Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them...with a gentle sprinkling of world events
Mar 20, 2013
Rockefeller looked forward to a New World Order
David Rockefeller, member Council on Foreign Relations/Bilderberg/Trilateral Commission, June 5, 1991.
Jul 28, 2012
London Olympics 2012 Opening full of Symbolism
Not All Pageantry Is What It Seems: Veiled Olympic Symbols 2012
by Jude Cowell
After reading several descriptions of last evening's opening ceremony of London Olympic Games 2012, I find Olympics 2012: London's Opening Act to detail rather brilliantly (and unintentionally) an abundant use of Illuminati symbols which spotlight Global Governance and the UK's political power within the long-standing NWO enterprise which attempts to regress the world into satanic chaos so that totalitarianism can grab complete control of our lives.
This is not to say that the young athletes participating are not awesome and hardworking, or that one can't enjoy watching Olympic competitions. Yet I must wonder if participants and medalists are aware of symbols such as the Olympic flame as a veiled reference to the 'eternal flame', a symbol of the global syndicate that some refer to as the Illuminati (the illuminated ones) who imagine they are elected to boss everyone else around! You've seen their burning symbol yourself over the gravesites of assassinated leaders and others who've become inconvenient, or perhaps those who balked at the offer that can't be refused, or neglected the task that was later required (or, the script that wasn't followed) in exchange for wealth, fame, recognition, and high societal position.
Yes, these are models of the earthly rewards Satan offered Jesus which He refused and of the choices which many of us face every day: materialism v idealism (Saturn v Neptune, the 'secret, shadow, or invisible government' duo. Britain has one of those while America's is more hidden.)
So was the placing of an 'eternal flame' at Ground Zero a big ol' honkin' clue?
Well, the following is my interpretation (or, translation) of the lighting (illuminating) of July 27, 2012's Olympic flame in London (which some say is the earthly location of Satan's headquarters, aka, the City of London, a law-unto-itself financial district--as in, Libor rate-rigging.) Naturally, you may take it all with a grain of salt if you wish, but if you're aware of certain astrological and mythological correspondances the following symbols will make more sense! And you'll probably think of other symbolic links which I neglect to mention here:
July 27, 2012: Flames and Fireworks Light Up London
Five-time rowing gold-medalist Sir Steven Redgrave carried the Olympic flame and handed it off to 7 young athletes (7 = the 7 stars of the Pleiades The Bull, the "Seven Weeping Sisters"--there are many references to this constellation in previous posts on this blog especially one of its major stars, Algol--type into the sidebar Search field for a list of mentions; 'the Bull' of course, links to the ancient, secretive, bull-slaying Roman cult of Mithras, to 'papal bulls', and to the idolatry of the golden calf.)
Raging Algol's connections are to decapitation (losing one's head--ex: greed for gold is contagious and more is never enough--consider the income inequality of Wall Street and global bankers v The 99%), fires (such as Olympic flames, and the historic Fire of London) violence, murder, and criminality. (Algol info: Horary Plain & Simple, Anthony Louis.) Body parts ruled by Taurus are, as you know, the throat, neck, and shoulders, and the sign's shadow traits are greed, possessiveness, covetousness, pride, prejudice, and intolerance.
In last evening's ceremony, the 7 athletes ("who represented the future of Britain," says the article linked above) "lit a COPPER ROSE petal--" each, a double Venus reference--her metal, her flower. Plus, Venus is a major icon of America's Founding Fathers, many of whom were British, and may be seen in NYC's copper Statue of Liberty, the statue of the goddess 'Freedom' atop our Capitol Dome, and many other symbolic Venus-Isis-Innana and Mary graven images; nurturing Ceres (Venus) and the stars of Virgo (the Virgin) play into America's national mystery play as well (US natal Neptune in Virgo.) Exactly where Venus appears as a graven image in London, I do not know, but I know she must be there. After all, the asteroid Ceres was discovered on January 1, 1801, the same date that Ireland was united with Great Britain, and the event which gives the UK its modern natal horoscope and links Britain to the iconography of Ceres and Venus, associated astrologically with money and valuables.)
Additional Astro-Note: the Bank of England was chartered on July 27, 1694 PDF with a Mutable Grand Cross between Mars, Neptune (opposite one another = shady and misguided), Venus in Gemini opposite Saturn in Sagittarius (out of the mainstream.) Sun and powerful figure of the Underworld, Pluto (aka, the Pope--bowing to goddess Mary!) are rather close in royal Leo with Jupiter in Leo as sidekick and Mercury conjunct a Royal Star of Persia, Regulus; a solar midpoint of the day is wealth-accumulating Jupiter-Pluto = Sun: keeping things in one's own grip--Tyl; the creation of magical effects--Ebertin. Another midpoint picture in 1694 with financial implications is Mars-Uranus = Jupiter: successful contests of strength; a lucky hand in unusual actions--Ebertin; looking to rewards; planning one's future, one's new position in life--Tyl. And they certainly did that, didn't they? These potentials are, I believe, symbolized in last night's ceremony! And notice that in 1694, athletic Mars squared Uranus but in July 2012, Mars and Uranus have only recently begun to move out of orb from their dynamic opposition.) As for July 27, 1694 v 2012, it seems that last evening's opening ceremony also celebrated the 318th birthday of the Bank of England. How curious is that?
So last evening's opening ceremony contained a triple-7: 7 athletes, and 7 nations becoming One symbolized by the 7 lighted copper rose petals, each petal a nation--lighted by the future of Britain--"being lifted up to form one giant flame" (as in, 'one-world-government', the Illuminati vision through the centuries.)
Now no one could miss the implications of a total global financial collapse which began to manifest more fully with the attacks of 9/11/01 on the World Trade Center, then on to Financial Collapse 2008, and, some say, to the next economic collapse which we hear about constantly through a colluding mainstream media, and which is 'inevitable', say they. Certain power elites believe this will cause the world's population to plead for a 'new world order', no matter its character or its harms.
Have you ever checked out Bavarian Illuminati founder Adam Weishaupt, a contemporary of Thomas Jefferson and the boys? His utopian cult was founded on May 1, 1776 and 'loaned' its own mystery symbols for use on America's Great Seal (and dollar bill, thanks for FDR, a Mason.) Weishaupt's longterm objectives may sound quite familiar in 2012 as destructuring Pluto plods through Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, business, and law. They are:
"(a) Abolition of monarchies and all ordered governments,
(b) Abolition of private property and inheritances, (c) Abolition of patriotism and nationalism, (d) Abolition of family life and the institution of marriage, and the establishment of communal education of children, (e) Abolition of all religion."Well, I do hope SO'W readers won't be too fussy with me for 'raining' on last night's Parade of Nations by pointing out that what may seem like an entertaining and spectacular opening ceremony of Olympic Games 2012 may actually be much deeper than that as people of the world bow down to a ravenous system which intends them grievous harm.
And yes, DN, I do know that Sir Paul McCartney ended by singing, Hey Jude but I assure you he didn't intend it for me!
More Notes: the Union Jack was magically portrayed in the London audience "as the British flag was hoisted as well by children doing flips on trampolines disguised as hospital beds." This symbolism was to honor the National Health Service of the UK and a popular children's hospital. Yet perhaps there was a deeper disguise afoot--here's an enlightening excerpt from Nicholas Hagger's book, The Secret History of the West with my bold and italics added for emphasis:
"On January 4, 171 the Scottish Stuarts were formally sent into permanent exile in France. With them went Jacobite Templar Freemasonry.
To unify resistance to Jacobite Templarism, Sionist Rosicrucian Freemasonry became a 'United Grand Lodge' in June 1717. From now on the British monarchy and the Church of England both became subservient to Rosicrucian Freemasonry. Since 1737 every male monarch has been a Mason, while the head of the Anglican Church is a Rosicrucian Freemason. Sionist Rosicrucian Freemasonry has controlled both the Crown and the Church. The political aim of Sionist Masonry is to achieve a one-world Kingdom ruled by the King of Jerusalem, not a unversal republic."
And let's not forget the NWO natal chart for the New Millennium timed by the 1993 Great Conjunction/s of Age of Enlightenment planets, Uranus and Neptune, which conjoined three times: Feb 2, Aug 20, and Oct 24, 1993 which thus sensitized and, no doubt, inspired the '18 Capricorn' degree...
'18Cap' = "The Union Jack Flies from a British Warship" (Rudhyar):
"Keynote: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order." ..."Alas, this power can easily be misused under the pretext of preserving 'law and order'. Justice and compassion must balance social power, and especially the power of privileged groups. Wherever this symbol appears, the need for protection may be in evidence--or it may be a warning against using power for selfish advantages."
"It brings to us a realization of the ambivalence of POLITICAL POWER, its values and its dangers."
