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Showing posts with label Trump Trial May 13 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump Trial May 13 2024. Show all posts

May 11, 2024

Trump Trial May 13, 2024: Michael Cohen

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

When the Election Interference trial of D. Trump gavels back in session on Monday May 13, 2024, it is expected that former Trump employee Michael Cohen will testify. Perhaps this will not be on Monday, but during the week since the prosecution announced on Friday that they have only two more witnesses to call.

Now I have only a noon natal horoscope in my files for Michael Cohen but a noon chart "works" quite well when snugged around a Trump Trial Horoscope set for May 13, 2024 9:30 am edt Manhattan, NY, as you see here:

And here's the Trump Trial May 13, 2024 9:30 am edt Manhattan, NY Horoscope by itself, study notes included; Rising is 19Can11; MC 00Ari20 with Neptune of the masses and mass media @29Pisces conjunct the star of misfortune, Scheat; of course with gaslighting Neptune there are issues of deception, fraud, and corruption with a large side order of cultism:

Because 19Can11 rises, the first house Moon in Leo is chart-ruler so her the opposition from Pluto is paramount (see the center of the chart); a sesquisquare from legal eagle Saturn indicates that complex and calculating questions will be posed. Meanwhile, Donald's first natal planet to rise is his 11th house Saturn @23Can48, followed closely by natal Venus @25:44. This suggests potentials such as the wide age difference between Donald and Stormy, the austere surroundings and cold atmosphere in the court room, discontent in relationships, and/or scenes of jealousy (R. Ebertin). This is where I add, poor ole fella.

Now as you know, this Election Interference Trial is occurring under the auspices of the Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 conjunct Chiron also @19Ari24 in the 8 North Saros Series of '"dreams and visions" (not entered on the chart but in 10th house between Chiron and North Node if it were). With Mr. Trump bringing to the surface America's original wound of racism, we're given a karmic opportunity to deal with such flaws in the American psyche but as we all know, there are dark forces operating across the globe today, determined to make matters worse in US society, not to find solutions.

In fact, outside actors have been maliciously working against democracy for years and they think they're about to successfully destroy Enlightenment principles once and for all. Theirs is a global movement which includes various criminal networks of thugs and thieves, which means that the US government is fighting against a vast entity, a cabal that would destroy our nation - and not just against the orange marauder and his cultish gang of barbarians and berserkers.

See Ali Velshi's How Republicans are fueling Russia and China's global effort to undermine democracy.

One watershed moment in relation to such anti-democracy efforts occurred with the Great Conjunction/s of Neptune and Pluto (organized crime) of 1891/92 which landed upon US 1776 Uranus @9Gemini, our totem planet of war and rebellion. Obviously, industrialists, the robber baron generation and their spawn (biological and/or ideological) are indicated and America's homegrown anarchists and malcontents are identified by radical Uranus. These days, the Revolutionary rebels of 1776 are used to mask saboteurs now working to undermine and collapse America as we saw demonstrated on January 6, 2021 by Donald's violent coup attempt. As you know, his effort is ongoing.

So all this makes up one of the primal reasons why Election 2024 results cannot go the barbarian way of primal Pluto's animalism!

Intense Conflict-High Emotions: Moon-Pluto and Cohen's natal Mars

Then when it comes to prosecution witness Michael Cohen, we know that he was born into a difficult eclipse series, the 4 North, with themes of "restriction, restraint, illusion." The last manifestation of a 4 North Eclipse was the Summer Solstice 2020 Eclipse @00Cancer of worldwide events - yet we knew not what November 2020 would bring! One of the things it brought was Election 2020 - and a 4 South Solar Eclipse @23Sag08 on the very day of the Electoral College Vote which went for Joe Biden, and sparked sore loser Trump's 'Big Lie' (illusion) from which the American people still suffer - the believers and non-believers alike.

Notable in the trial chart is a dynamic T-square in which the fearful Moon-Pluto opposition points toward testifying Mercury @28Aries, the "A Large Disappointed Audience" degree. Plus, Mercury conjuncts the J6 Mars which may or may not be significant.

So! My hope is that this weekend post is not a complete waste of time and effort since I don't actually know for certain that Michael Cohen will testify Monday, next week, or at all. But if he doesn't, we at least have the Trump Trial Horoscope for May 13, 2024 to keep an eye on, yes? And its influence should be 'good for' the entire week.

Eclipse source: Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.

Now to close, here's my quirky little pencil drawing, A Large Disappointed Audience: