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Showing posts with label propaganda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label propaganda. Show all posts

Feb 17, 2022

US Solar Return 2022: Veils and Fantasies

America 2022+ Must Use Our Saturn-Uranus Trine!

by Jude Cowell

Regretfully, I must report to you that a Moon-Neptune opposition in America's Solar Return 2022 Horoscope reveals that, for at least another year or so, our mass delusions and fantasy-world desires and schemes will continue to bedevil our reality, and will probably continue to be promoted by mass media outlets as long as it makes them money

Below is an excerpt from a December 2021 post discussing such disturbing mental and emotional conditions and subconscious images occurring within a percentage of our populace who labor under the spell of propaganda, mass hypnosis, mass psychosis, and with a willingness to be deceived by lies that support and promote deeply held emotional biases while not straining their thought processes overly much.

A Moon-Neptune Veil Within and Surrounding America

"Greater than all physical dangers are the tremendous effects of delusional ideas which are yet denied all reality by our world-blinded consciousness. Our much vaunted reason and boundlessly overestimated will are sometimes utterly powerless in the face of 'unreal' thoughts."

- Dr. Carl Jung, speaking about America which he identified as prone to societal breakdown "due to mass delusion" and this is where we find ourselves today - with enemies who take advantage of our weakened condition, purposefully made worse by saboteurs and propagandists who assault our "much vaunted" reasoning ability. You know the tale of America: founded upon ideas and reason. Plato's Ideal of a perfect society. Can men govern themselves without monarchs? It's being made unusually difficult with Moon-Neptune influences mucking things up at every turn and spreading conspiracy theories, fantasies, and confusion across the land. And curiously, certain politicians, what FDR called "economic royalists," prefer monarchy in the form of an authoritarian dictatorship in America. Personally, I very much doubt that if they got their way, such a dystopian government would be all they expect it to be.

Image: America's Solar Return July 5, 2022 4:23:29 am EDT Washington DC

Hour of Saturn (limits; consolidation); Chart-ruler Mercury makes no applying aspects but is prominent @00Cancer and rising in 1st house so Mercurial concerns will be in focus around the country and globally; transit Mercury turns Rx @8Lib55 in September in Return 5th house; meanwhile, the Ascendant @23Gem03 brings US Mars to the fore while the Midheaven ('MC") @00Pis04 sports our nation's Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 12 South Saros Series (00Pis33) with themes of 'successful outcomes to longterm worries or illness; draining issues seem worse, then clear' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Could this suggest more improvement in the pandemic department of life? Hopefully, yes! And perhaps improvement in military realms, too. And who can't appreciate the Moon-Pluto trine's ability to lift people onto a plane of higher consciousness?

Yet we see that the Moon-Neptune opposition is Angular and thus significant across the 4/10 axis of Domestic Scene-Public Status in the signs of Virgo-Pisces, the victim-savior polarity. Furthermore, the Moon-Neptune opposition squares US Mars(irritability; sensitivity; weakening conditions) while the Moon @22Vir36 in her own 4th house reflects US natal Neptune which emphasizes America's Mars-Neptune square of 1776 while adding lunar vibes (We the People) to the ongoing 'clash of ideals' Neptune in Pisces opposition to US Neptune in the more fact-based sign of Virgo with its persecution implications (racial and civil). Plus, health indicators are present here, and elsewhere in the chart, yet let's hope that America's 12 South Eclipse at MC can spread a lot of positive influences around and thus provide a lift to societal conditions.

Now as you see, with US Sun (13Can19) in Solar Return 1st house, 2022 until our next Return in July 2023 will mark a significant year for development with US leadership in the spotlight and Cancerian business capacity on the rise, especially with Moon-ruled Cancer on the SR 2nd cu$p - as long as those frothy Moon-Neptune delusions, held by unstable and bad faith actors, are kept reasonably under control around financial deals and investments, and physically. Basically, we'll need to keep eagle eyes on our collective cookie jar!

Additional Considerations for America 2022 into 2023

So with all the recent talk of war and revolution within America's public discourse, thanks to saboteurs, global mobsters, craven political operatives, and manic insurrectionists, it seems significant to me that very near our country's July 4th Independence Day 2022, a symbolic new cycle begins which issues from the American Revolution Horoscope because a Secondary Progressed ('SP') New Moon perfects @00Cap41 on July 8, 2022. With a flurry of cosmic synchronicity, this SP New Moon lands upon one of the four Cardinal Points of World Manifestation, which, when stimulated, tends to time global events of major significance. Will this symbolic lunation do the trick on a global scale? If other indicators chime in by transit, arc, and/or progression, it certainly can act as a timing device (as progressed Moons tend to do), especially at what is considered a critical, highly senstized zero degree. For the most probability of actual events, Carter's Rule of Three will naturally apply.

Thing is, we've been wandering about in the dark for the last few years during the SP Balsamic Phase (prior to the perfection of a SP New Moon) in relation to the meaning of America, and the true significance of events and it will take a few years for the solar-lunar light to grow bright enough to fairly navigate by. Yes, it's true that difficult events lie ahead for the US, and for the world. But as is so often said, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Meanwhile, Americans must recognize and directly face our problems in the stark light of reality for it's the only way to conquer them so that we as a people can plough on through with the reasoning ability intact that our nation's Founders, inspired by the brilliant Saturn-Uranus trine of their day, bequeathed to We the People as our birth right. So that if enough of us use the beneficial energies, they may act as a bridge between the past and the present, providing inventiveness and common sense that can only be suppressed if we allow it to be!

So there's merely a quick look at US SR 2022 Horoscope potentials and, of course, there are more planetary factors to find, some mitigating negatives, some interfering with positives.

Now in closing, look beyond 2022 into 2023, for here's a much recommended article by master astrologer Robert Wilkinson who provides the reader with a vast, expanded view of the Cosmos and The Ages as humanity stands poised for the transformation to come in, The Sun Now Vitalizes 30 Aquarius Where the Age of Aquarius Will Begin After 2050. This is Part 2 so you'll want to check out Part 1.

And Please Be Advised: There's another significant Return Horoscope for America - our nation's Chiron Return in April 2024 in bold, pioneering Aries.

Sep 19, 2021

Kevin Drum says Fox 'News' Broke America

September 19, 2021: Perhaps you caught it already but in case you didn't you might want to check out progressive broadcaster and muckraker Brad Friedman's September 17th podcast which includes his guest journalist Kevin Drum on How Fox 'News' Broke America.

On Twitter he's kdrum, plus you can find Mr. Friedman there too tweeting as TheBradBlog.


And speaking of the undermining of America, disinformation, propaganda, and attacks on democracy, here's an astro-question for you: what does the Saturn-Pluto duo have to do with Nixon's Southern Strategy?

Feb 9, 2021

February 9, 2021: Trump On Trial for his Failed Coup

February 9, 2021: A Major Event on Capitol Hill

by Jude Cowell

Question: Does Hitler's failed coup d'etat attempt, the Beer Hall Putsch of November 8-9, 1923, historically rhyme with Trump's January 6, 2021 Insurrection against the US Congress? Well, some would say that Nazis were involved in both attempts and yours truly is one of those who would (unhappily) say it. And obviously, both attempts were failures in the government take-over department, so there's that.

Yet here's a difference: we've been informed that Trump will not testify or speak at this week's Senate trial, a wise decision by his lawyers (with perjury an issue). Witnesses may or may not be called but as we found with Trump's previous impeachment trial of January 21, 2020, this week's effort is not actually a trial without them.

Meanwhile, early this morning on the MSNBC website, an opinion by writer Hayes Brown was published concerning 'Trump Trial 2021' and Hitler's failed Beer Hall Putsch after which Adolf was arrested and tried, as you can read about, above, and sentenced to prison. During his trial "--Hitler turned his time on trial for a failed coup attempt into a propaganda win." So whether we hear from Trump concerning this week's Senate trial or not, (and even though he's deplatformed from Twitter), we know that propaganda is one of his middle names.

It remains to be seen whether the former 'president' can manage to keep his trap shut and thereby avoid interfering in the process during this week. I suspect he can because he must. How about you?

Mar 29, 2020

Is There Any Difference Between Mob Rule & Democracy? - Thom Hartmann

In a segment posted March 27, 202O, here's progressive broadcaster, activist, and author Thom Hartmann:

Astro-Note: I don't know about you, dear reader, but in Political Astrology I use asteroid Ceres as a symbol for democracy which tends to nurture and serve the people's needs. And where is Ceres as I type at 12:06 pm edt? At 21AQ53 and approaching America's Aquarian Moon (We the People!) of July 4, 1776.

Apr 14, 2019

Recognizing The Primitive Uranian

A Voice from the Past Informs Us

by Jude Cowell

In the AFA's journal Today's Astrologer (July 29, 2003 Vol 65, No. 8) appeared a reprint from its September 10, 1942 issue of Charles E. O. Carter's writing on the topic of astrological Uranus. The venerable Mr. Carter (born with Uranus in Libra rising) notes that Uranus was discovered in 1781 while in Gemini (24:27) and "it quickly became known as the planet of revolution, personal liberty, self-will, and even rebellion." Naturally its resonance with both the American and French Revolutions has been frequently noted through the years. Also note that 25Gemini07 is the degree of Trump's 'prez-bid' New Moon that morning of June 16, 2015 when he paid actors to sit in an audience at Trump Tower NYC watching him and his 'better half' descend from a gilded penthouse to the rabble below.

The Carter article then goes on to assert that there are "three kinds of Uranians: primitive, ordinary or normal, and the supernormal, with many intermediate shades."

Here yours truly shall inject the fact that Uranus @17Gem53 in the natal horoscope and psyche of Donald Trump is oriental (last to rise before the Sun) and thus is considered his 'guiding planet'--Uranus, known for its sudden 'wild card' capacity for creating chaos, shocks, and disruption, and primitive planet of revolutionaries, anarchists, and blind zealots everywhere. That's his nibs and the whole world sees him that way. Do most Americans recognize him? Yes, because it's nose-plain. His antics, criminal and otherwise, are shoved in our faces 24/7 unless we take serious measures to avoid being 'shoved' via propaganda and sly, oft-repeated rhetoric a la Joseph Goebbels Reich Minister of Propaganda 1933-1945 (he of 'The Big Lie' fame, a tactic his nibs follows).

