crossed behind his back). USC's SP 3rd Quarter Moon @12Sag22 squared its SP Sun 12Pis22. In real time, this Solar Eclipse manifested on January 9, 1777 @19Cap50 in the 13 South Saros Series with themes of: constitutional crisis and striving for group endeavors either positively or negatively (Brady). A 13 South eclipse last occurred in 2011 and will next occur in 2029.

Naturally, during the American Revolution, several historical events took place in 1777 under the Saturnian rays of the 13 South Solar Eclipse in Capricorn (19Cap50--where transit Saturn today, and recently Pluto, have trod) and you may wish to check out the year's Wiki page for a list. A few such events include January 2, the second Battle of Trenton (Washington repulsed a British attack), January 3, the Battle of Princeton (Washington defeated Cornwallis), January 15, Vermont declares independence from New York and becomes the Vermont Republic until 1791 when it became the 14th state, June 13, Marquis de Lafayette lands near Charleston, SC to help train the Continental Army (Thanks, France!), and significantly, November 15, 1777 when the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union were debated and approved, ratified on March 1, 1781--then replaced on March 4, 1789 by the current US Constitution, the one we'd better be determined to hold on to lest Trump chew it up and swallow it down.

Are you in?

A related post: Defend the US Constitution on November 6, 2018!

Note: the US Constitution Horoscope, above, may be found in Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes, chart #377.

Jul 13, 2018

DC Horoscope: Election Day 2020

Election 2020 and a Farewell to Bretton Woods!

by Jude Cowell

Friday July 13, 2018: Predictions are being made concerning the 2020 Election, one such that both Republicans and Democrats should be worried but for different reasons. To me it seems more a case that the American people should be worried with little respite proffered between now and then as 'the old order' collapses into 'the new'. Anyway, below is a bi-wheel of Election Day 2020 (November 3) both charts set for Washington DC. Inner chart = 12:00 am est; outer chart = 11:59 pm est so we can view the entire planetary panoply from beginning to end of the 24-hour period:

Now many things including loyalties will shift before November 3, 2020 so I won't type much on this chart today though a few factors should be mentioned, such as:

12:00 am est, an Hour of the Sun becomes an Hour of the Moon (changes, fluctuations, publicity) by 11:59 pm est. With Leo rising, Chart-ruler Sun makes only one applying Ptolemaic aspect in the chart, a trine to Neptune (18Pis20 Rx) which benefits covert activities (exs: sabotage; foreign agents infiltrating; spies that harm national security, cyber warfare) and implies the smooth proceeding of confidential matters, plus, a certain sense of glamour (Neptune) is cast upon leadership (Sun) with a bunch of Neptunian propaganda and lies to go with it.

Highlighted in orange is the Election's Prenatal Solar Eclipse (11th house) which perfects at Summer Solstice 2020 @00Can21 in the 4 North Saros Series of illusions, restraints (on voters?), misjudgments (of voters?), and separations. (This eclipse hints at a major post coming asap!) The election's Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior to Nov 3, 2020) is a Full Moon and is entered in 9th house @8Tau38--conjunct radical Uranus Rx at the Halloween Full Moon! Of course, Full and New Moons can act at times as if they are eclipses in a disruptive Uranian fashion, revealing secrets left and right (Full Moons: lunar eclipses, New Moons: solar eclipses) so we'll probably have some interesting tidbits, secrets, news, and gossip surface pre-Election under its rays of awareness and culmination--finances and investment are involved most likely with a Taurus Full Moon though issues concerning the environment, agriculture, and project development can be expected.

As for the Election Day 2020 chart we find 'voting' Mercury strong at Direct Station @25Libra55 in 3rd house (25Libra = cusp of the 17th Lunar Mansion, a critical degree). So it appears that by Election Day 2020, reassessing the then-current crop of politicians (such as they are!) has been completed and votes have been cast (assuming a sure-to-be-rigged election is held at all).

So who do the planets in this Election Day 2020 horoscope favor?

Going by the Venus Cycle upon which US Presidential Elections are based (those smarty pants Venus-worshiping Founders of ours--or was it Mason FDR when he changed the ceremony to January 20?), 2020 Venus in Libra indicates that the same party will remain in power, in the White House at least. Of course, how things will proceed after the 2020 Election must depend in large part on the results of the November 6, 2018 Midterms with its difficult Prenatal Solar Eclipse, The Tower @18Leo41 (rising in the charts you see here!)

