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Showing posts with label oil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oil. Show all posts

May 21, 2020

Is Donald Trump Bailing Out Mexico? w/ Rep Ro Khanna

Here's a segment from May 19, 2020 with Thom Hartmann and Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) during which a caller asks an interesting question concerning Trump and Mexico:

Astrological Data: Mexico's natal chart for Declaration of Independence from Spain is dated September 15, 1810, midnight (public record); Rohit Khanna September 13, 1976 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Apr 10, 2016

Pulse Change | Halliburton Is Back

If you can ignore a certain ugly mug grimacing at you, check out this quiet yet disturbing presentation:

Dec 22, 2014

"Gold Sells While Oil Plunges: Geneva Business Insider" video report

Gold Sells While Oil Plunges - Geneva Business Insider
This month on the Geneva Business Insider, James and David discuss the results of the Swiss gold referendum, the Netherlands gold repatriation, the empty Ukrainian gold vaults, Russia's gold buying spree, and the plunging price of oil.
©2014 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

Mar 7, 2008

Mar 7, 2008 transits to Arab Oil Embargo chart 1973

The excellent Information Clearing House has an interview by Amy Goodman with Stephen Kinzer author of All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror which gives a basic view of how the US and UK sparked our present troubles by their greed, perfidy, and the Bondian exploits of Teddy R's relative, suave spy Kermit Roosevelt, who facilitated the overthrow of Iran's democratically elected government which resulted in the re-installation of the Shah--bwo the CIA.

We can also thank the Eisenhower administration for the overthrow and its 'unintended consequences' which turns out to be something at which the US government excels. Lots of practice, and 1953 was no exception. Read the article, if you haven't, for it explains a lot of the UK and US machinations,shall we call them. It's the oil, stupid.

And I would add, and the money that can be made from the oil.

The book is now in paperback which I've been waiting for so I've put it on my Wish List.

Inspired by today's $106 barrel oil (the highest ever) here is the chart of the Arab Oil Embargo of 1973 which I took a re-gander at this evening along with the transits for this afternoon, 4:00 pm, NYC.

In the 1973 chart, North Node (associations; connections) is at00Cap58--this afternoon's Pluto? 00Cap58 (no, I didn't realize this until I saw it with my own peepers.)

This places today's tr Mars--out-of-bounds and setting bombs and fires all over the place~1Can08--conj 1973's South Node (of the Moon)--a separative point of karmic repercussions. Mars-SN = violence; war. And I might add, disenfranchised men between the ages of appr 25--35...some of them with red hair.

If we look at the possible word pictures of these three players, Mars, Pluto, NN, we get:

Mars-Pluto = NN: working with others to change the world; joint performance of record achievements; spurring others on; setting an example for others to achieve.

Mars-NN = Pluto: others must 'get on the train' or get left behind; a violent or enforced separation in a partnership.

Pluto-NN = Mars: exhibition of personal power; tyranny; demonstrating violence or brutality in the presence of others; desire to make others amenable to one's wishes; the misfortune to be placed under someone's else's power and control. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Another clump of planets can be done the same way--1973's close conjunction of Moon 4Can42 and Saturn 4Can45, with 2008's tr Mars 1Can08, so we see:

Moon-Saturn = Mars: lack of determination; desire to overcome difficulties; soul-conflicts; the sense of real problems; difficulty getting off the ground except by very careful, strategically planned exertion of energy.

Moon-Mars = Saturn: caught in the middle of the road; frustration; quarreling; dissatisfaction or an unsatisfied desire; suppression.

Mars-Saturn = Moon: weak will; moodiness; depression; feelings about losing something.

Well, phooey--this post is being overtaken by a massive thunderstorm system rolling in in case I don't get to complete this post before tomorrow, the above linked article makes it plain that a US strike on Iran would result, among other things, in Iran's being able to shut the Strait of Hormuz by sinking a couple of oil tankers which would effectively close the tap on 20% of the world's oil supply.

And the Pre-natal Eclipse Series of the Oil Embargo of 1973 is 11 South...Brady gives this Series as:

old ideas and methods fail; new systems are required to deal with events; blocks may be violently or tragically removed.

So if we hobble toward 2009 without allowing Cheney-Bush their daft and cruel strike on Iran then we've got trouble comin'...this Eclipse repeats on July 22, 2009, "30Can": "A daughter of the American Revolution."

Feb 24, 2007

scandal: the love nest of J. Steven Griles

This photo is from the WaPo article of Feb 14, 2007 linked above concerning the now-brewing scandal which may--should--impact the Bush administration all the way to Cheney and his nibs himself.

It concerns Sue Ellen Woodridge, former top "environmental prosecutor" in the US Justice Dept--who resigned in January, and J.Steven Griles, a man who has been mysteriously protected from harm even as the questions mounted about his conflict of interests in "regulating" the industry he had worked for.

As David Hirsch, director of Friends of the Earth, says of Griles, "he spent four years working for his former clients at the Dept. of Interior. It didn't seem to matter how many problems came out, he just kept going. He's the Energizer Bunny of conflict of interest."

So who knew of the purchase of this vacation home on Kiowah Island, SC? Who facilitated and protected Griles through the years?

And who thought he and his girlfriend Sue Ellen Wooldridge could purchase a $980,000 home in partnership with Donald Duncan, VP of Conoco-Phillips--America's 3rd largest oil company--and that no one would notice the champaign bottles in the morning trash?

Was it a love nest meant for three? Eeeu-u-uwwww.

You may remember that Griles resigned from the Bush administration in Jan 2005 and is supposedly still under investigation for his part in casino shenanigans in the Jack Abramoff affair.

Yes, he's being investigated by the same Justice Dept in which Sue Ellen, his lady love, worked as mentioned above...until Jan 2007. And she's the culprit who signed off on Conoco-Phillips' we'd-rather-not desires concerning the SUPERFUND fines levied against them for cleaning up 9 of their spewing oil refineries...she signed just before she resigned!

Conoco's reluctance is odd, and may I say, anti-social, given that oil companies have been enjoying such obscene profits of late, isn't it?

J. Steven Griles:

Two of the more interesting midpoints in Steven Griles' natal chart (Dec 13, 1947, Clover, VA) have to be these (birth time not needed to appreciate, nor the correct Clover, for there are two):

Jupiter/Pluto = Neptune (of oil and deception fame!): omitting key facts; tendency toward deception; adjusting the data; working a situation into one's own format; cheating.

Mercury/Pluto = Nep: cunning; falsehood; slander; defamation; libel; calumny; the pursuit of peculiar plans; overdoing issues drains energy and wears out one's welcome.

The italics are mine for Mr. Oil Lobbyist.

And anyone who knew anything knew from the time Griles was brought into this administration that it'd be naive to suggest that this man's sway over his Washington turf could have turned out otherwise than scandal and thievery a la Dick Cheney.

Plus, you'd think Sue Ellen could've done better in her search for romance and perhaps the soup she's now swimming in may lead her to the same conclusion.

We'll see if Bush and Cheney , the oil twins, can continue protecting these--pardon my French--criminals...just two more examples of the illusory Bush administration's "integrity."

For more info, check out Steve Curwood's interview with Prof Jonathan'll find the transcript at:

Living On Earth and you may also listen to the interview if you missed it on NPR today. Got iPod? Then you're good to go.