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Showing posts with label Summer Solstice 2020 Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summer Solstice 2020 Eclipse. Show all posts

May 11, 2024

Trump Trial May 13, 2024: Michael Cohen

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

When the Election Interference trial of D. Trump gavels back in session on Monday May 13, 2024, it is expected that former Trump employee Michael Cohen will testify. Perhaps this will not be on Monday, but during the week since the prosecution announced on Friday that they have only two more witnesses to call.

Now I have only a noon natal horoscope in my files for Michael Cohen but a noon chart "works" quite well when snugged around a Trump Trial Horoscope set for May 13, 2024 9:30 am edt Manhattan, NY, as you see here:

And here's the Trump Trial May 13, 2024 9:30 am edt Manhattan, NY Horoscope by itself, study notes included; Rising is 19Can11; MC 00Ari20 with Neptune of the masses and mass media @29Pisces conjunct the star of misfortune, Scheat; of course with gaslighting Neptune there are issues of deception, fraud, and corruption with a large side order of cultism:

Because 19Can11 rises, the first house Moon in Leo is chart-ruler so her the opposition from Pluto is paramount (see the center of the chart); a sesquisquare from legal eagle Saturn indicates that complex and calculating questions will be posed. Meanwhile, Donald's first natal planet to rise is his 11th house Saturn @23Can48, followed closely by natal Venus @25:44. This suggests potentials such as the wide age difference between Donald and Stormy, the austere surroundings and cold atmosphere in the court room, discontent in relationships, and/or scenes of jealousy (R. Ebertin). This is where I add, poor ole fella.

Now as you know, this Election Interference Trial is occurring under the auspices of the Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 conjunct Chiron also @19Ari24 in the 8 North Saros Series of '"dreams and visions" (not entered on the chart but in 10th house between Chiron and North Node if it were). With Mr. Trump bringing to the surface America's original wound of racism, we're given a karmic opportunity to deal with such flaws in the American psyche but as we all know, there are dark forces operating across the globe today, determined to make matters worse in US society, not to find solutions.

In fact, outside actors have been maliciously working against democracy for years and they think they're about to successfully destroy Enlightenment principles once and for all. Theirs is a global movement which includes various criminal networks of thugs and thieves, which means that the US government is fighting against a vast entity, a cabal that would destroy our nation - and not just against the orange marauder and his cultish gang of barbarians and berserkers.

See Ali Velshi's How Republicans are fueling Russia and China's global effort to undermine democracy.

One watershed moment in relation to such anti-democracy efforts occurred with the Great Conjunction/s of Neptune and Pluto (organized crime) of 1891/92 which landed upon US 1776 Uranus @9Gemini, our totem planet of war and rebellion. Obviously, industrialists, the robber baron generation and their spawn (biological and/or ideological) are indicated and America's homegrown anarchists and malcontents are identified by radical Uranus. These days, the Revolutionary rebels of 1776 are used to mask saboteurs now working to undermine and collapse America as we saw demonstrated on January 6, 2021 by Donald's violent coup attempt. As you know, his effort is ongoing.

So all this makes up one of the primal reasons why Election 2024 results cannot go the barbarian way of primal Pluto's animalism!

Intense Conflict-High Emotions: Moon-Pluto and Cohen's natal Mars

Then when it comes to prosecution witness Michael Cohen, we know that he was born into a difficult eclipse series, the 4 North, with themes of "restriction, restraint, illusion." The last manifestation of a 4 North Eclipse was the Summer Solstice 2020 Eclipse @00Cancer of worldwide events - yet we knew not what November 2020 would bring! One of the things it brought was Election 2020 - and a 4 South Solar Eclipse @23Sag08 on the very day of the Electoral College Vote which went for Joe Biden, and sparked sore loser Trump's 'Big Lie' (illusion) from which the American people still suffer - the believers and non-believers alike.

Notable in the trial chart is a dynamic T-square in which the fearful Moon-Pluto opposition points toward testifying Mercury @28Aries, the "A Large Disappointed Audience" degree. Plus, Mercury conjuncts the J6 Mars which may or may not be significant.

So! My hope is that this weekend post is not a complete waste of time and effort since I don't actually know for certain that Michael Cohen will testify Monday, next week, or at all. But if he doesn't, we at least have the Trump Trial Horoscope for May 13, 2024 to keep an eye on, yes? And its influence should be 'good for' the entire week.

Eclipse source: Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.

Now to close, here's my quirky little pencil drawing, A Large Disappointed Audience:

Apr 16, 2024

Old Trump Discovers He's Not a King!

No Thumb on the Scale But Ketchup On the Wall

by Jude Cowell

In the Manhattan courtroom of Judge Juan Marchan this week, Mr. Trump is finding it quite impossible to put his thumb on the Scales of Justice as he has always managed to do. Glowering, frowning, staring pointedly, and napping certainly haven't worked for his nibs. No jury member was seated yesterday but about 50 of them were excused.

A don't-miss report is Rachel Maddow Highlights April 15, 2024 with her commentary including Michael Cohen, set to testify in the Trump Election Interference Trial that began yesterday in Manhattan, Trump's interference in the Department of Justice to delete information on his involvement for which he's now on trial (yet Michael Cohen spent three years in prison for his part bribing Stormy Daniels), the "catch and kill" scheme with The National Enquirer's David Pecker (paramour Karen McDougal may also testify), and other topics.

You'll remember that back in the day the FBI raided Michael Cohen.

Michael Cohen Born in the 1960s' Uranus-Pluto Era

Now with my printer-scanner out of working order since yesterday, I can't post the noon natal chart of Michael Cohen but I can mention the fact that the Eclipse Saros Series into which Michael was born on August 25, 1966 is the difficult 4 North of May 20, 1966 @29Taurus, a critical degree, with themes of "restriction, inhibition, restraint, separation, illusions; events block the individual and he's prone to misjudge strength or the situation" (paraphrasing B. Brady).

The last 4 North Eclipse occurred as the Summer Solstice June 21, 2020 @00Cancer (00:21), a Cardinal World Point of manifestation and global events. Based on its Solar and Lunar Eclipses, 1966 was a Taurus-Scorpio sort of year with Uranus-Pluto-in-Virgo undertones.