(An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar.)For the positive and negative manifestations of this degree's symbolism, Marc Edmund Jones adds:
"Positive: the self's ever-widening spread of interest in its insatiable desire to leave some permanent imprint of itself on everything it touches:" (Lucifer's mark of the beast? 'Luci-' = "light"--jc)
"Negative expression" (unconscious/shadow side--jc): "smug or strong-armed paternalism." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)
I shall close this weekend post (finally!) with an excerpt from Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets in which Michael Munkasey describes potentials for the Uranus-Neptune illuminated duo within the heady realms of Politics and Business:
"Thesis: Changes in social and political structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future; revolution or strikes which are focused on new ways of thinking; groups which form to exploit oil or chemical resources.
Antithesis: Sudden upsurges in the availability of illegal drugs; subversion using a new method of acquiring information; movements which diminish the power or authority of the nation's leadership or police systems.
Any or all of which sound like life in the New Millennium, right? Now what might these self-exalted culprits be up to in secret while so much of global public attention is focused on the Big Spectacle being showcased in London?
Feb 9, 2012
Hitler's vision: 'Germania' (video), plus his Death Chart and the STOCK Act
by Jude Cowell
The excellent History Today has an interesting feature concerning Adolf Hitler's plan to establish the capital city of 'his' World Empire (aka, New World Order), a remaking of Berlin which he intended to call, Germania. Guess the usual NWO vision of a global kingdom being set up in Jerusalem (with a 'King of Jerusalem' ruling all, a devilish-on-purpose and misguided reading of Biblical prophecy and of Christ's mission on earth since His was a spiritual kingdom, not an earthly one)--well, a spiritual kingdom wasn't what the German dictator wanted, was it?
And I can't imagine what Hitler in his day thought of Jerusalem since it's full of you-know-whos. Yet Hitler's DNA is said to confirm his Jewish (and African) heritage! How inconvenient this must have been for WWII's psychopath-in-chief when issuing pogroms assuming that he was aware of his own ancestry. Once again, karma is a witch for he was actually condemning himself!
Below is one of the videos concerning 'Germania' which I'm embedding from the History Today article; click Visions of Germania if you wish to view other videos on the same topic.
Born April 20, 1889 at 6:30 pm in Braunau am Inn, Austria, here's a view of Hitler's natal horoscope.
He and his brand new wife, Eva Braun, committed suicide (or did they?) on April 30, 1945 @ 3:30 pm CEDT in a Berlin bunker with both an Angular Moon 14Sag29 conjunct IC (15:15) and an Angular Jupiter 17Vir50 Rx rising (ASC 18Vir52.) In death charts, these are the two celestial bodies so often Angular at death, both or singularly.
Plus, one of the planets closely associated with Astrology, Uranus (another being Saturn), is Angular as well--conjunct MC 15Gem15 (The Goal Point) which may be icing on the Angular cake in a Death Horoscope. Yet Uranus @ MC supports a potential for a 'death ruse' by which his alleged demise could have been timed by an astrologer or astrologers with an Angular Moon and Jupiter since Hitler & crew are said to have consulted astrologers for guidance and timing. That's if they realized then that future astrologers would check Hitler's Death Chart for confirmation of his demise--and naturally we would do just that.
So if we take Hitler's Death Horoscope as a true blueprint of his suicide, chart factors weight toward the 'yes he did' side rather than the 'death ruse' side. 1945's Pluto 7Leo56 (11th house of Hopes, Wishes, Associations), planet of death, suicide, subversion, destruction, and transformation, is out-of-bounds from the earthly plane (a 'special' death?) yet the planet of Invisibility is focal planet of a particular midpoint of the two NWO planets, Uranus and Neptune ('turning from confusion and finding a new path'--Munkasey; Enlightenment; mysticism--Ebertin), which forms a planetary picture:
Uranus/Neptune = Pluto: abandonment of resistance; the necessity to give in; calamities, losses, catastrophes; ideas which can change the world. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)
Hitler definitely entertained such ideas (exs: 'Germania' and a World Empire ruled by his nibs.)
Plus, you know of the most descriptive Sabian Symbol for the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, the NWO planets, all through 1993: '18 Capricorn'...
"The Union Jack Flies from a British Destroyer" = POLITICAL POWER, which Marc Edmund Jones gives as, "smug or strong-armed paternalism" in its negative expression. We could ask our peacefully assembled, pepper-sprayed Occupiers about that, circa 2011/2012.
Adding a thimble full of fuel to the 1945 Plutonian midpoint picture above and the Uranus/Neptune meet-up in 1993 is the fact that '19Cap' = Pluto's South Node degree which has a difficult Saturn/Pluto connotation of separation, loss, hardship, and brutality.
So yes, planets in Hitler's Death Horoscope do seem to indicate that his suicide actually occurred 'as advertised' yet there are midpoint pictures in the chart which may or may not give a different flavor to the proceedings of April 20, 1945 in Berlin--see what you think:
Sun/NN = (Angular) Uranus: friends who provide the right connections (to secret yourself off to Britain or to parts unknown?)
Venus/Neptune = NN 10Can49: associations with others who are able to effect deceptions and illusions (pouf!) Also: an unhappy union (the newly weds?) (The 3 to 14 degree range of Cancer always hints at USA involvement, doesn't it?)
Pluto/MC = NN: club memberships that help achieve one's purposes (to go underground?); people with powerful influence.
1945's South Node (SN) conjoined the UK's natal Sun in Capricorn, btw, which may or may not be significant or may denote the British royal family's Germanic kinship which they obfuscated by changing their name to 'Windsor', to Americans' family ties to Germany as well, plus, the Western power elite's financial backing of Hitler's rise to power and his expansive war efforts.
Well, these midpoint pictures are not conclusive for his survival so I'd have to say that based on his Death Chart, Hitler did commit suicide as reported through the decades. The April 30, 1945 transits certainly 'hit' many of AH's natal planets in negative ways (ex: tr Saturn opposed natal Moon 6Cap38 and n Jupiter 8Cap15 indicating a very dampening period in his life such as: unfortunate circumstances; emotional deprivation linked to the past; thwarted desires; health problems; personal growth frustrated by authority figures; problems through unresolved conflicts; giving back what was gained, etc) proving that even self-exalted 'leaders' are not out of reach of the bad karma they themselves created in life by their heinous and criminal actions because all must reap what is sown.
And that goes for those politicians who currently infest Washington DC by working to undermine US sovereignty on behalf of a misguided march toward totalitarian Global Governance.
Blog Note: glad to say that some of my tech difficulties have been resolved today, thus I blog as a brief respite from packing for an office relocation. However, I'm following Thom Hartmann today and agree with Thom's assessment of and disappointment with the STOCK Act which just hastily passed the House 417 to 2 (agreement on The Hill?!!!)
Is this merely a public relations ploy by the guilty who wish to pass a bill that obfuscates their already ill-gotten gains through insider trading?
Thing is, the GOP's Eric Cantor made certain that the 'political intelligence' provision was removed thus giving the bill the usual toothlessness which wealthy Wall Street toffs require from their bought-and-paid-for handmaidens who 'legislate' up on Capitol Hill.
Oh, and the deal with Wall Street and the corrupt mortgage industry that Presient Obama touts today is pathetic for it lets off the hook the crooks, thieves, and robo-signers who should be tried and sent to prison for their heists against US consumers and home owners. Allegedly, states' rights to sue the miscreants will still be possible, and hopefully so.
One more astro-note on Hitler: born during the Great Conjunction of Neptune and Pluto (the Robber Baron duo), his natal Neptune 00Gem51 in natal 8th house of Death and the Occult will be 'hit' by the upcoming Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 @ 00Gem21 which conjoins the difficult Fixed Star Alcyone.
Oct 29, 2011
Uranus-Neptune! Eustace Mullins discusses the New World Order (video)
by Jude Cowell
For years the name 'Eustace Mullins' was familiar to me but I didn't know much about the man or his books. Turns out there's been a concentrated effort by those who rule from behind-the-scenes to make certain that Mr. Mullins remains unknown for his work tended to rip off the mask from their hideous faces and reveal the NWO agenda.
How inconvenient for the global elite who like all vermin prefer to work in secret until it's no longer deemed necessary.
Is this inconvenience why Mullins seems to be described everywhere online as antisemitic? Was he? Or was he simply speaking out against some form of the strong-arming Zionist Nationalism movement? How endlessly exhausting and self-defeating to send out negative energy to an entire race or religion of people--such bad karma! I suspect he was fighting against the conspiratorial perpetrators of his day who by definition are a select few, not an entire race or religion.
Yet perhaps Mullins was antisemitic when it came to the House of Rothschild and other big banking concerns and agents such as the *Warburgs (see NWO quote below.) If you, dear reader, know differently, please inform in a Comment.
