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Showing posts with label culture and society. Show all posts
Showing posts with label culture and society. Show all posts

Jul 18, 2015

'Living in a Paradox" - Max Igan -- The Full Circle Project

Here are the first 15 minutes of Living in a Paradox with options for more, below:

#MaxIgan #LivinginaParadox #FullCircleProject #FalseReality #TheMatrix #TakeBacktheWorld #FullSpectrumResponse

Download at The Crowhouse; or, directly stream the audio (mp3) here.

Awake are you? Then you may wish to join the Full Circle Project.

When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty and there is nothing left to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader. - Plato

Mar 15, 2015

"Whose Reality Are You Living?" -- a Maxwell Igan broadcast

Please tap or click for more.

#Reality #FalseReality #Civilization #SurvivingTheMatrix #MaxIgan

Mar 9, 2015

Max Igan: "The World is Run by Psychopaths and Wrapped in Bull$%*t"

Can you think of a politician who seems psychotically divorced from reality? Yeah. Me, too. Here is a 15-minute excerpt from a recent Maxwell Igan broadcast:

#SurvivingTheMatrix #reality #MaxIgan

Feb 3, 2015

Jan 16, 2015

Last Days film trailer

Here's a trailer for Kathryn Bigelow's film, Last Days (of Ivory) and hopefully it will not be deleted from this post since the alert should be shared with everyone:

Tragically there are approximately 10 years' worth of wild elephants left on planet Earth and once they're extinct they're gone forever...

Jan 11, 2015

"Chaos is Manageable" - Max Igan (video)

Here's an excerpt from the latest Max Igan transmission on the topic of managing (Saturn) chaos (Uranus):

#SurvivingTheMatrix #thecrowhouse

Feb 25, 2014

"Cultivating the Social Pathogen" --Max Igan (video)

This broadcast from Max Igan's Surviving the Matrix series opens with a quote from Marianne Williamson, author, lecturer, and spiritual teacher.

Has the economic pathogen affected your mind? Are you alive on planet earth" Then, yes. It has.

The title of this presentation is quite apt for the current transit of Saturn (business, government, status quo, systems, etc) in Scorpio, sign of Big Business, Corporatism, Mysteries, and more.

Once austere Saturn leaves Scorpio (at Christmas 2014 for several months, then the Old Man moves back into Scorpio around mid-June 2015 until mid-September 2015), Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius becomes its focus until Saturn enters its own sign of Capricorn in December 2017, initially passing one of the four Cardinal World Points of Manifestation and Prominence (00Cap00:00.)

Saturn in Sagittarius denotes a focus upon legalities and justice, religion, philosophical research, prudence, doubts, and emigration.

In Capricorn, Saturn's focus is on issues that concern industry, economies, diplomacy, self will, ego, endurance, concentrated work, one-sidedness, and partiality (Ebertin.)

Year 2020

One of the watershed moments of Saturn's journey through the Zodiac over the next few years will be its next Great Conjunction with powerful, wealthy Pluto @22Cap46 which occurs once on January 12, 2020. Plus, banker Jupiter joins conjoins Pluto and turns everything into a big deal on: April 5, 2020, June 30, 2020, and November 12, 2020--from 22 to 25 degrees Capricorn (near US natal Pluto and opposite US natal Mercury in Cancer.) Yes, as many astrologers are noting, 2020 is one of the upcoming years to be on guard however we can as America's first-ever Pluto Return nears.

In current news, both abroad and at home, we're in the Saturn-Pluto cycle (about 33 years long) which began with their conjunction @27Lib36 on November 8, 1982 (on Reagan's watch.) The March 2, 2014 Mars Rx Station will hit that degree indicating more violence and brutality, assaults, ruthlessness, and the necessity to fight for one's existence.

Oct 13, 2013

'Living in a Fictional World' (Max Igan video)

"Everything on paper in a paper-based reality is fiction." Max Igan

And there's this from Bill Moyers: The Sabotage of Democracy.

Aug 8, 2013

"Crime and Government" (Max Igan video)

Why is there so much crime in the world today"? In particular, it's Western jails that are full to the brim...

"Total criminalization" increases every day as plutonian governments constantly create new 'statute laws' which function like wolves lying in wait to ensnare the unsuspecting who might breach what are regulations that are not actually laws. For it's really members of the global crime syndicate and their power-abusing political agents and policing forces who are acting out of bounds of the civilized societies they're attempting to fully enslave!

