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Showing posts with label astrology of the voting rights act. Show all posts
Showing posts with label astrology of the voting rights act. Show all posts

Apr 7, 2021

Astrology of the Voting Rights Act of 1965

On August 6, 1965 the Voting Rights Act, signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson ('LBJ'), came into effect so considering all the recent and current turmoil surrounding the suppression of voting rights in the US through Republican efforts to hobble voting rights as much as possible, a look at the 12:00 am horoscope of August 6, 1965 with a few current transits could be descriptive of forces that oppose the Act's provisions. Plus as you know, on June 25, 2013, SCOTUS delivered a 5-to-4 decision 'gutting' key provisions in the Act via Shelby County vs Holder. (That's Alabama, of course.) Yet 2013 was a Jupiter Return year for the Act! Perhaps this timed a change of beliefs, I suppose, at least for Chief Justice John Roberts and his fellow 'color blind' justices who decided the wrong way as if racism in the US was a thing of the past. Absurd!

Now you'll note among various contacts in the chart below, that the Act ('VRA') is in process as I type of a Nodal Return (cooperation; meetings), the May 26, 2021 Lunar Eclipse @5Sag25 eclipses the Voting Right Act's Moon (5Sag43 at 12:00 am edt so basically an eclipsed Lunar Return), the 5 North Solar Eclipse of June 10, 2021 falls snugly between 1965 and 2021 North Node in Gemini (NN conjunct Midas), and note that 1965 Jupiter @23Gem25 conjuncted US natal Mars, suggesting a fortunate period for taking action. Then as you know, 5 North themes = 'prophetic dreams and visions from the unconscious' (Brady) and 'wild card' eclipses usually offer society a major change of direction, plus, perhaps some interesting (or inconvenient) information may come to light. We shall see!

As usual, many factors are penned upon the chart which I hope you can read if you wish!

Now to me, multiple transits stand out which relate to the loss, erosion, weakening, or disintegration of the VRA's power, structure, and/or traditions to which I would include provisions in the law itself particularly since we know this has already occurred and may continue. You may spy more, but the earliest planetary contact I see in recent years (into 2023) is #3 of 3 hits by transit Neptune opposing 1965 Uranus (#3 exact February 18, 2018).

Then there are: transit Neptune opposing 1965 Pluto #3 of 3 (exact February 1, 2019), transit Neptune conjunct 1965 Saturn #5 of 5 (December 16, 2019), and soon transit Uranus in Taurus will oppose 1965 Neptune in Scorpio 3 times on: June 19, 2022, November 1, 2022, and April 9, 2023.

That's a lot of undermining energy with karmic implications, isn't it? And as you see, most of these influences have been 'under' the Republican administration of the 'former guy' but hopefully, the 'current guy' ("J'Biden") will manage to protect voting rights in America despite any ongoing attempts by the GOP to further skew the playing field in the 2022 Midterms and beyond for most folks agree that Republican policies, if revealed, can never win an election.

For a peek at the natal horoscope of LBJ go here where you can see that 1965 Midas @24Tau54 sits upon LBJ's natal Midheaven (conjunct passionate, enraged Algol!), assuming that President Johnson's birth data is accurate. Well, he did have a temper, or so I've always heard.

Finally, as always, leave your on-topic comments with this post if you dare, and please note that Google has updated Blogspot to the point that SO'W no longer shows up in Searches as before so your Shares of my posts are even more appreciated than before! Jude