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Showing posts with label billions for Pakistan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label billions for Pakistan. Show all posts

Sep 6, 2008

Woodward's book and American state terrorism

Turning Away From American State Terrorism

By: Peter Chamberlin

In Pakistan we find the complete history of the American "war on terrorism,"from its Cold War origins nearly thirty years ago to its present incarnation in the illegal American aggression in Pakistan's Frontier region (FATA, Federally Administered Tribal Areas) and in American attempts to reignite the Cold War with Russia.

Read more here...


US Spied on Iraqi Leaders, Book Says; Woodward Also Reveals That Political Fears Kept War Strategy Review'Under the Radar'

By Steve Luxenberg

During the interviews with Woodward, the president spoke of the war as part of a recentering of American power in the Middle East. "And it should be, "Bush said. "And the reason it should be: It is the place from which a deadly attack emanated. And it is the place where further deadly attacks could emanate."

Read more here... #


NPR at noon Sept 6: slain leader Benazir Bhutto's husband has easily won the vote as Pakistan's president.

Jul 18, 2008

Are Biden's marbles lost?

Senator Joseph Biden has introduced a bill to send more billions to Pakistan to fight terrorism - since the billion dollar bribes have worked perfectly so far...

But what can you do with a Hill-full of irrepressible drunken sailors with major pocket-lining tendencies?

Send a decent one to join the Washington throng? It only ends up spoiling 'em as they are cautioned to vote as the party tells them if they want to keep their jobs, the little newbies, so wide-eyed and desperate to stay in sparkly Washington and rule the world alongside the (pompous) big dogs.

That's how it's done - maintain the elitist status quo while posing for the cameras, holding hearings, and 'serving' on committees whose main outcomes consist in making more noise than improvement.

Didn't I say here on SO'W that the November 2006 elections would show us the pudding's proof or be a song-and-dance wash out...or words to that effect? What would Dem control amount to?, I asked. Not much, as we see - but the mega-propagandized "WOT" has certainly been a terrific bottomless pit for pilfering taxpayers' money, hasn't it?

Oldie But Moldie:

Early in the Bush regime I proffered a Tar'n'Feather Fund with donations accepted...and it's still bubbling on the hob, m'peops!