Here's a brief glimpse of my home state and 13th Colony, Georgia:
Looks like an ancient star observatory to me! Perhaps we should call Scott Wolter.
#FortMountain #archaeology #astronomy #stars #Georgia #Colony13, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them...with a gentle sprinkling of world events
Here's a brief glimpse of my home state and 13th Colony, Georgia:
Looks like an ancient star observatory to me! Perhaps we should call Scott Wolter.
#FortMountain #archaeology #astronomy #stars #Georgia #Colony13
SunDisc #gold #Stonehenge #Cornwall #Megalithic #Druids #Archaeology #Wiltshire #UK
#HannekeWrome #Shipwreck #Finland #SunkenTreasure #GoldCoins #Archaeology
A Priceless Bronze Statue of Apollo has turned up in the Gaza Strip and has been confiscated by police.
So given America's 'cult of personality' presidential worship along with the fact that President Obama was likened to god Apollo, a sun god, in the 2008 campaign, it may be interesting to note where asteroid Apollo (#1862) now travels in the Zodiac since it isn't mentioned in the article (above) the precise date the fisherman says he rescued Apollo from the Neptunian sea!
fyi: Today, Monday February 10, 2014, Apollo clocks in at 13 Libra28 Rx, one degree from US natal Saturn. On the evening of August 28, 2008 (Mr. Obama's acceptance speech, video below), Apollo was at 9Vir46 between his natal Mars (22Vir34--conjunct US natal Neptune of hopes and dreams, our 'rock star' link and one of disappointment, as we now know) and his Pluto (6Vir58) in the 7th house of Relationships.
Here again, for old time's sake, is our media-touted 'Apollo' in 2008 speaking while asteroid Circe (where we seek rescue) conjoins the Moon (We the People):
by Jude Cowell
Thanks to an alert from Forbidden Knowledge TV, I've discovered the video below which concerns a mysterious Star Disk found in Germany with representations of Moon, Sun, and Stars of a certain constellation containing Alcyone (something to cry about), known as one of the Seven Weeping Sisters:
In ancient Babylon, the heliacal rising of the Pleiades (with the rising Sun) signaled the beginning of a new year; the ancient Celts linked the constellation to The Fates and to mourning for friends who had passed into the Great Beyond. To the Egyptians, the stars were seven goddesses whom the dead had to encounter and be judged by; in our day, a tendency toward delivering harsh judgments may be noted when Alcyone is activated or triggered. (Brady's Fixed Stars.)
Since the May 2012 Solar Eclipse hits Alcyone, we may hear of such judgments in the news from two weeks prior to two weeks after May 20, and until the next Solar Eclipse of November 13, 2012 @ '22 Scorpio' which conjoins US natal 12th cusp of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Large Institutions in our national Sibly chart. (5:10 pm LMT July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, PA.)
And in Horary Astrology Plain & Simple (Anthony Louis), Alcyone 00Gem00 is connected with sorrow, unluckiness, and a potential for exile.
Or, it could simply rain a lot this summer.