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Showing posts with label Summer Solstice 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summer Solstice 2024. Show all posts

Jun 6, 2024

Summer Solstice 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Astrologically, a steamy Summer 2024 is forecast as we can see in the DC Horoscope of Summer Solstice 2024 with the season's Water-Fire blend of conscious and unconscious energies which can sterilize but may also scald:

Shown above: Summer Solstice June 20, 2024 4:50:58 pm edt Washington DC USA with Scorpio rising and Leo at Midheaven, both rigid Fixed signs of inflexibility and perseverance. It's a solar hour and the Moon @15Sag20 in 2nd house leads a Locomotive shape of planets with ruthless determination toward success. This looks as if fluctuating finances may be involved, including campaign donations. Yet there's the Sun in the 8th house of Shared Resources, and banker Jupiter in the 7th house of Partnerships!

An Apex Sun

There are two main aspectual difficulties for the Sun (leadership): a waning square from nebulous Neptune, and an inconjunct from powerful Pluto Rx. Brief potentials are penned within the aspect grid along with the Moon-Saturn square. Well, no surprise for obviously our society this summer will continue to experience subversion, investigation, and craftiness. We don't need Astrology to tell us this!

Meanwhile, the primary midpoint picture is notated on the chart: Sun = Mars-MC with a potential for blocking out unwanted elements. I should also mention that paranoia concerning foreign invasion is another potential suggested by this word picture and I suspect these energies relate to the Great Saturn-Neptune Conjunction of February 20, 2026 @00Ari45. I connect them mainly because I still consult America's July 54, 1776 Horoscope with Aries Point conjunct 1776 IC, and the fact that Reinhold Ebertin in his book on midpoint pictures gives one potential of Saturn-Neptune = IC as, hysteria. Can paranoia be far behind? Nope, because penned on the above chart is "Mars-MC" = "Fostering paranoia for political control" (M. Munkasey).

Yet it isn't as if this cynical political ploy isn't already being used againt us, among others, agreed? After all, Maga-ites are masters of fear and paranoia promotion and their gullible cult members fall for the most astoundingly absurd conspiracy theories which makes them look like fools.

So suffice to say in this brief post, a long hot summer is upon us and Campaign 2024 will do We the People few if any favors as the season broils on into Autumn. My hope is that we all will manage to stay cool enough to keep our political jalopies on the road so that we can uphold democracy and freedom in Election 2024 - and thereby sabotage the seditious saboteurs and radical anarchists determined to enslave humanity.

Something I like to remember is that throughout history, barbaric forces of tyranny, hatred, and violence do not have righteousness on their side - for the cause of righteousness is on the side of freedom and democracy, the best form of government that man has yet to devise - and democracy must be continually defended from the forces of evil that would envelope us and our children, so let's pile into that jalopy in November, America!

Mar 12, 2024

Spring Equinox 2024: Moon-Pluto

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

This post is a second look at the Spring Equinox 2024 Horoscope, again set for Washington DC. Unlisted is the Vertex ('VX') of fated encounters which falls at a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation: 00Can11 in the 8th house of the chart which qualifies as a cosmic time link with the 4 North Solar Eclipse @00Can21 on June 21, 2020 with themes of "restriction; restraint; illusion; separation; misjudging strength or the situation' (B. Brady).

Obviously, year 2020 is prominent for America in particular because it ended with the 4 South Electoral College Vote Eclipse of December 14, 2020 @23Sagittarius (near Trump's natal Moon/SN) with its "strong emotions over finances and/or relationships; sudden urge to end unions; blocked emotions; sense of fatedness; events beyond control; avoid rash action" (paraphrasing B.Brady). And as we know, these frustrated energies gave rise to "The Big Lie."

So as you see for year 2024, there's a prominent, emotional Moon-Pluto opposition (astro-notes penned on the chart, upper center) with Pluto @1AQ39 in 3rd house leading a BOWL shape (advocating for a cause along with Altair, the eagle star of empire) while combative Mars @27AQ46 conjuncts the IC of Domestic Scene and suggesting the quarrels, anger, and a potential for violent acts which Campaign 2024 could bring - but no one needs Astrology to tell them these possibilities:

Now for astrologers who use a late afternoon horoscope for America (July 4, 1776), Mars @26AQ46 conjuncts US Moon in late Aquarius which adds another level of belligerence and aggression to the Spring 2024 Moon-Pluto picture. Plus, as you know, a Spring Equinox Horoscope may be utilized for an entire year but also for a quarter of a year with the Summer Solstice 2024 Horoscope "taking over" in June. Yet obviously, an overview of both charts, plus, Autumn EQ and Winter Solstice will provide the broadest picture of an entire year into the next.

As an example, society has continued to operate under the auspices of the Winter Solstice 2023 Horoscope since last December and will continue to do so until the above March 19th horoscope "takes over" the reins, so to speak. Well, planetary positions do morph into one another don't they, as round and round they go, cycles within cycles.

Then last but not least, the above foundational position of warrior planet Mars diametrically opposes the natal Mars @26Leo46 and rising of Mr. Trump and reveals a year of hitting his head against a brick wall (due to irrational/unreasonable desires, as echoed above in my the Moon-Pluto opposition notes), with his ideas, plans, and aggressive actions meeting the equally determined forces arrayed against him.

And all under the influence of the 7 South Solar Eclipse which manifested on October 14, 2023 @21Lib07 with themes of "crisis," or, "a huge obstacle suddenly clears" with everything seeming to "move at great speed" (B. Brady) - and in Libra, the sign of the Scales of Justice.