So for the curious and/or concerned, the following series of 6 videos with Eustace Mullins presents a discussion on the 'New World Order' (aka, the one-world-government), a controlling entity--a network--that the US military machine and its 'allies' are busy establishing across the Middle East and anywhere else with natural resources ripe for plundering. (They like to rob populations of their archaeological treasures, too.)
(The views and opinions expressed are those of Mr. Mullins, not my own. I can't police everything people say in every video or article but am presenting his discussion here for the sake of...discussion. jc)
Now it saddens me greatly to say it but America is long rotten with them, a group which we may wish to sum up as 'The Illuminati'. This is where the two primary planets of The Enlightenment (aka, The Age of Reason) slip in the hidden door behind the curtain: Uranus and Neptune. And we'll hear no one On Air daring to whisper their names or their real goals--the title of the Big Enterprise for world conquest isn't important--call it the "NWO", "The Octopus", "The Global Underworld", whatever. These may even represent branches or tentacles working in tandem for the same purpose: subjugation of a well-gleaned, de-populated human race.
The info provided here by Mr. Mullins may qualify as History yet we see in the news every day circa 2011 how close to full implementation are the plans of this reptilian-brained cabal of global gangsters who used the American people as their private cash cow for decades and now have moved on to fatter payoffs abroad as US workers are left in the dust of the reptilians' ancient global domination dream.
Can't you feel it?
Part 1 of 6
Part 2 of 6
Part 3 of 6
Part 4 of 6
Part 5 of 6
Part 6 of 6
For some background on the history of 'new world order' thinking and the 'vision' it's based upon so arrogantly, you may wish to try:
Francis Bacon, Uranus/Neptune, and Pluto (that's Sir Francis, to We Are The 99%);
On Resisting the Plutonian New World Order (w video.)
Also, why not scroll down this blog's sidebar and type a topic of curiosity into the Search field? You might get lucky...
Here's a well-known on-topic quote--a promise or a threat?--from James Paul Warburg (1896--1969) who from 1932 to 1934 acted as economic adviser to FDR until they parted ways over certain New Deal policies:
"We shall have world government whether or not we like it. The question is only whether it will be achieved by consent or by conquest."
--CFR member Paul Warburg on February 17, 1950 to the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; and the US Senate apparently agreed with him wholeheartedly for we see where we stew now.
Ah yes, our Freemason President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a New World Order-er, too. Was America's role as cash cow set back on-track by the 'New Deal'?
Why, there are those who believe that FDR's New Deal Built the New World Order. Imagine that!
Looking at a noon horoscope for Warburg's statement delivered at the Capitol Building, February 17, 1950, an interesting picture appears due to several astro-factors, one of which is the Mercury-Venus conjunction @ 3AQ+ which conjoins US Inauguration 2009's Jupiter in Inaugural 10th house. Is this a time link between Warburg's sentiments and the presidency of Barack Obama? Well, Jupiter does rule large amounts of money, banking and bankers, corporations, broadcasting, and ideologies.
Update 10.30.11: Perhaps more intriguing is that today's Neptune 28AQ+ (when I thought to peek at the horoscope) precisely conjoins the Sun of the Warburg NWO Statement which counts as as Neptune-to-natal-Sun transit and indicates a time of confusion relating to ego goals which can fail to materialize because they are unrealistic (a globally centralized won't work and will ruin pretty much everything), inspired by misguided notions (I'll say!), and/or are simply confused, confusing, or deceptive.
Since a clear self-image is next to impossible with veiling Neptune hung over one's Sun--which on its own shows where we're meant to 'shine'--my suspicion is that Mr. Warburg's true intent is not fully known by many if it is (then or now) known at all. Or perhaps this post spotlights Warburg's and his colleagues' integrity and ideals by casting them in a soft astrological glow--or...Neptune's connection with The Collective, the media, and the masses impelled me (born with my own Sun/Neptune aspect) to mention this now to you as I question the integrity of illuminized politicians and others who unduly influence US policies, usurp the will of the American people, threaten our Civil Rights, rob from our treasury, desert our economy, and breach our national sovereignty.
A midpoint picture of potentials may be of note involving the 'unseen forces'/'illusions and visions'/'mania'/'organized crime'/'political control of power' pair, Neptune and Pluto...this picture's energies relate to Warburg's statement on the implementation of a 'new order' and to other events on that particular day which are not addressed here; any, all, or none may apply:
Neptune/Pluto = Saturn 17Vir25 Rx: the gradual decline of powers; dark forebodings; grievous emotional suffering; torment; bringing a sense of reality and discipline to efforts undertaken to alter old habit patterns and begin anew.
Hmm. Seems that by his bold NWO assertion, Mr. Warburg may have been schooling the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on how things were going to be--way back in 1950.
(Pictures: Ebertin; Tyl; Munkasey.)
Oct 13, 2011
South Korea visits US = 'A Sleigh Without Snow' 10.13.11
Taking a quick glance at some of today's events in Washington by way of horoscopes set for the White House and for the Capitol Building later today when President Lee delivers an address to a Joint Session of Congress, we see Presidents Obama and Lee holding a presser at 12:20 pm edt (Hour of the Moon) with 20Sag33 rising which makes money planet Jupiter (still retrograde in money sign Taurus) the chart-ruler. When chart-rulers are Rx you know something is amiss or at least, there will be delay in the areas that planet rules, and money, largess, and expansion are part of Jupiter's realm.
Big laugh just now as I type: *Amy Goodman just reported on Democracy Now! that NYC Mayor Bloomberg informed the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators that they'll need to clear out of Liberty Square on Friday (tomorrow) so it could be "cleaned." The Occupiers are sending out a request for cleaning supplies--they'll clean it themselves. HA! Love it!!! Back to the "free" trade shenanigans in DC...
Now whenever dignitaries meet in Washington DC or elsewhere, a peek at which planets are conjoining synchronistically for the event is in order.
Today, tr Saturn (authority; managers; leaders; lawmakers; lawyers, etc) is just moved beyond conjunction with the Sun 19Libra59 at 12:20 pm edt, and the Moon (the people; the public; publicity; a woman) meets with Jupiter Rx at 7Tau+...Sabian Symbol '8Tau' = "A Sleigh Without Snow"...SUSTAINMENT...
positive expression: a complete and effective alignment of self with whatever greater possibilities may remain unrealized in a given milieu;
negative (unconscious/shadow side): a cheerful tolerance of today's frustrations in the vague hope of a better tomorrow.
Well, I don't know precisely what President Lee expects from Washington (a lot, I'll wager) with his shady "free" trade agreement but that 'vague hope' is known by a majority of American workers to be a pile o'merde when it comes to 'jobs creation' in the US...outsourcing of jobs is much more likely.
One more note (since if I don't publish this soon the events will be over)--VP Biden, our erstwhile, proud-to-be-a-Zionist fellow, will host a luncheon for the Lees at 1:15 pm edt today with 2Cap56 rising along with the tr Venus/Neptune midpoint (appreciating how reality can be altered; indulging another's fantasy for personal gratification; union with persons of a peculiar disposition.)
Also at 1:15 pm edt, tr Pluto @ 5Cap05 rises, and asteroid Atlantis ('America'; where we feel doomed; abuse or misuse of power) is at MC.
Of interest in relation to the US government is a midpoint at Midheaven (The Goal; Aspirations; Public Status) with these potentials for expression:
Mars/Pluto = MC: ambition; self-confidence; facing overwhelming force without power; danger through intervention of a Higher Power (US?); learning how to gain and use power or extreme measures for increasing status in the world (Washington DC, the teacher); fulfillment of certain ambitions by attaining recognition and influence.
Well, as long as the global elite's one-world-government project grinds on with America scurrying to take the lead, I suppose it's still quite trendy and smart to suck up to Washington politicians.
*Amy Goodman is also reporting on the Canadian warrant to arrest George W. Bush for war crimes when he attempts to address an economic forum in British Columbia next week--an "economic" forum!!! Who's crazy here? Is it me? ;p
For more info, you may wish to check out current news coverage and issues at the Thom Hartmann website with texts and broadcast videos available, and a Forum to join.
Midpoint pictures: Reinhold Ebertin; Michael Munkasey. Sabian Symbol info: Msrc Edmund Jones.
Timings mentioned in this post are taken from the White House LIVE site of streaming videos.
Aug 21, 2011
Bilderbergers and a Web Of Debt: Solar Eclipses repeating
by Jude Cowell
Though Ellen Brown's work is not wholly unknown to me, it's only today that I discovered a series of her instructive financial articles available at Web Of Debt where clear explanations are given for thorny topics such as the Bilderberg Group's involvement (culpability!) in the ongoing financial ills which crescendoed once again in 2008 and which continue to plague financial systems here and abroad.