A current transit to Michael Cohen's natal planets include a three-fer visit from transit Neptune to his natal Saturn Rx @28Pis05 timing an extended period of clouds and confusion for him, but also a time to find new ways to approach his own sense of authority. However, the best way for anyway to handle this transit is to depend on spiritual assets, and the presence of priestly Chiron @24Pis55 in his natal chart, where transit Neptune has already tarried, underscores such a need - spiritualism over materialism. Michael testifying for the prosecution against Snoozy Don is part of this change.

Then with a natal Neptune-South-Node conjunction @19Scopio, Michael has experienced a life of intrigue and unfortunate circumstances, and now has an opportunity to act as a channel for the Collective to work out spiritual purposes under very difficult conditions. It seems obvious to me, if not to dear readers like you, that his Collective task involves outing the criminal conduct of his former employer, the highly materialistic Donald Trump.

Jun 22, 2021

Astro-Notes on the Dixiecrats of 1948 and their spawn

by Jude Cowell

Back in the day, a gaggle of anti-Civil-Rights Southerners, known as the Dixiecrats, met in Birmingham, Alabama and on July 17, 1948 nominated South Carolina Gov. Strom Thurmond for president and Mississippi Gov. Fielding L. Wright for vice president. The Truman and Democratic Party programs supporting Civil Rights for the disenfrachised victims of our country had enraged them, apparently enough to secede from the Democratic Party and proceed to row their own political canoe of States' Rights, racial segregation, white supremacy, Southern Nationalism, and other regressive attitudes and policies ('Jim Crow' laws once again being one of them even though the far-right party officially dissolved in 1948 - but we still have the GOP; I suggest that Dixiecrat ghosts continue to haunt us now.)

Plus, President Truman's Executive Order 9981 ended discrimination in the US military, a major faux pas in the eyes of the racist Dixiecrats. (Side note: Strom Thurmond became a Republican in 1964, and in the November 2, 1948 General Election, he received only 39 Electoral Votes and 2.4% of the popular vote.)

Now these events of 1948 occurred soon after the harsh, cruel energies of the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of August 11, 1947 @13Leo07 and the two karmic planets remained in royal Leo by the time of Governor Thurmond's nomination on July 17, 1948, but with an orb of 8+ degrees. And of course, Sun-ruled Leo is the proud, vain sign of the natural leader while a self-satisfied Moon-Jupiter conjunction perfected that very evening in the 20-22 degree-range of Sagittarius (conjunct you-know-who's tiresome, needy Moon-SN conjunction).

Additionally, the formation of the Dixiecrat Party and Thurmond's nomination fell under the cosmic influences of a 4 North Solar Eclipse with its themes of: 'restraint, restriction, inhibition, separation, illusion, and a 'misjudgment of strength or the situation' (Brady). If 4 North themes sound familiar it's because we recently struggled through them again, thanks to the Summer Solstice 2020 Eclipse @00Cancer.

Inconveniently, the natal horoscope of politician Strom Thurmond has no accurate birth time but check out the chart if you wish. Born December 5, 1902 in Edgefield, SC, you'll find an impressive line-up of planets in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius (Mercury-Sun-Venus-Uranus) and with Jupiter @13Aquarius, he possibly was born with an expansive Moon-Jupiter conjunction, not an unusual pairing for a glad-handing politician whose Mama had always assured him that he could be anything he wanted to be, you see. And this vision-of-grandeur belief, if repeated often enough, can sometimes lead to a presidential run!

Yet also visible in Strom's chart is a dynamic T-Square in effect no matter his birth time: Uranus-Pluto = Mars (@23Vir10 - square US 1776 Mars and conjunct US Neptune) with potentials for: 'fanaticism and violence' (R. Ebertin) and/or an 'impulsive, demanding nature' (M. Munkasey). Then as you know, the Uranus-Pluto duo, his a rebellious opposition, suggests potentials for engaging in extremely violent destruction, anarchy, and revolution (A. Oken).

Well, that's enough fussing about my fellow Southerners and their undistinguished actions in US history. Why fuss? Because if you've read SO'W before this you may remember my assertion that the American people must directly face our monsters - 'Dixiecrats', Jim Crow laws, bigotry, violence, and otherwise - if we wish to have any hope whatsoever of vanquishing them and entertaining the better angels our nature.

Personally, my money is on a constitutional America and democracy. How about yours? #

Update July 7, 2021: Expert astrologer Gary Lorentzen has informed me that Richard Nixon invited the Dixiecrats to "formally join the GOP" on August 5, 1968, aka, Nixon's Southern Strategy. This date falls within the 6 North Saros Series with themes of, 'relationship to authority figures, or, the need to take responsibility and control; commitments are presented due to another person's illness or unreliability' (Brady). The last 6 North eclipse occurred in 2004 @30Aries, the next will manifest on April 30, 2022 @10Taurus. Therefore, this political 'slight of hand' amounted to a gaggle of racists joining the Republican Party.

Jul 22, 2020

Can a Past Eclipse Spotlight 2020 Conditions?

Horoscope: 13 South Solar Eclipse January 9, 1777 10:47:04 am LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Ascendant: "3 Aries" = "A Cameo Profile of a Man in the Outline of His Country"

July 22, 2020: Once again I'm attempting to show that a past Solar Eclipse (January 9, 1777 @19Cap50 in the sinister 13 South Saros Series) can continue to describe conditions and events in the US by way of Secondary Progressions along with the real-time eclipse horoscope itself when triggered by current transits. Yes, I've written about this 'history rhymes' situation previously but today a view of the actual 1777 Solar Eclipse Horoscope may add to the picture in relation to current events and is based on Astrology's day-for-a-year method of progressions.

