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Showing posts with label Mexico. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mexico. Show all posts

Nov 9, 2021

America's Perpetual Union Horoscope

by Jude Cowell

Update November 17, 2021: It has come to my attention while on FB that astrologer and historian Gary Lorentzen uses a Perpetual Union Horoscope timed for 2:57 pm LMT rather than the 5:00 pm LMT timing you see in the chart below (based on data I gleaned online). At 2:57 pm LMT (Annapolis, MD Feb 2, 1781) 15Can51 arose making Luna in late Taurus chart-ruler (and PU Agreement ruler) with 27Pis23 at Midheaven ('MC'; conjunct Sun-NN: 'connections increase personal prestige' - Munkasey). Obviously, house positions of planets vary in the earlier chart and as chart-ruler the Moon is one degree earlier in Taurus and becomes prominent, making three applying Ptolemaic aspects: opposition Mars (3A45), trine Mercury (5A38), and trine Pluto (7A56). At 5:00 pm, as you see below, the Sun in Aquarius rules the chart and makes only one applying aspect - its sextile to legal planet Saturn @18Sagittarius. When progressed to 2021 and 2022, the 2:57 pm LMT chart reveals Angular and thus prominent Mars-Pluto influences which resonate with current conditions of brutality and violence. However, Mars-Pluto is not as prominent when the 5:00 pm chart is progressed for then the emphasis turns to the progressed Moon in Pisces where transit Neptune, planet of deception, confusion, paranoia, and contagion, now floats. If available, a timeline of events of that day would be helpful!

Original post begins here:

Tuesday November 9, 2021: Since America's Perpetual Union Horoscope has never appeared on Stars Over Washington, its cameo is quite overdue. However, the impetus for posting it now is to show that a Solar Eclipse @9Leo55 in the difficult 11 South Saros Series will 'eclipse' the Union's 1781 Ascendant on August 2, 2027. The last time a solar eclipse in the 11 South family occurred was on July 22, 2009 @29Can26 ("30Cancer" = "A Daughter of the American Revolution") during the Obama presidency which, as we now see if we didn't realize it before, his election riled up the white power folks something fierce and in some circles, talk of an 'American revolution' has been promoted ever since.

Meanwhile, the themes of 11 South relate futuristically to current events, certain op-eds, far-right websites, and news reports within the public discourse many of which opine over the fate of America thanks to secessionsts ready to 'pull the plug' on the experiment we call, America, for they have abandoned the Enlightenment principles of our nation's founding and have viciously turned authoritarian against the country, promoting violence and fantasies of murder across the land.

Then notably, we have a third 'Great American Eclipse' coming in April 2024, its path of visibility splitting the country West to East, and entering Texas bwo Mexico. Secession?Well, it isn't supposed to occur since the US is meant to remain a Perpetual Union.

And so below you see the America's Pepetual Union Horoscope (via historical records) with m'notes penned on, if you care to enlarge and read. Rising is 10Leo48 with the 11 South Eclipse of 2027 marked in orange. And note that 10Leo08 is also the degree of Donald Tr*mp's 12th house Pluto which lurks at apex of his 'death axis' pair, Mars-Saturn. This brutal midpoint picture that he was born under, as previously mentioned on SO'W, is intensified, empowered, and darkened by creepy saboteur Pluto and denotes potentials for 'death, murder, fury, brutality, destruction' - although 'intervention of a higher power' is also a possibility (R. Ebertin).

If you need them, 11 South themes are listed below the chart:

'Methods and/or ideas fail, new systems are required to deal with events; the need for sudden reforms and new ways of handling issues; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Now as you know, forewarned is forearmed. And despite our system's ongoing Pluto Return destructuring, I pray that America and the American people will make it through successfully to the other side of the next incarnation of the difficult 11 South Solar Eclipse. Let's keep working toward such a worthy goal!