Dec 5, 2011

Max Igan video: Radio SkidRow December 2011

Monday December 5, 2011: here is the latest Max Igan video I could locate on YouTube this morning:

Aug 10, 2011

Eclipses to UK natal chart trigger Crisis, Riots, Brutality

August 10, 2011: Eclipses, a Cardinal Cross, and the UK Riots

by Jude Cowell

In 2010, a Solar Eclipse hit the Moon (people) in the UK natal chart and another Solar Eclipse--the 'karmic' eclipse of July 1, 2011, now in force @ 9Can12--hit (eclipsed) the UK's natal Midheaven (Public Status; Goals; Aspirations) while opposing natal Sun (leadership) in Capricorn.

Well, 'looking ahead' back in 2010, I knew that this much eclipse action to one nation's natal chart meant important events, some positive perhaps, but some negative. Yet I didn't stay with my studies of the UK chart long enough to see the violence and turmoil now in progress though astrologers realized years ago that the current Uranus/Pluto square alone would be enough to bring back riots, upheavals, and protests with similar themes from the time of the two intense planets' Great Conjunction/s of the mid-1960s. Civil Rights issues have returned if indeed they ever went away.

As we see over the globe, the Uranus/Pluto square, along with other planets and their aspects involved in the Cardinal Grand Cross of Crisis which hit the world in 2010, are resulting in uprisings, riots, and brutality. Some of the effects may be seen in the *midpoint pictures between the various planets as the elite's disenfranchisement of the masses boils over in rage and fury after the Cameron government's austerity measures were put in place as he entered Number 10 Downing Street.

In the UK "law and order is shattered", says the Washington Post today, and one thinks of the human costs first, then of the use of the word 'shattered' which points to Saturn in balanced Libra opposite rebel Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries, a brittle combination of energies that can do just that--shatter. Then Mars currently in Cancer, sign of the UK's natal Moon, is out-of-bounds, a condition which so often brings fire-setting and violence in its wake through emotional discontent by way of moody Moon-ruled Cancer.

My heart goes out to the good people of Britain, my relatives and friends, and to all who are affected by the current rioting of alienated youth (and whoever is behind this coordinated violence which leads PM David Cameron to say that images from the UK's closed circuit surveillance cameras will be published for he's determined not to "let any phony concerns about human rights get in the way."

Mr. Cameron says that the crisis is "a moral problem as much as a political problem" and I believe he is correct on that score. He attempts to point an authoritarian finger at the rioters' morals rather than at himself and his austerity measures that are causing suffering and a 'backed into a corner' feeling which is a common result of such draconian measures against a populace. Yes, Mars is touchy and OOBs and fighting back.

"It is a complete lack of responsibility in parts of our society, people allowed to feel the world owes them something, that their rights outweigh their responsibilities and their actions do not have consequences. Well, they do have consequences."

Oh, Mr. Cameron! The 'lack of responsibility' you cite also applies to a government letting down its people for the sake of the rich getting richer--who think that their "rights" to more private wealth lifted from the public sector can "outweigh their responsibilities."

Yes, actions do have consequences, and this American with British heritage wishes that you'd cared more about that fact before your 'austerity measure' actions took hope away from the youth of your country--and now your countrymen reap the consequences of the restrictive, Saturnian New World Order agenda you follow, your peoples' wishes and needs be dam*ed.

That riotous upheavals could have easily been predicted (even without Astrology!) implicates PM Cameron as one who knew that violence and societal breakdown was precisely what was being sown by the government's mean-spirited actions. And as I previously wrote concerning current conditions in Britain, another planned casualty of the current street violence may be those "phony concerns about human rights" (mid-1960s!) which Mr. Cameron so cavalierly dismisses as unworthy of consideration--with riots in the streets his alleged justification.


Cameron's "actions have consequences" quote from today's BBC News, an organization towing the NWO line as well so please keep a grain of salt (healthy scepticism) handy when reading.

*A midpoint picture in effect this very day: Mars/Pluto = Uranus: cruelty, violence, brutality; sudden disasters and calamities of great consequence. (Ebertin.) This applies to the entire globe, not just the UK, of course. And if we add Saturn, now slightly out of opposition range with Uranus in Aries ('Utopians'), a Cardinal Grand Cross is formed between Saturn, Uranus, Mars, and Pluto.

You may also be interested in a previous post from 2010 Pope to UK: Moon Triggers July 2010 Solar Eclipse which shows a bi-wheel chart of Vatican II's natal horoscope with the Pope Benedict's visit of September 17, 2010 around it.

