April 26, 2016: First, news about Campaign 2016, then guest, journalist Seymour Hersh, speaks with Thom Hartmann:
Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them...with a gentle sprinkling of world events
Apr 26, 2016
4/26/16: Seymour Hersh Exposes the Truth About Obama’s War on Terror - video
Dec 7, 2015
Dec 6, 2015 The President Addresses the Nation on Keeping the American People Safe
In case you missed it:
President Obama Speaks and Is Mindful of The Importance of Being Earnest
by Jude Cowell
If you know about or have read lately about the current Mars-Uranus opposition which now squares powerful manipulator Pluto (Dec 6 - 10) then you know that this evening's TV address by President Obama delivered from the White House (to show how serious he is) fits right in with the T-Square's dynamic, intense energies.
Mars-Uranus, Mars-Pluto, Uranus-Pluto--all three pairs combine into explosive, forceful, aggressive actors designed to catch attention and rearrange present conditions into something more chaotic, even brutal. Naturally, military action is denoted as well along with warriors of all stripes joining battles, initiating conflicts, and fighting until the end. Challenges are issued and accepted!
These planetary conditions now reflecting events on the earthly plane (As Above, So Below) describe what I have been dreading for some time but these are not all that was on display tonight as President Obama spoke. He began at 8:00 pm est with his natal Mercury 2Leo19 rising though Ascending was a lunar 28Can47 and this degree of Cancer places US natal Pluto Rx @27Cap33 setting on the Descendant of Partnerships and Alliances; US natal Mercury Rx @25Cancer had risen and was traversing the 12th house of Politics and Karma by 8:00 pm.
Soon after he began, the president's natal Sun 12Leo32 arose and there are several planetary hints that self-promotion was one of his goals as he adapted his visions and perspectives for presentation to the public (Mars-Neptune = Mercury) on the topic of ISIS and terrorism. The need to fulfill dangerous tasks was communicated and flavored with what passes for stark realism in US Politics though many conditions and associated affairs remain private and not open to public scrutiny (Saturn-Pluto = Mercury.) As you know, Mercury is the planet of communication, speeches, messages, young people, and journalists (or what passes for them these days) so they have their parts to fulfill in what was very much a role-playing event tonight--bully pulpit and all that, promoting the US perspective on things.
Hmmm...young people. Was this speech also meant as an outreach to inspire young people (including women who can now become combatants) to sign up for duty? More troops are needed, say neocon war hawks. Pass the canon fodder!
If so, President Obama showed shrewdness tonight as he presented what are basically over-expansive ideas (transit Jupiter, planet of expansion, now conjunct his natal Mars, planet of warriors, war, and action.) However, you may have noticed a lack of coping ability melded with the shrewdness which made a very odd mixture. On one level, this may be due to Mr. Obama's natal Mars being shrouded and clouded by US natal Neptune, both @22Virgo and the conjunction now has quite a pile-up of energies in the 20--22 Virgo area of the Zodiac: the current Solar Eclipse (September 13, 2015 @20Vir10) provides a high stress level and an overtaxing of strength influence (Brady), transiting Jupiter as noted @21Vir38 tonight increases it all, and fixed star Denebola (to go against society; against the mainstream) springs more fully into action, triggered by Jupiter.
Another concern is the Cardinal Grand Cross now brought into manifestation by the above noted Mars-Uranus-Pluto T-square (thanks to Mars joining in) which adds explosive force and ruthless brutality to US natal Sun @13Cancer (POTUS) for as you know, US natal Sun has been opposed by transiting Pluto for some time now with its 'titanic power struggle and challenge' implications. Tonight's speech was part of taking control of the situation where 'destroying ISIS' is concerned. And it may be no coincidence (for nothing really is) that in recent weeks and certainly this very evening--two descriptive asteroids (archetypes) are traveling in tandem at 22Libra: Nemesis and Isis, with Nemesis having 'the unbeatable foe' and 'divine retribution' flavors. Note that just who is actually behind the creation of ISIS (ISIL) is beyond the scope of this post.
For the US, this deadly East vs West battle calls for more organization and structure (transit Mars @14Libra conjunct US natal Saturn at IC, the Basis of the Matter) and as tonight's Moon @24Libra approaches Venus @2Sco11 (preparing for the holidays?), we might better find a clue in the Uranus-MC (8:00 pm est) conjunction with the MC as the Goal Point of the speech's horoscope: 'strife or radical movements which force new internal policies or methods' (a new agenda), a strategy we've seen used before--most notably after the attacks of 9/11/01 and the ready-to-go US Patriot Act, plus, preemptive war and occupation, and other policy changes distorting the character and principles of our nation. Now that's what has resulted in what I would call a Crippled America--crippled by fascist traitors and infiltrators.
Though he mentioned destroying ISIS and not giving into fear, the Astrology I'm seeing in the speech horoscope shows the fostering of paranoia for political control of the people via Mars at the IC (Endings; The Drain: Death.) Is Election 2016 part of Washington's political calculations? Now this wouldn't be surprising since it's been done successfully before (ex: 'bin Laden tapes' released just before election day.) Yet whatever the motive/s, tonight's speech will probably be fairly well received with chart-ruler Moon first sextiling Mercury (0A27), then conjoining popular Venus (7A22). Round up speech-maker Mercury's degree to 26 Sagittarius and we have "A Flag-Bearer in Battle" (Jones) which supports the president's expansive agenda in the Middle East along with more young people joining the military, if and as they may.
