Yes, I would dearly love it if end times weren't crowding in upon us - upon my family, too - but as I've posted before, it's late days. Many signs appear on Earth and in the heavens (As Above So Below!) and although Stars Over Washington may not seem the best place for such topics, and I take the risk of offending the overly sensitive reader, I'm sharing here two links to the same subject matter, one in video form and one text, presented by Rev. Dr. Benjamin I. Corey. Why, these days even secular sources are saying that America is under an "existential threat" so take the content or leave it as you wish, dear reader. However, my advice for you is to take it and at least consider its timely message.
This information was provided by my dear, long-time friend libramoon whose blog Year of Prophecies you may be familiar with. And so I wish to Thank Her for leaving this message as a comment for SO'W. It took me a few days to discover the link but finally I did!
Now just below is the recommended content in either video or text form. Does this well organized presentation pertain to politics? Oh yes, actually it does. Much more so than I wish it did. For what and who manipulates the masses better than a demagoguing politician who adores the sound of his own voice, thrives on outrage, and possesses absolutely not the first shred of a conscience?
What the Bible Predicts About the Antichrist: Do You know What the Bible Actually Says? (28m19s video). And here's the text which imho is perfect for those who may wish to jot down a note or two for Dr. Corey combines Scripture and verse with actual news footage of events as they occurred in real time.
So why "Visions of 2021"? Because themes of the 5 North Solar Eclipse which manifests on June 10, 2021 @20Gemini include "visions and prophetic dreams" and "sudden flashes of psychic ideas that can be acted upon" (Brady). And if you watch or read to the end of Dr. Corey's presentation, you'll know why such themes apply!
Above illustration: 'Cosmic Path and Beyond'; pencil on paper by Jude Cowell.