And so here is an excerpt from Charles E. O. Carter's description of The Primitive Uranian as reprinted in Today's Astrologer July 29, 2003:

"He is very vengeful, very bad-tempered, being uncontrollably furious on occasion and completely unreliable. Sometimes the malice and ill temper come from a prominent Mars" (Trump born with Mars rising in royal Leo--jc) "are absent" (it isn't--jc) "and we merely get perversity and untrustworthiness" (yep, those too--jc). "This variation is not bad-natured" (Trump certainly is--jc), "but is incapable of common sense" (ex: Trump--jc), "wearies his friends with his inconsistencies and lack of reason and is forever 'going off on a tangent' and leaving whatever he was engaged upon, often just at a critical moment" (we can hope--jc) "when by using ordinary reason he might have achieved success. Perversity--that is a Uranian keyword.

This type will never admit its own folly but will try to justify even the silliest of its acts" ('Tim Apple'? 'Oringes'? sad--jc) "so that sensible people soon tire of its ways and write it down as hopeless ass or something more lurid. Lack of patience is perhaps the other primary fault of the type, which loves to act, think and feel quickly and with intensity and is irked beyond endurance by those who move to a slow tempo."

Yet we must take it easy on his nibs of the Oval Office for emotionally he's hypersensitive (or plays one on TV). Plus, he does, after all, constantly spout his own talents, approval ratings, and 'accomplishments' ad nauseum while offering the public bromides such as "Believe Me" and "Trust Me" so, if repeated often enough, won't such bromides and slogans make his antics okay, no matter how chaotic, shocking, and disruptive?

Above image: my pencil drawing, Uranian Road. And Trump is 'guiding' our way!**#!!

Feb 5, 2019

SOTU 2019: Trump Cries Wolf!

February 5, 2019: Tonight at 9:00 pm est the 2019 State of the Union address is scheduled after a week's delay due to the Trump Shutdown and Speaker Nancy Pelosi's insistence that 'no SOTU in the House chamber until the government is re-opened'. So Trump cooled his SOTU heels, bone spurs and all, and tonight's the night.

With my astrology software in mothballs due to a recent computer crash, no SOTU 2019 horoscope is possible for this post so here's a bit on the curious fact that at 9:01 pm tonight, the Moon enters Pisces just as the propagandist is set to begin his speech and hours after the February 4th New Moon @15AQ45 has passed. Naturally the sign of the Moon signifies the mood of the public and in sensitive, watery Pisces, Trump may find that the number of folks who show up to witness his diatribe in real time is rather low.

Actually, the Democrats' SOTU rebuttal just after, to be delivered by Georgia's Stacey Abrams, promises to be the more interesting of the two speeches especially since the rhetoric of Trump the Uranian has become quite predictable like a scratchy old record played many times too often. "National emergency at the border!!," cries the wolf once again, this time with the megaphone of the bully pulpit in hand. Do you believe?

Cosmic Influences

A flavor of the evening may be seen by its Sun Aquarius-Moon Pisces blend with the detached, futuristic Aquarian played by Trump and, on one level, the softer more compassionate Piscean played by Stacey Abrams. From the misty, unsubstantial Air-Water combo itself, we may expect Trump to reach out to the public and his 'backers' with the expectancy of having his fragile ego boosted by their positive responses, his 'independent thinking' on display for the world to see and marvel at. His 'mark on the world' just has to be a 'Trump Wall' for he's determined although yours truly continues to wonder if 5.7 billion dollars is the amount of some loan payment Trump has due and he'd prefer to keep all his fingers if you know what I mean. Why won't someone offer him a statue to his 'honor' instead? The pigeons would appreciate it!

Anyway, tonight's address promises a mixture of mind (AQ) and heart (Pisces) although impracticality and Trump's usual evasiveness will be evident as well. His apparent idealism may shine through but so will his tendencies toward gullibility and skimming the surface of things and childishly assuming that he's an expert on any topic you can name. How much 'sway' his words can conjure is unlikely to break any records and an uptick in Trump's approval ratings after tonight's performance may be as elusive a prey as 'The Wall' Nancy says he can't have billions for. A Normandy wall (fence) with upgraded tech surveillance equipment and more manpower and judges on the border, probably. But no bottomless money pit for a 'Wall' as Speaker Pelosi's Aries Jupiter continues going up against Trump's Libran the background a role reversal Mars vs Venus conflict!

As for tonight...

A sensitive soul with a grandiose imagination, Mr. Trump will likely escape for the comfort of his private cocoon once he's done making his case tonight, all hamberders beware! And which mysterious advisers will he phone into the wee hours, hoping for positive encouragement? Drifting off-subject is a distinct possibility with Sun AQ-Moon Pisces, something off-teleprompter Trump tends toward so we'll watch for that if we watch at all.

Now Trump's SOTU 2019 may not qualify as "grand opera" but perhaps it's telling that tonight's cosmic vibes of Aquarius and Pisces are shared natally by two famous film producers, King Vidor and Roger Vadim and will be delivered by circus barker and reality TV 'star' Donald Trump in the leading role of America's current POTUS in the February 5th performance of Washington DC's Political Theater of the Absurd.

Appearing in this post: Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey; above image, The Orator, a pencil drawing by yours truly.

Oct 3, 2018

Did Trump Learn from Joseph Goebbels?

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State." Joseph Goebbels

If you wish, check out Goebbels' accurately timed horoscope (RR: AA) with its Neptune-Pluto conjunction in Gemini and said Neptune, planet of fraud, delusion, deception, and propaganda @22Gem13 masking the natal Sun of Donald Trump which is a perfect picture of two propagandists who use lies (the bigger the more effective) to influence people, make fools of them, and promote whatever cause they couldn't promote at all if the truth were admitted.