Washington's stubborn refusal to recognize its limitations bodes ill for many
Tragically for innocent people both here and abroad, it likely will take more than the Paris and the San Bernadino attacks to 'justify' the draconian changes the power elite (and those who direct them from behind the scenes) are determined to force upon us. After all, transiting Uranus, planet of anarchy, chaos, disruption, and shock, has been opposing US natal Saturn for a while now and this describes a 'new order' vs 'old order' stand-off and the collapse of traditional institutions--along with de-structuring Pluto now in structure-building Capricorn and plodding his way toward America's first-ever Pluto Return/s in 2022.
ISIS is "part of a cult of death," said President Obama tonight which is obviously true. And of course I am on America's side yet it amazes me how a drone-striker president projects such a mote into the eye of 'the other guy' while ignoring the beam in his--in our--own.
Speaking of the anti-constitutional US Patriot Act, remember in May 2011 when President Obama authorized its extension via auto-pen while on a visit to France with US natal Pluto rising?
Nov 18, 2015
Anonymous Declares War on ISIS, Kills 5500 Twitter Accounts - video
Thank you, Anonymous. I'm pretty certain this is a fortunate turn of events. See what you think as David Pakman reports:
The Parting Shot with Bill Press - Nov 18, 2015 (blaming Paris on Ed Snowden?)
Concerning the horrific terrorist attacks in Paris, I'm glad Bill Press is saying this:
What I wish someone in the mainstream media ('conservative' and 'liberal' )would admit is that the 'war on terror' is bogus for the most part and is being used to cause chaos and promote, obfuscate, and implement a global new world order--a global government. If a western country were attacked, invaded, and occupied by an eastern force determined to take over all banks and all governments of the world, what would Americans do about that? Fight back? Insurgent ourselves?
Feb 12, 2015
February 2015: Presidents Day and a White House Security Summit
Week of Monday February 16, 2015: President's Day Heralds a White House Summit on Wednesday
by Jude Cowell
In honor of Presidents Day, here is a 3 mins 58 secs video of US Presidents "From George Washington to Barack Obama--A Long Way--Original Video":
With the recent Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris as justification, the White House has scheduled an Anti-Extremism Summit for Wednesday February 18, 2015, the day of a major Solar Eclipse at a critical-crisis 29th degree in secretive Pisces, plus, the day of Spring Equinox 2015, aka, Aries Ingress 2015 when the Sun reaches 00Aries00, a World Point of manifestation and prominence. Tap or click for a view of the eclipse horoscope set for Washington DC.
This year February 18th is also Ash Wednesday on the Vatican calendar so it is quite a big day in the Cosmos and in America with the rest of the world in the cross hairs of the East vs West conflict now being brewed to boiling with both sides determined to 'rule the world'. And since a Solar Eclipse is a New Moon denoting a period of darkness with a potential for the beginning of shady undertakings, we may expect that Summit topics of 'security' and anti-terrorism measures will not be fully shared with the public though, of course, the resulting propaganda will.
Wonder if the topic of Homeland Security running out of funds on February 27th will be discussed? The Department has certainly been the money pit boondoggle it was expected to be. Here's my original post with the 'birth' horoscope of the Department of Homeland Security if you're interested. Curiously HoSec's natal Jupiter @17Leo59 is now activated by Jupiter's current retrograde and direct path through Sun-ruled Leo which indicates a Jupiter Return so generous rewards seem to be on the cosmic menu no matter what the political thespians on Capitol Hill say.
Feb 5, 2015
Transit Saturn and the United Arab Emirates (Dec 2, 1971); plus, Nixon's Golden Error
1971 Solar Eclipses: 9 Old South ends, 9 New South begins
For astrological purposes, a previous post details the proclamation of December 2, 1971 which created the United Arab Emirates. The federation, now in the news, is one of four Arab member states in the anti-ISIL/ISIS coalition.
The UAE proclamation date seems fairly auspicious falling within the 9 New South Saros Series of Solar Eclipses which first manifested on August 20, 1971 @27Leo (conjunct the Descendant in the UAE natal horoscope and thus prominently angular.)
Now, in February 2015, transit Saturn @3Sag conjoins the UAE's natal Neptune (the 'grim reality' or 'wish come true' transit) while opposing natal Saturn, a period when authority is challenged by another authority. Therefore, the UAE's Saturn-Neptune opposition of paranoia is being activated in a fearsome way by karmic Saturn so that reaping what's been sown may become prominent as the past catches up with leadership (Saturn; MC/IC)--on one level in the sphere of security measures. Plus, citizens of the region may be seriously affected with tr Saturn soon to oppose UAE natal Moon.
Hopefully other planetary influences will mitigate the Saturnian picture and provide protection for the good people of the UAE no matter how their leaders proceed to act or not act for a natal Sun-Neptune conjunction when activated by tr Saturn denotes a time of persistence and consolidation alternating with frustration and delay.