The horoscope for America I've used for today's Secondary Progressions ('SP') is the July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania version though of course other versions may be used as well. If you progress the US horoscope to today's date and check out its 'Prenatal Solar Eclipse' ('PE') you'll see 19Cap50 listed, and in real time that's the January 9, 1777 13 South Solar Eclipse you see pictured, above. Naturally, eclipses in Saturn-ruled Capricorn involve control issues, authority figures, and one's relationship to them. Plus, the negative qualities of the sign such as greed, avarice, coldness, ruthless ambition, and selfishness must be avoided if karmic progress is to be made. Obviously, these negative qualities now shown by regressive Authority Figure #1 and his anti-government, anti-constitutional, anti-humanity enablers are blocking the progressive policies that would improve conditions for the American people and would put corporate bad actors back on their heels. However, consistent efforts must be made along with the correct use of resources (eclipse in Earth). Again, the current regime interrupts what should be our progress, plus, with Jupiter opposing the eclipse, ethical and moral standards must guide and be upheld if we wish to succeed in any significant way. In 1777 General Washington possessed such a character. In 2020 we are hampered by certain low characters infesting and sabotaging our country - in a word, traitors. (See chart, lower left corner.)

For pandemic influences, see upper right (deadly Pluto conjunct the karmic South Node) and consider all the diseases that afflicted the Continental Army. Karma is also shown by Neptune and Pluto (a combo with criminal intentions, or, the use of drugs, the occult, or spirituality) for both are at Nodal Degree, an indication of fate at work, along with interceptions across the 6/12 axis of the victim-savior Virgo-Pisces polarity (yet a different house system might mitigate this particular karmic factor). Personally I think it belongs considering current Virgoan-Piscean conditions and the fact that the 6/12 is involved - health, hospitals, military/police/civil servants, karma, hidden enemies, etc, the very concerns we now struggle with.

So as you can see, I've followed my bad habit of squishing a bunch of study notes onto the image (please enlarge or print to read) but below I will add in this text the themes of 13 South Eclipses since my assertion here is that our nation's current conditions and potential events in 2020 are hereby described in part by 13 South themes 'running in the background' of society and basically unconscious. With US finances in turmoil and congressional disputes over bail-out funds, 1777's Jupiter Rx @20Can15, a critical-crisis degree, is significant and opposes the eclipse (19Cap50). In early 2020, a cosmic time link was formed when this degree and planet were 'eclipsed' on January 10, 2020 by a Lunar Eclipse conjunct Castor. Now as you know, fixed stars are most expressive when eclipsed and Gemini Twin Castor suggests either super creativity, a loss, and/or murder. (You can see the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse notated near Jupiter Rx in 4th house.)

Also notated on the chart and conjunct its IC (the Foundation or Basis of the Matter) is a major cosmic time link which also 'knits together' 1777 and 2020: the
Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse of June 21, 2020 @00Can21
, a Cardinal World Point of global manifestation, and its eclipse themes which we're now experiencing until the next Solar Eclipse on December 14, 2020 (or up to 14 days prior) @23Sag08 in the 4 South Series.

We should also mention that, although it's not officially a YOD pattern of crisis, turning point, a crossroads, health problems, and/or a karmic spiritual opportunity, the Neptune-North-Node sextile points toward Venus (26AQ34 in the karmic 12th house) which also happens to conjunct US natal Moon (We The People). The Neptune-NN pair relates to a lack of community spirit and their sextile of subtle evasion forms the base of a YOD for those who use points or angles other than planets. YOD or not, we have potentials of some midpoint pictures to consider which include Trump's natal Mars (26Leo) for it opposes 1777 Venus and US natal Moon (1776):

Neptune-NN = Venus: misconceptions about other people's relationships and associations; wrong liaisons; unfaithfulness; with Moon: lack of adaptability and community spirit; disappointments; with Mars: disharmony; inability to adjust to circumstances or conditions; association with sick people (R. Ebertin).

Now here are the themes (via Brady's Predictive Astrology) of the 13 South Solar Eclipse that I believe now have influence upon society as shown by cosmic time links and by 2020 transits, particularly the Capricorn trio of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto:

13 South Themes: 'sinister energies; urge to expand which may be frustrated; loss; separation; constitutional crisis and possible dismissal of a leader' (General Washington avoided dismissal but will Trump?); and/or 'evacuation' (Brady). To 'evacuation' I regretfully have added, evictions since many Americans are being unfairly threatened with it by a corrupt administration and a Republican-led Senate so often derelict in its duty.

As for Trump's violent intentions against peaceful protesters, you see notated one factor: Ascendant = Uranus-Pluto: 'applications of force' (Ebertin). By transit, the current position of the Uranus-Pluto midpoint in mid-Pisces opposes and activates the Great Conjunctions in mid-Virgo of revolutionary planets Uranus and Pluto 3 times during the mid-1960s and the Civil Rights Movement and again we see street protests and instigators sent to disrupt the peace and muddy issues.

Yet if we look up and beyond our earthly trials for only a moment, we may find the Sabian Symbol of the 1777 Solar Eclipse degree of '20 Capricorn': "A Hidden Choir Singing", a lovely word picture described by Marc Edmund Jones as, "a symbol of the eternal music of the spheres" and its positive expression of: "a unique gift for establishing a common interest and making it a power for the good of all"!

Note: If this is not your first visit to Stars Over Washington and you're fond of historical eclipses (because who isn't?) perhaps you recall that we've discussed the July 1777 Solar Eclipse in the 14 North Saros Series in a previous post: Is This a Haunting Eclipse from 1777? For then as now, it was difficult days for American Patriots fighting to establish this country, and today we must fight to preserve it.

Jun 2, 2020

Fascism Rising Eclipse of 1933 repeats in 2023

June 2, 2020: Considering the current unrest and turbulence in our nation with National Guard troops ordered or threatened to be ordered to various cities across the land - and with a vision of Trump hunkered down in a bunker - an updated post on the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse Horoscope of 1933 may be of interest. Learning from history so as not to repeat mistakes is a grand thing if it can be accomplished! Unfortunately, given the speed with which America has been sabotaged by authoritarian entities and with martial law and dystopia potentially on the horizon, it seems at this point that the fascist types are the ones who have learned from their mistakes and improved their tactics.

Yes, it is depressing but as progressive author and broadcaster Thom Hartmann always says, Despair is not an option. Thom also says, Democracy is not a spectator sport, so get out there! and finally, Americans are doing just that, taking to the streets, but with the predicable result that paid operatives and anti-democratic thugs of the klannish persuasion are apparently among the crowds in order to stir up violence and destruction, discredit the protests, and give government a justification for clamping down (when we're already under lock down!). The use of subterfuge against We The People, a time-honored tactic of Uranian-Plutonian types, reveals the saboteurs' plan to institute military control of the population thereby completing their government coup and keeping demagogue Trump throttling the helm of the White House. See or review Summer 2020: Uranus-Pluto and Crisis. And note that America's natal Sun in Cancer (July 4, 1776) will be 'eclipsed' by the Lunar Eclipse of July 5, 2020 which is basically the cosmic gift of an eclipse for our national birthday.