Jun 7, 2021

VP Harris to Guatemala with Mars-Pluto opposition visiting the nation's Mars-Pluto Square

Image: Guatemala City; Rudy Cano, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Three Horoscopes for Guatemala but One Chart Stands Out

by Jude Cowell

Monday June 7, 2021: As you know, this week Vice President Kamala Harris, President Biden's point-person on immigration, is visiting Guatemala and Mexico concerning the whys and wherefores of US-Mexican border immigration. So far, reports are that she's telling leaders they must "restore hope" their people. (Actually, the entire world needs hope restored where it's lost but that's a fuss for another post.)

Now The Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion (#ad) contains three horoscopes for Guatemala. The third chart (#142; March 21, 1847 "noon" Guatemala, GUAT; ASC 4Can41; Sun 00Ari31; Moon 6Gem26 conjunct Jupiter 10Gem22; Mars square Pluto 24Ari50 and Venus 23Ari23; Saturn 6Pis35 conjunct Neptune 29AQ02) stands out to me due to its Mars @27Cap55 for as you know, on Friday June 5th, by transit Mars and Pluto opposed one another with Pluto well within orb of America's natal Pluto Rx @27Cap33.

Besides the destructive opposition signifying the well publicized stand-offs in Congress, in a previous post I've related the Mars-Pluto opposition of 2021 to the G-7 Summit in early June 2021 in Cornwall, UK, and particularly to the Biden-Putin rendezvous said to be happening on June 16th. Of course, Mars-Pluto as a pair of energies resonates with major force and power such as the two leaders and VP Harris represent. But that post was written before I'd seen the 1847 horoscope of Guatemala and noted VP Harris' timely visit with the leaders of Mexico and Guatemala this week!

So if you set up the 1847 horoscope for Guatemala (my real-world schedule is overfull today or I'd display it here!) you'll see that the country's 1847 Mars-Pluto square's potentials for violence and for wiping away established conditions is now triggered by the transiting Mars-Pluto opposition, plus, there are other violent indicators in the 1847 horoscope (exs: Pluto-SN conjunction = war; people relocate due to violent conditions, etc; Mars-Uranus = Saturn: violence; heavy injuries; separation - Ebertin). These factors relate to social conditions in the country in 1847, of course, but they remain influential in 2021.

In closing, we should note that the Mars-Pluto opposition of 2021 signifies the culmination, fulfillment, and/or awareness phase of their current cycle which began with the Mars-Pluto Conjunction of March 23, 2020 @24Cap43 conjunct Jupiter @23Cap13 - with Saturn @00AQ04 conjunct US Inaugural Sun which at that time represented dictator-wanna-be Don*ld Tr*mp who likes to pretend that America's immigration predicament was somehow better under his and racist Stephen Miller's slipshod tutelage.

As for VP Harris' current visit South of the border under the Mars-Pluto influence, the planetary combination contains some positive potentials as well such as 'extraordinary force and vigor', 'great self-confidence', 'great ambition', and 'attainment of success through excessive effort' (R. Ebertin).

Then may such potentials of strength and vigor restore hope for us all!

May 21, 2020

Is Donald Trump Bailing Out Mexico? w/ Rep Ro Khanna

Here's a segment from May 19, 2020 with Thom Hartmann and Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) during which a caller asks an interesting question concerning Trump and Mexico:

Astrological Data: Mexico's natal chart for Declaration of Independence from Spain is dated September 15, 1810, midnight (public record); Rohit Khanna September 13, 1976 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

May 31, 2019

When Jupiter Returns to his Spring EQ 2019 position

A view of the Spring Equinox 2019 Horoscope shows Jupiter in 4th house (IC @12Sag10 conjunct US 1776 Ascendant in late afternoon charts). As you know, astrological Jupiter is strong in its own sign of Sagittarius (23:40) and can play many roles on various levels within mundane horoscopes: politician, banker, financier, donor, corporatist, lawyer, judge, entertainer, religious figure (exs: hermit, guru, priest, pastor), military general, explorer, professor, lecturer, mentor, thespian, broadcaster, and propagandist. And you, dear reader, can probably think of more. I can think of Trump as a Jupiterian figure--he broadcasts, propagandizes, plays the POTUS role on TV, and worships money and power--and his natal Jupiter in Libra (muddied by the presence of his Libran Neptune and blind spot Chiron) is known for his "that's not fair!' stance whenever negative events or rhetoric relate to or impact him. (Note that Trump is also Mercurial and Uranian--a changeable wheeler dealer and lover of chaos and disruption. See Donald Trump in the Realms of Jupiter.)