Nodal Return a Time on Our Paths of New Alliances and Renewing Old Ties

Yes, the old order is collapsing (or is being collapsed by social tinkerers who think they know better--with buddies Trump and Putin as front-men) but be that as it may or may not be, the Election 2020 horoscope shows Trump's natal planets all over it--you see many of his planets marked in green--plus, on Election Day Trump will be in process of having a Nodal Return! If he's still around, that is. (The mean ones always seem to live forever, don't they?) Well, he didn't win the popular vote in 2016 (No Mandate from The People) but pretends he did--and the global imperative in 2020 remains 'the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' - 1993 Uranus-Neptune = tr Pluto, (Tyl) = "POLITICAL POWER...smug or strong-armed paternalism" (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones). And a cherry on top of this authoritarian dictator mess: America's first-ever Pluto Return approaches in 2022. Follow the link to view our Pluto Return's Prenatal Eclipse chart.

Well, that's all I'll agree to type for now on the topic of Election 2020 but if you daringly wish for an inkling concerning DC conditions and events in the run-up year of 2019 you may wish to try a previous post showing horoscopes of Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice 2019. Or not.

Even so, your Shares and Comments are always much appreciated! jc

Update 3:33 pm est: have just published Election Day 2020's Sun-Moon blend implications for the curious. jc

Jul 3, 2018

NATO Summit July 2018 marred by Donald Trump?

Official details of the 2018 NATO Summit Brussels, Belgium 11 July - 12 July reveal that the Symposium's Keynote Address is expected to be delivered on the morning of the 11th. The 2018 Summit will be held in NATO's new headquarters on Boulevard Leopold III, Brussels and a media centre will be open 24/7 beginning 10 July 0900 LT until 13 July 0900 LT. Credentials required, of course, and heavy security measures will be in force (but of course!) Ah yes, a street to memorialize King Leopold III who surrendered to the occupying Nazis in 1940. Hmm. Well, it is the Belgians' boulevard to name as they please.

NATO: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization 1949 to...?

Founded via the signature of President Harry Truman on August 24, 1949 (11:42 am edt Washington DC with Sun 1Vir07; Moon 7Vir52, Saturn 8Vir28, Mercury 24Vir31; ASC 2Sco57; MC 8Leo37), the very Virgoan North Atlantic Treaty Organization has been a thorn in the side of Vladimir Putin but perhaps not for much longer since, as you know, the skunk at the NATO garden party 2018 will be one Donald Trump who tends to do 'just what Putin would do!' and has expressed disfavor against the organization. Or rather, he wants other members to pay more and given his past history as a crook who kowtows to Russia, yours truly tends to wonder if he thinks he can keep the additional gains for himself! well, America has and does contribute the most funds for NATO and Washington does spend US taxpayer money on global copping duties on behalf of the international corporate syndicate at the expense of the American people's needs--which is the typical GOP 'guns over butter' philosophy enabled by complicit corporate Democrats. And of course, NATO was designed to protect our allies so they don;t have to do it for themselves. Actually, Does Trump have a point?

Yet more simply, part of Trump's deeper motive may be to crack NATO into pieces or at least weaken it considerably at the 'request' of V. Putin with a further undermining of the cohesiveness of the EU, a Putin desire. See What Country Does John Bolton Work For Anyway? And as Vice News puts it, Trump is using US troops as a bargaining chip to raise NATO defense spending so that allies will live up to their promises...or else. Mr. Trump seems to see much value in creating hostage situations and has been sending threatening 'ransom' letters to NATO allies, as CNN details.

So there must be astrological factors showing current challenges to the organization, right? Using the 1949 founding chart of NATO, let's have a look-see at a bi-wheel of the 1949 chart with the approximate time of the NATO Summit opening (keynote address) on the 'morning' of July 11, 2018--meanwhile, a Solar Eclipse in Trump's Prenatal Eclipse (PE) series perfects during the Summit as you see by the horoscope (set for the White House). The 2 Old North Eclipse perfects in Brussels hours after Mr. Trump would have left and you know that he does like to cut out early from group settings in case he's overly challenged concerning the damage he's done, plus, he's uncomfortable when his ego suspects that he isn't the most famous person in the room. Besides, his sudden departures are!

Yes, my scribbles are way messy but please enlarge the image to read basic chart notes. As you see, some of Mr. Trump's natal positions are marked around the chart/s in blue but notice that the NATO South Node 17Lib29 in natal 12th house of Large Institutions, Politics, Self-Undoing, and Karma is the karmic and separative point where Trump's natal Jupiter (in Libra: "it's not fair!") and Putin's natal Saturn (authority, restriction, limits) - both planets @17Lib27 - sneak in through a back door. Or maybe it's via their conjunction that they intend to drain (SN-Saturn) energy and funds (Jupiter) out of the room (12th house) and further their ill-disguised attempts to undermine the organization as saboteurs acting as NATO's 'not-so-secret' enemies.