Usury vs the American People
Another event of historical importance occurred in 1971 and was influenced by the ending of the 9 Old South Saros Series, the Pre-Natal Eclipse of President 'Tricky Dick' Nixon's economic measures concerning gold convertibility. As of 1971, our debts became ever-lastingly unpayable into infinity....perpetual debt.
There's even a name for it: Nixon Shock and much has been written in hindsight about its deleterious effects on the US economy, a collosal mistake as noted in a commentary published in Forbes on August 15, 2011, the 40th anniversary of the profound changes Nixon proclaimed as directed by the secretive Fed (the central world bank). To quote, August 15, 1971 "...marked the beginning of the worst 40 years in American economic history." {Edit June 5, 2023: The article link is no longer Live for me, but if you know your way around Forbes Magazine perhaps you can locate it, if interested.
So Fare Well, 9 Old South, you did your part to serve Planet Earth before your energies ran slap dab out.
Wait. What? A beginning described by an ending? Yes, 'twas an ending influenced by a never-ending monetary condition...an end to being able to end one's debt burden? Well, eclipses do herald change so thanks, privately owned 'Federal Reserve' and your cat's paw, the White House. Eclipse conditions of 1971 demonstrate that our debt-based economy is wrong on a cosmic level as well as on every other level of decency, fairness, and justice that can be named.
Included in the Forbes feature is a link to Nixon's Sunday night address from the Venusian Oval Office on August 15, 1971 during which he slipped in the announcement of the ending of the post-WWII Bretton Woods era...ah hah! There's our 'ending' and it's proven to be a very unfortunate cluster 'ef', as you know. And note that the current Jupiter Rx period--Jupiter, the banker, the politician, guru--activates August 15, 1971's Sun @22Leo and Venus @19Leo; tr Saturn has recently conjoined--and will again--1971's Neptune @00Sag, ruled by moneybags Jupiter, which suggests to me the 'grim face of reality' for the US economy and US workers but a 'dream come true' for global bankers and those they fund and enable to oppress us with perpetual debt and usury interest rates while implementing their 'new economic order'.
Yes, how wonderful the Fed's grand promises that were to result from the monetary changes of 1971: more American jobs, smaller trade deficit, avoiding recessions, international competitiveness for US workers (job loss), price stability, and more--which all now show themselves as the lies and fraud they were from the start. And the liars--including mouthpiece Nixon--knew it all along.
Jan 11, 2015
1/11/15 Paris Unity Rally as world leaders line up for photo op
Today in Paris France thousands of people from across the globe rallied against the recent terrorist attacks and murders that began in a big way with the mayhem perpetrated upon the offices of a radical French publication and its political cartoons. Placards with Je Suis Charlie and Liberte were held up in the streets of Paris today in solidarity with the concept of freedom of expression which the victims were exercising via publication of satiric cartoons spoofing Islam. This morning American news broadcasts and other sources focused upon the Rally in Paris and the "historic" gathering of world leaders, hypocrites though they be.
Venus-Loving Paris, 'City of Light' Where the Term 'Terror' Was Coined
How opportunistic that world chuckleheads...er, I mean, leaders...positioned themselves at the head of the massive crowd of marchers while posing for the cameras in their black garb! Especially since many if not all of these same leaders and others before them have thrown journalists in prison for exercising their right to free speech. Mais oui, it's all happening today in Grand Orient Paris, City of Light--and underground City of Skulls (see link to creepiness at end of this post).
Back in the days of the French Revolution, Robespierre and his cohorts thought they would establish a 'new order' with France at its head--a 'Rational' State based on the Enlightenment principles of Uranus-Neptune (sans God) with the bloody guillotine at its ready disposal and aimed at the heads of all who disagreed. Has France's Reign of Terror ended or has a new phase now begun?
Astro-Notes: January 11, 2015 and February 18, 2015
Well, today's Rally in Paris, the attacks that inspired it, and other recent events fall under the auspices of the last lunation, the January 4/5, 2015 Full Moon @14Can3---conjunct Egypt's favorite star, Isis goddess Sirius. The January Full Moon also triggered US natal Sun (the president) and it's of interest that during this morning's broadcast concerning the Paris Unity Rally, it was announced that President Obama (who is not in Paris today but Abbas, Netanyahu, Cameron, Merkel, and several other leading chuckleheads of the monarchical bloodline persuasion are) has called for a "Security" Summit of global leaders to be held at the White House on February 18, 2015--the day of a Pisces New Moon and what the Vatican calls an 'Ash Wednesday'.
Yes, global leaders (signified by Jupiter Rx leading a Locomotive pattern) placed themselves at the head of thousands of marchers today yet Jupiter is unaspected, suggesting their complete detachment from the public and our concerns as they gathered for this weirdly stage-managed photo op--as if Merkel and her crew are really part of the event rather than mere opportunists.
And we must mention the 6th exact Cardinal Square between Uranus and Pluto on December 15, 2014 and the generational clashes and power struggles it's brought to the world as the ancient regime of Pluto attempts to block upstart Uranus, planet of a New Age. Their last exact square is on March 16, 2015 and we must hope that social stalemates can simmer down a bit as 2015 proceeds though the serious effects upon everyone's Civil Rights lie in the balance.