Then there are Jupiter's potentials when traveling through Sagittarius to keep in mind. To quote Reinhold Ebertin, this position signifies: "noble character, love of justice, striving for inner development (especially when Rx), religious and moral aspirations, far-reaching plans, interest in foreign countries, wastefulness, speculation." And Trump has a 'speculation' streak in spades with his bubbly Jupiter-Neptune pair in natal 2nd house of Money, Possessions, and Values.

So can a Jupiter Return to the Spring Equinox 2019 chart hold significance? My suspicion is that it can since any Spring EQ horoscope is 'good for' an entire year until the next Spring EQ for the Sun's ingress to 00Ari00:00, the Aries Point, outweighs the other three Cardinal Ingresses of any 12-month period.

Actually, due to his current retrograde period (Rx April 10, 2019 @24Sag21--Direct August 11, 2019 @14Sag30), Jupiter returned to his Spring EQ position of 23Sag40 on May 1, 2019; his second and final return occurs on November 2, 2019 with Jupiter in the 12th house of Politics, Self-Undoing, Karma, Hidden Enemies, Large Institutions, and/or Behind-the-Scenes activities which include making backroom deals of Jupiterian proportions (Washington DC).

So in the November 2, 2019 Return Horoscope, Jupiter rules the 12th house (cusp 22Sag46) and is unaspected; he would rule the 2nd house too except for the condition that his 'other sign' Pisces is intercepted there which suggests karma that must be dealt with including Neptune Rx in 2nd house (of the National Treasury) @16Pis05. As you know, fraud, deception, illusion, and disguises tend to follow in Neptune's wake especially when we're talking DC Politics with its tedious Political Theater implications as always. Plus, when unaspected, Jupiter cannot add his wisdom and ability for balanced, moderated judgment to the activities and concerns of the other planets and he is unmotivated to seek situations or circumstances in which he can play the moderating role yet much enthusiasm, however off-and-on, may be shown in the house where he is found. Perhaps this Jupiter so near 12th cusp will make his way soon into the 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes and Wishes where he can be much more sociable--plus, there will probably be a microphone and camera awaiting him for his broadcasting purposes!

Saturn in Capricorn Activates a Recent Solar Eclipse

November 2, 2019 12:44:05 pm edt: ASC 14Cap45 makes Saturn, strong in Capricorn, the chart ruler; Saturn @15Cap32 rises and activates the January 5, 2019 Solar Eclipse degree (15:25) so that the 116th Congress, congressional matters, and court cases are suggested by Saturn the lawmaker and 'legal eagle'. There are two applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects of chart-ruler Saturn: sextile Neptune (0A32; ideas made real) and conjunct Pluto (5A18; situations too large to handle, power and control issues, lack of resources--points toward the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020). And with Saturn the traditional ruler of Aquarius, the Lesson-Bringer has something to say about finances with the 2nd cusp @26AQ26, a Zodiacal position which most astrologers use for US natal Moon (We The People).

Now in the November 2, 2019 chart, the Moon's South Node, a separative Saturnian point rather than a planet, has risen @10Cap37 with North Node @10Can37 opposite in 6th house and precisely pointing toward the 3 North Solar Eclipse of July 2, 2019 (America's 'birthday gift eclipse' with eclipse Jupiter the engine of a Locomotive shape of planets = a high-powered executive demanding success). This eclipse has been discussed here more than once so I'll not repeat except to say again that 10Can37 falls between US Jupiter and Sun and 3 North's initial manifestation occurred October 991 @22Libra. Perhaps Trump's newly announced tariffs on Mexico (starting June 10th) will have crashed or depressed global markets by or before the July 2nd eclipse for as you know, the 'King of Debt' likes to play around with risky finances as long as he can use other people's money. Plus, 'wild card' eclipse influences on events can begin as early as two weeks prior to its date of perfection--and June 10th is quite near that range and gives time for the effects of tariffs on Mexico to be felt (yet as with China, US consumers will 'pay the price', not Mexico; who's he trying to punish?). And whether Trump's tariff plan will improve America's immigration situation (also a province of Jupiter!) remains to be seen.

