UPDATE May 17: the headlines scream that Wolfowitz may resign this afternoon (another good riddance) so Saturn in Leo ploughs on removing those who must go now go now. Will Gonzo join the throng?
Saturn's current passage through Leo (leadership) has taken another leader, Jerry Falwell, as Saturn brings blockages, restrictions, and loss.
Born Aug 11, 1933, Falwell's n Sun 18Leo32 has again been triggered by tr Saturn 18Leo45 now moving direct.
Having natally an opposition between Sun (vitality; the heart) and Saturn 12AQ36 (protective structures; skeletal system; skin) conj IC (endings), it may describe a clear picture of heart problems unless I miss my guess--and I'm not one to keep up with the man's personal details (since I don't believe that Christians can possibly covet the halls of earthly power and remain true to Scripture.)
Between his n Sun and MC 13Leo05--and with Sun as final dispositor of the chart (AstroDataBank gives his natal chart an A rating) there is a midpoint picture worth noting because tr Saturn visited there in August 2006...Neptune/Pluto relates to religion and supernatural concerns...
Neptune/Pluto = tr Saturn: gradual decline of powers and faculties; pessimism; dark forebodings.
Then tr Saturn moved on to n Sun itself, a period of restriction and loss which isn't as difficult if you're a whippersnapper, but at age 74--and with possible heart problems--is a difficult transit to come out of in one piece with all your faculties intact.
Transit Chiron has recently been conjuncting his n Saturn at IC as well, as did undermining Neptune which tends to disintegrate structures when conjuncting Saturn. With his n Sun/Saturn opposition, this means Neptune also opposed n Sun...another indication of eroded (Nep) vitality (Sun.)
All I've heard before checking his chart is the announcement of his passing, so it will be interesting to see if his heart was involved, and if he'd had any surgeries in the last year or so--also indicated.
With n Mars/Chiron midpoint at n MC, this sacred warrior has gone down for the count and my best wishes go out to his family in this time of loss and sadness.
Here are some Previous Posts concerning Saturn in Leo, loss of leaders, restrictions, and such:
Fidel Castro who hasn't been seen in public in quite a while now;
Tony Blair has now announced he's out the door at the end of June-- good riddance;
Congress' Saturn Return and the last of this Saturn Return, hit #3, occurs July 13, 2007;
US Congress Solar Return 2006 is still in effect;
Bob Ney who's in the slammer for his dirty dealing (Saturn to n Pluto)--Saturn demands accountability when we take his lessons of responsibility lightly;
Cheney's Health plus Fixed Grand Cross the rigid my-way-or-the-highway stalemate we're still seeing in Washington;
midterm elections 2006--this post has Saturnian Scythe info and a link to John Townley's site with more on Saturn's harvesting sickle...
Wonder who'll be next?
McNulty is history, calls for Gonzales are still echoing through the chambers of Washington--how genuinely I know not, but he does have a bunch of Leo planets as does George Bush--so stay tuned for more on Saturn's stomp through Leo which completes in early Sep, 2007.
Makes you wonder if Bush will finish his term.
Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them...with a gentle sprinkling of world events
Showing posts with label loss of leader. Show all posts
Showing posts with label loss of leader. Show all posts
May 15, 2007
Jerry Falwell 1933--2007
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
109th Congress,
Jerry Falwell,
loss of leader,
mundane astrology,
Paul Wolfowitz,
Saturn in Leo,
US Solar Return 2006
Dec 16, 2006
Blair sinking in sleaze

Here you see today's transits for noon, London, to Tony Blair's natal chart.
As you know, Mr. Blair is under tremendous pressure of late--as is his twin George Bush--and we see here recent transits to Mr Blair's 12th house planets.
Read The Scotsman's take on Blair's troubles (which are often self-created) Blair sinking amid sleaze allegations for details.
Now 12th house-ers are usually good at secretive occupations dealing with large organizations such as--you guessed it--politics, and Blair's having Venus (relationships; values; money), Mercury (thinking; communications), Sun (ego; true life purpose), Jupiter (one of two Social planets relating to the expansion principle, to optimism and confidence, and negatively to hypocrisy and to over-confidence--a manifestation often seen in charts of politicians along with 12th house back-door-deals for pocket-lining); Mars (energy; action; intitiative) lined up in 12th house (of Self-Undoing) is great for strengthening purposes until a bunch of transiting planets come along to knock them over like bowling pins.
If we see these planets as ACTORS opposing Mr. Blair we may see that for some time--certainly since 2005 when Jupiter opposed natal Venus--he has been under great stress. Most of these recent oppositional transits involve such things as:
plans, ideas, opposed or dismissed out-of-hand; unfavorable time for group endeavors, meetings (Mars oppo Mercury: Oct 17/18, 06);
unfavorable for ego-related situations; bad time for displaying arrogance or aggression or to resist the authority of others; Half-Birthday--time for reassessing one's progress or its lack (Sun oppo Sun, on or about Nov 8);
discontent with personal achievement (or wealth!); a difficult time to find anyone who is the least bit impressed with you;; overblown efforts and discouraging comparisons (Jupiter oppo Jupiter, 3rd week Nov);
others actions/efforts are diametrically opposed to your own; the hitting head against the proverbial brick wall transit; aggression succeeds even less with equally determined force against you by others (Mars oppo Mars, on or about Dec 11.)
These are just some of the effects of the last several weeks to Mr.Blair's natal chart in the opposition realm...and there's the ongoing tr Saturn to natal Pluto, the power planet.
Now many people--self included--are of the Pluto-in-Leo generation and so we all have had, are having, or will have this important transit to our natal Plutos.
But it is made more important for those who are directly connected with societal power structures...such as politicians like Blair and Bush.
So what to expect with the Saturn to Pluto transit?
Saturn...control; restriction, denial, loss, and accountability stomping on Pluto's power...you could even say the power-behind-the-throne and perhaps secret activities:
loss of control in situations which are too large to handle efficiently or readily;
may lack resources to be the one in charge; struggle to understand or control current motivations, behavior, and actions that developed as a result of the past.
Saturn brings the past to catch up with us...and you'll read about it for Mr.Blair and his bribes to the Saudi Arabia royal family to secure their order for 72 Eurofighter Typhoon jets, and his cash-for-honors scandal--and his stopping of the SERIOUS FRAUD OFFICE's inquiry into the arms deal--in the above-linked article.
Now...where can America get one of those Serious Fraud Offices? What a hoot of a name! Propaganda rules, m'peops!
tags: Tony Blair Bush Politics Political Astrology
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
12th house politician,
loss of leader,
mundane astrology,
politcal astrology,
Saturn in Leo,
Tony Blair
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