February 18, 2015: Some Shady Doings Under Cover of Lunar Darkness
The Summit will already have begun in Washington DC when, in the midst of lunar darkness, the Feb 18th New Moon perfects at 6:47:13 pm EST during a Solar Hour with 12Vir34 rising, a 6th house Neptune @6Pis59 as the chart's final dispositor (says SolarFire v9), a 6th house New Moon @29AQ59 (anxious to reach the depths of murky Pisces--squared by Saturn and reaching for Neptune's veil), and Jupiter Rx @16Leo02 in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Self-Undoing.
Financial planet Jupiter Rx is the handle of a Bucket pattern and as such, links the hemispheres of the chart together with cautious preparedness his aim. Leo is, as you know, the royal sign of the 'natural ruler' though until April 8, 2015, Jupiter will regress toward President Obama's natal Sun once again so perhaps we should consider this Bucket handle Jupiter to represent Mr. Obama since the Security Summit will be held at the White House. He will be using the physical assets of the White house to appear more attractive to the Summit's attendees (Mercury-Venus = Sun) with an increased sensitivity to the desires of others (Mercury-Venus = Moon) though one wonders with asteroids Sappho and intoxicated Bacchus conjoining quirky Uranus in the 8th house of Sexual Relations! Will some of the Summit's shady doings under cover of a darkened Moon involve drunken drugged-out orgies? If so, then...peep-eye! Of course, this trio in 8th house could just as easily be seen as practicing a delirious pagan ritual in honor of an ancient goddess, couldn't it?
A Bucket pattern of planets indicates an uncompromising direction of effort with little if any concern for conservation of resources or for the end results. Jupiter here is the executive, yes, but in a reviewing of resources role since he's retrograde--not weaker, but more inward facing. Allegiances tend to be adapted with a Bucket pattern so that 'efforts can count for the most'; Jupiter here is the motivator and inspirer of the Summit and provides us with clues to his 'unremitting zeal'. Historical figures born under the influence of a Bucket pattern include: Napoleon Bonaparte (handle: 'new order' planet Uranus), Dante (handle: Pluto, god of Hades), William Jennings Bryan (handle: Mars), and Evangeline Adams (handle: Saturn, traditional ruler of Astrology). (The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation, Marc Edmund Jones.)
Another chart factor in relation to Jupiter is trickster Pan and wealthy Midas both Rx and conjunct Midheaven (The Goal Point) which falls at 10Gem01 so the Virgo Ascendant elects Mercury, planet of meetings, discussions, communications, crossroads, trade, and speeches, as chart-ruler (and MC-ruler) so we may expect the financial aspects of circumstances to involve the usual fraud and trickery (fraudulent Neptune as Final Dispositor, instigator Mars--at a critical-crisis 29th degree and about to join his own Aries Point--ruling the New Moon's corporate 8th house of Transformation with disruptive, zealous, new-agey anarchist Uranus in Aries therein.
Speedy traveler Mercury @4AQ05 (in 5th house of Risk-Taking and Speculation) closely sextiles Saturn @4Sag27 (in 3rd house of Communications), the Manager and Task-Bringer, and their near-exact sextile, the only applying aspect made by chart-ruler Mercury (0A22), offers clues about the underlying purpose/s of the White House "Security" Summit of global leaders, plus, with both planets at 4 degrees of their signs, we may say there are fated undertones to this "home grown terrorists" discussion during the February 18th "Summit on Countering Violent Extremism" (translation: suppressing all opposition to Global Government implementation by Global Police and Military Forces).
Certainly on at least one level there are fated undertones afoot of the reap-what-was-sown variety since 'blow back' due to the expansion of a controlling Global Government (forcing a 'new world order' upon the masses) has created many enemies for the West with innocent people the victims and Easterners attempting to enforce a global Caliphate of their own, Sharia law and all. The ancient East v West conflict continues to be about who will 'win' global control over the planet as World War III is triggered (you saw the Illuminatists out in force today in the streets of Paris if your eyes were alert! The true instigators remained behind the scenes, of course, but the nwo's political mouthpieces had their 'historic' photo op in full view of the public.)
A Talented Mercury-Saturn Sextile Tells a Tale
So what might Mercury sextile (60 degrees) Saturn intend to say and do during Security Summit 2015? Here is a list of potentials: issue warnings which may or may not be listened to, set priorities, manage resources, explain guidelines and rules, and organize expressions of discontent (of the group and/or of the masses). This sextile also indicates that conflicts and bickering may erupt among the chuckleheads in attendance.
Let me add that my above remark about attendees of a 'monarchical bloodline persuasion' is based in part on Mercury's rounded-up Sabian Symbol for '5AQ": "A Council of Ancestors" which aptly describes the February 18th Summit, imho, especially since even modern world leaders' descendancy from a certain bloodline has been recorded and includes despots like Alfred and Alexander the Greats, Charlemagne, William the Conqueror, pharoahs such as Cleopatra (natal chart shown), French, German, British and other monarchical families including Queen Elizabeth II, PM David Cameron--in America, George Washington (a Star family descendant), Thomas Jefferson, John Adams (a Dragon family descendant), the Roosevelts, the Bushs, Bill 'Clinton', the Rockefellers, Barack Obama, and others you may think to name.