But as with all his antics and ill-conceived notions, we can only hope for the best as Uranian Trump careens his chaotic way through our lives and fortunes, collateral damage be da*ned. Selfishly, he believes it tends to 'benefit' him when others have to pay. Wonder if he's ever heard of karma?!

Moon Greets Pluto: Intense Rage, Morbid Thoughts, a Hidden Child, or...?

Next let's consider another prominent cosmic condition in the Jupiter Return November 2, 2019 chart: that Moon and Pluto rise together just after karmic Saturn and are closely conjoined upon the critical degree of 20 Capricorn. In Politics and Business, the Moon-Pluto pair suggests potentials for: the role of women in controlling self-destructive impulses; popular promises concerning an end to war, waste, etc; the public's opinions on crime, war, and/or internal secrecy; people who are doubtful about how to exert proper controls on criminal or terrorist elements (ex: impeachment); crime and violence are encouraged; obsessions which bring misuse of available resources for country and/or business purposes (paraphrasing Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey).

Then there's the Sun @9Sco57 conjunct MC 8Sco01--trining Neptune (6A08) and North Node (0A20 and thus trining the July 2nd Cancer eclipse), and recently opposing Uranus Rx (4Tau23 in 3rd house). To me these aspects suggest that all is not negative in the November 2nd chart for inspiration is available, covert activities (Scorpio!) can prosper, mysteries attract attention, public contacts and publicity are favorable, and yet recent fund-raising and group endeavors did not transpire or turn out as expected. And we know that Uranus in Taurus suggests speculation and/or looking for unusual or untapped sources of finance.

In closing, let's have a brief peek at the pragmatic Water-Earth Sun Scorpio-Moon Capricorn cosmic weather of the very day that transit Jupiter returns to his position in the Spring Equinox 2019 Horoscope:

This particular Water-Earth blend is committed, tough, courageous, and enigmatic with a dark, brooding intensity and the purposeful demeanor of a natural leader. An exacting personal integrity may be noticed while a deep urge to play detective, then act as judge, upon the 'wrongs' of others may hold sway. This combination of energies often leads to legal and/or political work and of course, lawyers often enter politics, as we know, for material security and power-grabbing are often important goals of this blend.

Now here are three famous natives who were born under the influence of Sun Scorpio-Moon Capricorn so perhaps famous quotes from them will inform us concerning our topic. If any of this sounds like Trump we're on the same page--except for the 'exacting personal integrity' part although his fantasy-prone Mercury-Neptune square probably tells him he's simply full of integrity and he does seem to favor the purging aspect of Puritanism--as long as it's for other people:

"He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow." - George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans).

"Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash." - General George Patton.

"Puritanism...helps us enjoy our misery while we are inflicting it on others." - Marcel Ophuls.

(For more Sun-Moon blend details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Previous yet Related: Recognizing the Primitive Uranian.

Jul 4, 2016

A Curious Synchronicity: Summer 2010 and the War of 1812

With today being July 4th I've been reading about the War of 1812 which I know very little about. Fought between American patriots and British forces, the Royal Navy, and certain Native American tribes wanting a federation of their own (with British encouragement in order to limit US expansion), the War began on June 18, 1812 and ended by Britain and American signing the Treaty of Ghent. It was events of this war that inspired Francis Scott Key to pen The Star Spangled Banner, our national anthem.

