Dual DC Horoscopes: Feb 2025 Lunations
by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good
February 12, 2025 (chart with notations shown lower left) brings first a Full Moon @24Leo06 and perhaps uncovers a few inconvenient facts or scandalous secrets (as a Lunar Eclipse often does; plus, a culmination of something planned around the time of the prior New Moon of January 29 @9AQ51).
Additionally, this particular Leo Full Moon lands near the Mars Rising (26Leo) of he-who-shall-not-be-named, and squares zealous Uranus which by transit sits atop the Midheaven of his natal chart suggesting the disruption and chaos he now causes = his goal. Yes, quirky Uranus, planet of Technology, brought sudden change to his career prospects, didn't it?
Image: "Neptune Ascends"
2016 Neptune oppo 19 North Eclipse:
Deception, misunderstandings, discontent (Tyl); plus, cultism, theft, loss, fraud, corruption, lies, gaslighting, self-deception, delusions and illusions, fantasy worlds, propaganda, mass media, the masses, mass immigration, Art-Music-Poetry, creative imagination, spiritual escapism, water events, glamour, chaos, confusion, deceptive schemes, suspicion, spying, drug use (including alcohol), oil, gas, fumes, poisons and toxins, dissolution, disappointment, seduction, scandal, erosion, unreliability, disguises, dreams and visions, uncertainty, insecurity, waste, urge to merge, The Divine Source. You can think of other potentials for nebulous Neptune, I suspect.
Then on February 27, 2025 (chart shown upper right) comes a New Moon @9Pis40 which conjuncts transit Neptune Rx on September 1, 2016 during the 19 North Eclipse of realism, coming down to Earth and tackling the truth - and seeing things for what they really are (B. Brady). The 2016 opposition from deceptive Neptune undermined the truth tackling contained within the 19N eclipse enough to finagle Mr. T. into the Oval Office the first time.
Now he's back with more criming, and the secret planning at the February New Moon in Pisces will culminate or be revealed around the Lunar Eclipse @23Vir57 on March 14, 2025 - and will perfect close to US 1776 Neptune (22:25) which squares our 1776 Mars - which conjuncts his natal Gemini Sun. With a Virgo lunation, we may expect topics such as health and (un)employment to be in the news. Not that we need Astrology to tell us this.
2025 Sun-Moon Square Uranus: sudden developments; intense independence; possible breakup (Tyl); radical insights; potential for violence; stubbornness; dogmatism (Oken).
Now We the People are in worsening conditions as is much of the world, and the February 2025 New Moon in shady Pisces, similar to a disruptive "wild card" Solar Eclipse, may time current events involving deception, gaslighting, and fraud. Not that the "big lie" has ever let up!
The point is, 19 North opposed by Neptune influenced both Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017, its subversive effects linger, and these fuzzy conditions continue to be utilized against America by sinister meddlers, crooks, and wealthy manipulators.
As for the above lunation horoscopes set for DC, you'll notice that multiple planets plus Chiron stand out: Mercury conjunct Ceres (food supply; democracy) at the Full Moon, Mars is OOBs and up to who-knows-what (see lower left corner), Jupiter (traveling with gold-hoarding Midas), Neptune still floating through its own sign of Pisces, and Pluto, leader of a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets; then Pluto leads a BOWL pattern of advocacy of a cause, or having a mission. Tragically, transforming the US government into an authoritarian nightmare while destroying US society come quickly to mind.
And marked on the dual chart and highlighted in blue as the dates of the current US 1776 Chiron Return/s (3x) with the final return perfecting on February 18th - between the February 2025 Full and New Moons. Our Chiron's Sabian Symbol: "A Pugilist Entering the Ring" which can suggest multiple things these days including the belligerent, grudge-holding Mars Rising denizen of the Underworld who's spoiling for a fight.