Now as you know, one major clue that someone is a liar is the constant use of phrases like, "Believe me". Well, in case you missed it, here's a 5-minute video segment of Jimmy Kimmel celebrating Trump's 2,000-lie milestone that Trump reached--in January 2018!

Apr 3, 2018

Sinclair Broadcasting Group Propaganda Doomed to Fail

Millennial astrologer Kevin Estes, author of the Left Wing Astrology blog, takes a look at the Sinclair Broadcasting Group, its 'conservative' Trump propaganda campaign, and its future prospects for changing minds in America:

Sinclair Broadcasting Group Conservative Propaganda - Doomed To Fail

by Kevin Estes

Over the last few days, news of the Sinclair Broadcasting Group's plans to purchase localized media in order to spread conservative, pro-Trump propaganda has made the news. However, these plans are doomed to fail, and not just because of the Mueller investigation. Why?

People's political viewpoints are in their astrology charts.

This is why any attempt to dictate the way people think is doomed to fail. People's economic viewpoints are indicated in the natal chart in Venus and its ruler's aspects to Neptune, the South Node, the sign of Pisces, and the 12th house (liberal), as well as the North Node, sign of Taurus, and the 2nd house (conservative). People's viewpoints in regards to social issues are indicated in the Moon and its ruler's aspects to Neptune, the South Node, the sign of Pisces, and the 12th house (liberal), as well as the North Node, sign of Cancer, and the 4th house (conservative). I have nearly 1,000 examples proving this in this blog and on my Pinterest account. While it is true that children can be influenced at a very young age, the Pluto in Capricorn generation will not be eligible to vote until 2026, two years into the Aquarian Age, and this regime will be taken down well before that, whether by impeachment, indictments, or election nullification, and maybe even all three of them. The other young generations, the Pluto in Libra, Pluto in Scorpio, and Pluto in Sagittarius, are all too old to be reprogrammed, and the attempted brainwashing of the Pluto in Capricorn generation can easily be countered by their parents, which are all three of these generations.

Yes, there is a strong possibility that the 2016 election can end up being nullified, with either Hillary getting the presidency or Obama coming back through 2020, because while the president can only serve a total of two terms, they can serve for a total of 10 years, which is why an interim president can be reelected twice if he serves less than two years before the next election. If Pence and the majority of Republicans in Congress are compromised by Putin, whether by being involved in the collusion or by simply accepting money from him, there is no other choice, as the threat to national security will still remain if Pence, Ryan, or McConnell become President, as they have been involved in the obstruction of justice.

This Mueller investigation is far beyond left vs. right (Mueller and Rosenstein are both Republicans, and so was McCabe, so any news source telling you otherwise, like Fox News, Breitbart, Infowars, and any Sinclair-owned station, is technically "fake news"), but about US vs. Russia. Freedom vs. Tyranny. Law vs. Crime. Basically the FBI is doing their job, putting their biases aside, and defending the Constitution. Serving the people. Something the Trump administration knows nothing about. And Rosenstein was installed in his position by Trump in the first place, so he easily could have put somebody other than Mueller in Comey's place, who would have stopped the investigation, but his principles won over loyalty in the end. That is why justice will eventually be served. After all, the Trump administration started during Mercury in shadow retrograde, while the tax plan, net neutrality repeal, and FOSTA/SESTA bills were all passed during Mercury retrograde, which means they'll all be undone in some way, so that gives more evidence that the election itself will likely be nullified, as Russia has infiltrated more countries than the US, most notably the UK and the Brexit situation.

While Sinclair's agenda is definitely scary, it is doomed to fail for many reasons that they can't control at all. And the GOP has so little momentum right now that the "blue wave" in the midterms is basically inevitable, which will put a halt to the plans of Putin, Sinclair, the Mercers, the Koch Brothers, and basically anyone associated with the Republican party.

My Pinterest account for Left and Right Wing examples in the birth chart.

Nov 14, 2017

Abby Martin Exposes Untold History of U.S. Empire

Video: here Jimmy Dore speaks with Abby Martin concerning the American Empire, news media, propaganda, Russia, the RT network, global conspiracy, war criminals walking free, and the false R vs D narrative that you and I have discussed here on SO'W for years:

Video link.

Aug 30, 2017

Partisan Politics - How to Solve the Problem

Another in a series of posts written by a millennial astrologer with the betterment of society on his mind:

by Kevin Estes

This is a post from my other blog, The Aquarian Paradigm, that also fits the subject matter here as well. If you haven't checked it out yet, I highly recommend that you do so, as its purpose is to explain why the events that are going on right now are happening, as well as archive some very important knowledge in one place.

Over the last few years, the divide and conquer game that has been implemented by the elites has become very prominent. Pro life vs. pro choice, gay marriage vs. traditional marriage, creationism vs. evolution, rich vs. poor, liberal vs. conservative, capitalism vs. socialism, white vs. minority, flat earth vs. round earth, etc. Like I've mentioned before, all of this is to distract us from the real enemy, the elites, also known as the Illuminati.