A Solar Eclipse, Castor, NATO's Mars and Transit Mars Rx

Now since this is a post, not a book, I won't type any more than I must but we should mention the transit of retrograde activist Mars conjunct NATO's natal IC (8AQ37). Mars turned Rx on June 26, 2018 @9AQ13 so he had crossed NATO's IC, then in Rx mode re-crossed the Angle which represents The End of the Matter and The Drain. Out-of-bounds as well, this is a testy Mars, a law unto himself, and on one level can signify Donald Trump because he was born with Mars rising in Leo. And we know Putin's pal is in process of challenging America's traditional allies and putting in a 'good word' for Vladimir while 'in the house' of the NATO Summit.

Yet let's not forget that puppet master Pluto of the Underworld is nearby (in Capricorn = the dictator) creepily approaching NATO's natal 3rd house Jupiter (Rx @23Cap19). Pluto the Dragon possesses massive amounts of hidden wealth and treasure but always wants more. So when transit Pluto hits natal Jupiter endeavors include gaining greater power and influence, regaining what was lost in the past, and playing a karmic role in current events. Negatively, intolerance and fanaticism are potentials which must be avoided during this transit if karmic setbacks are to be avoided.

Now Mr. Trump's 2 Old North eclipse @20Can41 occurs in NATO's natal 9th house conjunct its natal Mars (21Can21) and having transit Mars causing turbulence at natal IC as he prepares to enter NATO's natal 4th house can denote increased enthusiasm for new (ad)ventures but negatively suggests quarrels and disagreements. Plus, you see NATO's full 10th house of planets: Pluto, Sun, Moon, and Saturn--all of which tr Mars will oppose after turning direct in late August 2018. The turbulence really focuses around mid-August when transit Mars will oppose NATO's natal Pluto, a karmic period of time when deliberately antagonizing others can lead to regrettable altercations and any effort to control or manipulate situations or events tends to have the opposite effect. Once Mars enters Pisces, opposing natal Sun in Virgo, Mars isn't cooperating with leadership and relationships are strained; opposing natal Moon, Mars tends to arouse rage in others (purposefully, one assumes) and danger enters the environment (if it wasn't already there) such as via fires, explosions, or chemicals. If such trouble occurs, the public (Moon) may be adversely affected but certainly publicity concerning such events will be widely seen (across the 4/10 security axis).

Actually, by the close of the Summit ('early afternoon 12 July') in Brussels, the Summit's Sun will be exactly opposed by Pluto Rx, both at critical-crisis degrees (20Can-20Cap). Suggested potentials of the opposition are: power plays, a contest of wills, intimidation, attempts to collect on past debts, challenges to authority, ruthless actions, manipulation, abuse of power, deflated egos, retreats to isolation, exploitation, insufficient power to cope with events or decisions of others, impotency...any, all, or none may apply. This may turn out to be a real stinker of a summit! And difficult Castor's presence conjunct the Sun and Trump's eclipse will provide a negative influence.

Progressions: Looking Ahead

Now if we look to the Secondary Progressions (SP) of NATO's natal planets, we find that as far as the organization can expand into the world in this era--when it reaches its natural limit--is timed by an upcoming SP Full Moon which perfects @13Tau07 (SP Sun 13Sco07--where transit Jupiter Rx is today as I type!) on November 15, 2022. As you know, plenty of shifts and upheavals in the heavens and on Earth are due in the years 2020 into 2022 including January 12, 2020's Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto (DC Horoscope shown), plus, America's first-ever Pluto Return/s (PE chart shown) so let's not attempt to list them here other than to close with a few links for the curious:

Natal Horoscopes and Related Posts:: The Natal Chart of Donald Trump part one, as posted here on SO'W; Vladimir Putin (RR: DD, conflicting/unverfied); Angela Merkel (nee Kasner; RR: B); Harry S. Truman (RR: A; the 33rd Masonic president); The Natal Planets of Putin and Trump; The Powerful Midpoint Pictures of Donald Trump (natal); Trump and Gingrich: Peter Pan and the Pied Piper (they share Sun-Moon personality blends!); NATO and the Stationary Jupiter of Mr.Trump (pay up! it's not fair! cries Trump's Jupiter in airy Libra); Horoscope: European Union and the June 23, 2016 Brexit Vote; Trump Inauguration 2017's 2018 Solar Return; Trump Campaign's Russian Encounters at RNC 2016 which shows the horoscope of the Full Moon that conjoined and spotlighted US natal Pluto @27Capricorn during the Republican National Convention that showcased the acceptance speech for the GOP nomination of Donald J. Trump.

Founding Data for NATO and the EU are from Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes and from historical records.