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Oct 11, 2006

Bush defends Rose Garden

UPDATE 7:20 pm: just had some time to look through my files of personages to see if anyone's chart in particular had links to Bush's press gaggle/self-justification session this morning, and one name in particular popped out immediately--natal and sec progressed: Henry Kissinger. Thought you should know...

...original post starts here:

George Bush began defending himself, his policies, his handling of North Korea, his removal of Saddam from power, his incorrect, lowballed Iraqi civilian body count, and Denny Hastert this morning in the Rose Garden, 11:02 am edt.

Yesterday's US ammunitions stash being blown up in Baghdad was no more than a background whisper when the increased violence was touched upon during the 63 minute session.

11:02 am: WHAT...Rising was 2Sag49--"3Sag": "Two men playing chess"...ya think?

WHY...Mc 17Virgo31--"18Vir": "A ouija board"...great, maybe that would help. The unconscious/neg/shadow side of this degree is: a bondage to superstition and a surrender to the unknown.

Midpoints also rising:

Mercury/Pluto, the propaganda duo, which are personalized in Bush's natal chart by being placed in his first house...

Mercury/Pluto = Asc: exercising influence upon one's environment; intellectual domination. (Don't snicker--he was so angry he forgot to mispronounce the bigger words. The man's no dummy, as I've always said!)

also Neptune/Mc = Asc: acting and pretending; living in an unreal world; taking the wrong path or pursuing the wrong objectives; uncertainty or insecurity.

When a reach-around reporter asked him if he would do anything differently in Iraq, he had his chance to frame the issus as, "Abu Graibh hurt us internationally--eased us off the moral highground."

The fact that he, Bush, was not ON moral highground after the way he lied us into an illegal war bwo illusory WMD was glossed over. His ability to ignore peoples' opinions on his Iraq wolf-crying vs what he says now about US threats made to North Korea, Iran, etc, is never addressed. A "moral highground" would come in handy, but all Bush has is the shifting sand of his own lies, propaganda, and oil controlling attempts.

No time to type out all the midpoint pics, etc, but I can tell you the chart--and the chart for his big finish today (a curt, "thank you for your interest", 12:06 pm) show a personally insulted, angry, sharp-tongued man who's feeling the restrictive effects of the current Saturn to natal Venus transit he's laboring under.

Today's 'press conference' further emphasized Venus/Saturn restriction as tr Venus conjuncts natal US Saturn (authority; control) in the Sibly chart.

He's not feelin' the love, people, and the "chess game" is a stalemate he resents having mentioned as reporters uttered the fact that some are accusing him of failing--with North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and the rest of the world he pretends to ignore. This press gaggle was set up to answer the North Korean dictator...he had to say something after the nuclear tests his adm tried to say were "maybe nuclear" tests!

More than once he used the "finish the job or they'll follow us home/listen to bin Laden, don't believe me/the enemy will follow us here" lines--and they'll be searching for YOU, George, as they were on 9/11/01. Seems they want to "finish the job."

Transit Neptune today at "18AQ": "A man unmasked"--still causing trouble in Washington. The unconscious/neg/shadow side of this degree: self-betrayal through exceptional ineptitude.

Chart-ruler--the Republican mantra'd Jupiter "21Sco" at "A soldier derelict in his duty." Descriptive for Mr Bush. And with Jupiter inconjunct (150 deg, an aspect of adjustment) the Moon (the public), the spinning heads and Bush shills will have much work--spouting and touting--to do to make today's performance acceptable to the American people.

No, Bush isn't feeling as invulnerable as before. And it shows. Yet my sympathy is with America--Bush I can still do without.

10.11.06 1:50 pm

2:06 pm: neglected to say that the Sun today is conjunct the US sec progressed Mars now Rx by progression for the first time in our history...Sun highlighting our military/war/quarrels which I think relates among other issues to the blowing up of our munitions in Baghdad. We haven't heard the last of that esp considering how little we've heard--and it's a big honkin' Oops on our part.

3:03 pm: NPR just reporting a small AIRCRAFT was flown into a NYC BUILDING but I'm not seeing anything about it online. As mentioned earlier, tr Venus conj US Saturn-- tr Mercury was conjunct US n Saturn on 9/11/01.


