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Showing posts with label shemitah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shemitah. Show all posts

May 18, 2016

The Ways in Which We're All Living the "Truman Show" - video

Thom Hartmann has a few questions concerning The Truman Show sort of lives we've been taught to lead which reminds me of the many 'false reality' mentions in posts here on Stars Over Washington, plus, several of the broadcasts posted here and presented by Max Igan who has attempted to awaken We the Snoozers to reality.

Add the truth-tackling September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse with its realism themes of 'coming down to earth' and 'seeing an old situation for what it really is rather than what you thought it was' (in time to affect Election Day 2016 and Inauguration 2017) and it's plain to see that our nappy time is over. Unfortunately, the September eclipse also contains vibes of financial concerns along with the Shemitah prophecy of judgment upon America, the government of which led its people astray via lies, fraud, and ensnarement within a false reality:

Tap or click for an excerpt from a recommended Max Igan broadcast: Lies You Have Been Told! Wake Up! (with the awakener-dreamer pair, Uranus-Neptune, added).

Nov 2, 2015

The Problem with "Good Guys with Guns" interview - video (w US Mars Rx)

David Pakman conducts an informative interview with Ladd Everitt regarding gun violence, gun safety regulation, and the NRA:


US Mars: Guns Against The People: From Gemini Direct (1776) to Retrograde (2006 - 2086)

As you know, America's progressed (SP) Mars symbolically turned retrograde during Summer 2006 and is visiting its thwarted, frustrated energies upon home soil while being only partially successful in the wider world. Our SP Mars continues to represent police state violence against the public, mass protests on various issues, gun and other violence against the innocent including children, veterans' health problems and lack of timely care, distorted actions and motivations at home and abroad, and many other events and conditions we both could name.

Mars the Warrior Planet

During the Bush administration I blogged here and possibly elsewhere that US Mars turning Rx in Summer 2006 symbolized on one level Washington's misadventures and misguided interventions in the Middle East and US troop re-deployments and over extensions--that Bush had 'broken' the US military as shown by our Rx Mars, planet of soldiers, troops, and war. This was simplistic of course since W. Bush (and Jeb who signed on for the Iraq War even before his brother did) was in league with certain shadowy elements who control the US government and determine who is nominated and subsequently selected to play the role of 'US president' and who decide our war waging abominations. President Obama would not be president if he were not in league with 'higher forces' as well. You may naturally disagree but there it is, and it is the reason why Senator Bernie Sanders will never be president though you may have read or heard lately that it's because he is Jewish. In spite of that, unless the senator falls in with the supranational-global-conquest narrative, he will not be the Democratic Party nominee--though thankfully his #FeeltheBern platform places many of our most dire issues into the public discourse and under Hillary Clinton's hawkish nose.

As for the above interview (very informative I might add), we find our Mars Rx being discussed whether David or his guest, Ladd Everitt, know it or not. Astrologers know it for the ancient art of Astrology is an excellent tool and language with which to understand events, conditions, and people on a deeper level. And of course Astrology has the advantage of adding the element of time to any analysis so unfortunately we must see the 80-year retrograde period of Mars as a long slog, a time when the US government should reign in its global conquest urges rather than attempting to expand US influence in the world.

This need to reign in US power in the world is also shown astrologically by America's SP Full Moon of December 2008 (horoscope with Dec 2008 transits shown) which was spotlighted in the Financial Collapse of 2007--2008 (aka, the Great Bush-Cheney Heist.) Sadly for the American people (and the world) the US government, its minions in Washington, and its supranational bosses did not heed that call for limitation and moderation either and such irrational hubris will eventually lead to more hardship than we've already experienced along with what many people, non-astrologers included, recognize as the dissolution of America in preparation for global governance, aka, as a "new world order". This leads me to believe that the 'power elite' in charge, the shadow government, never intended to reign in US dreams of eternal glory at all because collapse and dissolution of America was and remains their devilish goal.

Related: Thom Hartmann on Why the Crash of 2016 Will Happen (with notes on Antares added by yours truly.)

Please note that the above dates for US SP Mars Rx issue from our natal horoscope of July 4, 17776 5:10 pm LMT with Mars @22Gemini and are based on an approximate Rx period of 80 years which began in Summer 2006 (US SP Mars now @18Libra.) Also note that recent news items concerning the 'Shemitah reset' spotlight 'exceptional' America and its refusal to moderate its activities such as reigning in usury interest rates, corruption, military invasions, etc--much of which is timed by Bush's theatrical bullhorn performance atop WTC rubble--the wrong response to a critical evolutionary lesson brought by the attacks of 9/11/01. However, current releases from the US prison population actually do resonate with Shemitah imperatives. Hopefully there will be adequate follow through to welcome those released back into society with jobs and places to live as they begin their lives over.

Sep 23, 2015

A 2015 Government Shutdown to Blame on Republicans?

As a 2015 Shutdown Looms, Bitter Memories of 2013 Linger

With another political stunt by scorched-earth Republicans on the horizon, Capitol Hill's irresponsible Government Shutdown of 2013 holds bitter memories for many Americans including those engaged in business start-ups, as Jeremy Quittner details. And check out today's HuffPost coverage here including political gamesmanship information.

In 2013, the political-jacka*s shutdown of the US government was allegedly perpetrated over Obamacare and predictably ended in failure for Republicans who took the majority if not all of the blame for wasting money, causing hardship for certain government departments, loss and disruption for the civil servants who work for paychecks, and 'governing' in breach of the public trust and contract. Some have called it treason and obviously, We the People cannot trust the anarchistic zealots and usurpers not to pull the same undermining stunt again, perhaps around the end of September when the fiscal budget expires and Congress is traditionally required do one of its jobs and fund government operations. However, their stupidity may peak in October whether a cyclical Shemitah is in force or not.

So in spite of the usual misdirected energy of certain politicians (with ulterior motives of shrinking the US government so it can be dispensed with and replaced in their beastly image), it is my understanding that there is already a law on the books that government funds (taxpayer money, one assumes) cannot be used to support abortions at Planned Parenthood facilities if that's genuinely their worry. In that case, what's the point of a government shutdown over funding an organization that provides women with health screenings and other necessary medical exams and counseling? And with an astounding amount of cognitive dissonance, the GOP insists they fight no 'War On Women' but how can women agree with such obvious hypocrisy? Apparently they think Americans are even stupider than they are and women stupider still!

Okay, this woman will hush for now but here's a recent post with informative videos (one from Ed Schultz) concerning the chances of a 2015 shutdown and the misbegotten shutdown of 2013 but you'll have to supply your own green eggs and ham.

Sep 9, 2015

Dr. Don K Preston: False Prophets, Jonathan Cahn and the Shemitah - video

This video was helpfully posted on YouTube by Rob McConnell, host of The 'X' Zone Radio Show. The pastor asserts that, "The world will not end on September 15, 2015" which is great since the September 13, 2015 Solar Eclipse only contains themes of a high stress level and an overtaxing of strength' according to Bernadette Brady in her book Predictive Astrology.

But soon we have the prominent-in-the-news 'blood moon' and tetrad moon--the September 27, 2015 Lunar Eclipse @4Aries40 to add to the fretful flavor that some have attached to the month of September 2015. Tap or click the link if you wish to view horoscopes of the two September 2015 eclipses set for our goddess-idolizing capital of Washington DC, where so many of the cauldrons of tragedy are brewed.