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Showing posts with label cosmic blink. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cosmic blink. Show all posts

Dec 26, 2021

1968 Eclipses Repeat in 2022: Strategy and Turbulence

by Jude Cowell

December 26, 2021

Since August 2018, the History dot com channel has sported a brief YouTube video of Chicago's rioting at the DNC in 1968 (Democratic National Convention) described as "a political and cultural watershed moment" in America. As a teenager I remember watching the Convention and the melee on TV, possibly on the 'evening news' or in 'real time' and feeling suspicious of the participants and their aggressive actions. Not that 'plants' were understood by yours truly back then but it seemed clear to me that something sneaky (meant to spark violence) was going on in an attempt to undermine the Democratic Party and its candidates. While the riots were disturbing, that 'voting Republican' should be the result of watching the conflict on the evening news did not dawn upon my teenaged brain and it did not sway me toward Republicans in the voting booth on Election Day (my first-ever!). Nor will any similar events that may occur sway me in 2022.

Now in hind sight, a Timeline of the Events of 1968 tells a difficult tale of a year of turmoil and strife in the US. And if we consult them, solar eclipse themes of 1968 can reveal background influences during that year via the 'As Above, So Below' model (on Earth as it is in Heaven). Therefore, I regretfully inform you that the two solar eclipses of 1968 fell into the difficult 6 North and 6 South Saros Series (series are like families) - and both 6N and 6S solar eclipses are due to repeat in 2022, but in different Zodiacal positions, of course.

Now naturally 6N and 6S eclipses have manifested between 1968 and 2022 (their years are listed, below) but since we're still in 2021 for a little while longer, let's focus on what's coming down the political pike, as they say, especially since 2022 is a year of risky Midterm Elections in the US and we already know we've got worlds of trouble with America's future hanging in the balance bwo 'democracy vs fascism', which is one way to describe our current existential predicament. So shall we keep our Republic, or lose it?

See Midterms 2022 Brings a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus conjunct radical planet of anarchy and zealotry, Uranus.

March and September 1968 and April and October 2022

So as it happened back in the day, the 6 North Solar Eclipse of March 28, 1968 functioned as the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE") of both political conventions - the RNC (August 8, 1968 Miami Beach, Florida) and the DNC (August 26, 1968 Chicago, Illinois) with themes of: 'relationship to authority figures; the need to take responsibility and control; accepting commitments due to another individual's unreliability or illness'. Well, in 1968 it was Republican Richard Nixon vs Democrat Hubert Humphrey, as you know, and political trickiness ('strategy'!) was afoot. For as you know, eclipses are considered Uranian (quirky, chaotic) and often disrupt earthly events like a 'wild card of the Universe'. Changes of direction have been known to occur. View the DC Horoscope of the 6 North Solar Eclipse of April 2022 @10Tau28.

Then before 1968 ended, on a 'cosmic blink' level there perfected a 6 South Solar Eclipse on September 22, 1968 @29Virgo, a 29th critical-crisis degree - and was the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of Election 1968 in November. (For those who use a late afternoon Sagitarius rising horoscope for the US, this eclipse 'hit' the Midheaven of July 4, 1776 - and I suspect that its themes relate to someone's goal in 1968. Certainly, power plays and high stakes are common features of every election year and nominating convention, yes?)

History Rhymes, Echoes, Reverberates

So to close this fuss, here is some "you have been warned" info because in October 2022, a 6 South Eclipse @2Scorpio conjunct Venus will be the "wild card" we may as well expect since it's the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of Midterms 2022:

6 South themes: 'being forceful and taking power; manic energy, great force or strength in relationships; sudden events; huge efforts in a group activity' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

My thought for 2022? That vicious anarchists and zealots, determined to take over the US despite how the American people vote, must be challenged and repelled with equal - no, with stronger force, even if it takes a gargantuan record-setting Blue Wave of voters to do it.

6N and 6S Eclipses occurred in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, (1968), 1986, 2004, (2022), and next: 2040.

Above image: an early depiction of the US Capitol Building; attribution unknown.

Nov 13, 2018

Jan 21 2019: Lunar Eclipse 'eclipses' US POTUS Sun

Could This Be The Cosmic Blink Anti-Trumpers Are Waiting For?

As you see in the above horoscope set for the White House on January 21, 2019, a Total Lunar Eclipse @00Leo51 will 'eclipse' our US POTUS Sun (Inaugural Sun @00AQ49 on January 20, 2017 = Trump playing president) and transit Saturn, legal eagle, time keeper, and karmic lesson-bringer, will oppose US natal Sun (13Cancer 19 on July 4, 1776) bringing restriction and possibly an ending to some if not all of Trump's Oval Office role playing as America's commander-in-chief, a job he was ill-prepared for but that was the point for those who placed him in that particular position. For all those who placed Trump in charge had to know of his unstable, substandard, know-nothing, compromised, corrupt condition beforehand but they socked it to America anyway. That he was highly suggestible and didn't ask any questions made him the malleable choice especially after being 'groomed' for years to play the role he'd always coveted anyway. Gemini the thespian!

Now it's true that the previous Solar Eclipse @18Leo41 occurred on August 11, 2018 as 'The Tower' Eclipse for its theme of collapse of plans and lifestyles, then rebuild once the dust settles. It's also true that The Great American Eclipse @29Leo (August 21, 2017), a Total eclipse that split America into two halves, North and South, landed by degree directly upon the natal Ascendant of Mr. Trump and activated royal star Regulus and his rising Mars--and you'll remember how he famously took off the safety glasses and looked directly into the eclipse while it was happening like a total buffoon--blindness is said to threaten at a future date). Such a golden Apollo! (Well, if 10:54 am really is his birth time he was born with asteroid Apollo rising.)

Now both solar eclipses affected--affect--him, yes, so the Lunar Eclipse shown above could very well be a third-times-the-charm direct hit to Donald Trump via his role-playing as POTUS or it could be simply a blow to the US presidency itself, its power and authority and not the ending of the amoral Mr. Trump as we've come to know and dislike him. Note that the eclipse perfects only hours after Inauguration 2017's Solar Return 2019 occurs (exact on January 20, 2019 at 11:36:15 pm est with ASC 17Lib57 thus bringing up Trump's 2nd house Stationary Jupiter - exact to the degree plus 30m--17Leo27).

If you wish, see my study notes penned on the chart upper right for a few more details.