And it's destroying our society

While the Democratic and Republican parties have existed for years, the friction between the left and the right has never been greater. A lot of it is because both parties are prioritizing the needs of the party over the needs of the general population, but we need to take a lot of the blame as well. We're supposed to be the UNITED States of America, yet we're letting the divide and conquer game and party politics tear us apart, when our leaders are taking orders from the "deep state". It wouldn't even surprise me if events like Charlottesville were planned for the purpose of taking away our freedom of speech. After all, the Obama years were full of false flag attacks designed to try and implement gun control, and the Patriot Act was signed suspiciously shortly after 9/11, making it likely that it was written prior to the attack.

How do we solve this problem?

In my Left Wing Astrology blog, I expanded on Alan Lin's theory of identifying political ideology in the natal chart to include the charts of celebrities, local and state politicians, and people I know, while using my knowledge of how to determine people's rising signs. In my expansion, the theory still holds up in a big way. This proves that people are naturally liberal or conservative, as well as naturally ethical. If this method becomes mainstream knowledge, we can avoid electing ethically bankrupt politicians, which a large amount of the GOP and Democratic "establishment" politicians are. If we understand that our political differences are shown in our natal charts, we'd then understand that there is no right or wrong ideology, which would put an end to the divide and conquer game immediately. After all, an economic crash or loss of freedom of speech will effect everyone, not just the left or the right.

To put it shortly, we need to put our differences aside, not fall for the divide and conquer game, and unite against the real enemy that has enslaved all of us for over 200 years.

Also by Kevin Estes: Liberal Media and Conservative Media

Mar 7, 2017

Pre-Natal Eclipse of the Clean Air Act repeats Aug 21, 2017

Although I'd forgotten this post from 2010, tonight I ran across it and rediscovered that The Clean Air Act became law under the auspices of the 1 North Solar Eclipse Saros Series and if you were around back then you know how badly our air and the rest of the environment needed cleaning and protecting. And still does. But the Trump administration means to change all that.

Perhaps I'm over-fretting here but the next 1 North Solar Eclipse is being called The Great American Eclipse since it will be visible across the country from Oregon to South Carolina on August 21, 2017 @29Leo. It's such a rare and prominent cosmic event for our nation that no one knows what--or just what--to expect, plus, eclipses act as 'wild cards' of the Universe for they are unpredictably disruptive by nature in similar fashion to astrological Uranus.

Recently in a post I linked the August eclipse's 'Great'ness with Mr. Trump and his propagandistic slogan from the past, Make America Great Again, which some say is really Make America Sick Again...but whatever you do (think some), Make America White Again.

I know not but I do know that 1 North relates on one level to the establishment of the Clean Air Act and now in 2017 the Republicans and their financial enablers have the complete plundering of US resources visibly within their sights and are extremely anxious to pull the trigger.

Related: Are the Republicans Giving Away the Public Trust Land to Corporations? (video report). If so, this must be one of the several sinister activities the constant diversions performed by Donald Trump are intended to hide from public scrutiny. Peep eye!

Jan 15, 2017

Eclipses, Truth Tackling, Congress, and the FBI

With Director James Comey and the FBI under something of a congressional microscope these days it seems the still-current September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse @9Vir21 has been very active within the Collective in more ways than one. Its 'truth tackling' theme is operative though the American people may wonder if such a noble quest is in need of cleansing since transiting Neptune @10Pisces (planet of deceit, disguise, and dissolution) opposes the eclipse and muddies issues via distraction, insinuation, and outright lies. Subterfuge, spying, sabotage, and hacking are on various agendas these days and the perpetrators are not all based in the USA. And if the undermining of yet another of America's institutions (ex: the FBI) is one of their objectives, the plan is working quite well for public scrutiny is more scathing than what congress members are fitfully dishing out.

NYT Jan 13, 2017: Democrats Confront FBI Chief at Closed-Door Intelligence Briefing. Sh-h-h! Secretive Neptune at work!

And as Hillary met with the FBI last year concerning her emails, I wondered if the 19 North Solar Eclipse would manifest early. (Tap or click and you'll find a link to a post concerning the FBI natal chart and the 19 North eclipse with its 'realism' and 'truth' themes which are background influences in force until the next Solar Eclipse on February 26, 2017--or within two weeks prior to that date; there is also a Lunar Eclipse @22Leo due on February 10th which we must soon discuss).

All this to say that the current Virgo Solar Eclipse (Virgo, sign of discrimination, purification, and criticism) in the 19 North Saros Series resonates strongly with the Comey-directed agency since 19 North is the Prenatal Eclipse of the FBI which was created on July 26, 1908. Nowhere can I locate an exact or approximate hour the agency came into force so noon on that date (Washington, DC) is used to set up a natal horoscope for our domestic spies. Formed during a Uranus-Neptune opposition, the agency formed during a period when one ideology was replacing another and I think most historians would agree that major shifts in our nation's goals and direction took place during the first years of the 20th century. Example: President Wilson campaigned on a 'peace platform' yet secretly pledged America into World War I, the 'war to end all wars' which, as we now know, was actually the war to start all wars, as planned by the racketeering big bankers of the day.

Note that the 'Federal Reserve Bank' of the US was secretly created during those years in order to force its credit and usury systems upon the US government and the American people--once the Panic of 1907 was engineered to make such a change seem necessary to the public.

Now there's that pesky 19 North again--helping us see things as they really are rather than what we previously thought they were! Apparently, 19 North is a handy lens of clarity through which to see through propaganda and how the American people have so often been duped into accepting banker-engineered wars and now, a presidential campaign and 'election' full of lies, fraud, innuendo, and--as it now seems--interference by foreign governments. Yes, opposing Neptune in its own sign of Pisces is at work dissolving the US election system and the government that goes with it.