Hopefully, the implied changes of direction inspired by the three Summer 2020 eclipses, although turbulent, will turn America toward a more positive course and any secrets or inconvenient facts revealed will uplift democracy, not reduce it further. This, in addition to the fact that the critical Summer Solstice 2020 Eclipse @00Cancer contains potentials for the entire globe.

US Mars the Warrior in Our Turbulent Times

Astrologically, on one level we see these fiery conditions and perversions of goals and actions via US natal Mars turned retrograde by progression since 2006 (when Bush-Cheney 'broke' the military, as I've typed in previous posts of that era). Certainly the symbolic (SP) inward subversion (Rx) of America's Mars' energy, motivation, and action principles aren't what they once were when Mars progressed through the years in forward motion. The concepts of social and political regression (Rx) come to mind as favored by the Republican hierarchy (and others!) who seem determined to regress America back to the 1860s. Led by figurehead Trump, they're attempting now to re-fight the Civil War for they prefer that relic of a bygone era, the Confederate Constitution of 1861 (horoscope shown is timed by the day's New Moon @20Pis59--where transit Neptune is as I type, and there's venal Venus @5Pis18, the degree of the Fascism Rising Eclipse!).

For as you know, in 1776 our country began with Mars in Mercury-ruled Gemini: ready for action, mobile, able to do multiple things simultaneously, yet admittedly on the quarrelsome side, and not always honest in duplicitous Gemini. Now with SP Mars Rx in Venus-ruled Libra, America's motivations and actions depend upon emotions and feelings which often spark conflict rather than the teamwork that could benefit all sides. But radical Utopian zealots don't care about 'all sides', only theirs, and that, to collapse civilization. So perhaps you've noticed that US Mars SP (secondary progressed) conjoins the natal Jupiter of Herr Trump with his constant refrain of, "It's not fair!" However, his multiple personality flaws can only see 'fair' as everything tilting his way which does not provide the balance the American people prefer. And as you know, the hastiness, ambition, and erroneous judgment inherent within a Mars-Jupiter contact have been repeatedly demonstrated during Trump's 3+ years.

And yet the true heart of humanity is shown as peaceful solidarity marches in foreign lands have been inspired by the cruel murder-by-police of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN on May 25, 2020. Thank You World!! For many people abroad can see America's predicament clearly for what it really is yet approximately one third of us cheers on its brutality! General Smedley Butler would not be proud. btw: so far a search of SO'W for my previous posts regarding the July 1, 1933 fascist coup attempt has shown that related videos and links I posted in the past have been mysteriously deleted. However, I have located a recently published video (8M 6s) on the topic Smedley Butler and the Business Plot which is what the coup attempt of 1933 is often called. Because predictably, corporatists and big bankers, driven by fear of FDR's New Deal programs, were the primary culprits (then as now), along with idealists with skewed, brutal perspectives against humanity. (Now that Venus, planet of of perspective, evaluation, diplomacy, and relationship, is back in bounds of the earthly plane, perhaps attitudes of some will improve, although Mercury remains OOBs for now and will turn Rx June 18th.) Still, I must type: it was evil then and it's evil now. After all, recognizing evil when it confronts us is key to facing monsters and vanquishing them!

Above Image: 'Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse' 5Pis29 Feb 24, 1933 12:43:50 pm GMT Berlin, Germany; two interlaced YODs (Finger of God pattern = special tasks, crises, turning point, crossroads, major adjustments, and a potential for karmic progress; apex Jupiter at base of a Venus-Uranus sextile; apex Venus at the base of a Jupiter-Pluto sextile); a fanatic Uranus-Pluto square is in force; the Pluto-Chiron midpoint (plutocracy of oppression; exploitation; disenfranchisement; primal violence; fascism; corporatism; communism; socialism; militarism; totalitarianism; racism; nationalism; 'patriotism'; propaganda, etc) @22Gem42 conjoins the karmic 12th cusp of the 1933 eclipse (in Berlin) and also conjoins US natal Mars (military and police forces; you decide its levels of meaning since upheavals were occurring in the US as well--then as now, Great Depression then as now.) And of course on July 1, 1933, months after FDR was sworn into office for his first term, an attempt began to convince retired General Smedley Butler to lead a coup attempt against President Roosevelt on behalf of fascist saboteurs with thousands of (retired) troops of the American Legion allegedly willing to man up. Would they have done this? I don't know but one of the conspirators who approached Butler was an American Legion leader.

So the 7 North Solar Eclipse of 1933 contains themes of 'deep passion long hidden' and 'lust' (Brady) - one assumes lust for power and control (see power-mad manipulator Pluto rising with starry Pollux!). And of course the same themes will surface in 2023 as the next 7 North Eclipse manifests @29Ari50, a critical-crisis 29th degree--straining to enter Taurus, sign of intolerance and greed (negatively speaking with no aspersion to be cast upon enlightened Taureans of our day!) So as you know, the 00-to-1 degree range of bullish Taurus is thought by some such as myself to be degrees of violence due to the fact that it's Adolf's natal Sun degree and was transited (triggered) each time he committed acts of violence. And being his Sun that was triggered, naturally his out-sized, off-kilter, touchy ego was involved.

Remind you of anyone in particular?

May 2, 2020

Current Conditions and The Tower Solar Eclipse

Societies on the Edge as 'Cosmic Blink'/'Wild Card' Eclipses Run in the Background

by Jude Cowell

As you know, not all solar eclipses bring negative themes to events but all can disrupt society and our lives in a manner similar to the erratic planet of rebellion, Uranus--even those containing positive themes. Naturally, other planetary factors are always involved as well and are part of every eclipse picture and influence. Typically we may look at historical events during the year that a particular eclipse occurs for clues about its potential influences and the change of direction that often ensues in some area of our lives.