Oct 9, 2006

you know elections are near when

With North Korea giving George a Shout-Out with nuclear--or bogus nuclear--testing, and e-coli and botulism in the news bwo spinach, lettuce, and beef (and there'll be more) we're supposed to get our knickers in a wad about our food supply, and the "growing threat of a nightmarish nuclear future."

Now a turnip knows that worrying never brings the best outcome. And a Christian knows that our Creator is calling the shots and will be the Decider on the ending of things--not some psychopathic pervert in Washington or on the Korean Peninsular--or in Iran or China, for that matter.

Today, while driving in my car, I heard a little of the Neil Voort (sp? Or is it Boort?) Program--that flat tax guy) talking to the author of a new book on Islam and its true intent. Gist was: be afraid, be very afraid. Yeah, we know.

But do the words, 'convenient timing' mean anything to ya? How about November 7? Seems our enemies try to give Bush and the Rs reach-arounds, as Jon would say, when elections come up--like osama's tape prior to the last prez s-election.

Such a collective trance--can we break out of it? I'm not saying there arent't threats to our food supply, chem waste plants being blown up, or whatever.

But I'm saying once again: the time for lies and propaganda are actually OVER. It's time for clarity--not the Bush propaganda kind--the real kind. It's Saturn opposite Neptune--reality vs deception...and I know you're tired of this list, but here it is again:

Saturn opposite Neptune exact (partile) three times:

1. August 31, 2006
2. Feb 28, 2007
3. June 25, 2007

We're in the thick of this opposition now (an appr 36 year-cycle) well into 2007 with all sides barking their heads off to overmake their points for their team and confuse issues toward what they THINK is their advantage.

Their conjunction--the beginning of the cycle that's coming to fruition with the current opposition--was in March, 1989, at 11Capr55. (I know because I have a natal planet there.) Ah, yes, 1989.

2006: the constant flow of information into our heads is exhausting nore than enlightening much of the time, for a never-ending "did I just hear what I think they said?" vibe is making people out-of-sorts and crazy. So many people just shut down--which is part of the politicians' game, too, the better to make their secret deals and plan plan plan. Enslavement's on the menu, and the trussing continues until it's too late to struggle free. Is it too late now?

Only if the populace DOES NOT WAKE UP and see things for what they really are: the manipulation of propaganda with more control on the way. "Our way of life" truly is under seige--East vs West truly is the game, but these liars and crooks in Washington being able to stop the tide--now THAT's a crock from a crook. How fair is it that "our way of life" is under seige from Them, too?

If the West were as upright and aboveboard as we like to think we are, we'd stand a much better chance. And that is the basis, imho, of the feeling--intuition--that so many people express these days--that America is on the wrong track. We're not aboveboard, we're waterboarding with George Bush--and our enemies love his style just fine. It does, in their minds, justify their death-worshipping psychopathy as evidenced by our intrusion onto their holy sand in Iraq.

You can't negotiate with psychopaths, it's true. So what are we to do with the ones in Washington?

10.10.06 12:35 am


John Lennon: still missed

John Lennon born Oct 9, 1940 6:30 pm BST (most often used birth time), Liverpool, England, assassinated Dec 8, 1980 10:50 pm EST NYC; died 11:30 pm with transit Chiron, the Wounded Healer or The Wound 14Tau22 Rx, conjunct US Presidential Inaugural Ascendant (ASC = the Office of the President.)

Lennon's assassination took place just before a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, the societal pair associated with US political parties, aka Republicans and Democrats.

Jupiter conjunct Saturn on Dec 31, 1980, 9Libra30, conjoined Lennon's natal Mars/NN midpoint (meeting a gun? his n 8th cusp: 29Sco38); and his pre-natal Solar Eclipse, 15 North Series: 'joy through commitment and relationships; good news concerning partnerships; parenthood'. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

John Lennon's natal chart shows a Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Taurus (both Rx) in First House of Self and Physical Body, emphasizing his interests in Politics, world peace, and societal improvement. The evening of his murder, the above-mentioned tr Chiron was conjoining his Jupiter/Saturn conjunction.