Oh and btw: New Moon Mercury conjoins America's natal South Node which denotes the karma of past behavior the US government so often depends upon to deal with current problems while expecting different results--though I suspect that all governments prefer expectable results from their actions and don't really want 'different' outcomes at all.
Now if you're interested in the family ties of US presidents, here's a 7-minute video presentation posted October 4, 2013 concerning the topic:
Related articles include: Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson's remarks to the CFR concerning domestic terrorism and "suspicious individuals" and such on September 10, 2014; 3 quotes from Thomas Jefferson on newspapers and despots ; and, a previous posting of the Republic of France horoscope of 1792 in the midst of the country's Reign of Terror days and just after the discovery of revolutionary Uranus.
Being adventurous, you may also wish to see 9 Creepy Things you Should Know about Paris.
Jan 8, 2015
Charlie Hebdo, Islamophobia and the Freedom of Expression
Dec 15, 2014
"A Letter to the New World Order: Dear Torture-Loving Dick Cheney" video
Oct 10, 2014
A Murder Mystery at Guantanamo Bay
Sep 23, 2014
The Mountain Astrologer: Mars square Neptune (the 'fog of war')
Wonder how Jupiter the General--now lead planet in a Locomotive pattern ('get on board or get left behind, coalition partners!')--will behave once planet Jupiter stations retrograde on December 8, 2014...withdrawal, task completed? A regrouping of forces to plan anew? A General steps down and is replaced? Or perhaps a failure of a misguided, ill advised mission which promises at best 'fluctuating success'?
Aug 4, 2011
Atlanta Ga after 1996 Olympics? Few if any gains
by Jude Cowell
Beware if your city or nation wants to host the Olympic Games because a pack of troubles run side by side with the expected glory and gains.
This morning NPR featured a report on the condition in which the 1996 Games left the city, people, and finances of Atlanta, Georgia. Of course Atlanta, (what for years I've called my home state's "cesspool of fires, murders, rapes, and sinkholes"--Scarlett O'Hara notwithstanding) really needed the clean-up made necessary by the whole world coming to 'sit a spell' with us on the front porch and all, but 15 years later, the after effects are quite a different story from what we were initially spun.
And of course, a sorry claim to fame: two people were killed and one-hundred-eleven injured in the bombing of Centennial Olympic Park on July 27, 1996 with Atlanta police and FBI arresting and holding the wrong man in a brazen attempt to keep scores of Atlanta's global visitors from leaving the Games en masse (though some understandably did, if memory serves.)
In which Solar Eclipse Series did the 1996 Olympics take place?, you ask.
The 16 South Series which occurred on April 17, 1996 @ '28 Aries'; 16S contains these flavors: 'issues of wasted energy or misdirected motivation especially when dealing with groups; sudden inspiration but no real action should be taken.' (Brady's Predictive Astrology .)
Uh-oh! Wasted energy? Not exactly stellar conditions for Olympic athletes, were they? Misdirected funds did pretty well though. The next manifestation of 16S: April 29, 2014 @ '9 Taurus'.
Yet in spite of everything, my personal experiences there in Summer 1996 weren't nearly as bad after I entered one of the downtown college's Art Exhibitions and was pleased that two of my cosmic drawings were accepted for the show, one of which won a Merit Award.
So here is my own walk down memory lane of the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta--my drawing Timeless Path, an image that, if I'm not careful, can plop me back into an Olympic Games mood when I'd much rather be following a higher path!
Turns out that benefits from hosting the 1996 Olympic Games weren't so timeless after all...
You know you're always invited to browse my 24/7 Art Gallery at Zazzle.com whenever you wish!
May 7, 2011
A fake bin Laden story? (video); the Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981
Osama bin Laden rehearsing with a blackened beard (which looks fake to me!) Audio has not been included.
Original post begins here:
Now I'm definitely not the only one entertaining doubts about the US government's shifting story of the Osama bin Laden raid and assassination in Pakistan.
Did a raid take place? I believe so with purloining of computers and documents the possible target and goal (either to garner intell - or to destroy it.) But was Osama bin Laden himself on-site? Maybe, maybe not. This could explain how the White House situation room crew, including the President, could have watched the raid on a live feed, yet are said not to have witnessed the actual killing of bin Laden.
Well, economist and journalist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Treasury official in the Reagan administration and 'father of Reaganomics' (see Reaganomics Eclipse's horoscope link, below), has his own doubts which he shares here.
And as I've mentioned before, my opinion is that when the mainstream media gets its fat self piled onto a huge bandwagon to promote a particular story or event 24/7 (9/11, Financial Collapse 2008, etc), be wary of their coordinated corporate propaganda for we are most probably being scammed or, at the least, the whole truth is not being revealed in order to protect the guilty while promoting the US imperialist agenda.