Current Karmic Conditions of Contagion, Collapse, and Traumatic Transformation

In a previous SO'W post we discussed The Tower Solar Eclipse which perfected @18Leo41 on August 11, 2018 in the 2 New North Saros Series. By degree The Tower Eclipse of 2018 activated the August 11, 1999 'King of Alarm' Eclipse of Nostradamus fame, one of the signposts that announced the coming of the New Millennium, when the 'winds of war and strife' were set loose upon the Earth. If you wish, follow the link for a view of the August 2018 2 New North Solar Eclipse Horoscope which is set for Washington DC. For as you may already be aware, 2 New North themes mimic Tarot card #16 pictured, above, and involve 'complete collapse of lifestyles and plans', 'loss', and 'rebuilding starts after the dust has cleared' (Brady). Does this describe America's and the world's current condition?

For comparison, an example of a 2 New North Solar Eclipse is the one that manifested in 1964 (@17 Cancer) as the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of the ill-considered, deceitful, racketeering Vietnam War. Loss of lives and lifestyles in Vietnam and for the US and its alliances, plus, loss of funds from America's National Treasury are merely some of its 'collapsing' effects. But of course, war profiteers made out like the bandits they always are, no matter the costs to others.

Then for 'traumatic transformation' we have the current influences of the December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse @4Cap06 in the 3 South Saros Series which is the one we're mired in at the moment with its effects lasting at least until (two weeks before) the next solar eclipse at Summer Solstice 2020.

So this is my fuss for this evening: that a re-consideration of The Tower Solar Eclipse of 2018 in light of current collapsing conditions seems appropriate to me, if not to you, so I'm adding the above link to my previous post in case a reader wishes to check out the August 11, 2018 Horoscope.

As for financial implications of collapse, it seems to be a given. For the initial manifestation of a 2 New North Solar Eclipse perfected on June 17, 1928 @26Gem21 with money planet Jupiter @2Tau42--a degree and planet that wild card Uranus has bumped into off and on of late which suggests a period of potentials such as: careening down an unexpected path, independent education or studying in isolation, and lifestyles and/or political affiliations being emphasized and which may be under re-consideration. Perhaps at the voting booth?

Image above: The Tower #16 card from The Enchanted Tarot a personal favorite. jc

Apr 8, 2020

Current Conditions through the Lens of Eclipses

2020: Cosmic Time links via Historical Eclipses Now Reflected

by Jude Cowell

If you agree that solar and lunar eclipses yield fascinating information concerning the societal and historical realms, perhaps you caught a previous SO'W post Is This a Haunting Eclipse from 1777?. Manifesting within the 14 North Saros Series @13Can10--conjunct US natal Sun--a 14 North Solar Eclipse repeated as the 'Sequestration Eclipse' of November 25, 2011 ('a peculiar turn of events; illness; unexpected happenings in relationships and finances'). Now in 2020, we as a people are feeling 'sequestered' as we practice the doctor-recommended 'social distancing' and 'shelter in place' tactics intended to counter the spread of 'novel coronavirus' which, if infected, leads to Covid-19. Where observed, improvement in stats is shown and curves are "flattened." However, the fight must continue!

Simultaneously, the American people's stamina, endurance, and willingness to follow orders are being tested by government officials who are not necessarily following their own orders. Meanwhile, allegations have been made that celebrities and perhaps certain politicians have been paid to reveal that they have contracted the virus but are 'better now'. Cured even! Tests are readily available for them but for the rest of us, not so much.

So with eclipse themes running in the background of society and solar eclipses having a 19-year cycle of occurrence, history rhymes cyclically (giving society a chance to deal with themes more positively and make karmic progress 'this time around') so that current conditions may be studied via eclipses in history that either repeat by Series (ex: 14 North won't repeat until December 5, 2029 @14Sag), or are activated by degree, or, eclipse themes sometimes repeat within societal conditions so repetition of events/themes are also significant and may be tracked by previous eclipses conjoining modern eclipse degrees. Plus, as you know, certain degrees are deemed from ancient times to be critical or crisis degrees--as are 29 and 00 degrees which can add a sense of impatience and/or rashness to situations.

Summer 2020 Lunar Eclipses Activate Past Solar Eclipses

The Lunar Eclipse @15Sag34 of June 5, 2020 activates and reflects the 16 South Solar Eclipse of December 7, 1779 @15Sag45; 16 South Themes now reflected: 'misdirected motivations; wasted energy especially when dealing with groups'. Therefore, the Sabian Symbol of this degree, rounded-up, is also significant in Summer 2020: '16Sag' = "Seagulls Watching a Ship: Keyword: ALERTNESS; positive expression: a gift for recognizing every opportunity at hand; negative": (unconscious/shadow side--jc): "aimless expectation." Now you may disagree but for me, this symbol describes Trump's recent and continuing performance and his pie-in-the-sky expectations, plus, the plutocrats' habit of seeing every crisis as opportunity--especially the crises they engineer against us. It may also describe both friends and enemies of America watching our Ship of State sinking under the weight of corrupt governance, sails lowered.

Next this Summer comes the Lunar Eclipse of July 5, 2020 @13Cap10. Obviously this 'eclipses' US natal Sun (13Can19 of July 4, 1776 = leader/s) and also activates and reflects the Total Solar Eclipse of July 4, 1777 in the 14 North Saros series, as mentioned and linked, above. Which is why I ask you, feeling sequestered yet? How about oppressed as during our Revolutionary era? And of course, the Cancer-Capricorn polarity contains Security issues and Home vs Career concerns, plus, Health conditions are implicated through the signs' Moon-Saturn influences. And naturally, Moon-to-Sun echoes a New Moon, a phase of 'seeding plans' as a new cycle of activity begins in the realm of The Public vs Authority Figures.

Now to close this fussy post, I am compelled to remind my fellow Americans in case anyone has forgotten that just because a Revolutionary War for freedom and independence from oppression was fought and won in the past doesn't mean that we don't need to fight for America all over again, even while an invisible enemy taunts and undermines us--as it did then. And globally, it's a very similar cosmic picture, the details of which will be more fully revealed and spotlighted by the June 2020 Summer Solstice Eclipse perfecting upon a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation and Recognition. And happily we should note that 00Cancer is the 'Gate to Life' degree.