Here's an interesting quote from Prof. Carroll Quigley, an insider groomed by international bankers, those self-exalted 'Masters of the Universe' who engineer and profit handsomely from bubbles, booms, and busts.
In 1966 Quigley wrote in Tragedy and Hope:
“The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.
The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank...sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans…."
This is why I feel quite droopious when I think of the ability or desire of the US government or any other's to 'repair' the world economy or improve financial systems of nation-states.
For unless the stranglehold now being tightened by Bilderbergers, monarchists, private shareholders, and other participants in the global conspiracy to "own, not govern the world" is addressed at the root level, it seems likely that a global collapse will occur, if not now then later, and that the Bilderbergers' ARISTOCRACY OF PURPOSE between American and European elites will attain their goal to "manage the planet" through a global network of "giant cartels", as reported by Ellen Brown.
(No, I'm not certain what difference it makes whether we call them a 'New World Order' as Poppy Bush, the Rockefellers, and others have done--or a 'One World Company', Limited or otherwise. They su*k no matter what.)
So whenever you, dear reader, feel psychically protected enough to face honestly the hydra-headed 'satan sandwich' of greed and Machiavellian power-grabbing that make up the global banking industry (syndicate), you can do little better than to check out Ellen Brown's series of articles at Web Of Debt.
What Do Abraham Lincoln and JFK Have To Do With It?
Mention there is made of Abraham Lincoln's assassination soon after he had
printed 'greenbacks'--debt and interest free--to finance the Civil War rather than accepting usury interest rates on loans that were offered by central bankers. Culpability for his heinous murder as ordered by certain bankers is not proposed in Ms. Brown's articles but I myself add such an assertion here (click 'greenbacks; link to read about Abe and about JFK's similar actions in June 1963.)
For as you know, it's by making large loans to governments that central bankers acquire massive wealth and daringly, Lincoln had made an end-run around their determination to profit from the 'Civil' War which they themselves had funded in the first place.
And since the shady but not very secretive 'One World Company' must prevent governments from issuing their own currencies and credit in order to maximize Company profits--and keep governments and politicians under heel--we then see all through history examples of bankruptcies, foreclosures, crashes, and sales of people's assets at fire sale prices. And who do you think buys such assets?
Hence the financial precipice we're paused upon as the take-over plan progresses with its deluded idea of a "destiny" that intends to control all resources and necessities of life for the whole of humanity (while retaining only the best of everything for themselves.)
The Process Continues: 2008 into 2009
Now besides 2008, the year 2009 shows prominently in the scenarios and systems detailed in Ellen Brown's articles linked above and so I remind you of the Solar Eclipse of July 21, 2009 in the 11 South Saros Series--at a critical-crisis degree: 29 Cancer 27. This eclipse opposed US natal Pluto in Capricorn (with our Secondary Progressed Pluto 29Cap+, and natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx in the 2nd house of Money in the Sibly chart.)
11S themes are: 'a need to make sudden reforms; old methods will fail and new systems are required to deal with events brought (or enforced?) by the eclipse; new ways of thinking/handling issues are needed, and any blocks may be violently or tragically removed'.
(Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)
Past years in the modern era in which 11S manifested are: 1901, 1919, 1937, 1973, 1991, (2009), and next, in 2027. In these previous years, similar themes were experienced collectively along with profiteering from the misery, loss, and death that wars and financial panics created. What the 'One World Company Limited' could have in mind for 2027, I do not care to guess.
But before 2027 arrives, America must first navigate our national Pluto Return/s of 2022 (3x in Feb-July-Oct), the first Pluto Return/s in US history. Background influences of the Solar Eclipses during 2022 include 6N and 6S, both of which had manifested in 1932 during the rises to the world stage of Hitler and FDR.
April 30, 2022 6N @ '10Tau' = 'authority issues; a need to take control and responsibility; commitments made due to another's unreliability or illness'; Oct 25, 2022 6S @ '2Sco' = 'being forceful and taking power; manic energy within relationships and group activities; sudden events.
Back to July 21, 2009's 11 South Solar Eclipse @ 29Can27
You may note that 11S's occurrence in 1991 timed the assassination of writer Danny Casolaro who was to meet with a contact who had promised him more information on PROMIS software and on the global entity/network which Casolaro had titled, The Octopus (aka, The Beast, imho.) The writer was murdered before he could complete his whistle-blowing book on the global crime syndicate and his notes mysteriously 'disappeared' from the scene of the crime...
"...any blocks may be violently or tragically removed."
Solar Eclipses of 2009: 11N and 11S
Though no recent edits have been made, you may wish to read a previous post concerning 11S's effects, Danny Casolaro (1991), and financial matters, plus, view the July 21, 2009 Solar Eclipse horoscope--along with the chart of the 'New President' Solar Eclipse of January 26, 2009 (both charts set for Washington DC) at Jude's Threshold, one of my other blogs.
But why review the 11 North 'New President' Solar Eclipse of January 2009? Because its flavor and portents are indelibly imprinted forever by the Universe upon the presidency of Barack matter where he may roam or vacation.
Abolish the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 (sign petition) and return control of the US Treasury Department and our money supply to the American people!
Aug 17, 2011
Why Obama, the GOP, and the US Gov won't lift a finger to help our nation stay a nation
by Jude Cowell
Why doesn't President Obama get tough with Republicans? Why aren't Wall Street banksters in prison? Why are so few companies hiring? Why is the Supreme Court acting like royal monarchists? Why can't foreclosed home mortgages be redeemed and families kept in their homes? Why are our war vets sleeping under bridges? And why did the dog bark at midnight?
The people's list of puzzling questions seems endless and most Americans feel that little of consequence has been or is being done to really improve our financial condition and jobs market since Financial Collapse 2008 which blew up officially on September 15, 2008: because no one believable is answering them.
If you want a sincere answer, New Dawn Magazine has published perhaps the best explanation of the long-devised goal of a World Government that I've yet to find, and perhaps you may agree.
Twelve Triggers Driving Mankind Towards World Government lays things out in easy-reading detail including what's going on now with a fracturing European Union (as Nostradamus predicted) and Germany's stubborn refusal to provide financial aid to the EU's poorer nations (which are in process of being enveloped while Middle Eastern 'rogue nations' have been poised to take their falls, too. Future puppets wait in the wings.)
History a Process
If you were around in the late 1990s, perhaps you noticed that the Soviet Bloc 'fell' just as the EU was being implemented (1999) and Putin became the Soviet darling. Although it was murky at the start, the EU now shows itself to be a proto-World Government struggling--or dramatizing--their own demise as its Nation-States mull over returning to their traditional currencies...all part of the World Government script.
Now if you've read this blog before this moment, you've noted my use of the term 'New World Order' ('NWO') or 'one-world-government' which are all the same entity and agenda...World Government. Very few politicians on the public stage are not part of the agenda though they only know the part of the plan in which they collude--the old 'need to know' ploy is used because it works. The more secretly they can act, the more efficiently things go--for the manipulators, that is.
World Capitals Will Be...Transformed
Brussels, Luxembourg, Frankfort, Strasbourg, Washington DC (Military center, of course), London, Rome, Jerusalem--all figure into the dissolution of the Nation-State now in progress. And if you don't know this, perhaps you can feel it: their plan is that the USA must be collapsed because no one country can be allowed power concentrated in one place when dispersed, de-centralized power is what the Global Power Elite have envisioned for centuries, such good little 'Utopians' all.
Lurking Somewhere in Astrology...
So with transit Uranus now in Mars-ruled Aries until 2018/19, the revolutionary Utopians have plenty of time in which to fully implement their agenda of world domination with other planets (actors) and dynamic planetary patterns aiding and abetting by aspect, off and on by transit.
In fact, if you use the 'Sibly' version of America's *natal horoscope with its 00Ari53 IC (4th cusp of Home, Domestic Scene, Homeland; AP = a World Point of Manifestation), Utopians have entered the Foundation of our national structure more deeply than since the last time Uranus reached Aries Point (AP) in 1927/28 (see below for dates and a few events that may seem similar to today's happenings. Pluto was in the sign opposite to its current one, Capricorn indicating that plutonian masters were With America then--conjoining, not challenging our natal Venus, Sun, Jupiter trio in Cancer--but now wealthy stealthy Pluto opposes the US trio. Plus, Mr. Organized Crime is within orb of conjoining Britain's natal Sun--and London is the intended Financial center of the World Government.)
Yes, quirky, explosive, political operative Uranus in US natal 4th house--which can act earlier or later than the transit promises--introduces unstable conditions, temporary arrangements, and circumstances over which people who once did, have no control. Unanticipated events and unusually odd people may appear as independence concerns vie with traditional responsibilities. Things begin and end abruptly and family ties change, often due to unexpected crises. Chaos is on the Uranian menu, sorry to say, and strikes, riots, and protests are on the upswing.