A la an anxious President Nixon: Lennon was under threat of deportation from the US if he didn't tone down his peace protests (like you can have too much desire for peace.) Well, governments don't like that much especially when it affronts or challenges their huffy authority and criminal war activities.

Images for John's natal Sun Libra/Moon AQ:

'A group of literary radicals stage a "love in" to protest against government military policy (this one devised in his and Yoko's honor, no doubt)...In an elegant opera house, a trendy jazz musician performs ragtime with a symphony orchestra.'
(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey.)

This blend gave him a deep social conscience and a sense of belonging to the human family.

Which doesn't explain most of today's politicians, does it? Aliens, I figure...not part of the family with their bestial natures uppermost and waging war against the rest of humanity.

August 18, 1965 during the Uranus/Pluto conjunction: this reluctant astrologer saw the Beatles in concert in Atlanta. My friend, Becca, and I were the only ones in the entire stadium who weren't screaming--we didn't want to miss a word or a note. And if you think "the lads" didn't notice you'd be wrong because Paul answered my sudden head-nod during their last song with one of his own! ;p

Missing you still, John,

xox Jude

10.9.06 6:33 pm edt
update: 7.7.10 in honor of Ringo Starr's 70th birthday today!

Lovin' Denny?

You may want to sing along to my new song, Darlin' Denny at Lim's Limericks because it might make ya feel better about the pud. Or not.

10.9.06 4:50 pm edt


Oct 7, 2006

Bush, the comma

Ian Welsh at his Agonist Blog writes excellently on Bush's recent use of "just a comma" to describe his Iraq War and how it's part of a code to the religious right for "Never put a period where God has put a comma."

Or, for the unreligious among us, it ain't over till it's over.

Funny thing is, the original phrase came from George Burns' wife, commedienne Gracie Allen, and was adopted by the United Church of Christ in January, 2002. The UCC qualifies as a religious LEFT organization with their "God isn't finished yet" phrase co-opted by Bush speech writers. Funny/odd, isn't it?

The UCC is devoted to fighting for social justice and OPPOSES the Iraq War, so although part of Bush's "dog whistle politics" as Ian Welsh has called Bush's shout-outs to his religious right supporters, it has been something of a task this week for Bush counselor, Dan Bartlett, to defend the phrase as "a historical analysis--that these brief periods seem long and protracted now, but when you look back at them in history, they won't seem that way. He's not discounting the loss of life or the sacrifice people are making."

Seems your son's, daughter's, or spouse's deaths are just part of a very very long game for world domination. Get some global perspective, saith George, it's all good.

Noble effort, I suppose, for Mr. Bartlett, but it's a ridiculous explanation--the idea that George Bush gives a flying crap about what others have sacrificed might have been better shown by not rushing our troops into an ill-begotten war in the first place.

And, btw, neither Bush, Bartlett, nor I will be around to appreciate all the death and destruction visited upon the world by the Bush regime as a comma, a period, or a footnote. In fact, the people most closely affected by Bush's "comma" are already maimed or dead--or on their way out on a sandstorm patrol as Bush enjoys his weekend.

AND: as I've posted here and elsewhere--as have others since the neocon regime began--al-Qaeda wants Bush's "stay the course" directive to continue for their benefit as evidenced by a recently translated letter to their minions in Iraq.

Al-Q must've celebrated wildly when these jingoists couped the White House predicting what the arrogant response would be to their provocations. They set the trap to use up America's resources, and Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the 1% Gang stepped right in--with others making the sacrifices and paying the costs--while George and his energy baron friends reap the millions.

Or should I say billions?

George, the comma, is but a blink of God's eye just as we all must be. But is he the apple?

10.7.06 3:21 pm

Sunday 10.8: Hope you'll check out Mr.A.Cat's limerick "Cannibal Cats on the Hill" at Lim's Limericks because this kitten has served our nation well enough to know what he's meowin' about and then some!


Oct 6, 2006

Harvest Moon and the White House

Tonight's Harvest Moon--the first Full Moon after the Autumnal Equinox--is occurring as the Sun is in process of conjuncting US natal Saturn (Sibly.)