So to open and enter such a grand portal, our need for stamina and endurance must continue, m'peops!

(Eclipse info: Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Mar 18, 2020

Crisis and the June 2020 Solar Eclipse Horoscope

Tiger by the Tail, a 4 North Eclipse, and A World in Crisis

by Jude Cowell

March 18, 2020: In a January 1, 2020 SO'W post we considered the Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse Horoscope, re-published here:

But that was before the CoronaVirus ("COVID-19") crisis stepped into the spotlight as a global contagion and now we find that a vicious, deadly assault upon civilization has begun. Plus, a cruel new phase of cyber war has been launched and threatens various institutions, industries, and organizations, both medical and otherwise. Nothing new, just more problematic for ill patients and the doctors and hospitals who treat them.

Are hackers susceptible to COVID-19? Of course! Everyone is.

Summer 2020 into December 2020: Crabs and Tigers

That the horoscope of the June 21, 2020 Solar Eclipse @00Can21 in the difficult 4 North Saros Series casts a different hue upon 2020 events when the chart is viewed in hindsight is understandable so perhaps a few chart factors should be brought forward here. As noted in my previous post, 00Cancer00 is a critical degree and a Cardinal World Point of manifestation and recognition where global events can occur and come to light. If we wish to include in the eclipse picture Betelgeuse at the end of Gemini, we can add the star's keywords: fevers and/or acute illnesses.

Now obviously, all eclipses are known as 'wild cards of the Universe' and 'cosmic blinks' that tend to disrupt the even flow of earthly events and have long been seen as omens of catastrophe. However, in modern Astrology, most astrologers prefer to say that they presage a variety of events both negative and positive, and yes, they disrupt lives and place us on new paths much as erratic Uranus can do--usually while uncovering inconvenient facts, secrets, and scandals in the process. (And their background influences are active during historical events.) So as you know, a particular eclipse's configurations with other planets and points in a horoscope are all important for how its energies and themes express, plus, the presence of fixed stars, if any, must be considered for stars and eclipses work through or with one another (ex: Betelgeuse).

Eclipse Note: the previous 4 North Solar Eclipse perfected on June 10, 2002 @20Gemini--near US natal Mars--and an ill-advised war in Iraq soon followed; 4 North's initial eclipse occurred May 25, 1389 (OS) @12Gem08 with Pluto conjunct North Node @24Taurus (conjunct Trump's natal MC and enraged Algol). Plus the 1389 eclipse's doubly karmic Pluto-NN pair suggests "common destiny of a large mass of people" (Ebertin) and can be described as having a "tiger by the tail." That we have! So far from my chart studies I have to agree with Donald Trump that current viral effects may alter our lives for the rest of 2020 and beyond. My fret is that this medical catastrophe will be used to make permanent restrictive laws and regulations, even the implementation of martial law on the streets of America. You feel this too, don't you? The old 'crisis as opportunity' as they say in China. China! Or "shock doctrine" as Naomi Klein has ably informed us.

So as seen in the above horoscope, the planet of unexpected events, Uranus, rises yet positively this can also signify coping ability. And with Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces, a cosmic picture of infection and contagion of epidemic proportions can be seen--in the 12th house of Hospitals which in the US are now in danger of being overwhelmed by large volumes of contagious patients. That our nation's healthcare systems are unprepared for the onslaught caused by such a crisis is a circumstance that must be laid upon the door step of DC politicians, their donors, and others who have supported Republican austerity measures through the decades while snatching taxpayer monies from our National Treasury to support the foreign wars they profit from. Are these direct results of America's natal Mars-Neptune square of misdirected actions and misguided ideals? I think so although you, dear reader, are welcome to disagree.

The massive funding now under discussion in Washington DC could further weaken America's financial resources although some measure of strengthening of the economy should also occur if money is properly distributed. Meanwhile, my cynical mind wonders if this is part of the plan all along--the plan to bankrupt and collapse the USA. However, such a conspiracy theory of sabotage is beyond the scope of this post so perhaps it will be for a another day. Besides, SO'W is replete with similar theories already!

Now as you know, America was founded in 1776 with Sun, Venus, and Jupiter in Cancer and for a solar eclipse manifesting in the Moon-ruled sign of Cancer, karma is at work for we all must reap what we sow (including Donald "blameless" Trump). Additionally with a Cancer eclipse, family ties are suggested along with genetic inheritance and it's an emotional and highly receptive period when people tend to hide in their shells like crabs! Well, sheltering in place is the order of the day in March but with continued 'restrictions, restraints, separations, and illusions' to come if the themes of the 4 North Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse influence earthly events from June to late November into December 2020. And they will.


In Addition:

Occurring just prior to Summer Solstice 2020, you might find a previous post June 2020 Transits to the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope of interest with its focus on June 18, 2020. Plus, you'll notice in the 2017 Inauguration chart (center of the bi-wheel) that infectious Mars and Neptune were 'fore-tellingly' conjunct in Pisces! Who knew?

Then previous to June 18th, Donald Trump's 2020 Solar Return occurs with--you guessed it--a Mars-Neptune conjunction which has the transiting Saturn-Uranus midpoint sitting atop and suggesting a weakening strength or a weak condition of some kind.

But no cheers here for as I constantly remind myself: however Trump goes, so goes America. And as I've asserted many times on SO'W since 2005, America is my only nag in the race.

As always, your on-topic comments concerning this post are welcome and please share if you care or dare! jc

Mar 3, 2020

DC Horoscope: Donald Trump Solar Return 2020

March 3, 2020 Dual Images upper right: Trump Solar Return June 13, 2020 8:00:29 am edt Washington DC; Solar Return ('SR') Sun 22Gem55 in SR 12th house, SR Moon 25Pis30 in SR 9th house conjunct SR Midheaven ('MC'); Hour of Jupiter Rx in SR 7th house conjunct 7th house Pluto Rx; SR Saturn Rx 1AQ05 conjunct US POTUS Sun (Oath of Office January 20, 2017 noon EST @00AQ49).

Lower left: Donald J. Trump natal horoscope June 14, 1946 "10:54 am" edt Queens, NY.

