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Showing posts with label Venus in Capricorn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Venus in Capricorn. Show all posts

Nov 6, 2021

Dec 2021 When Venus Comes Back in Bounds

by Jude Cowell

Just as other personal planets in this condition, planet Venus Out-Of-Bounds ('OOBs' in my charts) of the Earthly plane displays some interesting traits, characteristics, and propensities when considered in a horoscope. Transit Venus (a money planet as is Jupiter) has been out-of-bounds for quite some time but will re-join the rest of the planetary panoply on December 7, 2021 - by my software's calculation - at 3:38 pm est with Venus @23Cap57:37 and approaching powerful Pluto (see lower left and right corners).

Note that December 7, 2021 is a day of a Lunar Return for Senator Kyrsten Sinema which perfects at 5:17:59 pm est (natal Moon @6AQ19 opposite natal Saturn; her natal Mercury @17Can09 conjunct natal MC - is OOBs = thinking 'out of the box'; 'unorthodox pespectives'). And note that Moon-ruled Cancer is a very private, subjective sign. Another thing about her natal Moon which seems unfortunate - Luna conjoins Nemesis, asteroid of foes and enemies. Could she have a 'reigning need' for enemies?

Now obviously, this Venusian OOBs condition has suggested the ongoing financial gridlock in Congress over President Biden's Build Back Better and Infrastructure Bills, so perhaps the return of Venus to 'playing along' in December could time much needed improvements on Capitol Hill for the benefit of the American people and in support of the beneficial themes of the December 4th 5 South Eclipse. Yet surely legislative passings can occur before December but we shall have to see, won't we? Delays and obstacles are tiresomely used tactics of the US Congress, as we know.

So below you see the last moment with Venus -23:27 after which Venus is technically back in bounds and will begin to engage with the rest of the celestial bodies (actors). Plus, a vibe of cooperation is also shown by the emphasized T-Square's midpoint pictures with apex Jupiter @26AQ21 in 10th house (highlighted in green; Venus in blue; 6th house Mars in his own sign of Scorpio leads a BOWL shape indicating 'advocacy of a cause' or 'having a mission' and may suggest militants or simply activists). And if this Jupiter conjoins (what some astrologers use as) US natal Moon (at apex), the T-Square indicates public anger and a potential for provocative behavior to continue although with a Jupiter-to-Moon transit happiness may be involved for at least some of us. Malcontents, not so much.

Plus, when in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, Venus tends toward faithfulness, a sense of duty and responsibility (Moon-Saturn = MC concurs, upper right!), and a 'matter of fact' nature, but in some cases this placement can express negative traits such as distrust, jealousy, and old-fashioned or out-of-date views. And it seems somewhat paradoxical that the Sabian Symbol of returning Venus @24Capricorn = "A Woman Entering a Convent." Does lady Venus consider the US Congress to be like a "convent"? Maybe. And there is a seclusion factor with both entities and in the Senate serious deliberation supposedly remains an objective and a habit similar to the meditation that life in a convent entails. Dane Rudhyar explains this symbol as, "The final goal is the attainment of TRANSCENDENT SECURITY." Maybe Lady Venus tires of 'running wild' and scoffing at societal traditions out on her own!

So penned on the chart you see Venus in blue as apex of two midpoint pictures which denote 'appeasement' and 'idealized thinking': Mercury-Jupiter and Mars-Neptune. Yes, Venusian romance may be involved as well but that's beyond the scope of this post!

Additionally, this chart shows the Prenatal Solar Eclipse @12Sag22 ('PE', here in 7th house) in the 5 South Saros Series with 5S themes of 'benefits' and 'good news' (B. Brady). As you see, the Venusian horoscope is set for Washington DC where the November 19, 2021 Lunar Eclipse @27Tau19 rises:

For the curious, here's a view of the natal horoscope of Kyrsten Sinema (RR: A).

Jan 18, 2021

VP Harris' Oath of Office: A Celestial Choir Singing!