If this 4th house info sounds familiar to you, you may have just verified the correct American natal horoscope! But be that as it may, the above linked article is a must-read for those who wish a fuller understanding for Why President Obama and others are not 'helping' our financial circumstances any more efficiently or quickly than heretofore.
Also implicated are the Uranian weirdos who used the word "default" during the staged 'debt ceiling-default crisis' we were 'treated' to in July--morning, noon, and night until August 2, 2011 when the staged 'crisis' was allegedly 'averted' (Whew! we were expected to say in trembling unison as the media beat its importance into our noggins. Personally I said, Political Theater--puh! create a crisis then pretend to 'solve' it, but that's just how I am. Seriously, my church clued me in to the World Government agenda over 30 years ago but I was hoping the totalitarians would hold off until I'm history, chicken that I am. To paraphrase Scripture concerning the latter days: 'No one will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast'. You doubt? Then you must not be watching the news much these days! Don't blame you actually. Their plan reeks of starkness.)
So! All this to say that the New Dawn Magazine article is highly recommended for an overview of what's really going on and why nothing is being improved as we-the-people would expect so please do pass it around if you may. For in sharing the info you may be doing some sand-headed ostrich a favor--and maybe the coming Holograms of Fakery won't be such a big surprise, and more of us will know exactly who to blame for the false flag ops now being planned to keep us in line. These are operations designed to make the MSM-touted World Government seem to be the only entity big enough to 'deal' with such massive problems--some we've seen (environmental disasters, terrorist plots and schemes, credit crunch, etc), and some are being tweaked right now for unleashing at the moment the Global Power Elite decrees it will have the most effect on psyches and notions of decent futures.
Theirs is an interlocking, interfacing, complex and holistic matrix which is tactically flexible but strategically and rigidly unbending with the prospect of collapsing the US dollar and undermining the Euro as European countries potentially separate from the EU turning up every day in the news like a steady drumbeat.
Therefore, if this agenda to crash America and other nations is even remotely true, it makes them all traitors. Not just Ben Fedhead Bernanke.
And even, possibly, the anti-Bernanke candidate, preacher Rick Perry.
*Sibly horoscope for America: July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius rising and a 10th house 'fallen from grace' Saturn if responsibilities aren't honored and authenticity isn't upheld.
The Last Time Uranus Conjoined US natal IC and Burst into 4th House
1. April 16, 1927
2. Oct 9, 1927
3. Feb 5, 1928
A few Events of 1927 which may resemble those of 2010/2011:
In US, Herbert Hoover is elected president (heard of comparisons between Hoover and Obama lately?); the Irish parliament decrees revolutionary societies treasonable; Allied military control of Germany ends; in Portugal a revolt erupts against military dictatorship (now it's financial dictatorship); diplomatic relations are broken off between China and the USSR; Hitler publishes volume 2 of Mein Kampf; exciting (Uranus) archaeological discoveries are made at the site of the ancient Babylonian city of Ur of the Chaldees (like Uranus!); Werner Heisenberg regales the world with his Uncertainty Principle--how Uranian of him.
Then Came 1928:
Stalin introduces the first Five Year Plan for a state-driven economy; borrowed money is used to buy shares on the NYSE (wish we could walk that back); in the US the first African-American congressman of the 20th century is elected, Oscar De Priest,
the French franc is devalued; and in Paris, 65 countries sign the Kellogg-Briand Pact which renounced "war as an instrument of national policy."
Click to read the Pact and the names of the signators. Here's its lofty, now very lamentable, beginning:
"Deeply sensible of their solemn duty to promote the welfare of mankind;..." How soon they forget.
When was the last time you heard a US politician tout the "welfare of mankind"?
In closing, here's a blast from a more distant American past:
"Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast views beyond the comprehension of the weak; and that it is doing God's service when it is violating all His laws."
John Adams
Jul 14, 2011
Happy 164.79th Birthday, Neptune! w US natal Neptune

In dealing with Politics through the lens of Astrology, one grows accustomed to thinking of Neptune's less attractive traits such as deception, illusion, confusion, fraud - plus, the masses, the media--well, you know the list of nebulous, yet sometimes inspired or even divine, tendencies and provinces of the gaseous planet.
Yet as seen from Earth, Neptune is one of the most beautiful objects in our solar system with its blue methane cloudiness and a charming, mysterious quality of elusiveness (telescope or binoculars are needed to spy upon the Sea King!)
So I was happy as a puppy with two tails when my friend Crystal Pomeroy, who writes the insightful column Moon Meditations @ Daykeeper Journal, sent along a link to a celebratory, informative article concerning our eighth planet, the rather glamorous Neptune.
Tuesday July 12, 2011 was Neptune's 164.79th birthday since its discovery on the evening of September 23, 1846. Yet in true Neptunian fashion, a veil is tossed carelessly across even that event for actually, Galileo was first to document (January 1613) what he notated as as a 'fixed star'...which we now know was planet Neptune!
US natal Neptune in the sign of The Worker, Virgo
Current US circumstances with jobs elusive and bank fraud run rampant (with much still hidden and un-indicted) may be described in part by Neptune (loss; fraud; deception; disappointment) in Virgo (work, service; discrimination) ruled by quicksilver Mercury which in America's natal horoscope (July 4, 1776) is retrograde in Cancer at a very interesting degree in the Sabian Symbols in relation to the events and participants of 1776 and to our national character in 2011.
US natal Mercury '25 Cancer' = "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power."
Now it's true I always think of Pluto's Cape of Invisibility (and Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, in May 1776) when I read the word picture for '25Can' yet Neptune plays an obscuring part in the charade as well. Neptune is quite the masquerader and actor, as is well known. And that, dear reader, becomes more and more apparent as the mummery of the debt and budget 'meetings' (rehearsals?) continue up to the wire of Default and obscures from realistic view what may occur to US and World markets after August 2, 2011 if a devil's deal isn't reached.
And as America approaches her third of three 'hits' from transiting Saturn to US natal Saturn (a 'Saturn Return' which occurs approximately every 28 years: accountability issues must be addressed) I am put in mind as I watch and listen to the debt brouhaha on Capitol Hill that the cold water of tr Saturn (restriction; denial; delays) stamped its signature upon Mr. Obama's presidency and America's n Neptune (hopes, dreams, ideals) Virgo, sign of Work and Health. (Being without work or income greatly affects one's mental, emotional, and physical health.)
Tr Saturn saluted US n Neptune on August 27, 2009 and that evening, Mars was closest to Earth as calculated at the International Planetarium in Vancouver, B.C. by way of a code (mathematical formula) found on a pyramid near the Observatory Hotel in Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico. That night Mars (in Tropical Cancer)looked like a second Moon! Are sky-watchers the Maya now considered the Greeks of America?
Of particular note politically is the handy timing device of the parallel between tr Saturn and US n Neptune (similar to a strong conjunction) which formed on September 10, 2009, an interesting date in Politics. Challenging, confrontational Mars in Cancer was just passing US n Jupiter and about to conjoin US n Sun, the president and this was the evening that President Obama addressed a Joint Session of Congress to urge the passing of his health care reform bill (more insurance reform, really) and was rudely interrupted by Joe Wilson's martian shout of "You lie!"
(Noting that the "You lie!" interruption of Mr. Obama - SN conj Hopi: see Tea Party info below - is paralleled or echoed by the current and reputed interruptions of him by Republican Eric Cantor during their debt ceiling 'negotiations' at the White House. John Boehner as Speaker of the House is the one who should be talkin' to the president, not lowly Representative Cantor.)
And now in 2011, somewhere between Saturnian realism and Neptunian lies, left twisting in the wind are the American people. Ill-served (Neptune in Virgo, the Server) by a double-dealing, warring government, robbed of pension funds, employment, and hard-won bargaining rights with management (Saturn), we-the-people are forced to wonder if the politicians of Washington DC are still able to govern a sovereign nation at all with their visionary (perhaps self-deceptive) Neptunian ideology getting in the way of practical concerns and needs.
Too bad we can't tie Tossing Out Every Top Government Official (especially those in Congress) irrevocably to the proposed Default of August 2, 2011, a speculative Jupiter-Neptune circumstance which, if allowed, will effectively toss out the American people if the US defaults on its debts, since WE should be the last ones standing in America--not the select few who pretend to govern while driving our nation off a financial cliff for the sake of their one-world-government vision...Saturn (government) Neptune (vision) as inspired long ago by a mercurial Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power.
Read more Astrology at Julie Demboski's Astrology, Global Astrology, Political Astrology 2010~2012, or visit Neptune Cafe as you wish!