The SR Mars-Neptune conjunction in SR 9th house of Foreign Lands and Legal Affairs conjoins the SR Saturn-Uranus midpoint (see midpoint picture, below) - all in shady, secretive, infection-prone Pisces, with Pisces on the 9th cusp. Sneaky things may be hidden here! And note that the Sabian Symbol for Mars-Neptune: "21Pisces" = "A Little White Lamb, a Child, and a Chinese Servant." Of course, a "servant" could describe Trump controlled or compromised by China (via money laundering), or it could have something to do with the beginning of the Wuhan virus with its most at-risk targets (or victims, such as seniors and children) represented by an innocent "child."

Then as you know, the 12th house is the Neptunian realm of the Unconscious, Politics, Large Institutions (ex: Congress), Self-Undoing, Karma, Secret Enemies, and, in relation to our topic, Hospitals and/or Illness (opposite the 6th house of Health and Service).

Along similar 6th/12th-house lines, the Mars-Neptune pair suggests, among other things, 'susceptibility to epidemic infections' according to Reinhold Ebertin (see right, center), and possibly 'fevers, weakened stamina', 'rioting over national healthcare', and/or 'hypo-adrenal conditions'.

Turbulent Circumstances

Therefore, since the world is under threat of the corona virus as I type, and because Trump's SR 2020 horoscope shows links to health concerns and weakness issues, this post will primarily relate to medical potentials particularly when it comes to Donald Trump (whose health could not possibly be as strong as 'they say'!) Of course, what's shown in his SR chart could be only due to the contagion itself and the circumstance that America is stuck with--a fact-and-science denier who's 'dealing' with the contagion along with the 'help' of VP Pence (put in charge to soak up any blame that accrues, I suspect; we'll see). On the brighter side, perhaps the viral threat will be over or mostly over by mid-June! After all, Trump's natal Jupiter-Uranus trine does make him quite the fortunate fellow and we could all use a lucky break on this one.

So let's get the troubling midpoint picture out of the way (political, social, biological), then we'll discuss Trump's 2020 SR Sun and SR Moon, the primary considerations in a Solar Return chart that's 'good for' an entire year. The following will contain a jumble of my usual sources: Ebertin, Tyl, and Munkasey; any, all, or none of the potentials may result or may be triggered by transits or progressions later on.

Saturn-Uranus Energies Combined with Mars-Neptune

As a midpoint, 'Saturn-Uranus' suggests potentials for 'counter-revolutionary rule, violent people, quarrels, avant-garde vs the conventional, the need to fight for gains, exciting the status quo, and/or heart block'.

Add Mars in contagious Pisces to Saturn-Uranus and several possibilities are suggested such as 'the wrong use of energy, violent acts, forced release from tension or strain, great efforts and toil, challenging others for a decisive contest or fight, deprivation of freedom, injury, tremendous upheaval possible in rebellion, calamity, or over-exertion, anxiety about how things will proceed'.

To Saturn-Uranus add Neptune, strong in its own sign of Pisces, and we have potentials for 'falsehood or malice caused through weakness, resigned to the inevitable, abandonment of resistance, weakening strength, separation, bereavement, masked changes designed to break traditional roles, the delusion that change will improve traditional methods, breakdown under emotional pressure', and/or 'a new vision fighting to be understood'.

As for Trump's SR 2020 Sun and Moon, here's a list of chart factors (not including the SR 10th house Uranus 9Tau09 which is unaspected and thus unencumbered by outside influences and acting independently in spurt-like bursts of activity--this echoes his chaos-loving natal Uranus, his guiding planet):

We should also note that powerful Pluto 24Cap28 leads the tilt of a BOWL shape denoting a leader with a mission or an advocate for a cause. Unfortunately, the mission and cause seem to be implementing an anti-constitutional dictatorship in America (Pluto in Capricorn = "the dictator"--Ebertin). Then in the 6th house of Health lurks the December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse 4Cap06 in the 3 South Saros Series of 'traumatic transformation', this SR 2020's PE. But soon the Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse will manifest with 4 North themes of 'restraint, restriction, separation' (as in quarantine?), 'illusions', and 'events that block' (Brady).

Cosmic Conditions of Trump's 2020 Solar Return Sun and Moon include but are not limited to:

SR 2020 Sun in the Cadent 12th house (transitions, fluctuations, preparations, steps taken behind the scenes), along with the North Node of future direction (at a critical 29th degree) suggests solar events taking place near the end of the period--just before his 75th birthday June 2021. But in 2020, even the 9th house SR 2020 Moon complies for the 9th is also a Cadent house of preparation--and Trump's SR 2020 Sun and Moon square one another which suggests challenges, conflicts, frustration, and blockages between goals and needs; a Sun-Moon square in a Solar Return chart may suggest dynamic energy but is unfavorable in general, and may count as as a 'health aspect.'

Other SR Sun aspects: Mars-Neptune conjunction square SR Sun, Mars square SR Sun, and the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction quincunxes (150 degr) his Sun--all suggesting health-related conditions and adjustments needed, with the SR Sun naturally being same as his natal Sun (vitality).

Transit Mars square Trump's Sun often denotes aggression, conflicts with males, and/or head injuries or blocked vitality. And transit Neptune square his Sun indicates that his leadership position is difficult to maintain, confusion and deception reign, and formerly reliable resources may become elusive or eroded. Transit Neptune square his natal Moon (21Sag12) suggests even more confusion and disorganization along with undermining conditions (which can include health concerns). As you know, that's one trouble with a natal opposition-what squares one end squares the other, plus, his Gem-Sag Full Moon is on his (karmic) Nodal Axis. Additionally, Uranus in Taurus, sign of the throat and shoulders, forms a semi-square (45 degr) to both SR Sun and SR Moon--another health indicator which may be merely an irritant or a mild or minor issue. Hope his bone spurs won't act up! See the midpoint picture this forms listed, below.

A closer look at his SR Moon in mutable Pisces suggests potentials for drug involvement (also with Mars-Neptune), and/or physical fragility (yep and yep, I'd say). and with Luna in Pisces, there could be travel (of course), family concerns or loss, new conditions in the domestic sphere, or even a change of jobs (fingers crossed!)