And what is the curious synchronicity between the War of 1812 and the summer of 2010? Perhaps you remember another act of British aggression that occurred in Summer 2010--the Deepwater Horzozon Oil "Spill" in the Gulf of Mexico which we lay at the feet of the British Petroleum Oil Company. Or should I say, the BP Corporation? Here's my original post on BP's oil disaster which includes the Independence horoscope of Mexico and the horoscope of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Fiasco itself with power asteroid Hidalgo rising.

Both events, the start of the War on June 18, 1812 and the massive 2010 oil leak (in which Halliburton also played a major role) that attacked the US coastline occurred under the influence of Solar Eclipses in the 12 South Saros Series.

And so the theme of 12 South applies to the War of 1812 of British aggression and the BP oil attack of 2010--the first event involved France, the second involved Mexico: long term draining issues at first seem worse then suddenly clear with successful outcomes. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) In 1812, 12S fell @22Pisces which suggests sea and naval action; in 2010 12S fell @19Cancer, another watery, oceanic hint plus 19 Cancer+ rounded up hits a difficult fixed star, Castor with its potentials for murder, loss, and/or the crippling of limbs (A. Louis). BP cut corners and people died, if you remember. And of course, the financial issue of trade lies beneath both events.

So it seems that yours truly is on Britain's case this Independence Day! And here I'm fussing against The Empire in spite of the genealogy research I've done lately into my own English roots. Could it be I fight against myself?

Related: the natal chart of France (no text--chart only; basic astro-notes are penned on) and Smithsonian Magazine's 2012 anniversary feature The Ten Things You Didn't Know About the War of 1812.

May 4, 2009

Happy Cinqo de Mayo 2009!

Hoisting a Mexican beer, dancing to mariachi music, and reveling in the streets describes the usual celebration of Cinqo de Mayo, aka '5 de Mayo' or 'Cinco de Mayo' but you may wish to know more of why you're celebrating this fun, if highly commercialized, holiday.

UCLA has an informative site, as well as the holiday's Wiki page, and Viva Cinqo de Mayo! gives a more detailed history of the circumstances that led to the Battle of Puebla on the morning of May 5, 1862 when 8,000 French (English and Spanish) troops were routed by 4,000 Mexicans.

Quelle embarrassment! The French Army had not been bested in 50 years.

Plus, Napoleon III had figured the US was otherwise engaged with our own 'Civil' War and wouldn't be a problem. We were. But check out the history as linked above.

Yes, Mexico City was eventually overtaken and occupied with Emperor Napoleon III's installation of a Hapsburg prince to play the part of 'Emperor of Mexico' which went down very badly with the Mexican people as you may imagine.

And the whole mess had been sparked by Mexico's bankruptcy due to - you guessed it - the costs of fighting too many wars. My intuition says that fraud and corruption were involved as well.

Now what do you suppose the US can take from that lesson?

Astrology charts for the date that President Juarez suspended payments on foreign debts (July 17, 1861) shows rebellious, freedom-loving Uranus at 14Gem36; the morning chart on May 5, 1862 has Uranus rising at 7:27 am lmt, 14Gem34, so Cinqo de Mayo was the final conjunction of the Uranus Return to the 1861 chart. (The second and Rx conj was on Nov 29, 1861.)

The chart for May 5, 1862, the Battle of Puebla, also shows Uranus at apex in a midpoint picture involving Jupiter/Neptune, the 'grand spirit; speculation; wasteful' pair of planetary energies, so the original Cinqo de Mayo has this signature ('any, all, or none' may apply)...

Jupiter/Neptune = Uranus: sudden recognition of a difficult situation; reality vs imagination; coming down to earth with a bump; liking the shades; intuitionally innovative; charisma.


Note: for my own future reference, I am about to publish the natal chart of France in the column of Pages on my other blog, jude's threshold if you're interested. The National chart of France, Sept 21, 1792, naturally relates to the Reign of Terror, and to use of terror tactics by governments in general.

Mexico's natal chart for Declaration of Independence from Spain is dated Sept 15, 1810, midnight (public record.)

Sep 29, 2007

Gitmo and the cocaine plane?