The two natal horoscopes I have in my files for the UK are: May 12, 1707 (NS) 00:00 LMT Westminster, England, and January 1, 1801 00:00 am LMT London. I believe the birth data are from historical record.


UPDATE 7:00 pm edt: I am told that this blog's host, Blogger, will be in read-only mode later this evening and all day Thursday. Therefore, SO'W will return with new postings on or by Friday, August 12, 2011. Hope big news events take a break simultaneously--but what are the chances? jc

Nov 9, 2010

GM Foods: mad scientists at work!

Just because Science can, doesn't mean it should: results from when both Uranus and Neptune were transiting Aquarius, sign of the 'mad scientist' archetype, with science-loving Uranus now in confused, deceptive, victimized Pisces, sign of infections:

(NaturalNews) – As scientists are busy manipulating the genes of edibles including corn, soybeans, canola, papaya, zucchini, and now rice and salmon, an interesting fact comes into light about what exactly scientists know and don’t know about human genes. According to geneticist Steven Salzberg of the University of Maryland, “Not only do we not know what all the genes are – we don’t even know how many there are.”

Genetically modified foods alter healthy bacteria - and thus, our immune systems - so perhaps we should all read on... and protest before geneticists (and those who enable them) create a monster they can't tame. Unless, of course, population control and saving the world's real food for a select few upper-crusters are really their primary goals.

Well, salmon has always been my personal fave - but I vow to no longer purchase or serve it. Infuriating!

Aug 12, 2010

US economy to brink thanks to Fed, Wanted: armed and paranoid

Well, this beats all. (Watch this video, if you dare.)

It inspires me to repeat, Audit the Fed.

And Danny Schechter is right: we need jailouts for Wall Street, not bailouts.

That was the American taxpayers' money (what little of it wasn't mirage on paper) that they 'shipped off' to Europe and parts unknown after laundering the dirty parts through New York. Plunder and fraud. That's how The Octopus does b'ness. They are morally bankrupt. Their counterparts in Washington are no better - one passes the baton to the next and the good ole boys promote their brethren while protecting one another's sins so that no one's freedom of action is restricted when it's their turn to step over bounds and chip another chunk of principle from America's freedom documents.

Follow script. Push agenda. Above all.

Therefore, our elusive 'confidence' in the stock market and the US financial system will never be regained as long as all our henhouses are being left to the ravenous foxes. My secret suspicion is that there are certain sorts of things the power elite want - ex: for a certain segment or two of society to be armed and paranoid. They want a...clash. Everyone feels it in the air, compliments of the Cardinal T-Square and Grand Cross patterns forming with various planetary combinations of squares (obstacles; blockages) and oppositions (relationships; awareness) until about 2014.

Talk about arghh.

So what we have monkeying with our lives are these bossy robotic freaks, comporting themselves as the Big Boys' operatives - they play to win, you betcha. Members are recruited, usually through the education system so they catch them young, energetic, and hungry to make something of themselves, to get somewhere in the world. Talents are accessed and tested and recruits are used if doing so is profitable in some way...a variation on worldly ambition.

Perhaps I should say little more on the topic for now yet I should inform you that this is written for your entertainment. Or, consideration, if you wish.

Now please tell me: is this earth a habitat for humanity or is it not? Are we the planet's stewards or not? Since balances on many levels are changing, can we pull together (knowing that there's strength in numbers) rather than apart?

Will it be arms around the planet? Or fractured into non-existence?

Environmental degradation now occurs the globe over. Resource plundering has reached new highs (lows) perpetrated solely for the further profiting and market-cornering of industrialists and speculators who have plenty already. Refugees are being strong-armed and created each and every day, forced from their inherited lands to languish and roam; children are bullied into military and/or other types of cruel service.

Meanwhile, our Earth needs attention and balm. Most of mankind longs for a return to normalcy and kindness. If we can't take good care of our home and garden and make our base safer for our children's sakes, what else will matter when Earth's abundance is dried up and blown away?

So much to lose! And if we allow it to happen, we may all in turn become a...

Lonely Wanderer; image from my Secret Moon Art collection of Cosmic and Botanical drawings. For you. Thanks for listening.

Feb 4, 2010

A new use for Twitter

Did you hear the one about the company CEO who resigned with only a tweet?

This could be the start of something but hopefully no pink slip tweets are on the app drawing board.