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Showing posts with label Sun-Neptune square. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sun-Neptune square. Show all posts

Aug 25, 2020

Visions of 2021: Who Can Identify the Antichrist?

August 25, 2020: Less than a week ago a post appeared here asking, Dear Astrology: Is Donald Trump "the chosen one"? noting that natal Sun-Neptune squares can identify a grand self-image of being "a vessel". Yet upon further reflection, I believe things are much more serious and complex than astrological aspects can fully reveal.

Yes, I would dearly love it if end times weren't crowding in upon us - upon my family, too - but as I've posted before, it's late days. Many signs appear on Earth and in the heavens (As Above So Below!) and although Stars Over Washington may not seem the best place for such topics, and I take the risk of offending the overly sensitive reader, I'm sharing here two links to the same subject matter, one in video form and one text, presented by Rev. Dr. Benjamin I. Corey. Why, these days even secular sources are saying that America is under an "existential threat" so take the content or leave it as you wish, dear reader. However, my advice for you is to take it and at least consider its timely message.

This information was provided by my dear, long-time friend libramoon whose blog Year of Prophecies you may be familiar with. And so I wish to Thank Her for leaving this message as a comment for SO'W. It took me a few days to discover the link but finally I did!

Now just below is the recommended content in either video or text form. Does this well organized presentation pertain to politics? Oh yes, actually it does. Much more so than I wish it did. For what and who manipulates the masses better than a demagoguing politician who adores the sound of his own voice, thrives on outrage, and possesses absolutely not the first shred of a conscience?

What the Bible Predicts About the Antichrist: Do You know What the Bible Actually Says? (28m19s video). And here's the text which imho is perfect for those who may wish to jot down a note or two for Dr. Corey combines Scripture and verse with actual news footage of events as they occurred in real time.

So why "Visions of 2021"? Because themes of the 5 North Solar Eclipse which manifests on June 10, 2021 @20Gemini include "visions and prophetic dreams" and "sudden flashes of psychic ideas that can be acted upon" (Brady). And if you watch or read to the end of Dr. Corey's presentation, you'll know why such themes apply!

Above illustration: 'Cosmic Path and Beyond'; pencil on paper by Jude Cowell.

Aug 20, 2020

Dear Astrology: Is Donald Trump "the chosen one"?

Astro-Notes: Trump's Unconscious Desires

by Jude Cowell

August 20, 2020: On August 21, 2019, Donald Trump, while speaking to reporters, declared, "I am the chosen one" who "was put here by people." He was referring to his dealings with China but had a few hours earlier tweeted about being the 'king of Israel' and the "Second Coming" of God. While the man's Christ vs anti-Christ status remains a topic of debate, Trump is well known for having a massive ego, and for being a serial liar and con man. But can Natal Astrology account for an expanded self-image of such celestial magnitude?

Now often his misperceptions, deceptions, deceit, loose lips, indiscretion, and odd notions I have put down to his Mercury-Neptune square for many of his personal flaws can be put down to it, along with his Geminian tendency toward duplicity. But it seems to me that daring to cast himself as a messiah figure (out loud in public!) cries out for additional astrological input. What could reflect such ideas about his self-image?

Now you should know that I sometimes awaken from dreams in which Astrology appears, as I did today, and this time the subject was squares. Knowing a little about a certain square in particular which relates to one's self-image and identity I snagged a quick glance at the natal aspects of Donald Trump (June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt - allegedly - Queens or Jamaica, NY). No, Trump wasn't born with a Sun-Neptune square, thought I, but lo and behold what he does have is what I've previously called a "hidden square", an aspect of 256 degrees (or, a 1-2 degree orb), unconscious to be sure. Now for astrologers who use such an aspect (could this be you?), for Trump this falls within the Sun-Neptune square category so here I shall quote from The Astrologers' Handbook (Sakoian and Acker) lest any reader think I'm making this up. Their description will cover romantic and financial tendencies, too, and here I shall add that his father (Sun) didn't provide Donnie with a healthy self-image--it was, in fact, full of error (Neptune):

Sun Square Neptune: "This is the aspect of self-deception par excellence. If the natives are mystically inclined, they often consider themselves the chosen vessels of some Master or Divine Being. This belief is often the result of an unconscious desire for importance.

These persons can be vessels in a pure sense, but only if the rest of the horoscope shows a good mentality, humility, and realistic practicality. A well-developed Mercury and Saturn will do much to offset the negative effects of this square.

Very often peculiar emotional desires and romantic tendencies are indicated which can range from platonic love to the most morbid and debased physical type of sensuality. Secret love affairs and scandal leave confusion in their wake.

The imagination is often overworked and feeds the natives desires to the point where they indulge in self-destructive acts. Severe weaknesses of character can develop, distorting perception of reality. But these difficulties will be manifested only if the rest of the horoscope provides indications of a similar nature.

Usually there is a tendency toward escapism as a means of avoiding individual responsibility and discipline. A well developed Saturn will offset this.

Utmost caution should be exercised to avoid involvement in cults and occult mystical activities of a spurious sort. The motives and character of people who interact with the native emotionally should be carefully and objectively scrutinized.

Unstable and unwise financial speculation should be avoided, since get-rich quick schemes will end in disaster."

Well, there it is. Or there he is. Whether you, dear reader, agree with this description, scoff at the importance of hidden squares, or stubbornly refuse to see Trumpian flaws due to your own idolatry of the man, you may agree or disagree with the above assessment as you wish. However, Trump's Saturn in watery Cancer is weakened by its detriment (opposite Capricorn) and his Mercury in emotional, overly sensitive, self-protective Cancer causes him to look only at facts he wants to see and deny the rest, as well as to consider whatever is done or said within his environment to be directed at himself. And as leader of the 'cult of Trump', backed by hidden people who 'put him here' in the White House, his leanings and tendencies seem clear to me, if not to you, as described, above.

Yes, more aid from his natal Mercury and Saturn would help his Sun-Neptune condition, of course, but I don't consider that to be the case for the poor old fella.

And when we look to the midpoint of his Mercury-Saturn @16Can20, what do we find? Why, his natal Nemesis @16Can40, of course! Trump, at loose ends in the White House, apparently spends hours a day pondering (Mercury-Saturn) divine retribution and retaliation (Nemesis) against his enemies (both real and self-created), doesn't he? Add this to his other personal deficiencies such as natal Mars rising in egotistical Leo - aggressively opposing US natal Moon (We The People) - plus, his death-dealing 12th house Mars-Saturn = Pluto midpoint picture, and disaster appears atop our mutual menu with alarming frequency.


Above depiction of Trump created by an unknown personage.