Legit Gov Breaking News

Guantanamo transport plane crashes with four tons of cocaine on board --Who owned drug plane that crashed in Mexico? 27 Sep 2007:

U.S. authorities are assisting the Mexican government in the investigation of an American business jet that crashed in Cancun this week with four tons of cocaine on board, officials said Thursday. Some news reports have linked the plane to the transport of terrorist suspects to the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, but those reports cite logs that indicate only that the plane flew twice between Washington, D.C., and Guantanamo and once between Oxford, Conn., and Guantanamo.

Aug 20, 2007

Bush, Harper, Calderone Summit

Bush Seeks to Boost Canada, Mexico Ties at a 2-day summit in Montebello, Quebec, today and Tuesday as these midpoint pictures form the background of the week:

Saturn/Uranus = Mars (conj asteroid Midas): tremendous upheaval possible through rebellion, overstrain, calamity, or anxiety about how things will get on; challenges leading to a fight (Tyl): injury; accident; deprivation of freedom; the wrong use of extraordinary energy (Ebertin.)

The pairing of Saturn (structure; form; old; the past) with Uranus (rebellion; disruption; shock; progress; the new) is always indicative of the tension and stress between old vs new which may lead to conflict and sometimes to violence, and there's an intervention in one's destiny flavor. Instigator and activist Mars has been mightily busy of late, hasn't he?

And with Mars at 6-8 Gemini this month puts me in mind of the last Great Conjunction/s of Neptune/Pluto, the Robber Baron team of the late 1890s...

1. Aug 2, 1891 8Gem38
2. Nov 5, 1891 8Gem19
3. Apr 30, 1892 7Gem42

This is when the real exploitation of natural resources and the oppression of the masses got its modern beginning not they hadn't before, of course. The Neptune/Pluto cycle lasts appr 492 years, and they are now in the septile phase (51:26 degr) of their slow dance. You'll find my post on the karmic Neptune/Pluto septile here, a 7th harmonic aspect.

Sad to say, the other difficult midpoint picture ongoing is explosive in the extreme:

Mars/Pluto = Uranus: tremendous energy; dangerous sense of attack; chip on the shoulder; fight first, talk later (Tyl); cruelty; violence; brutality; sudden disasters of great consequence (Ebertin.)

Weather-related catastrophes are included in these pictures, and the Saturn/Uranus/Mars combo certainly relates to mining collapses all over the globe from Utah to China, and to airplane explosions in Japan, etc. Boeing planes have been grounded there for inspections as an unaspected Uranus 'runs away' with current energies--yet Uranus is the focal planet in the Mars/Pluto midpoint picture, and is associated with electromagnetic weaponry, lightening, technology, and creative genius.

May the shuttle Endeavor's early return escape the violent influences of Hurricane Dean and of instigators of all stripes.

But back to Canada's 2-day summit:

Protesters have been out since yesterday prior to Bush's arrival for some Canadians see this 'partnership' as a threat to Canadian sovereignty being led by the US.

Agreed, but in this case it takes three to tango, my Canadian friends, for No Borders are respected by Chiron-Uranus Types in Government.

With PM Stephen Harper and Mexican president Felipe Calderon categorized as "conservatives" and "free trade advocates" (supposedly more so than their recent predecessors) it seems the North American Union globalist plans are grinding along nicely and with better shills now in place.

Imho, the clearest view of this devilish dissolving of the three nations is to be found at Patrick Wood's The August Review.

And it's not a pretty picture no matter how it's propagandistically framed...the class warfare of plutocratic Chiron-Pluto never is.

Jul 12, 2007

US Army denies free speech--in Canada!

If you've been missing Patrick Wood's excellent work at The August Review you may want to catch up with Patrick concerning the Security and Prosperity Partnership Summit set for Montebello, Quebec, August 20-21:

Public forums denied on upcoming SPP Summit because reality was about to get a little too close for comfort for Bush and the other North American Union types!

And if you saw Bush's strident performance from the new press room this morning, you know reality is still several continents away from Mr. George W. Bush.

The hypocrisy and propaganda continue...