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Showing posts with label higher destiny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label higher destiny. Show all posts

Jan 16, 2008

Feeling the pinch: Jupiter to US chart

Economic slowdowns involve much more astrologically speaking than Jupiter's influence.

Although he prefers to bring us money, largesse, and abundance, jolly Jupiter can be something of a parsimonious culprit when making oppositions to natal planets.

Such is 2008 for America's natal chart with her Venus, Jupiter, and Sun in Cancer, one of the 'business' signs, and sign of the Home.

Beginning New Years' Day, and looking at the USA's Sibly chart (July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm LMT) we see Jupiter opposing natal Venus (money; values; relationships), natal Jupiter, and natal Sun (which is also George Bush's natal Sun, as you know.)

This ranges from 3 Cancer to 14 Cancer and illustrates a difficulty in having a triple conjunction--it extends transits to longer periods of time than if there were only one natal planet involved.

Plus, aspect patterns such as USA's Sun/Saturn square are set off simultaneously which adds complexity to the situation, but time is short this morning so I'll only give the Jupiter oppositions as a basic background of 2008.

Jupiter oppo Venus: the usual pleasures may fall flat; business and pleasure don't mix; promoted events don't live up to the hype; partnerships and joint ventures may suffer from lack of money or enthusiam esp if they're already stressful; others don't cooperate as they should (Bush in Arabia?); promises are not kept; values, perspectives, sincerity, and sense of proportion are under suspicion.

Jupiter oppo Jupiter: discontent with wealth or achievement; no one is impressed; worthwhile things are done better by someone else; overblown efforts and discouraging comparisons; taking things for granted or pushing too hard should be avoided; sources of money dry up.

Jupiter oppo Sun: situations occur that deplete resources (the entire Bush residency actually); generosity benefits the wrong people (the already rich?); those who would like to help are stymied by powerlessness; grandiose ideas don't pan out; victories won may compromise integrity and principles; pride is wounded, ego is deflated; father is cast in an unfavorable light (in Bush's case, he should be.)

2008 has other transits to consider as well, but I can't go into them now...except for one--a generational transit that's been a long time coming. So if you feel yourself succumbing, just hang in there and know that this too shall pass...

Uranus oppo Neptune: one ideology is replaced by another; loss of ideals.

Now America would be nothing without ideals, and the 'replacement' may be a good thing if we can replace the warhawkery and war profiteering ideology of Dick Cheney's 1% gang that we've been suffering under.

A higher destiny for America? How about higher actions and honesty to go along with it?

It's up to The People to do this--obviously our lying politicians have other ideals and plans which we know are dark and dreary and bring more war, not less, privation for us, more resources for them.

And remember that there are those on Wall Street who use Astrology so they've seen 2008 coming all along. Take their nuggets of wisdom with a grain of you-know-what, and most of all, don't hold back your own generosity when you get a chance to spread it around!