Hey! Did you miss the dual charts of the Tea Party Convention (Feb 4 - 6, 2010) in Nashville, TN? Some amazing astro-factors are shown (click image to enlarge horoscopes) as sunrise on February 4, 2010 in Nashville brought up Sarah Palin's natal trio of Sun-Mars-Saturn @ 22AQ - 26AQ.)
The Tail of the Dragon (South Node, SN) conjoins tr asteroid Hopi, keywords: ambush; prejudice which seems to me is a theme of the Tea Party's challenge to Barack Obama. Sorry, but there it is, right there in the chart. This doesn't mean that all Tea Partisans are racist, only that those at the top either feel that way or have determined that their political advantage is assured by appealing to that nasty prejudicial strain in the American psyche - even though the majority of us come from generations of immigrants of all skin colors. Crazy!
In the symbolic 'end of the Convention' chart set for 11:59 pm February 6, 2010, two interlocked YODs (crisis; crossroads; special task) appear with Mars/Saturn at the base of one (YOD pattern (Mars-Saturn on one level is Mrs. Palin), and Jupiter/Pluto as the base of the second YOD; Jupiter-Pluto = wealthy preachers and the corporate funders and backers who, for one thing, have hijacked the leadership role of the Tea Party--here, I trustingly assume that the TP was ever a 'grass roots' movement rather than the externally controlled astro-turf model the national organization now resembles.
Well, on the Convention's last night, February 6, 2010, the key asteroid has to be Hidalgo, one of the power archetypes with a social climbing vibe, which was, at 11:59 pm, perfectly mirrored by the light of the Moon @ 3Sag06 = a woman; publicity, conjoining powerful Hidalgo...synchronistically @ 3Sag06!
No, I can't count Sarah 'Sun-Mars-Saturn' Palin out of the Jupiter-Pluto-funded 2012 presidential race just yet. Sad to say. jc
Above image: Neptune Ascends (c) Jude Cowell 2011 & beyond...
Jun 14, 2011
Video: Bilderberg Conference 2011 St. Moritz (NWO)
My translation: it's useless to fight against the New World Order - we propped you up, we can take you down. Now get with our one-world-government agenda or else.
Now here's an outsider's video report from St. Moritz on Bilderberg Conference June 2011 which was provided to me by the excellent
Posted: 13 Jun 2011 09:49 AM PDT
Corbett Report viewer Chad Buchanan of submits this video report from the site of this year’s Bilderberg conference in St. Moritz, Switzerland.
Implementing Those Utopian Dreams
by Jude Cowell
In the video above, we learn that old David Rockefeller turned up in St. Moritz as did known war criminal Henry Kissinger, both hoping to seal the NWO deal before they kick off to the Great Beyond. Hopefully, neither will 'let the screen door hit their bums' on the way out. (No, I never tend to wish for anyone's demise, but really!)
Well, you remember David Rockfeller's famous speech before the Trilateral Commission in 1991 about establishing a New World Order (aka, one-world-government), right? Here's an illuminating snippet:
"But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
And former presidential candidate Nelson Rockfeller was squawking about the same totalitarian bilge back in the 1960s when it was reported by the AP that, "as president, he would work toward international creation of a new world order." He'd have to in order to become US president! Yet another took his place at the helm.
Often I think of Rockefeller's pledge in 2011 as national leaders are shown the door (in the Middle East and elsewhere.) One assumes they're not cooperating well enough while wishing to retain a nation-state status for their own purposes and for NWO types, nation-states just won't do.
If such topics interest you, check out this NWO Timeline to see who's been touting world government through the decades. But the list doesn't go back in history nearly far enough! We'd need to consider such luminaries as Sir Francis Bacon & cohorts for that - those who inspired the founding of the 'New Atlantis' aka, America.
And prior to that European crew's exalted utopian vision of dominating the entire world, we'd have to go back as far as their guiding light, Satan. (Note: some Luciferians are alleged to think that the concept of 'satan' is a myth. In past studies, I learned that the entity was called Lucifer while in Heaven, but 'Satan' once he was cast out of Heaven, then tempted and corrupted the Earth through lies of insinuation against God. But pursuing either idol - Satan or Lucifer - results in worshiping death rather than life.)
For more on such topics check this out. It includes much info along with a list of the then-top 8 stockholders of the Federal Reserve System which I reproduce below to whet your sleuthing appetite. These are the dudes in control of America's money supply (instead of the US Congress minting our money.) Note that Lehman Brothers was high handedly taken out of commission during the engineered Financial Collapse of 2008:
Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin
Lazard Brothers Banks (sounds like, Lizard) of Paris
Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam
'Lehman Brothers Bank of NY'
Kuhn-Loeb Bank of NY
Manhattan Bank of NY
Goldman-Sachs Bank of NY
What amazes me is that anyone with a connection to the Internet can doubt that there's a massive, long term conspiracy afoot to crash governments and financial systems and establish a new totalitarian system in Satan's image which the power elites so lovingly call a New World Order!
Astrologically, in 2011 we see much of the strong-arm energy playing out brutally and forcefully through the auspices of an apex Pluto in Capricorn squaring the opposition between status quo Saturn and futuristic Uranus, an opposition which is stressful enough on its own without wealthy saboteur and assassin Pluto's intervention!
And though regular readers of SO'W are probably quite fatigued by it, I'll close by again typing out from Michael Munkasey's book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, the midpoint picture formed these several months by the Cardinal (outgoing, initiating energy) T-Square (frustration; blockages) between the trio of globalist culprits:
Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: concealing changes to activities (ex: secretive world-directors the Bilderbergers meet in St. Moritz June 2011! jc); drastic changes in a previously liberal atmosphere; termination of extreme practices which have been hindering progress; rigid inflexibility replaces adaptation.
May 14, 2011
Joining the NWO? See "IllumiCorp" the film (video)
It explains methods of infiltration, demonstrates Illuminati hierarchy, and reveals how the world has been inundated with their propaganda of "inevitability" from all directions - from inside our societal institutions (Politics near the end of Part I, Media near the beginning of Part II, plus, Banking, Religion, Education, etc.)
No, this isn't at all easy to watch or consider yet its imaginary way of delivering information is worth checking out whether the fright factor is haunting or not. Actually the content riles me no end but I managed to get to the end of it.
Now if only the reptile-brained, bold-hearted casterds would slink away to their lusty dairs and leave fecent dolk alone. (That's code for They Su*k.)
Part 1 of 2:
Part 2 of 2:
Many thanks from SO'W to for the heads-up on this presentation.
And you know, the film's theme echoes a book I've just begun reading and which I recommend to you: Nicholas Hagger's The Syndicate: The Story of the Coming World Government which gives a behind-the-scenes look at such topics as above, which include the secret and undermining machinations through the centuries of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and others too numerous to mention know: those who own governments and fund both sides of wars and revolutions.
Well, if you've visited this site before, perhaps you noticed a quote in the sidebar from Woodrow Wilson:
"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."
And (in a whisper, she typed) that "something" is most often called: Illuminati, a very Uranus/Neptune affair.
Mar 24, 2011
Leuren Moret: Japan quake-nuke meltdown "no accident" (video)
Scientist Leuren Moret (a heroine of mine if I tended to maintain pedestals for human beings!) says the current earthquake-meltdown conditions in Japan were done deliberately. I've been waiting for this news, haven't you? Here's the scoop which I found bwo the excellent
(ExopoliticsTV) – Independent scientist Leuren Moret, whose 2004 landmark article in the Japan Times unmasked lies and distortions by government and company officials that led to the construction of nuclear power plants in seismically dangerous areas, has declared in an exclusive 65-minute video interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre that the “Japan earthquake and “accidents” at the Fukushima’s 6 nuclear power plant units starting March 11, 2011 are in fact deliberate acts of tectonic nuclear warfare, carried out against the populations ecology of Japan and the nations of the Northern Hemisphere, including the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. #
Radiation is being found in mainland US now and said by authorities to be 'safe' yet I doubt those with compromised immune systems, the elderly, and the young will be feeling 'safe' for very long after radiation builds up in their systems.
Now I realized years ago that these power elites seeking world government control are playing for keeps but their latest nuclear caper just seems to be permanently ruining the whole litterbox for all us cats, even the fat ones, don't you agree?
This may call for a kitty cat photo of our fatcat-in-residence, Grace!

Also online: Lim's Limericks where cats write political limericks and verse and I type them up for the blog because cats don't have typing fingers.
Jan 20, 2011
Pluto opposes US natal Jupiter: Is America run from Beijing? video
Transition to tyranny: America has been swallowed up by the globalists and will now be run from Beijing:
Is it ironic that after America set up or propped up puppet governments all over the world, Washington may now be a capital of puppets jerked around by Beijing? With Communist Party leader Hu Jintao royally feted by President Obama at the White House this week, it's no wonder Washington's marionette strings are showing.