My latest thought is that rather than using bin Laden's demise as justification for ending America's war on the Middle East, it will be used to further the one-world-government cabal's Endless War agenda. Whether this is correct, we'll soon know, won't we? For war expansions and extensions will turn up in the MSM as the so-called War on Terror marches on and our freedoms in the US continue to be deleted as elsewhere across the globe.
Part 1 of 2:
Part 2 of 2:
As Dr. Roberts notes, such tactics continue to be used by the US government because they work. "Remember the USS Maine", "Remember Pearl Harbor", and so on, as we're lead in a wrong direction by a frothed-up, emotion-based patriotism into conflict - and diplomacy be da*ned. A more recent example is the Bush-Cheney administration's well-timed release of a bin Laden video threatening America just before the 2004 presidential election.
And with the US public ever mindful of its safety and security, it worked and war hawk neocons were elected. (They couldn't be 're-elected' in 2004 since it was a corrupt SCOTUS who installed them in 2000.)
Blogging in America
So just after the bin Laden raid in Pakistan on May 1, 2011, I posted here about my misgivings over the story's truthiness and was informed by an Anonymous commenter that I was being waaay too cynical. Now it's 6 days later during which the White House's version of the raid has morphed and re-morphed - and I don't think I've been cynical enough. Thus, this posting of Dr. Roberts' own misgivings today. If you have about 20 minutes to spare, listen to his opinion and see what you believe for yourself!
Personally I don't completely agree with all of what he says, but it's worth a listen if you're concerned about who will be the next US president and the possible propagandistic tactics meant to assure it.
Actually, this situation reminds me of some of the chart factors in the May 17, 2011 Full Moon Horoscope (a New Moon chart for May 3, 2011 is shown, too, both set for Washington DC) particularly a midpoint picture with fraudulent, deceptive Neptune in its own murky sign of Pisces (which is also a sign of the military and Neptune's 'fog of war'.) The revealing picture contains the energies of the World Banker/Pentagon/Wheeler-Dealer duo of expansive Jupiter, (aka, the General) and powerful, subversive, super-wealthy Pluto, planet of assassination and secret control...
Jupiter/Pluto = Neptune: the inclination to deceive others; cheating and seducing; suffering damage from others without being aware of it; a general disappointment; confused plans or goals; adjusting the data; omitting key facts; working a situation into one's own agenda. (Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl.)
In addition, Michael Munkasey's details on the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint's potentials within Politics and Business seem applicable to the US raid carried out in Pakistan whose government was either involved or not involved and either knew or didn't know that bin Laden was hunkered down in their neighborhood for years - or, was already dead:
Thesis: Pacts or relations with foreigners on the use of force or weapons; the growth of security or spy agencies (doesn't the world have enough? jc); greater power for religious leaders; a society that wields much influence; extreme depletion of resources.
Antithesis: Self-destructive forces which stem from official corruption or moral laxity within a society; extremely potent natural disasters (those we're experiencing - such as along the banks of the mighty Mississippi River as I type - jc); criminal elements with great social influence (yep! and many of them are on Wall Street, in DC, and in world capitals - jc); destruction of legal documents.
Now I don't enjoy fussing about President Obama's intentions or motivations but I should add here two midpoint pictures now formed in his Secondary Progressions, one of which sits upon US natal MC (Midheaven, The Goal, @ 00Lib53, a World Point of Manifestation - Sibly chart)...any, all, or none may apply as usual...
Sec Mars/Pluto = Sun: a strong, unyielding will; achievements attained by superior technique or endurance; violent measures; a shock caused by a Higher Power.
Sec Mars/Pluto = US natal MC: unusual capabilities for advancement in life; facing overwhelming force without power; danger; an operation; learning to gain control and use powerful or extreme measures for increasing your status or standing (in the polls? jc); fulfillment of certain ambitions by attaining influence.
And the picture in Mr. Obama's Progressed chart that has concerned me since Inauguration 2009:
Sec Saturn/NN = Neptune: deceit within friendship given; having to pay a price for help which is higher than expected (sounds like a secret society call-in of favors, doesn't it?); feeling misunderstood; falsehood, fraud, and deception.
Well, there you have my grousings for today. Blogger ate part of this post so I had to reconstruct/recompose it since I tend to type my posts spontaneously. Also, Blogger's spell-check feature is on the blink so you're sure to find typos...please pardon.
And yes, I dissent because I care: about America, her future, and the American people...aka, my fellow Americans.
For if I wish to sleep at night, how can I do any less?
Further reading: The Twin Towers of Debt argument. An interesting reminder: on the morning of 9/11/01 when NYC's Twin Towers were destroyed, the Moon (we-the-people; the public) was at '28 Gemini' = "BANKRUPTCY".
Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.
The Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981 (click horoscope to enlarge); text contains a few chart factors and has natal placements of George Bush and Dick Cheney, outer.
Summer Solstice 2011: Sun Cancer-Moon Pisces.
May 5, 2011
Doubting the bin Laden assassination story?
The Agendas Behind the Bin Laden News Event
By Paul Craig Roberts
In Washington-think, a 24% rise in approval rating justifies a staged event. #
Justice? Revenge? False flag op? News event to boost approval ratings and a 2012 election ploy? Siege of Waco and Stand-Off at Ruby Ridge deja-vu? Is our nation's Mars/Neptune square expressing its 'deceptive motivations and actions' side? Or, was it an 'honest' and 'successful' assassination (as if killing is something to crow about)? What do you think?