Yet the SR 2020 chart does show beneficial opportunities and a 'ray of hope' for Trump such as the two sextiles (60 degr) from Jupiter and Pluto toward his SR Moon. Apparently, his influence upon the public remains in force although his tendency toward self-righteousness, being stuck in the past, and experiencing a measure of loss through habitual thinking will also continue.

Now before I forget, we should also note that wealthy/stealthy Pluto is the SR planet closest to a chart Angle and thus takes precedence in the chart as 'he' leads the BOWL toward the SR 6th house of Health, Daily Rounds, and Service (Civil, Police, and Military).

Obviously, the Trump coup continues, perhaps with some of its 'reforms for improvement' hidden beneath the corona virus scare and the future restrictions he and his authoritarian comrades have in store. For as we see, the planetary trio of heavyweights appearing in the SR 7th house of Partnerships suggests potentials for 'religious and social fanaticism' and/or 'difficulties caused through illness'.

Now let's close with a few potentials of the SR 2020 chart's four midpoint pictures:

Sun-Moon = Uranus: 'isolating oneself; unusual twists of fate; using Astrology'.

Mars-North-Node = Uranus: 'accidental breaks in the thrusts or tensions of important meetings; disinterested presentations'.

Neptune-North-Node = Uranus: 'disruption and agitation via the actions of others; sudden displacement then isolation' (this picture turns up in the DNC 2020 horoscope).

Venus-ASC = North Node: 'easily meeting others'.

Well, there it is, my glancing assessment of Trump's Solar Return 2020 Horoscope. And if I added one more cosmic factor of curiosity it would be that the SR Ascendant 22Cancer12 brings up Inauguration 2017's Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior to January 20, 2017) which is, was, and always will be, the Full Moon of January 12, 2017 conjunct the natal Saturn of the 'unaccountable' yet Saturnine Mr. Trump.


As always, your encouraging shares and tweets are always much appreciated! Got on-topic comments? Then leave them with this post! jc

Jul 13, 2018

DC Horoscope: Election Day 2020

Election 2020 and a Farewell to Bretton Woods!

by Jude Cowell

Friday July 13, 2018: Predictions are being made concerning the 2020 Election, one such that both Republicans and Democrats should be worried but for different reasons. To me it seems more a case that the American people should be worried with little respite proffered between now and then as 'the old order' collapses into 'the new'. Anyway, below is a bi-wheel of Election Day 2020 (November 3) both charts set for Washington DC. Inner chart = 12:00 am est; outer chart = 11:59 pm est so we can view the entire planetary panoply from beginning to end of the 24-hour period:

Now many things including loyalties will shift before November 3, 2020 so I won't type much on this chart today though a few factors should be mentioned, such as:

12:00 am est, an Hour of the Sun becomes an Hour of the Moon (changes, fluctuations, publicity) by 11:59 pm est. With Leo rising, Chart-ruler Sun makes only one applying Ptolemaic aspect in the chart, a trine to Neptune (18Pis20 Rx) which benefits covert activities (exs: sabotage; foreign agents infiltrating; spies that harm national security, cyber warfare) and implies the smooth proceeding of confidential matters, plus, a certain sense of glamour (Neptune) is cast upon leadership (Sun) with a bunch of Neptunian propaganda and lies to go with it.

Highlighted in orange is the Election's Prenatal Solar Eclipse (11th house) which perfects at Summer Solstice 2020 @00Can21 in the 4 North Saros Series of illusions, restraints (on voters?), misjudgments (of voters?), and separations. (This eclipse hints at a major post coming asap!) The election's Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior to Nov 3, 2020) is a Full Moon and is entered in 9th house @8Tau38--conjunct radical Uranus Rx at the Halloween Full Moon! Of course, Full and New Moons can act at times as if they are eclipses in a disruptive Uranian fashion, revealing secrets left and right (Full Moons: lunar eclipses, New Moons: solar eclipses) so we'll probably have some interesting tidbits, secrets, news, and gossip surface pre-Election under its rays of awareness and culmination--finances and investment are involved most likely with a Taurus Full Moon though issues concerning the environment, agriculture, and project development can be expected.

As for the Election Day 2020 chart we find 'voting' Mercury strong at Direct Station @25Libra55 in 3rd house (25Libra = cusp of the 17th Lunar Mansion, a critical degree). So it appears that by Election Day 2020, reassessing the then-current crop of politicians (such as they are!) has been completed and votes have been cast (assuming a sure-to-be-rigged election is held at all).

So who do the planets in this Election Day 2020 horoscope favor?

Going by the Venus Cycle upon which US Presidential Elections are based (those smarty pants Venus-worshiping Founders of ours--or was it Mason FDR when he changed the ceremony to January 20?), 2020 Venus in Libra indicates that the same party will remain in power, in the White House at least. Of course, how things will proceed after the 2020 Election must depend in large part on the results of the November 6, 2018 Midterms with its difficult Prenatal Solar Eclipse, The Tower @18Leo41 (rising in the charts you see here!)

Nodal Return a Time on Our Paths of New Alliances and Renewing Old Ties

Yes, the old order is collapsing (or is being collapsed by social tinkerers who think they know better--with buddies Trump and Putin as front-men) but be that as it may or may not be, the Election 2020 horoscope shows Trump's natal planets all over it--you see many of his planets marked in green--plus, on Election Day Trump will be in process of having a Nodal Return! If he's still around, that is. (The mean ones always seem to live forever, don't they?) Well, he didn't win the popular vote in 2016 (No Mandate from The People) but pretends he did--and the global imperative in 2020 remains 'the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' - 1993 Uranus-Neptune = tr Pluto, (Tyl) = "POLITICAL POWER...smug or strong-armed paternalism" (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones). And a cherry on top of this authoritarian dictator mess: America's first-ever Pluto Return approaches in 2022. Follow the link to view our Pluto Return's Prenatal Eclipse chart.

Well, that's all I'll agree to type for now on the topic of Election 2020 but if you daringly wish for an inkling concerning DC conditions and events in the run-up year of 2019 you may wish to try a previous post showing horoscopes of Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice 2019. Or not.

Even so, your Shares and Comments are always much appreciated! jc

Update 3:33 pm est: have just published Election Day 2020's Sun-Moon blend implications for the curious. jc