And it's tempting when using Mundane Astrology to count 'secret hand' Pluto (The Dragon, symbol and favorite mascot of China) as one of the 'powerful, wealthy partners' opposing America's natal planets in Cancer which includes US natal Sun 14Can, our leader.
'14Can' = "A Very Old Man Facing Dark Space to the Northeast"...SANCTION:
positive expression: a highly effective enlistment of deeper and hidden elements of life for some momentary end;
negative/unconscious/shadow side: lack of purpose and utter chaos in understanding.
But which Sabian Symbol describes the American people? Using the US Sibly natal chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA), we-the-people = '28AQ"...
"A Tree Felled and Sawed"...IMMEDIACY:
pos: man's uninhibited and enthusiastic desire to be at work or to mobilize everything around him in his own interest;
neg/unconscious/shadow side: unnecessary surrender to hard or unrewarding effort through a total lack of imagination.
Transiting Neptune still hangs about the US Moon causing floods, massive storms, fraud, deception, disillusion, and media campaigns against the American people.
Now both symbols for US Sun (the leader) and Moon (the people) can relate to the Iroquois Confederation from whence most of our 'freedom documents' were inspired...the northeast - the League of the Iroquois and the Great Law of Peace. In fact, a contemporary of Benjamin Franklin, Cadwaller Colden, wrote that the Iroquois had "outdone the Romans."
For further reading on such topics I recommend Founding Fathers, Secret Societies by Dr. Robert Hieronimus...subtitle: Freemasons, Illuminati, Rosicrucians, and the Decoding of the Great Seal.
And I don't know about you, but considering how the US government has been steadily selling out our nation's future and sovereignty these last decades, I'm feeling pretty much 'felled and sawed'.
Jan 3, 2011
Jan 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse: Astronomy and Astrology
Astrology Adds Meaning
The Jan 4, 2011 eclipse falls in the 13 North Series: 'groups and associations; large ambitious group projects which require the breaking of a previous bond which leads to success; separation, then joint achievement', to paraphrase Brady's Predictive Astrology.
Here's a video (which you may view by clicking the EarthSky link above) of the February 7, 2008 Solar Eclipse in the 10N Series. Astrologically: 'communications, frustrating or inhibiting events come along via news, paperwork, or a young person; feeling drained and tired.' (Brady.)
Almost sounds like a precursor to WikiLeaks revelations, doesn't it?
The Feb 7, 2008 eclipse above is the one I titled, The Unmasking Eclipse for its manifestation @ '18AQ', the degree of a man's true motives being revealed (from its Sabian Symbol)...again, rather WikiLeaks-esque.
The next Solar Eclipse that will be viewable from North America (and it's also a partial) will be on May 20, 2012 @ 00Gem21 in the 14 South Series: 'long periods of hard work, then success as an obsessive idea and methodologies are finally accepted (one-world-government? no! jc); a long-awaited breakthrough'.(Brady.) Or does 'long-waited breakthrough' have something to do with the much-ballyhooed 11:11 portal?
The May 2012 eclipse occurs upon Fixed Star Alcyone with the star's unfortunate keywords: 'something to cry about' and in her book Eclipses, Celeste Teal has titled it: Property Agreements with a possible treaty of some sort for the US, visiting ambassadors, and unsettled conditions.
In Horary Plain & Simple, Anthony Louis adds for Alcyone: sorrow, unlucky, exile, suffering, and in her Book of Fixed Stars, Bernadette Brady adds: inner vision and insight but judgmental, the Fates and the judging of the dead to this star of Eta Taurus which is of the turbulent nature of the Pleiades (the Seven Sisters who weep.)
Judgmental anger and ruthlessness when dealing with those who have not fulfilled necessary requirements are indicated for May 2012 though there is potential for real insight and understanding if harshness is avoided.
Astro-Political Note: the 112th Congress gavels in at noon on Wednesday January 5, 2011 with US natal Chiron, the sacred warrior archetype, rising.
Sep 27, 2010
US being molded into a police state
It's official: America is a police state, says Dr. Paul Craig Roberts with whom I heartily agree for I believe that the attacks of 9/11/01 have been a signpost along the way.
Look at the engineered Financial Crisis 2008: bankruptcy rates have greatly increased ever since with more home foreclosures lining up in the wings. And what is the Sabian Symbol for the Moon (the people) on the morning of 9/11/01?
'28 Gemini' = "BANKRUPTCY" with the astrological Moon describing a reigning need.
How much clearer could it be that these events are part of an over-arching process to weaken this nation financially and socially and cause we-the-people to plead for a new world order (aka, one-world-government) to 'rescue' us? Some rescue!
The current move to include 'home grown terrorism' on the US government's target and enforcement lists is part of the process toward totalitarianism and world government. Alas, some of us expected and dreaded it when neocon Zionist warhawks usurped the White House in December 2000 (not that Al Gore isn't one of the social engineers, too - perhaps a member of a different faction than Cheney and his ilk.)
And the government proceeds as if everyone trusts that terrorist acts are committed by culprits identified by the US government! Bosh!
So now in 2010, America's becoming a police state should be no surprise to anyone. Our resources have been, after all, used for decades to fund an international police force for the entire world with hundreds of global US military bases at-the-ready.
Besides, you weren't going to use that Social Security check, were you?
Sep 18, 2010
Meet the Tea Party candidates (video)
Alex D'Atria of GOP Thinks sent along this video with details on a gaggle of Tea Party candidates and their ideas of how to govern. The smorgasbord includes Sharron Angle and Rand Paul for your 'be very afraid' consideration.
Ah, US Politics...anything emotionally engaging that keeps the American people's panties in a twist, us at each others' throats, and the power elite in charge!
And here's an oldie but moldy concerning neocon Bill Kristol's 1993 political strategy memo which sent to the GOP on how to obstruct the health care reform that might have benefited the American people years ago. Now Tea Partisans are trying to obstruct the GOP's easy slides into Capitol Hill, and in some cases, the same for Democratic incumbents.
Now on a personal level, I find this political theater tres amusing.
But on a business-of-the-people level, any Tea Partisans who make it all the way and have ideas such as those expressed in the above video could manage to gridlock the political process more than they help our nation. Yet schizophrenically, I do agree with Tea Party activists that something needs to be done about how establishment Washington politicians have undermined our country and sold the American people down the tubes toward a global internationalist New World Order. So far I've yet to hear any of them approach topics in those terms, have you?
And because it's a common trait of human nature that ego games are played in every area of life (especially where money, power, and prestige are concerned), I have doubts that the Koch brothers' funded Tea Party movement, if victorious, will be any different than the same old egotistical power plays we've always seen in Washington - only the team members' names will be changed.
My suspicion is that switching middle management will make little if any difference, for Washington politicians' habit of succumbing to blackmail to keep their positions, and the control of politicians by powers behind the throne and 'special interests', will continue.
Meanwhile (though it may be entertaining) Tea Partisans seem to me to be playing on the bottom rungs of power when real decisions are made far above - where ballots are counted, and from whence our cat's paw presidents are installed.
Why, a Tea Partisan newly seated in the US Congress would be a mere kitten tangled in yarn! And ripe for very easy sabotaging, I might add.
Yes, it is most unfortunate for America's future as a sovereign nation that the infestation of Washington DC needs a lot more than out-of-the-mainstream candidates challenging traditional GOP and Democrat power bases to successfully clear out the vermin now rotting the American woodwork.
But perhaps it represents some sort of belated start.
May 5, 2010
CFR and NWO videos and the Jupiter/Saturn cycle
Can't think why I've never posted this 10 minute video montage of people in their own words about shoving through a New World Order, most speakers for, few against.
If you don't have 10 minutes to spare, go about 2 minutes in and you'll see what all the fuss is about with Professor Carol Quigley's assessment. Hold on though for Bush Sr, Bill Clinton, and Ron Paul, among others. As the Illuminati might prefer to tout, this is an 'enlightening' and 'illuminating' video.
You know, it would suit me well if all political candidates for all offices the world over were henceforth expected by voters and constituents to express where they (the candidates) stand on the subject of the known agenda of a 'one world government', 'New World Order', 'new economic order', 'new world economic order', 'New Millennial Age', or whatever fancy label the psychotic totalitarianism promoters wish to hide behind and impose upon an unwilling world.
If the agenda's proponents are so proud and confident of its merits, we-the-people (and people of other nations) should be told who stands for what and whose interests our 'leaders' in truth represent. For in a 'New World Order' we can be certain the policies of such 'representatives' will never act in the best interests of the people.
But the people would need the mainstream media to cooperate in getting out such info, wouldn't they?
Funny Story There
This second video is 4 mins 33 seconds with information on the founding of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), an entity which VP Joe Biden is said to rule. (Plus, Biden is proud to be a 'Zionist' he says and I believe him on that score.) Quigley's quote is featured in this video, too.