And I don't know about you but personally I'm tired of the media-fueled 'debate' of distraction from real issues over why Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election. She lost because the Electoral College selected Donald Trump to play a presidential role he's ill suited for in spite of the populist campaign promises he had, and has, little if any intention of fulfilling. So thanks for nothin', Federal Bureau of Investigation, your "cabal within" played a large part in the current political drama with Neptunian flair and ideological zeal in the ongoing plan to take over America and rule the world. After all, 2017's transit Pluto @18Capricorn = 1993's Uranus-Neptune conjunction/s: *the big picture demands a certain course of action, very little option to do otherwise.

As previously posted, here are a few Dates and Degrees of 19 North which first manifested on July 5, 1331 (OS) @20Cancer:

July 31, 1962 @8Leo (conjunct the natal Mercury of the Republican Party); July 20, 1944 @27Cancer (opposite US natal Pluto); July 9, 1926 @17Cancer; June 28, 1908 @7Cancer (conjunct US natal Jupiter); September 1, 2016 @9Virgo; next: September 12, 2034 @20Virgo. 19N is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of: America's Great Seal (1782), the Republican Party (1854), LBJ and the FBI (1908), and the death of Marilyn Monroe (1962). Was Marilyn about to 'tackle the truth' too inconveniently for certain politicians? You see, correlating the years of 19N with events and the presidents then in office can be quite informative although history doesn't repeat...but it does, as they say, often rhyme.


*Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl.

Eclipse themes: Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Nov 24, 2016

Google & Facebook Target "Fake News"- Ignore Establishment News Even Worse - video

Here is a favorite commentator of mine, Jimmy Dore, talking 'bout fake news and the newly invented fight against such fakery that Google and Facebook say they're about to wage (have they started yet? I can't tell). How pathetic (and difficult to believe) that companies that trade on information have to be outed on supplying what is basically propaganda. Google and FB say they will change their policies--which is good since falsehoods can never be considered news at all! Their change comes, of course, after Election 2016 and the rigged 'victory' of Mr. Trump. Think websites will clean up their act before the 2018 midterms?

You'll find more commentary on The Jimmy Dore Show YouTube channel.

Sep 1, 2016

Trump Using 'The Big Lie' Tactic Invented by Goebbels - clip (w Astrology)

Have you noticed how difficult it's been all along for talking heads on TV and other venues to figure out candidate Donald Trump, his campaign methods, style of rhetoric, and even whether he's serious about being president?

Then the following clip from Thom Hartmann is recommended, plus, you may wish to check out the natal horoscope of Joseph Goebbels (October 29, 1887 11:30 pm MET Rheydt, Germany, RR: AA; Sun 6Sco47, Moon 2Cap07, Ascendant 12Leo25, MC 24Ari13--where transiting Uranus is now), communicating messenger and propagandist Mercury 00Sco55 trines falsifying, veiling Neptune in Gemini and squares natal Jupiter, the 'victimized by illusions' aspect for the two speculator-spendthrift-wastrel-inflationary pair of planets.

And since astrological Jupiter likes to broadcast and spread stuff around, having a Jupiter-Neptune square fits his Nazi propaganda career well while the Mercury-Neptune trine adds a talent for promotion and advertising. He didn't have to but Goebbels simply chose to use his abilities to harm and exploit other people.

His intense, brooding, judgmental Water-Earth Sun Scorpio-Moon Capricorn personality blend is shared by Marcel Ophuls who informs us that, "Puritanism...helps us enjoy our misery while we are inflicting it on others."

Now let's add in Mr. Donald Trump:

Here are 25 famous quotes by Joseph Goebbels who actually is something of a Chirotic figure (natal Chiron 17 Scorpio) since he was crippled and dwarfish in his body and highly neurotic in his mind.

May 18, 2016

The Ways in Which We're All Living the "Truman Show" - video

Thom Hartmann has a few questions concerning The Truman Show sort of lives we've been taught to lead which reminds me of the many 'false reality' mentions in posts here on Stars Over Washington, plus, several of the broadcasts posted here and presented by Max Igan who has attempted to awaken We the Snoozers to reality.

Add the truth-tackling September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse with its realism themes of 'coming down to earth' and 'seeing an old situation for what it really is rather than what you thought it was' (in time to affect Election Day 2016 and Inauguration 2017) and it's plain to see that our nappy time is over. Unfortunately, the September eclipse also contains vibes of financial concerns along with the Shemitah prophecy of judgment upon America, the government of which led its people astray via lies, fraud, and ensnarement within a false reality:

Tap or click for an excerpt from a recommended Max Igan broadcast: Lies You Have Been Told! Wake Up! (with the awakener-dreamer pair, Uranus-Neptune, added).