January 18, 2021: In answer to calls for a view of the Horoscope of the January 20, 2021 swearing-in of Kamala Harris as Vice President of the United States set for 11:30 am est, here's the chart with lots of details squished upon it. You'll note that VP Harris has a Lunar Return (@28Ari39 opposite her natal Sun) that very morning at 9:10:36 am est.

DC Horoscope: VP Oath of Office January 20, 2021 11:30 am est with 3Tau25 rising and chart-ruler Venus (@15Cap05 conjunct charismatic Vega) in 9th house making no applying aspects; the rising Moon @29Aries = "A Celestial Choir Singing"!

The Fire-Air combo of Sun AQ-Moon Aries: Self + Society. This blend is shared natally with Anton Chekov who informed us that, "Man has been endowed with reason, with the power to create, so that he can add to what he's been given."


Dec 13, 2017

115th Congress to Reconvene January 3, 2018

December 13, 2017: The US Congress has released its 2018 calendar according to Roll Call for those who are curious. Members of the 115th Congress are expected to reconvene for a second session on January 3, 2018, a typical date for this event. How do I know this date is typical? Because as a child I got the impression that they reconvened for little me whose birthday is on January 3rd! And yes, this Sun-Mercury-Mars-Jupiter Capricorn paid attention to Politics, even then, as did my parents.

Now many breaks are on the 2018 congressional schedule so you might wish to take a look and marvel. For example, summer recess on Capitol Hill begins July 27th, and they'll take one full month off starting October 13, 2018, just so you know. Of course, one 'biggie' event right off the bat will be the swearing in of the new Senator from Alabama and at this point in time it looks to be Democrat Doug Jones. Will Republican senate leadership balk at scheduling the oath-taking of a Democrat from Alabama? Hopefully, they'll act like big boys and do the correct thing but as you know, that's not a certainty we can depend on these days. Still, a huge sigh of relief must have escaped Mitch McConnell when Alabama's Roy Moore lost the Special Election last evening with all that controversial baggage of his!

Note that PBS NewsHour has posted a video of Doug Jones's remarks after his victory--and he sounds so reasonable and well-informed!

As for astrological conditions on January 3, 2018 which will cosmically imprint upon the 115th's second session, its members and political events in the US until January 2019, let's take a quick peek at a noon horoscope, a time of day that gives the Codgers of Congress enough of a chance to mosey their patooties into their seats.

January 3, 2018's Sun @13Cap16 is sandwiched between lady Venus (11:55) and wealthy saboteur Pluto (18:52) with the planetary trio suggesting potentials for 'skills in demolition, acts of elimination, delight with eliminating ego or pride, and/or selfish acts involving sexual perversion' (Munkasey).

Oddly enough, sober Saturn @1Cap42 (the planet representing government, law, and business--and lawmakers) is unaspected which bodes ill for organizational abilities, the sense of duty, and concentration. Random influences can interfere with direction and goals of this Saturn and a lack of motivation to take control of one's ungrounded behavior may be evident along with timing and scheduling issues.

Meanwhile, Mars and Jupiter in sexy Scorpio announce their upcoming conjunction, exact on January 6, 2018 @17Sco55. Plus, light remains from the very recent New Year's Day 2018 Full Moon @11Can37 (DC horoscope shown) which glows along with January 3rd Venus now conjoining the 2018 lunation with its phase of fulfillment, culmination, awareness, and relationship. Unsurprisingly, women and women's issues are favored on January 3, 2018 and during the second session--for one thing, this shows in the Sun Cap-Moon Leo blend of the day. But so do snobbery, strong wills, and purposeful ambition--not that those last two are necessarily negatives in Politics.

Additionally, Earth-Fire blends can denote 'the bulldozer' and its Saturnian-Solar energies display a distinct need for power. But I guess we don't need Astrology to tell us that about the plucky folk who climb their way up the political ladder onto Capitol Hill and like to 'lord it over' the rest of us!

For more Sun-Moon blend info, please see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.