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Showing posts with label false reality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label false reality. Show all posts

Sep 15, 2016

It's Time For The Media To Push Back On Lies! - video

Here's an interesting segment from yesterday's Thom Hartmann Show but I must ask: if we could take lying away from the media and the politicians they 'cover', how could any of them communicate? Why, the false reality they feed us these many years would dissolve and show its true face behind the elaborate mask they've created to keep the public uninformed and diverted from the facts:

Image: Neptune, astrologically the planet of the media, the masses, propaganda, fraud, and deceit!

May 18, 2016

The Ways in Which We're All Living the "Truman Show" - video

Thom Hartmann has a few questions concerning The Truman Show sort of lives we've been taught to lead which reminds me of the many 'false reality' mentions in posts here on Stars Over Washington, plus, several of the broadcasts posted here and presented by Max Igan who has attempted to awaken We the Snoozers to reality.

Add the truth-tackling September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse with its realism themes of 'coming down to earth' and 'seeing an old situation for what it really is rather than what you thought it was' (in time to affect Election Day 2016 and Inauguration 2017) and it's plain to see that our nappy time is over. Unfortunately, the September eclipse also contains vibes of financial concerns along with the Shemitah prophecy of judgment upon America, the government of which led its people astray via lies, fraud, and ensnarement within a false reality:

Tap or click for an excerpt from a recommended Max Igan broadcast: Lies You Have Been Told! Wake Up! (with the awakener-dreamer pair, Uranus-Neptune, added).