Sun to Saturn: issues of seniority, authority, and maturity are highlighted, and serious situations stifle the fun when Sun conjuncts Saturn. But hard work and loyalty may earn rewards or recognition, too. Guess this could describe Bush calling Hastert to buck him up to take the buck for the Foley Flap.

(Personal example: when my father passed away, Sun was conjunct my natal Saturn--to the minute.)

Note: US natal Saturn and 9/11: Mercury was conjunct US n Saturn on the morning of the 9/11 attacks restricting ideas, communications, and information. There is a seeking or using of information and skills in order to attain seniority and status. Organizaton and preparation become huge issues. (Boy, did they.)

So with tonight's Harvest Moon chart set for the White House 11:12:47 pm edt, the Rising degree (WHAT) is 6Can31 conjunct US natal Jupiter.

Now "6Can" is the "Game birds feathering their nests" degree and I'm stirring up a cauldron of tar on the hob as I type. Actually it's the same batch I've been stirring since 1999, but never mind...let's use "7Can" for the WHAT of this Harvest Moon, so named because farmers pre-electric lights could harvest their crops after sunset...and I have a distinct feeling that White House denizens are even busier than usual tonight.

This Full Moon will be extra good at draining the color from all its light touches, so the Bush term's dingy gray White House will be all the more obvious.

"7Can": "Two nature spirits dancing under the moonlight" (Rudhyar), and Edmund Jones gives: "Two fairies on a moonlit night": ASCENDANCY...

pos: a transforming sensitivity or a healing imagination;

neg/shadow side: a senseless retreat to make-believe.

In WASHINGTON? Guffaw...Capitol Hill Theater must be in rehearsal tonight and George will be wandering the halls talking to portraits again, Laura!

Rudhyar explains "7Can" as:

keynote: The play of invisible forces in all manifestations of life (sounds kind of like, we are not alone, doesn't it? or perhaps a secret ritual just after 11 pm in the W-H dungeon...will Geronimo ride again?)

Moon's degree "13Aries": "An unexploded bomb reveals an unsuccessful social protest" (could relate to the Foley Flap.) Rudhyar's keynote: An immature evaluation of the possibility of transforming suddenly the status quo.

So perhaps Hastert Will stay in the saddle. I did find Gingrich's remarks interesting as he attempted to frame the issues--the Democrat's staging this scandal as if that's worse than Foley's actions or more heinous than the ineffectual dealing with the situation by R leaders (as they attempted the bomb safely concealed...for 3 years.)

Now it's difficult to believe a Dem or three DIDN't have something to do with the TIMING of the email/IMs unveiling (yes, Neptune at the "A man unmasked" degree) which tells me that Dems put politics over page safety, too--they ALL did. But Foley IS a REPUBLICAN, not a Democrat, as some obfuscators pretended on my teevee.

Image for tonight's Harvest Moon's personality blend:

Sun Libra/Moon Aries: A little girl and a little boy barter while playing on a see-saw. She wants his toy gun; he wants her cream cake. They decide to share.

Sounds like things will be smoothed out at this culmination stage of the lunar phase gets a saboteur into high places...?

This Libra/Aries blend has a tendency to make rash judgments which is underscored by a lack of Earth element in the chart.

12:03 pm: GROUNDED AGAIN? NPR reporting that Condi Rice's plane has "mechanical problems" and she needs more time to fly to England because of them--maybe it's leftover from all the firing her airplane has undergone. She may be skeddaling home asap once again with her forked tail between her legs.

Well if you want more info on the Harvest Moon which will be 12% larger than most previous 2006 Full Moons because she's near her perigee, go to but if you want to read about moonlight's effects on vision read Strange Moonlight at NASA's site.

The White House's "vision" got us into this mess, and the Full Moon is a culmination of something begun at the New Moon--which was, as you know, a Solar Eclipse in the 8S Series: loss; separation; finishing something and being sad at its completion (as Foley should know.)

The Eclipse triggers in the Harvest Moon chart are midpoints: Mercury/Saturn (serious thinking, discussions, meetings; self-willedness; distrust; orgainizational ability; a conservative attitude; obstinacy; concentration) at 29Virgo19, and Pluto/Asc (will power; ambition; rule and control of one's environment; the utilization of psychic forces; dictatorship; striving for power; repulsive behavior) at 00Libra26.