Dec 15, 2015

Caller: Fox News has Won! - Thom Hartmann clip

There are 40-somethings I personally know who totally depend on FOX News for their information and opinions. Yet I've heard that the median age of the FOX News audience is 69! Here's a brief call to Thom Hartmann's program on the same topic:

Sep 8, 2015

White House video: Vice President Dick Cheney: Wrong Then, Wrong Now

This particular American does not need reminders of then-VP Cheney's lies and propaganda about his and Dubya's Iraq War or his vulcan-esque views of President Obama's Iran Deal but perhaps there are those who do. So it's All Aboard Dick Cheney's Crazy Train to Iran:

Jul 18, 2015

Astro-Notes on VP Joe Biden with cameos by Cecil Rhodes, President Obama, and Rachel Maddow

Astro-Notes on Vice President Joe Biden: November 20, 1942 8:30 am EWT Scranton, Pennsylvania, Cecil Rhodes, and a Few More Things...

by Jude Cowell

"From memory" says the data source for the natal horoscope of VP Joe Biden and if we take his data as factual we find that VP Biden's natal Sun @27Sco34 conjoins the natal Midheaven (MC = Goals; Aspirations; Public Status) of President Barack Obama. How nifty for the pair of them, heads bent together in the White House, Biden a Council on Foreign Relations man, a group that began originally as The Round Table founded by British empiricist and "Diamond King" of South Africa, Cecil Rhodes.

Rabbit Holes of Power: Makes No Difference Who Plays the Role of US President

An overview of the entire Global Government scheme is available for the hardy to read so if that is you, please see Chapter 22, Cecil Rhodes and his Knights of the Round Table where the submerged role in the US government and the Obama White House of VP Joe Biden may be revealed to you in all its splendid subterfuge and ultimate Utopian distopianism (though some Democrats are said to prefer subtle persuasion and propaganda while Republicans go more for the brutal conquest-enforcement model of Global Governance; either way, chaos and subsequent rebuilding are on the purposefully engineered Plutonian political and financial agenda.) As you know, VP Biden is also a member of the Bilderberg Group of World Planners, not one of the more popular secret-cabal packs of so-and-sos and self-imagined 'overlords' using the Hegelian Dialect ruse upon the public where they create the chaos (Thesis), then 'save' us from it (Anti-Thesis) while merrily shredding the US Constitution as they go.

Now on this difficult topic there is another page I recommend if you dare titled, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Round Table Group. You probably know a bunch about the Rhodes Trust and Rhodes Scholarships that were established under Rhodes' will (1902) and administered by his pal, international banker Nathan Rothschild of the House of Rothschild, master manipulators of the Plutonian kind. Naturally, this firmly ties into the Great Scheme viathe British Empire and its central banking system with the US banking system ('the Fed') along with top scholars who get to study at the University at Oxford.

Why, even my political 'splainer-in-chief of complex topics, the very intelligent (Rockerfellerite) MSNBC news host Rachel Maddow is a former Rhodes Scholar. Tap the BuzzFeed link, then scroll down a bit if you wish to see a photo (#13, no less) of her tossing the sign of the goat, Satan's sign, at you. Wish she hadn't let herself be photographed doing that.

So if you're unfamiliar with the centuries-old 'Great Plan' for a New Millennium 'new world order' to replace the then-new order begun with the founding of America in 1776, why not try a previous post Astro-Notes and Famous Quotes on the New World Order and see if it fits what you see going on around you in 2015? Okay, the post may be a dud but you won't know if you don't try it and please Re-tweet any of my articles for I've spent quite a few years at this freebie blogging thing and an occasional Re-tweet would be mighty nice of you! @judecowell

Arghh! Once More the MSM Touts the Will Biden Run for President? Memo

Now let's step off the 'new world order' ledge long enough to take a detached peek at the Water-Earth Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus personality blend of Joe Biden and see if its potentials ring true based on the public persona that VP Biden has projected during these many years of political activity. If not, his Moon @00Tau59 may denote an earlier birth time with an "I AM the people" natal Moon in late Aries, ruled by activist Mars and denoting a workaholic crusader with a mission temperament when paired with the secretive, mystery-loving, hidden control, big business sign of Scorpio with its forceful Mars-Pluto vibes.

Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus describes one who is drawn to the joys of life and to death matters and has an interest in the corruption of innocence, and as a US senator, he is known for sponsoring the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA) with broad support in Congress. This blend contains the typical practical-and-supportive vibes of a Water-Earth combination though it may have a chauvinistic streak. Talents include a natural understanding of financial and economic realities, along with full dedication to loved ones.

Although stubbornness and a total blindness to the motivations of others may be noted, this blend's pragmatic wisdom is extremely valuable and may be noticed in its supportive role of a Vice President who may be something of a power-behind-the-throne actor in a similar mold as Dick Cheney to George W. was purported by pundits to be.

With Biden's Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus blend, we find intense idealism which resonates with his CFR and Bilderberg leanings, plus, I heard him say to Bill Maher a few years ago that he's a Zionist though the clip seems to have disappeared (see video, below.) An ability to be a reliable touchstone for his friends is evident and it seems clear that President Obama leans on the rock that is VP Biden, a man who is, I believe, one of Mr. Obama's mentors as required by the president's natal 1st house Chiron in mystical Pisces. (Remember that the president experienced his 3-fer Chiron Return while in the White House.) Mr. Obama's natal Chiron opposes his 7th house Pluto (6 Virgo) denoting his ability to express such Pluto-Chiron themes of oppression and exploitation within the mass consciousness as he plays the White House mouthpiece, we might say, which is a primary role of the US presidency.

So! I just noticed while typing how easy it is to get off the topic of Joe Biden and onto other political actors! Well, maybe it's time to consider the Scorpio-Taurus Images for Integration provided so helpfully by Charles and Suzi Harvey in their book Sun Sign-Moon Sign which is a visual method for sussing out the integration of one's Solar conscious mind with the Lunar unconscious which results in a whole and fully functioning personality:

"A successful businessman probes the mysteries of life...A celebrated surgeon amasses a fortune...Pluto takes Persephone into the Underworld."