Anyone concerned about the turn the US media has taken (newspaper shut-downs, closings, mergings, etc) since the Millennium began may wish to rip off the mask of the CFR and peer into the raptor's gaze...and surprise! We have old JP Morgan to thank for being a catalyst in setting up the organization which gave control and centralization of the US media a big ole' NWO boost starting way back in 1917!
Now you know that any bloggy mention of JP Morgan, Sr inspires me to add my personal favorite of his famous quotes because it concerns his golden-touch money-making ability and his tutelage by the premiere astrologer of his day, Evangeline Adams (yes, of that Adams family):
"Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do."
Girl, you know it's true: financial cycles and planetary cycles are sympatico!
Which is why (as mentioned in a previous post) the current Jupiter/Saturn opposition, the culmination phase of their Great Conjunction on May 28, 2000 @ '23Taurus', has an intimate connection with the timing of what's going on with global stock markets now as the principles of Jupiterian expansion and increase stand off against the restriction and control principles of Saturn.
Plus, on the political level in the US, their opposition portends trouble due to completely divergent views - or, a well-timed partnership - between Democrats (Sat) and Republicans (Jup). Yes, it's going to be a long, hotly contested summer.
Here's a previous post concerning JP Morgan which links you to JP's natal chart and 2008 transits to it.
Plus, I've just discovered that Linda Schurman provides excellent analyses on financials using planetary cycles on her Soothsayer website.
Apr 2, 2010
A Shadow Government free from the law itself
Senator Daniel K. Inouye, during the Iran Contra Hearings and former chair of US Senate MKULTRA-era hearings in 1977
(Above quote courtesy of - click on the tab, upper right for Shadow Government.)
This is the kind of thing that makes me want to keep using America's 'Sibly' version natal chart with its Saturn in 10th house, Neptune in 9th...Saturn/Neptune, among other things, is 'secret' or 'shadow' (Neptune) government (Saturn.) Michael Munkasey gives the political implications of Saturn/Neptune as:
Thesis: Delusions among the real leadership; long lived programs that have no real purpose; policies that restrict spies; misuse of law officers; inefficient use of capable expert advice; mistaken religious leaders.
Antithesis: Leaders deceive about the exercise of control; deficient practices exposed; respected persons involved in questionable practices (most of the US Congress and White House? jc); a leader capitulates; reliable equipment failures.
Now I know Mr. Munkasey doesn't prefer to be quoted yet I did it anyway! That America has a Saturn/Neptune flavor to our Midheaven (Goals; Aspirations; Public Standing), the most visible point in any chart, is no surprise to the larger world.
It's the citizenry of America going blithely on their ways while ignoring these important issues that alarms me.
Then this morning I received a forwarded email from a friend concerning the immigration legislation that Washington is cobbling together under the auspices of Senators Graham and Schumer - and their stealth move to insert a provision making private-info-embedded chips in National ID Cards a must for every citizen of the US and without which no one - no one - will be able to get a job or buy even the most basic items.
Does this sound like Revelation's mark of the beast without which 'no one will be able to buy or sell'? Does to me.
Aug 30, 2009
Astrology notes~Famous quotes on the New World Order
In his book *The Secret History of the West, Nicholas Hagger says that the term 'new world order' was first used in the modern media by Nelson Rockefeller on **July 26, 1968, when he asserted that he would "work toward international creation of 'a new world order.'"
(The term) 'was widely used following the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989' (Reagan.) 'President George Bush used the term several times before the Gulf War; for instance, "Out of these troubled times...a New World Order can emerge" ('Sept 11, 1991' as displayed in the video below ~ although this precise date is disputed, particularly as noted in this text of Bush Sr's speech to a Joint Session of Congress, Sept 11, 1990, not '1991'; notice in the text he refers to their "fifth objective, 'a new world order.'" jc.)
'And the term has been much-used following the terrorists attacks on New York's Twin Towers and Washington's Pentagon on September 11, 2001, and in association with President George W. Bush's ensuing war in Afghanistan. A new world arrangement is taking place.
The New World Order has frequently been associated with American world dominance and increasing powers of the UN. Essentially is is the creation of a world revolution to form a United States of the World. A world revolution cannot happen everywhere simultaneously; it is by its very nature piecemeal, involving component revolutions in specific local places, now here, not there.'
Hopefully, I am not quoting too much text from Mr. Hagger's book for my intention is to say that the more people reading his books, the better.
In Hagger's next paragraph he goes on to say that 'the immediate roots of the New World' is what he calls a "Syndicate of banking and governing families seeking to control the world's oil, in which the European Rothschilds and American Rockefellers were principal influences,' and that they have had 'a dynastic drive for a one-world regime ever since 1900. 'The drive has been linked with Templar Grand Orient Freemasonry.' (My caps.)
He then questions whether separate revolutions of the last 550 years are linked in some way, and offers the reader other intriguing posers. In his Introduction, Mr. Hagger states that, 'The roots of the New World Order can be found in the dismantling of the old Catholic Europe, and it is to the Reformation and its effects on the Elizabethan world that we must first look, a revolution that influenced Utopians for the next 550 years.' (Remember Rumsfeld's "that's old Europe" brou-ha-ha?)
We're bedeviled by Utopians! So. How 'utopian' does it feel to lose your job and watch your kids go without basic necessities? Now don't you think that if Congress cared a fig they would've avoided plopping us into this broiling stew to begin with? Government is the problem, all right, but not for the reasons government disingenuously cites.
Of course, I have more questions on the topic of the NWO and the chaotic messes the world has been mired in since the 'New Millennium' reared its Nostradamic head:
Are Pentagon-labelled "insurgents" of the Middle East, in their haphazardly violent way, fighting on the correct side of the resource-pillaging Syndicate because they are fighting its establishment as a one-world-government? Is The Octopus, the network of world crime families, actually as against me/my kith and kin (and you, dear reader) just as much as they are against those who stand in their oil-grabbing and plundering way in the Middle East and elsewhere?
Is installing a 'new world order' fair justification for invading Iraq and anywhere else the White House and Pentagon cast a raptor's eye upon? Are you enjoying the 'financial collapse of 2008' as a way of ushering in the economic chaos that is an integral part of the singular money system by which they will manipulate the world's trade, commerce, and basic needs such as food and water?
Are you ready for your day and manner of worship to be dictated to you?
If you haven't yet, read what another Rockefeller had to predict in 1991 about the New World Order, a famous quote that should curdle your bones. These bonesmen play for keeps, as both readers of this, and other blogs, know.
So...what do you think? you think?
*You'll find Ricki Reeves' The Quindecile in my 'Good Books on Astrology' feature in the sidebar to your right.
** As to the Astrology of Rockefeller's open use of the term 'NWO' we note the separating Uranus 26Vir20 (tr Uranus now opposing its 1968 position - in Natal Astrology what would mark one's 'midlife crisis')/Pluto 20Vir59 Conjunction of 1965/66, 16 - 18Virgo), plus, the obsessive-compulsive quindecile (165 degr) between radical reformer Uranus and the North Node of the Moon (public contacts; fated associations.)
In her groundbreaking work, Quindecile, by Ricki Reeves, we find that a QD between Uran/NN = disruption of the status quo bwo innovative ideas; being renowned for inventive ideas; being driven by a need to shock others (as in, 'Shock Doctrine'? jc.) The combination of Uranus/NN = radical political reformers.
The year 1968 was a radically shocking year to our national psyches, to be sure:
April 1968 stunned and bereaved our nation with the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as he proceed to meld The People together in support of anti-war sentiments along with the civil rights movement - a larger, more potent force from We-The-People than each movement could be on its own; June brought the horror and tragedy of Robert Kennedy's assassination to prevent his presidency.
A New World Order pecks from its shell: April, June, and July 1968
So Rockefeller's statement came after two assassinations of leaders the people rallied behind en masse, and all three events happened - were perpetrated - during the 6 North Series whose March 28, 1968 Solar Eclipse manifestation occurred @ '8Aries' and which has this flavor:
Focus on relationships with authority figures; the need to take control and responsibility; commitments come along due to another person's unreliability or illness (or murder. - jc.) (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)
6 North has manifested in the years 1986 (@ '19Aries' on April 9) and 2004 (@29Ari49 on April 19) and will do so again on April 30, 2022 @ '10Taurus,' fyi.
And now, presenting a video of Geo Bush, Sr., in one of his most-remembered you've watched a thousand times and just can't seem to get enough of the crazy-eyed b*st*'s George Herbert Walker Bush touting, predicting, and threatening us on behalf of a 'New World Order' - a Novus Ordo Seclorum manifesting directly under our snoots, if you will...
"...and we will.....," Bush intones with determination.
Now. Don't you think he meant it?