Both these midpoints and the Solar Eclipse of Sept 22 occurred at 00Libra, a World Point so the world is paying attention to the Flap in Washington while it suffers losses of its own.

So chow for now--oh, and btw...moonlight becomes you!

10.6.06 1:02 pm


ps: Toxic Cloud> sorry if I've jumped about on this post--not a lot sleep after hearing the news of the Raleigh/Apex, NC chem waste plant 'explosions' and the chem cloud hanging over Apex (good name for a happening to happen--diverting news.)I have an asthmatic offspring in the area and this cloud is about 20 miles from his lungs.) In fact, a lot of people living in or near Raleigh seem to have asthma problems, don't they? Must be the pariculate matter a word, soot. More of Bush's Clear Skies, eh?

And must send a Shout-Out to Ed Bremson in Raleigh, purveyor of the excellent Tao of Politics blog--hope you and yours are ok, Ed!


Oct 4, 2006

SO'W finds Elaine Supkis

Was she lost? Guess not, but I've just found her 'new' blog which once was Culture of Life News until Blogger lost a bunch of her posts.

Some sample titles of Elaines's excellent posts:

USA Pays Musharraf $80 Million A Month; Walmart Is Cutting Wages Further For Their Pathetic Workers; USA In Economic Nosedive While Iran Cuts Out Japan's Oil Contracts...some good reading for ya!

10.4.06 12:48 pm

Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph: Haile Selassie


Oct 2, 2006

wag the blue dress

God gave the savior to the German people. We have faith, deep and unshakeable faith, that he was sent to us by God to save Germany. Hermann Goering, speaking of Hitler

A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side: Aristotle

If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier - just so long as I'm the dictator. George W. Bush, 18 December 2000

International law? I better call my lawyer; he didn't bring that up to me; George W. Bush, 12 December 2003

SO'W...Tuesday 10.3.06: In rewatching the Chris Wallace/Bill Clinton interview from Sunday, I am struck by the same feeling I had when Clinton was president and the Lewinsky charges within the Clinton witch hunt was ongoing: that soemthing ELSE needed attention by Washington and the officials on our payroll sworn to protect the nation. She went there to latch onto the horndog--and the GOP wagged the blue dress in our faces. Thanks for that.

But that's not all we can thank the GOP for...

If "wag the dog" was behind Clinton's holding back on more military actions and assassination orders against bin L and others, then who is afraid their own culpability in muddying the presidential waters will be held up to view in 2006?

Using Ken Starr and his legal team to investigate on and on and on---just sure they'd find Something that would toss Clinton out of office so their neocon agenda could proceed without interference...was That considered more important than fighting enemies who had already attacked US interests?

Embassies, the USS Cole, army barracks, the 1993 WTC, the GOP was more concerned with "getting" Bill Clinton. Diverting him from his presidential duties at a critical time in our history was apparently deemed less important than playing diabolical and NOW the true costs are piling up.

The whole Clinton deposition on tape was set up precisely BECAUSE they had the blue dress and because they knew that human nature--and Clinton's nature as a horndog (well known)--would make lying his only option...until they hit him with the blue dress and its DNA. Besides, the million dollar investigations had yet to pan out the way they thought...trying to take down a POPULAR president.

That Monica held the dress and its memories too dear for the dry cleaners has always seemed more than a little precious to me. In a word, Puh. Give me a break. Nasty, too.


And for after-interview talking heads on Wallace's Show and others--to bring up "Bill's temper erupted because he's worried about his legacy"--what an easy and opaque equivocation when there's nothing left to say about the charges he leveled. Play to your GOP constituents who'll believe ANYthing about the devil you've spent years setting up as if Clinton is any worse than your own side of the "aisle."

Ok, I'll hush up now about Clinton--I've been wanting to post this since Sunday morning and I feel better already. But who needs al-Qaeda when we've got Bush, Frist, and the rest opening their propaganda-catapultin' fear-mongering traps--
and hearing them, I feel nasty all over again.

10.3.06 3:47pm