Further reading: Wiki's Waco Siege page.
Dec 17, 2010
It contains Bernadette Brady's analysis of Julian Assange's natal chart in relation to fixed star parans (her specialty) which explains Mr. Assange's and WikiLeaks' tendencies to speak in 'a confronting manner, struggle with new or unusual ideas, take a contra argument, be verbally aggressive and a lover of mental challenges,' and to have 'a military mind' while being 'playful with truth and facts' with 'a different way of seeing the world' (different from the false reality the public is constantly force-fed by a complicit media.
Mr. Assange was born with several fixed stars in paran to his chart but difficult Capulus stands out with the tightest orb to natal Saturn 1Gem41: Capulus is a nebula in the Sword of Perseus, the Prince!
Brady's Book of Fixed Stars gives Capulus' keywords as 'male intense passion; rage' which can bring strong feelings and turbulence into the life (Rigor); Robson adds "blindness" to its influence which may be a tradition in archery since nebulae were allegedly used by the Roman army as tests for good eyesight.
Capulus is the male counterpart to difficult Algol (intense female passion; rage) and indicates focused and clear action; hastiness and rash anger should be guarded against for such actions will have far-reaching and possibly negative effects. A picture of ruthlessness appears when the action-oriented energy of Capulus is involved and destruction may be the result.
Linked to Assange's Saturn in Gemini, we see Capulus busily at work that involves mercurial communications with a decidedly Saturnian sense of restriction, delay, and something karmic afoot...Saturn's insistence on realism and truth has come to US governmental communications in a way that vexes the raptors of Washington, a town of secrets best not revealed if one wants to stay in office and keep a grasp on the globalist reins of power.
You know, America's fear-as-national-policy has gotten mighty old around here! In fact, it now sports graying whiskers just like old man Saturn, the senex, who is also our favorite stand-in at this particular season: as Santa Claus who brings rewards - but only for upright behavior!
During this time of our US Saturn Return (Dec 2010 into 2011), we might wistfully pine for our government to own up to its past actions which have not been upright. But even with the golden and karmic opportunity posed by WikiLeaks revelations, we instead get only messenger-shooting from a plutocracy insisting on endless war and US imperialism!
The rest of the newsletter concerns a timely consideration of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 (in the Reagan era), the Mayan Calendar and the collective fear vs hope issues surrounding the year 2012, and the Star of Bethlehem, so I hope that if you haven't, you'll check out the Visual Astrology newsletter for December 2010!
For further reading and video-viewing on such societal topics as WikiLeaks, illegal wars, and the Orwellian-labeled 'War on Terror' you may wish to visit Democracy Now!.
Nov 17, 2010
Senators call for end of TSA full body scans/pat downs (video)
Senator Michael J. Doherty (R-Hunterdon, Warren) and Senator James Beach (D-Camden) today announced they will present resolutions to the Senate and Assembly calling on the U.S. Congress to end TSA screening procedures requiring full body scans and pat downs at U.S. airports Their action comes in response to widespread concerns over privacy and radiation, as well as reports of inappropriate conduct by TSA agents during the screening process.
“The pursuit of security should not force Americans to surrender their civil liberties or basic human dignity at a TSA checkpoint,” said Doherty. “Subjecting law-abiding American citizens to naked body scans and full body pat downs is intolerable, humiliating, vulnerable to abuse, and is fast becoming a disincentive to travel. Particularly concerning to us is the fact that physical searches result in children being touched in private areas of the body. Terrorists hate America because of the freedoms upon which this great nation was built. By implementing these screening measures, the TSA has already handed a victory to those who seek to destroy our freedoms.”
Full press release. #
As George Orwell prophetically wrote...
"They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening."
We must be careful what they're grasping. Here's a man who resisted.
On November 18, 2010, both Venus and Jupiter direct station and begin moving forward. In Astrology, both planets relate to financial issues and when they turn direct, money can begin to flow. Highly recommended reading is Julie Demboski's article Venus Speaks for more astro-details.
Oct 30, 2010
October Surprise a false flag? Nov midterms 2010
And of course, tightening airport security always follows these episodes no matter how fluffy they turn out to be. Is the message: don't kick out the bums who 'foil' terrorist plots (even if they're the bums who set them up to keep us fearful and subdued)?
This Packages From Yemen airplane/bomb story certainly took over the news from the midterm elections, didn't it? Now if a 'new' bin Laden tape appears, our Halloween bag of soft-centered, nutty political tricksters will be overflowing!
Aug 9, 2010
9/11 Truth billboard goes up in California (hurrah!)
So you know I love this: the first 9/11 billboard advising us to question the truth has been put up in California, apparently on Thursday, August 5, 2010.
If architects and engineers doubt the official version of that day, then why won't the rest of us?
It Still Matters What Really Happened
After all, the 9/11 attacks allegedly gave 'legitimacy' to the SCOTUS-installed Bush-Cheney dual presidency and are still being used by President Obama as Washington's 'justification' for invading the Middle East, a justification that I intuited was bogus from the start.
