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Showing posts with label the primitive uranian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the primitive uranian. Show all posts

Apr 28, 2024

Uranus to Gemini July 2025

Can Uranus Get a Witness?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Our days of Uranus (The Witness) in earthy Taurus, since March 2019, will end soon as transit Uranus lurches into the tropical sign of Mercury-ruled Gemini.

In Gemini, progressive, futuristic planet Uranus sparks such concepts as original, innovative thinking, new or novel ideas in fields such as Technology, communications, electronics, Science, education, travel (air and space), commerce and trade, literature, persuasive oration, and alternative modes of living and healing. Then given our current societal conditions with Election 2024 coming soon, I must add zealous ideas and ideals from radical reactionaries in Politics; plus, mutable, changeable Gemini is the sign of multiplicity and duplicity.

General negatives of Uranus in Gemini periods include eccentricity, impracticality, scattered ideas and energies, radical or erratic ideals, and/or unreliability in relationships.

Uranus First Sighted 1781 by William Herschel and his sister Caroline (horoscope shown)

Now as you know, Gemini is the sign of America's totem planet, Uranus (@9Gemini in 1776: "A Quiver Full of Arrows"), due to its association with the principles of freedom, independence, anarchy, revolt and rebellion (1775/76). So we should add electricity, shocks, separation, disruption, and upheaval. Also add that America has tended toward war engagement when our Uranus Returns have occurred, and these days, cyber war must be included. Significantly, America's next Uranus Return, a three-fer, will arrive twice in 2027 and once in 2028. A future post on the topic is in the planning stage, so stay tuned to SO'W as you wish.

Meanwhile, across the globe there's a coming shift of Uranian energies from fixed Taurus to airy, mutable Gemini so I thought you might want to view the first second (according to my SolarFire v9.27 software) that transit Uranus reaches 00Gem00:00, the position of fixed star Alcyone of the Pleiades Constellation (the 7 sisters; Gemini, sign of twins and siblings).

DC Horoscope: July 7, 2025 1st second at 3:47:16 am edt; ASC 16Gem14 conjunct Rigel and Mars-NN; planets are aligned in a Splay pattern of individualism; after some fancy footwork, erratic Uranus will hit 00Gem00:00 twice more: in early November 2025 (Rx) and April 2026; my study notes are penned on the chart for your consideration:

Now an Alcyone-Uranus conjunction is never to be taken lightly. You'll find a description of its potentials at Astrology King (scroll down to Uranus). Suffice to say that themes of the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') in the 9 New North Saros Series @9Aries echo the Alcyone-Uranus contact via physical accidents and possibilities of violence. Take no chances! Of course, these concerns loom much larger if the orange fascist manages to coup the White House in November 2024. If you're curious, using this chart as a transit chart to the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope would be informative.

An Additional Note: freedom-loving Uranus also hit 00Gemini in 1942 and conjoined restrictive Saturn which highlights President Biden's natal Saturn-Uranus Conjunction in early Gemini with the duo's links to politics, law, Israel-Palestine, and with old order vs new order implications.

And in case you're wondering, here's a tri-wheel showing when Trump's Guiding Planet Uranus Returns to natal degree with its Sabian Symbol for 18 Gemini: "Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese in a Western Crowd". (I consider this picture a cosmic peep-eye.)

Then if you're unfamiliar with Charles Carter's perfect description of one of the three types of Uranians, try a previous post Recognizing the Primitive Uranian.

Apr 14, 2019

Recognizing The Primitive Uranian

A Voice from the Past Informs Us

by Jude Cowell

In the AFA's journal Today's Astrologer (July 29, 2003 Vol 65, No. 8) appeared a reprint from its September 10, 1942 issue of Charles E. O. Carter's writing on the topic of astrological Uranus. The venerable Mr. Carter (born with Uranus in Libra rising) notes that Uranus was discovered in 1781 while in Gemini (24:27) and "it quickly became known as the planet of revolution, personal liberty, self-will, and even rebellion." Naturally its resonance with both the American and French Revolutions has been frequently noted through the years. Also note that 25Gemini07 is the degree of Trump's 'prez-bid' New Moon that morning of June 16, 2015 when he paid actors to sit in an audience at Trump Tower NYC watching him and his 'better half' descend from a gilded penthouse to the rabble below.

The Carter article then goes on to assert that there are "three kinds of Uranians: primitive, ordinary or normal, and the supernormal, with many intermediate shades."

Here yours truly shall inject the fact that Uranus @17Gem53 in the natal horoscope and psyche of Donald Trump is oriental (last to rise before the Sun) and thus is considered his 'guiding planet'--Uranus, known for its sudden 'wild card' capacity for creating chaos, shocks, and disruption, and primitive planet of revolutionaries, anarchists, and blind zealots everywhere. That's his nibs and the whole world sees him that way. Do most Americans recognize him? Yes, because it's nose-plain. His antics, criminal and otherwise, are shoved in our faces 24/7 unless we take serious measures to avoid being 'shoved' via propaganda and sly, oft-repeated rhetoric a la Joseph Goebbels Reich Minister of Propaganda 1933-1945 (he of 'The Big Lie' fame, a tactic his nibs follows).

And so here is an excerpt from Charles E. O. Carter's description of The Primitive Uranian as reprinted in Today's Astrologer July 29, 2003:

"He is very vengeful, very bad-tempered, being uncontrollably furious on occasion and completely unreliable. Sometimes the malice and ill temper come from a prominent Mars" (Trump born with Mars rising in royal Leo--jc) "are absent" (it isn't--jc) "and we merely get perversity and untrustworthiness" (yep, those too--jc). "This variation is not bad-natured" (Trump certainly is--jc), "but is incapable of common sense" (ex: Trump--jc), "wearies his friends with his inconsistencies and lack of reason and is forever 'going off on a tangent' and leaving whatever he was engaged upon, often just at a critical moment" (we can hope--jc) "when by using ordinary reason he might have achieved success. Perversity--that is a Uranian keyword.

This type will never admit its own folly but will try to justify even the silliest of its acts" ('Tim Apple'? 'Oringes'? sad--jc) "so that sensible people soon tire of its ways and write it down as hopeless ass or something more lurid. Lack of patience is perhaps the other primary fault of the type, which loves to act, think and feel quickly and with intensity and is irked beyond endurance by those who move to a slow tempo."

Yet we must take it easy on his nibs of the Oval Office for emotionally he's hypersensitive (or plays one on TV). Plus, he does, after all, constantly spout his own talents, approval ratings, and 'accomplishments' ad nauseum while offering the public bromides such as "Believe Me" and "Trust Me" so, if repeated often enough, won't such bromides and slogans make his antics okay, no matter how chaotic, shocking, and disruptive?

Above image: my pencil drawing, Uranian Road. And Trump is 'guiding' our way!**#!!