Of course I know that you, dear reader, can freely associate these images with what you know of the life of VP Joe Biden--one such being that he underwent two brain surgeries in 1988 and wasn't given very good odds of being 'normal'. And this isn't counting his son Beau's recent and tragic death from a brain tumor at age 46.

Now on a Global Politics level, let's close today's astro-notes with a clip of Joe Biden avowing himself to be a Zionist which makes him part of the political movement called Zionism (which is not the same as Judaism):

Natal data for Barack Obama: August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii; BC/BR online.

Apr 29, 2015

US Police Forces: thwarted and distorted by Mars Rx

Depending on which of several horoscopes we use for America's founding and its hour ascending (Sag ASC in the 5:00 pm range, Scorpio rising in the 2:22 pm range, July 4, 1776 = Independence) we find our national Mars (police, military, males in general, etc) turning retrograde by Secondary Progression in 2006--in July or September of that year. This inward-turning, distorted condition for our Mars, warring planet of energy, action, and motivation, will continue for approximately 80 years, or, 71 years from 2015.

Note that the same progressed condition of natal Mars occurred for Germany in years past.

Here is master astrologer Maya Del Mar writing on US progressed Mars Rx (Part II) with a link to Part I of her article included. Maya's expertise is often missed these days yet the archive of her insightful articles, many of which have been published in The Mountain Astrologer magazine over the years, is a fantastic resource for all astrologers.

Now an SP Mars Rx is full of frustration, tension, and authority issues and denotes revolutionary actions such as riots, protests, and attacks on US soil, curfews and police and National Guard forces employed to control a discontented public and the few violent actors (some of whom may be 'plants' or 'black shirts' paid to discredit peaceful protesters and their causes and divert from real issues), self-directed mayhem such as committing arson in one's own neighborhood (ex: Baltimore), the famously touted concept of "black on black" crime, the Pentagon supplying America's police departments with military-grade weapons and equipment to use against the populace, the massive incarceration of American citizens for non-violent crimes, a lack of arrests for white-collar power elite crooks, and other conditions, situations, and bad ideas that I'm certain you can name.

Now as you know, America's natal Sun @13Cancer has progressed into murky Pisces and will in a few years be opposed by US SP Mars. Challenges to authority will increase around that time, not lessen, so it's important that the American people address Martian authority issues such as oppression and power abuse as soon as possible--and hold politicians accountable for their actions or lack of action where needed. We've become the Prison Planet some folks have warned about yet We the People cannot expect much if any help from the ruling class since most if not all of them are desperate to protect their cushy positions (and posteriors) from public pitchforks in the streets. Personally, I prefer figurative pitchforks because acts of violence only reduce We the People to the level of criminals and barbarians--and it's what 'they' want: an excuse to use all that military equipment against us. So let's not give them an excuse.

Blending its energies with the US SP Mars Rx condition is our nation's Mars-Neptune square of 1776 and its misguided/misdirected actions, muddled/confused motivations, deception as a tool, the 'fog of war' implications for warrior Mars and Neptune of the masses and the media that propagandizes all issues. These issues very much include racism and 'the powers that think they be' always know they can use racism as a social 'wedge issue' to keep the American people from realizing and acting as One using our true strength--in numbers.

Yes, everyone of every stripe possesses unconscious racist attitudes and this the power elite have known since Psychology (subversive Pluto) told them so. We the People have been studied from the start and from every angle and now they want deeper information on the internal workings of our brains! Guess the chemical soups they've contaminated us with through the years need more study so that total control may be's kind of the human genetics model of social engineering toward more docile slavery and a weeding out of 'the fittest'. But it isn't as if we've not been warned for decades now in entertainment venues such as movies, books, music, and TV, right? Transhumanism is said to be the latest thing, corporations are people, and it's no longer good enough to simply be a human being.

Well, I must dissent from all such poppycock along with the globalism-is-good crap they sell for globalism only benefits plutocrats. The current TPP trade deal is a blatant attempt to unite the world under a Corporate banner of total control and it's being promoted by those who would run it totalitarian-style. Meanwhile, current enablers of The Plan think they will remain in charge and will prosper by new developments but I beg to differ because evil cares nothing for its human tools and shills though a good facade may be employed until such time as lower-rung individuals are not useful anymore. Then they will find themselves in the same soup as those of us who decried their masters' Utopian ideal to destroy all civilizing institutions such as Familial, Religious, Social, Financial, and Political systems.

Get to Know Albert

For more info on the power elite ('NWO') agenda we see being implemented right under our 2015 noses, you may wish to view a previous post concerning Albert Pike, a major 19th-century promoter of the Great Plan. The post includes a video explaining who Pike is plus a few astrological notes on his natal horoscope for as you know, he is the only Confederate General to have a statue within the District of Columbia and some say his remains are interred in a vault or crypt inside the Scottish Rite Temple a few blocks from the White House. Coincidence?

Jan 13, 2015

Aldous Huxley interviewed by Mike Wallace ( Full Interview)

Aldous Huxley, prophet of the future. Or was Brave New World a blueprint?

Update July 27, 2022: adding a link to a previous post concerning Aldous Huxley's Letter to George Orwell.