Plus, the US has a history of setting up explosive events (false flag ops) in order to ramp up the emotions of Americans (and make us feel our interests and safety are at stake) so we'll march to war to do the bidding of the power elite. The ploy has worked so well for them in the past, why stop, right?
So let's question the official story. Because 9/11/01 is most definitely one of those emotionally manipulative, explosive events.
A Keeper: the Complete 9/11 Timeline which has had items added as recently as July 2010.
Aug 8, 2010
On the Big Hole America Is In (Gerald Celente video)
The other day, Trends Research Institute's Gerald Celente called in to the RegularGuys Radio broadcast to explain a few things about the Big Hole America is in.
And as you know, there's no way to explain our condition without lambasting the politicians, banksters, and other social tinkerers who plopped us there in order to further their fascist, totalitarian agenda which now enforces the chaos of dire changes upon the entire planet.
If you notice on the Trends Research Institute's website, Mr. Celente's predictions are compared to Nostradamus' predictions which most people know about because of the King of Alarm Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999, in a difficult Series (1 North) relating to finances and which cautions on acting hastily since 'info is is distorted and possibly false.' (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) You'll remember how antsy Bush and Cheney were to march to war for they had to make the most of the emotions we Americans were feeling then as engendered by the attacks of 9/11.
Yes, 1N has been perking along every 18.6 years since its inception on January 4, 1639 with Sun/Moon 13Cap48. Interestingly enough, St. George's name (of Dragon fame) was in play in 1639 as the imperialist British Empire was making its staining mark upon the good people of India...and US-UK strong-armed paternalism continues apace in the New Millennium.
1N and the Jan 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse, though in the 13N Series, are linked bwo critical degree (13Cap) even though they're 372 years apart: both are in Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, and both occur on January 4, as noted.
But 13N brings a different vibe to society:
The energy concerns large, ambitious group projects and associations; a previously existing bond is broken but joint achievement follows (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology.) This Series is seldom considered to be the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of the United States of America yet its flavor certainly describes our nation's founding; yet one would have to use its date of initial manifestation for it to be used as our nation's PE: August 14, 1776.
This 'works' if one accepts August 1776 as the actual time that the complete signing (s) of the Declaration of Independence by all delegates was achieved (it was) with Sun/Moon @ 21Leo52 conjunct Venus 22Leo46, Mercury 9Leo52, and warring Mars 18Can13, conjunct the degree of the current Solar Eclipse of July 11, 2010 (19Can24.)
Yes, speaking of trends, the rigid Fixed Cross Solar Eclipse of August 1999 foretold the dire warnings spouted by George Bush and his team especially once the attacks of 9/11/01 had been carried out upon NYC's commercial complex, the World Trade Center, and upon the good yet unsuspecting people of NYC.
And of course, Bush's famously inappropriate 'just go shopping' advice might be considered merely chuckle-headed if it weren't so draconian and telling - particularly considering the 1999 eclipse's other title, the King of Terror Eclipse.
How apt a title for starting a propagandistic "war on terror" campaign to mark the New Millennium and undermine the laws and fortunes of America! So tell me again: who are the real terrorists who ushered in the New Millennium - al Qaeda, or the hole-digging, coup'd-by-neocon-Zionists US government?
Apr 13, 2010
On Resisting the Plutonian New World Order (video)
Is a New (Economic and Political) World Order inevitable? The power elite who monkey with the course of history want us to think so and knuckle under accordingly to their *Bacon-inspired Utopian vision.
Some time ago, I ask both this blog's readers if they think that 'insurgents' in the Middle East and elswhere are actually fighting against the NWO (our guys!) and that we, the majority of the American people, are on the wrong side of the issue though few realize it.
Well, the theory would certainly explain a lot of things while emphasizing the futility of the US government's and world leaders' so-called, propagandistically named, "War On Terror," that rabbithole of endless money funneling and weaponry building in order for global string-pullers, the Illuminati, to wage perpetual war.
UPDATE Oct 29, 2011: Plus, everyone with a noggin on their shoulders knows the truth that War IS Terror. Warmongers and warpath followers never tout the horrors of war at its beginning, do they? For at that early stage, horror would be a dumb note in their exalted jingoism tune that must promote aggression as 'honorable', 'just', and 'democracy spreading'...puh! Arch deceivers take men to war!! And most folk are aware that there is a devouring force motivating warmongers and other violence doers in this world.
After all, when the attacks of 9/11 occurred, transiting Pluto, lord of death and doom, was on the 'we' side of the chart, crossing the US Ascendant, with Saturn in Gemini on the Partnership axis. In America, it is we who are Pluto.
Well, if this theory is even remotely accurate, the American people have been placed in an impossible position by our government and so I must wonder:
Which side of the NWO are you on?
So here's my favorite new slogan concerning the elite's centuries-long agenda for totalitarianism and chaos...'New World Order: Not Too Big to Fail'.
*'Bacon' refers to Sir Francis Bacon upon whose doorstep much of the current Utopianism may be laid; another major rat in the original NWO woodpile: Bartholomew Gosnold.